The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 23 Feb 1923, p. 1

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¥--% i S 'fl,@;.z,',e;.i%-u 2e 4 fl::'- M _ _i praes Mn ow » y «ERIDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1923. _ e hiz ontattionimmmaccedizn +-- l ! TO FINANCE PROVINCE, | | . * nemtiinememmmmnipmamune 1 _ (Continued from Page 1, Column 45-)I the (I;{ipigon development. This out-- C + lawyers, he said, were judiciously |standing amount was included in Provmctal Treasurer Pre-- \made and netted the Province :lun-- theTg:sletgdoft the fProvines. &3 * dreds of thousands of dollars return. a ransfer tax had brought sents Hu Fourth Budgef And whcereas the old Government ltlll 852&.112; some h3350,000 more | # t'mi.,| had spent $18,000 in legal fees to |than e five --months' collections Show"'g That Afl"a'l securcpu cor;pumtlvely small ammijnt fro(;ndghe Dre\'iousd?'t('al'. | of revenue from succession duties,| _ Ordinary expenditures were $8,. | pa'ed Revenue' FrOflll this CGovernment had during thg ggzt 863...97.8[otmorte __tiharlx élhe previous ) .' 2% rear spent just $94 to get $6.000, .|year. _ Interest, " including $6,000,-- |_ Existing Imposts Would | °: svent 3ust T o 060 _ for _ Hydro--electric _ Joans . 66 o> M Where the Big Money Woent. amounted to $11,719,882. The Go\'.: ! Comfortably e e t By a process of cureful elflmination|ernment, he said, has been gen-- & i Hon. Mr. Smith explained to the |erous with grants _ for educational ! E'"ma'ed Expendlturel llc:m-w the various items making up | purposes, ff)l'.husp'.tuls and chari-- , the increases of $15,000,000 and | ties, 'Ed?h'utlun had receivea $7,-- : for 1922.23 $113,300,000, in ordinary v-XD"IN"'lGOO.O"') from this account and over | ~ I w22 2kz e tures and Provincial Habilities be-- | $2,000,000 from capital account. for | | tween 1919, when the Government Ibuzldir:gs. etc.--nearly ten millions in 'TO PROVIDE FUND ' took offlice, and the present :.'(-tar.l (\);; |all for education. } ge > figured them out alm | _A large increase in ordinary -- | _ TO AMORTIZE DEBT | y CS ast SESss) noreases for e4u--|penditure was --the mothery . 8 | | cation and $5,000,000 interest, larke® |lowances--§1,379.293 being expend-- ; yx ty for Hydro, accounted lf;'-r'tne ;&Iilkied. This expenditure had been 1 ; irst item, and, '"HMHygro, $(35~ / nisced in the e«xtraordirary n ;Plan Announced for set' ;)fffv%};g\'r.t:"hzfrnl 'r'H'thWH}'S. *3'3-9""-"{)33t year, aspt';xn-;-:ei(\'::asrr:o} !'::3?(;2 } * 6 900,". accounted largely for the 8°C~iro meet it, 'The act Was no ab-- t Each 9090 sscountes [to meet i T s now stab | hng A"de Amoun "-u'd{. NsX rhnas i 4 wouiq |Hized, and 1§0 he had placed it in e < announced that he W« lordinary. he municipalities * 1 Year From Revcnue to shortly be bringing "mfi'i i 2 1:;11::1 It:i(bu:eef a large Dortio:xpalndetshec?l:t t & * f Provincial Loans Act, giving atuthor--} cos ) th ri + raer I Blllld Up Slflklfl' Fund if:'( for the flotation of loans in tl""l:-,f --I.'(Tq}n'['()(:'\opr()\m("3 1ot t Be sys [ & ".::.i ig year to about $35,000,000, re-- j '"I" * i utd ve e * | to Retire Bonded lndebt- .q'l'l__u_"'dkjfl fn'.l((fl.\'fli Refunding, -;i iA\ll .\pprqpriatlons Not Spent. : in I 1 200,000: T. & N. O. Raillway, #3,--| Proceeding, the Treasurer in-- t edne" OI Ontano In AP' 000,000 : purck'.la.%' of succession--duty--{formed the House that they hadi & free bonds, $5,000,000, and, high-- |voted him some $52,000,000 in ap~ g Proxlmafely FOffy Year' vays, );1[;'.'.0(,"',."). lpr('pr};xtions under the Supply Bill, | Wintinist e iuratie in l He had a word of warning f;'l Tf?kl"' and he had spent some $44,000,000 R c ta' w nicipalities in connection with th¢€fof these appropriations. ~A few de-- | 'There is to be no new Provinci@al | _/ jonuy to increase per capita dePtS|partments had exceeded their esti-- taxation this year. In his fourth nna he went over a li:--ri of uw d""f':';' mates, for which there was ample = nicipalities show that very f°ewW stification, but in the main the a eech to the Ontario Legis-- | munijcipalities to show t Fers_ jus on, bu n y pudget :'lp a £ fternoon, Provin-- | Y°"* below the $100 per capita ""'-f'k' were well within their appropria-- i lature yesterday afternoon, [In the Provincial field, he showed |tions. In fact there was a net un--! / !Cla.l Treasurer Peter Smith stated | quyape io be 'in .tlltf' lead . ~,~,'xu';"..: expendced balance of some $8,000,-- | that the considered opinion of the | per v=tP1$avfl'1'""~ oL f{-jlt};'"é-'?I'u'l'ifi-:\""0"" These appropriations, . of | / | p rg hat anticipated | farlo A CLORe SOCCORO U 'Winliy 4oq $25. [ course, did not 'INCiHde statutory Sx--l | Government was t P | ran on in order: Nova Scotia, $27.5 '|penditures which were .authorized | ® fp fisting ; forms: Of I| au«rar~heaxan §3%.89 ; Maunitoba, { i M h ® revenues from CX E& Naskatchewan, $38.89 ; «is1 ¢5. a@1.|by acts passed by the Legislature. 't'dxation would '"comfortably'"' meet | $44,.03; New _*"""-"""1"]";~ '74.'":'"2-';," ~Capital expenditures amounted to |the estimated expenditures -- fopf berta_. $59.77; Pritish CoitmLiM !rt;c large sum of £51,885,;480.82, but | linh 23 I *lL.h!,', "_\'v_,',';('(.d P decrease of 312.000.000 9 i sa* hi \P% P * Increases in Revenue. \from previous year. A statement of | _ Next in importance in the re-- | 5 -- ra--|these expenditures was also submit-- y he an-- | In dealing with the OrdinuarYy "8" I} 2" L« folinws: dkexs, -- !marks of the Treagurer was the he | ceipts the Treasurer explained se 1 naal en inss ols wy e ' nouncement--brand--new--that -- the of the larger increases. The Domin--| Education ..........$ 2,208,836.88| ' Government proposed to establish a 10;'- subsidy, he said, was now $2,-- !Q-lonizu:ix':n roads. ... 402,710.69 tnlet 14 -- to thke care Of [ T65,7209.08%, an increase of $869,-- |Lands & forests...... 7144,657.60 s,nl{mgi fu:] 5t on .x basts: -- that 250.20 over the previous year, due to{ Mines Dept.s .:. .:. Y2 .3 35,2386.39 Pr0~"inc & eDt, I increased I,Opulutlfih, q N w uS i ie nolins 35.863.50 would wipe out the net debenture l y aygs and forests® was $4,439.-- | Game & Fisheries.... 08,048.3§ bt of %61,589,359 in approximate-- | 340.03, of which $1.213.l_)59 had been| Hospitals & Charities. 118:000.00 'd? 40 years f & placed in capital receipts, leaving (Hepairs & Mince....... * 17,805.70 'l)(' ns\fnen'cing April 30 next, he| $335,451 of an increase over 1_'"'&1'1'*-\'. Fec. 102,523.08 | 'do he would begin the approprl-f previous year. This was the 1""';"3',Tn~.,mr_\ mige. /.. 137. 214,748.19 ~sail t flxfi m ordinary revenues of one--| revenue produced by the lands @n4 | pypye Works ....... 588,942.16 | at lofn I'u' per cent.) --of net debti forests since Confudoratiun.. "":1.01,'(.}.? gdo buildings ....+.. 1.508,.080.20 semi--annually, placing the Victory| double the amount raised In the laSt|ripor's Hrealen ..... 0 ©289.935.89 semi-c.lm}lld ia1 %onds so purchased | Year of the previous regime. A EUM |Special Warrants +\*> 408,446.99 | o on vauite f the Province. Bach | O0f $4090,000, being the result in part a * +\--'«*>~/ * 1172,200;00 o aping va}:.\ltr; e0 wmfid invest {he in'! Slancalmanie o0 NO aCohh: Mess Statutory 28 735"'44 88 | six months h cluded in this. Iyvaro -- electric -- Cam-- . a® s terest and keep adding interest upon Motor vehicles produced $38,477,-- II};:I.\(')an::'eotric Coth: 12,962.417.00 interest 000, over half a million more than CC _ s......+..«. 12,902,417. ' * I » > © o 'ore *+h: do Capital expenses. 230,000.00 Challenges His Critics. I the previous year, and more than T. & N. 0. Rly 205L 182 .82 14 halt hours WwihlcH | d')'lhl(; that of 1919 £ * a*. + h ix) . 4o on i i y » «.0 & In the two an upied in making| .. The largest revenue came from Total -"'"'_l 885_-'--_- tl'.le Trcas'urer cccup Provincial i the succession duties--$6,528,245.21. L1 . %.%%..+@~ o sooy , 480.3 2 his dell\eragcle dux:a?:rtxenslveb' mtoini" Government, he said, had in-- | Details of Increased Spending. finance's"he vervedepé,rtment of ex. | creased the rates on the larger es-- The Minister gave in some detail 'practica M . elayining and justifying | tates: there was no field of taxation | just what composed the increases in ,penditureész's'v He called the atten-- ! more justifiable than the succession ordinary expenditure of 1922 over | the 1"';"%16 House to advice, given | dutiecs. Close supervision by _'th" 1919. He accounted for the $15,000,-- ';3:; (\'vithln the last few days by Tisuciceusi?r: Duz'}'--lo'fgc?' 'ha'dn ,'qu.oep('l 00 increase in the following services: Government critics, to increase ex-- in increas ",Ifli} o "Pud nce had ]ost |Increases for education.$4,340,000.00 p ho y af ien | revenue. 1e Province -- ha« * *A Mothers®' "Allow. ¢ 6 penditures along certain lines whic $1419.95%4 of --succession dAuties : be.--| : ers' allowances... 1,379,000.00 they deemed of xrf'p'ox't:fmce.l 'Il'hatt. [cause of estates holding succession-- Inter-est. largely . for s e he maintained, was characteristic o (d@uty--free bonds issued by the for-- Hydro (.......:..%,%= ©,087,000.00 the trend of criticism of {Ds @9®¢ imer Administration, and the logs |INtreased cost, care for . three years. He challenged Opposi-- aid '~:)x end with one estate as the sick and suffering.. 1,400,000.00 tion members to place their fingers bonds were. resold: f i |Increased amount spent f upon any single item which they Corpm:ati\m tax amounted to $5,-- in agriculture ...... ©$980,000.00 $ xtrav en-- ¥ /A ols e tiop«| Workmen's Com. Act 126.000.00 | -- deemed to be an extravagant exp |G41.357, two and one--half millions T om Ct.. 000. diture. o 0;,_ t' an last year. The 5 per | University of Tor..... 507,000.00 He defended the Government from . ::m': c: wWagers 3: TACE--tracks v's)'as Teachers' & Inspectors' . charges of unwarra'ntffd e]spendl-flnc]uded in this, and amounted to Superannuat'n Fund 554,000.00 tures upon l&}twyer: h;t'-'?'r';'é'a&zg th«: | 323,212,220. Northern Developm't.. 581,838.54 Es einfent 1eipr i(;lat % mnnect'}fi; Hydro--electric interest amounted | HMighways maintenace..-- 903,732.20 Government n * 5,866,983--$1,400,000 more than | Increases under Legisla-- the totals were ap.--]|to $5 * * * imately equal, the Drury Gov.| in the [p * Y s nrg:;em,s expenditures _ up o n i some $290,000 more --on account of roads & miscellan'us. 250.000.00| er * s a Anmmmmmmmmnuie finteretegre ameerpane en apor uomm mmmemeneseaummmmenmamenaeecrem n anenimeemern mc arcee on nsc aranmmmmmnmunanmananmnne ue anmanaarmesc e aatenetiateiaiiittier e terarere meiern ind entipmamgent se mm n ger mm n t m ns e mm e o n nmmmnnen o e mmmemmmsmngmmm en q en me man mm mm en es e en mm e s mm m mm mm en

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