The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 14 Feb 1923, p. 2

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vely,' is es k ons f * --he held, -- f odim in a\ __Hon. G, H. Ferguson: '"'The honor-- cr ed of-- h ideals, ';ndm:tntwag :' able member should not get up in # 'political faith which required no. o mooinne Aiths ho. is prevance s . Hooing o. ' is inaccurate unless he is C . Fouching upon the railwa ~-- to substantiate his own statement.; 'tion, Mr. Curry expreuedlhh:sgl';e:s | Apparently, he is just making a bald | an optimistic supporter of public -- ' contradiction without attempting to | ownership. He believed that Canada isupport his own view in any sense.| should take pride in putting upon \He has made no comparisons, 'fmd] a paying basis the roads which in-- & |given no basis for his statement. efficient -- private directors -- had Mr. Watson declined "to go back , brought to bankruptcy. one inch" on his statement which,| * ---- Turning then to Provincial mat-- | on the contrary, he repeated. _ He * ters, he complained slightly because | went further and said Mr. Raney had ; the Liberals and Conservatives had igot up in the House and asked Mr., sown the legislative wheat which Hogarth if he meant that Backus the present Government was reap-- -- !had got $25,000,000 worth of timber ing. "It has come up in tares," |for $50,000, but Mr. Hogarth had commented _ Hon. Mr. Ferguson > | declined to answer. amidst laughter. Mr. Curry spoke' |_ _ Mr. Ferguson, on a question . _of |of the U.F.O. platform, stating that | | privilege, declared that he had ifMh--| the CGovernment was entitled to . ' mediately asked Mr. Raney if the| '*__credit for the sections which it had | rate for dues had not been increased | fulfilled, but that it must accept 'to everyone in the Province, and | criticism for the portions of its pro-- whether that would make any dif--| gram, which it had sherked. Broad-- _ _| ference to Backus. ening out, he reminded the Premier, Mr. Watson denied that the meme-- was not an original element in the ber for Port Aruthur had said any-- U.F.O. plans, and he recailed the thing about dues, refusal which had been given to the Mr. Hogarth, who was not in the . _ Liberal proposal for-- co--operation House when Mr. Watson made his made when the Government was statement, entered at this jJuncture, entering upon office. and. at the request of the member i _ Mr. Curry undertook an exhaus-- for Port Arthur, the substance was tive review of the temperance issue, repeated. Mr. Hogarth adhered to backing up the O.T.A. and defending his formerly expressed views. '"You its enforcement. He held that the 'Said nothing about dues," remarked |O.T.A. had made for real temperance ,Mr. Watson. and, so far as the curtailinent of | Mr. Ferguson rosge to & point of personal liberty was concerned, he ,order, claiming that any statement believed that a certain amount of ' made by a member should be ac-- restriction upon conduct wasg not vepted. (Mr. Raney smiled). undesirable,. "There are no rules to the contrary," Mr. Curry wound up by pleading added the Conservative leader, '"ex-- for better relations between capital cept in the Atotrney--General's De-- and labor, by urging that the best partment.'" possible educational facilitiee be The Speaker ruled that one mem-- provided by the Province for its fu-- > ber must accept the statement of ture citizens, and by mildly attack-- another. | ing the Government for its failure Mr. Watson returned to the at--| to face redistribution. His own tack, asking Mr. Hogarth if he hadj plan in this latter matter was to said Backus had got $25,000,000 | reduce the number of members to worth of timber for $50,000. "I did | 80, which, he believed, would result not say that," quickly rejoined Mr.| 'in a more efficient House, and Hogarth. "I said Backus received | which could be accomplished by $25,000,000 worth for $50,000 and | joining together some of the rid-- dues." i ings which were more sparsely pop-- "Well, I must take the honorable | ulated. member's statement," said Mr. Wat-- | Halcrow Scores Government son. "It is immaterial to me + x y whether you accept it or not," was Mr. 'Hulcrow scored tt.xe Govern-- Mr. Hogarth's parting shot. ment for failure t.c'> carry out pre-- In Defence of Drury election pledges. . They were going o * to do away with Government Mr..\Vatson went on to commend! House,"' he said, '"and taxation was Captain Thompson for directing at-- going to be almost entirely remov-- tention to the conditions existing in' ed." He also claimed that the some of the public institutions. He| Drury administration could _ not then had some scathing criticism of j point to a thing done in any shape the Portsmouth Penitentiary, claim-l or form to advance public owner-- ing that nothing was done there to-- ship, and gave the Whitney Govern-- wards v\_'inning men back to honovf-' ment credit for laying the good ' able society. Turning to the Hydro, j foundations of much that had been he said that many public men were accomplished on progressive lines in being charged with scheming to de-- the Province. On the temperance is-- stroy public ownership, Premier x i sue, Mr. Halcrow urged that the Drury ben'x.g among them. "If that 'rights of the large minority should were true," hbe added, "Drury should | be considered, so that people who not only no longer be Premier, but wanted a few bottles of whiskey or he should be in jail.'" Considerable beer a month should be able to get , laughter followed, in the midst of them. He concluded by moving an }ytlich one _ meraber -- remarked, amendment to the Address calling Surely not in Kingston jail." He for immediate action to remove the expressed his belief in Premier ' inequalities of voting existing in ur-- Drury, and was proceeding to refer | ban and agricultural districts in to the high expenditure of the |0ntario; also asking that no other I{.ydro Commission when Mr. W. F. public business be proceeded with Nickle asked: "Where was Colonel |until the necessary action had been Carmichael at that time?" taken to that end ; __*"I don't know," meekly replied -- ' 3 I a | Mr. Watson. _ *Let 3 p Hon. Mr, Raney moved the ad-- [ hirself."" _ . .. _* him answer for journment of the debate. The [ "He never has done so." retor House then adjourned until 3 o'clock [ MY. Nickle. so," retorted this afternoon. "I presume he had son i k * ao, with it," mamitted $it. Walsen" Asks How Government "I support the O.T.A.," sai / i Watson, "and shall do so u:a:illdsor?ll:: Spends Money It Raises dorsed by the people." He admit-- Curlosity concerning the disposi-- Ited that the O.T.A. had resulted in tion which the Government had the manufacture of "moonshine." |and added to the party drinking | | made of the huge sums which it has | babit. '"Any reference to the last lobtained by loans is manifested in night _party in the Legislature?" 'a question which has been placed on queried Mr. W. E. N. Sinclair. "I the Legislative order paper. The was not. there," was Mr. Watson's ; query asks what employment was s t, 'u.x)lld laughter. He believed . made of the money raised by the NCPs oner "t'.'em"' accruing from the |loans floated on January 3rd, April s operation far outweighed the ' i1st, October 2nd and December 19th | : f evils developed, and thought "that a of last year. ;elentdlessljdunnler(:lful purguit ot a | smnraprm smm commentremenemenemmmanmmmmenenmeaemns one--dry ideal in O i ' 3 necessary." plario is " not §6 JJ' V'Vv Curry's Views. .' ; i r. J. W. Curry, K.C. i -- South--East Torong). tl:{or?u'ne(r{::l:grl?;' * * & ® 8 : address in rather abstract vein b ; d:squsslng ideals of citizenship, e 'sl : f tolling in this connection those 'Ca:: n adians who, throughout the world § were rendering the broadest service CR in politics and science. Liberalism,

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