To a very slight extent in the Legis- lature yesterday the Drury Govern- ment lifted the veil of secrecy with which it has shrouded itsdntentions with regard to redistribution of On- tario electoral divisions. Redistribu- tion, according to custom, is due this year, but although Hon. G. H. Fer- guson and H. s. Cooper (Liberal, Northwest Toronto) pressed Tor some declaration on the part of the Cow ernment, Premier Drury declined to make a detindte statement of the Government's intentions, even to the Ontario Legislature, until the. Budget debate is concluded. But the Premier made a statement from which certain conclusions may be drawn, one of which is ti at there will be no general redistribution. He also gave very fair intimation of a try-out of proportional repretsenta- tion and the single alternative vote In one or two ridings. He was ask- ed tspecifically by H. S. Cooper as to the authority of Gordon "'aldron, K.C., U.F.O. solicitor. to speak in criticism of the system of Pm.. and the Premier said: "First, as to whether Mr. Waldron speaks for the Government-he does not. No: do I share his views. I re- gard proportional representation. which I believe is a part ot the plat- form of the Liberal party undo! the Labor party and of the United Farm- era' party, therefore of the Progres- sive party---" Regards "Pat." an Experiment. Hon. Mr. Ii'erquaon---But not of the grand old party? Premier Drury (continuing)---" an electoral experiment well worth trying in the right direction-that and the single transferable vote. I am not prepared to make a full an- nouncement. or to make any an- nouncement. as to the Government's policy. This much-I will say: that I intend- to make an announcement when speaking on the Budget that will cover it. ' - J. w. Curry, 1C.C.---T1yi, emphasis being on the "old." Premier Drury Not Inclined to Announce Govern- ment's Policy Yet When Pressed by Hon. G. H. Ferguson and H. S. Cooper-Trial of Single Transferable Vote Is Possibility GOVERNMENT BLAMED FOR DELAY ON ISSUE "Whatever is done will be done in the interests of fair treatment of the' whole Province, and. I think, when the policy of the Government is an- nounced the people will say this, that the Government is taking ac- tion toward securing, when redistri- bution is brought about, a fair treatment of the subject when we know how the thing works out. I may propose such (in experiment be.. fore we make final redistribution. but we will not have any redistribu- tion as we have had it in the past--- a gerrymander. I give you my word on that/l - _ "tto"ai"Ji""-ltedistrihatioit Pending Budget Debate; "riort. Mr. Ferguson endeavored to extract from the Premier it the Gov- ernment intended to "avouLgttroor- May ExperimentWith WE ESDAY, " FEBRUA Malcolm Lang, Liberal member tor Cochrane, said that if it were the intention of the Government to dis- pense with redistribution the effect would be to ditrenfrasntehise large numbers of people in the rapidly growing districts of Northern On- tario. He characterized the appar- 'ent decision of the Government ,'lo pass redistribution as most unusual |in view ot established custom. and- argued that, as the Federal Govern- ment felt it obligatory upon them to redistribute this year. Ontario should be bound by the same rule. In introducing the subject before the orders, H. S. Cooper said that the report of Mr. Waldron's speech in The Globe brought up again the, Important question of what the Gov-l crnment intended to do with redlstri- button. He reminded the Govern- ument of the unfairness to Toronto in the retention of the old basis of rep- resentation. It seemed. he said. that until recently the present Govern- ment was being credited with the Idea. of proportional representation. Mr. Ferguson-Well, it may be a step-parentage that will step on my honorable friend, because I see that Mr. Waldron is not in favor of the object or the probable results that will accrue from proportional repre- sentation. tional representation in the city of Toronto, but the Premier evaded the question. The. Conservative Leader then' went on to criticize very severely the absence of any refer- ence to such legislation from the Speech from the Throne. which he thought to tie a radical departure from established custom. J. w. Curry, ICC., Southeast To- ronto, another- Liberal member, arose in mild protest at his colleague's statement. He would not regard the Liberal party as having been kicked. he said, by having had attributed to them a desire to carry out any por- tion of their platform. Either the platform of the Liberal party means what it purports or it means nothing, he said, and the policy of the party has been in favor of proportional representation. "I thlnk." Mr. Ferguson said. "that the House is entitled to some- thing definite. The people should not be kept in uncertainty and the people should not be tritled with." 7 Mr. Drury-rt is only a step. parentage. "Have they found out," he asked. "that proportional representation is feasible and with their usual tactics are they giving the people who have helped them at times a good kick. and putting the blame on to them for advocating proportional representa- tion ?" Legislature Measure . Proposes Test for Garages Two new bills of interest were in- troduced into the Ontario Legislature yesterday. one by K. K. Homuth. Labor member tor South Waterloo. which would give to the Department of Highways the right to confer upon garages and mechanics employed therein; after departmental examina- tion, a certificate of efficiency. As Nr. Homuth" explained his bill,' it would not put any garage out of business, but it would give motorists some guidance as to where to go for repairs by competent vmechanicss. tenance Act, which would give to Juvenile Court Judges the power to .try cat"tsg.arisitttr under this act. At present they have not the authority. due. according to Mr. Raney. more to an oversight in the drafting of the act than for any other reason. ' "rtGrG.v-derfera1 Raney intro duced a measure to amend the De serted Wives and, _childrtstyts Main