. x F % $ SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1923. 'Puip Company Proposal Being Seven Branches Hold Sav-- !~ SCGons: tarl ings Aggregating Almost i onsidered by Ontario Five Millions | Government dbndalih x uc shanithe i g | ,! Further discussion of Northern| MEMBERS ASK QUEST'ONS | Ontario's power troubles in the wonnnminemmenmammast en \ Legislature yesterday afternoon drew Hon. Peter Smith yesterday after--| ffrom Premier Drury a statement 1to noon relieved J. McNamara's curlos-l lithe effect that a tentative proposal ity as to the progress made by the | : had been made by which the devel-- Provincial savings deposit banks. In! 'opment of power along the whole answer to a question by the Labor | | length of the Abitibi River would be s member for Riverdale, the Provincial | ;Dlaced in the hands of the Abitibi Treasurer stated that deposits in the | . Pulp and Paper Company. seven branches already established.j l The Premier stated that if th'G less withdrawals, totalled $4,870,112.| ile)l'ODolatl Weé'ebentfrl'orflzd gint;wpc?v?r'e;' This figure covered the period be--| rnment and by the compi | would be provided for the mining tsvlveelr;;zlgla;':g iln'clt(:lzefi' ::pdos{&ng%%; |\ districts at a price to be regulated * some 15.000; Individuals | by the Government. As yet nelthelr t the present time There are tvwo| j party had investigated the proposa!, branches in Toronto and one in each | | but if it fell through st'eps v;'ogld ?: of the following cities: Brantford, | |taken to lease the power rights Hamilton, Ottawa, St. Catharines and other private concerns. Woodstock s } Premier Replics to Protests. This was but one of nearly a dozen This was the Premier's answer 10 subjects refertt')ed to in .\ilmlsterl' an-- vigorous protests against alleged swers to members' questions. Government inactivity in the face Borrows $74,525,000. ; of power shortage which was crip-- / U G. H. Ferguson elicited the R tp"nfilt:"; forcupine and other min info?rrrl{atlén that %he total amount| ng districts. _ _ of money borrowed by the Govern---- Malcolm Lang (Independent Lib ment from the end of the fiscal year| eral, Cochrane) raised the question 1921 to December 31, 1922, was $74,--| by quoting newspaper despatches 525.000 & Citgy oo which stated that 500 married men i * 3 P s \| | Bed beto Paced on Hart Ureouat (he v mt n Ratk Porcupine mines owing to the in-- Godfrey's question as to cost to the ]ablllty of the mines to secure power. Government of luncheons arranged Hon. G, H. Ferguson declared that f _ t by the Hotels Committee. According unless a remedy were provided by * to the Attorney--General the commit-- the Government the production of tee had invited guests on only one gold would fall off by two--thirds. occasion--at Ottawé---at & cost of bor Boutn Rran., Te ntod 19 nhow $80.50. But "the Provincial Auditor . TX yade rant) wanted to know has not passed the account.'" Some-- why the development of powers on " body is out of pocket the Abitibi River could not be placed in nSWer 10 M S MacBride. the 'gor:x};:is);:onnd' I-(;f ;2:'1 Hygil\.;o--de]eite?ec- Attorney--General tabled a detailed Brans from th labor ore ieattil in statement of the cost of maintaining Ne ireg 4+ ug pavapesy the eight Government liquor dispen-- the mining district which demanded saries during the years 1919, 1920 Government action to relleve a situ-- 1021, and the first. 10-- months of ation which was fast becoming acute. 1922. The figures for the respec-- Private Firm Has Foothold. 3 tive years are $307,176, $520,899, In dr';;l)lyer. Drury stated that it 3:358'.!;1606;11;(8113374,896. the total be-- was cult to say whether or not * < i :- Dtlilbllc development could secure a dufigg. ?fi:"'t'}']';gen;):aerr;yeitgltsg %':t ooting o ; e 3 B e en mesie the hands ol n Sioall| cember 910 19292; the Baivation Aums * | company. The previous Government Qad'brought 3,965 lmmlgra'ms to the had turned over control of the stor-- Province of Ontario, of whom 43§ age waters in Lake Abitibi to the were farm laborers. g Abitibi Pulp and Paper Company, Hon. H. C. Nixon, Provincial Sec-- and the development of the whole retary, stated that there had been a river was, to all intents and pur--| few complaints with reference to the poses, linked up with control of | Homewood Sanatorium at Guelph, these storage waters. Under the cir.-- but that on investigation they had cumstances he did not see how the ; been found unwarranted. ® HMHydro could step in. ' j * T amacentaaettee tnnttains .J. E. Thompson (Conservative, | Northeast Toronto} sponsored a bill | ' |to authorize the Finance Commis-- i sioner of the city of Toronto to take | advantage of varying exchange rates | in retiring bonds. The measure pro--| * | yides that bonds may be sold in New | York and the proceeds applied to | the retiring of bonds held in Lon -- | don, or vice versa. | \ ® P