{WOULD (0-()?IRjl'fll l, I ON POWER SCHEME Provincial Government co-opera- tion and assistance in any move to have the Federal Government de- velop French River for navigation purposes was promised by Premier Drury yesterday to a. deputation of representatives of 30 municipalities in the. North Bay-Sudbury district, whose essential request was that the Government undertake to provide them with additional power supplies. Serious Power Situation. Through the Mayor of North Day, A. J. Young of North Bay: Malcolm Lang, M. P.P. for Cochrane; C._ T. Young, of the Canadian National Railways; Z. Mageau. M.P.P.. Stur- geon Fans; Ald. Barker of North Lay, and others, the deputation made an able presentation of their case. and. in turn, received the assurance of the Premier of sympathetic con- sideration of what he admitted to be the rather serious situation m regard to power supplies in North Bay and elsewhere. Premier Drury made it clear that the Government would not sanction and assist any project which would provide power at less than cost. Such a move, he said. which would be accepted as a precedent, would ultimately lead to the financial ruin of the Province. He declared that, although Sudbury was critical of a Hydro estimate of power supplies at $30 11 horsepower, there were mu- nicipalities in southern Ontario pay- ing as high as $75 and $80. Depends on Federal Action. But, Premier Drury Tells Iilortherners, Federal Ac- tion Must Come First FRENCH RIVER PROJECT In some respects spokesmen for me deputation were disposed to be critical of Hydro Power Commission administration, and asked for a Gov- ernment owned and controlled power development on the French River to take care of the power needs of the district. In this they suggested that the Government should lend mme assistance toward a project which would build up New Ontario, develop the industries up there, and redound to the ultimate benefit of older Un- tario. "You ask." he said, "that we con.. slider the development ot power, not under the general Hydro scheme, but under the. scheme which is now in operation in connection with the Central Ontario Power situation. I would like to give you a definite an- swer. So far as I see now, I me nothing serious in the way. That, however. can he carried out only in conjunction with tho development for navigation of the French River, which is a. Fedorai matter." North Bay representatives pre- sented for the consideration of the Government an alarming condition of affairs in that municipality, stat- ing that, because of the insufficiency of power supply, street and domes- tic lighting and industrial power provisions were inadequate, and, most. serious of all, the town was almost without water supply becauap of it. A fire, it was said. would level North Bay to the ground under present vondltions. _ Mr. Young, Canadian National Railways representative. lauded the strategic merits of North Bay as a transportation centre and as a Great Lakes port. _He certainly thought. he said. that the Ontario Government .and the Northerners could count on the recommendation of the Canadian National Railway Board to the Federal Government should their opinion on French River development be sought. LEGAL PROFESSION 'r; IS WELL flf1hlllll)lill, Provincial Government Coun- sel Fees Brought Out ' in Legislature _ Answers to questions in the l.egls»' lature yesterday elicited a host of Statistics as to the several amounts} paid to Government counsel and, commissioners in various activities.'; Among other items, the Informa-! tion was tabled that Hon. Y. w., Rowell, K.C.. has received front thet Government $3,500 and (alulxnsl 89,200 additional in respect u? lngul, tservices, and his partner, Mr. 310-! Mlllan. has recoivetl $7.5M) undi, claims an additional "mourn 01" $4,750. _ i _ -- -0 «an. I...' V10IVV- A. w. Roebuck, Ki'., retained in the Wholesale Growrs case, in tim- ber investigations and in commotion with combine legislation. received $2,250 in 1920 and $3,095 in 1921. Shirley Denison, K.C., chief counsel for the Government in the timber probe, received $12,600 for his serv ices. ')nnnn9 'aonrsintrraptttq of w it Gregory, KA'., were named 219: Por- lic Service Commissioner. for which he received $2,740 in 1921 and $1,400 in 1922, and as Hydro Corn- minsloner. for which he, weaved iniUsionev, tor $11,800 in 192 Gordon Waldron, ICA"., has: re- ceived $11,017 for his services in the Government since 1013, and At- torne.v-G'enetutl Haney, when asked if this Mr. Waldron were the same Mr. Waldron who was retained as counsel for the LEVI). Co-opt'rittive, The Farmers' Sun and other activi- ties. said the Government. had no official knowledge of Mr. Waldron's other professional engagements. Mr. Dewnm's m; forward the inform Government paid $ building opposite Church, Wellington streets, and has Bl fitting it up. Wart? question brought the information that the has" spent $44 0 5 and 000 for , And, 1drew's Simone 2 9 5 in H.