W"' W" . iard by the Liberals was alone re- ' l accompaniment of much poitttdt" ttaibttt for the situation which I n spo of desks and cries of "withdraw. now "Med. hm {gempmrguer had "an 7 d as he 8 ou vs one. no . Withdraws Word "Spinal ' giggory Commission would have Mr. Cartttiehal--Yott said the been necessary. The desired infor- Premier tried to keep me ttilent by mation could then "have been ob- force. You called me spineless. I tained from "inside. am not spineless. ._- _ _-----.....-.. I The House sided with the Minis- , ter and pounded its tutprseitrtion. . Mr. Nickle finally withdrew the , word "trpineless," admitting that "he has got backbone." . OS I ON I ARI Mr. Carmichael persisted in his demand for an apology. During the exchange the Speaker was addres- ed. but no ruling resulted. R. R. Hall - . 0 0 (Liberal, Parry Bound) added more , fuel to the flame by declaring that ---------~---------~-----~.~-~----~--«--~~~r--.__..»~r---:; ----_.----, the question before the House was . . . "an apology for an tuition," but no Ian Details of Timber i apology was fort com rig. . Premier Drury then proceed?! to . and Hydro I n q u I ry the defense of his Minister. ter . , castigation of the member {at Boards Expenses Near Kingston for the adro tness w . . . which "he came very close is the ' l Million Marh--Commir rules of the House and yet d no. . . step over them," he dsglaiX-ed "h matters on First Named Mr. Carmichael. in ten er " s _ . resignation last year, had acted Life I Each Received $12,000 a man and it gentleman. The re g- . nation was bona tide, "to satisfy the ---,Profits on Government Minister's sense of honor." Li "or Sales Premier Takes Blame. q ---- "I alone accept the responsibility ' for not accepting it," he said. The WHAT ACT COSTS Premier had not thought at the time _ , that anything had arisen which had I, IN ENFORCEMENT questioned the ability. honor or integ- i rity of the Minister. He was still I """" " . of that view. "He is a manx who will , Total expenditures of over 8800,. do what is right as he sees t a right. ' _ . ._ .-, I would not for a moment think of loot) upon two (',1y,.efr1e.e,s', I'lydro 3 suggesting any course which did not (radial and the Timber Commission---'; meet with his sense of right and . lwcre reported to the Legislature last), Quince. Af',' not a {Paris}! that "0:" Ile: by Attorney-General Raney in'; e'srtotamattwhonailtsC1ogeto t . ' i ithe rules of the House. If he's answer. to a question standing on taeiturn, it's a virtue that others ithe order paper m the name of A) might emulate." 1Goulet, Russell. Blunts Government. Details of Cost. I t1VVelIingtoln HS: t Sync: took that The details were submitted as fol-i| our to so are a e overnmen '.cy. , . ' - . had been at fault in not keeping a 1oT.s: Total fc."'t of thr: Hydro 'I close rein on Hydro ofnciala. The radial Commission, payable by thel Government should not only have 'Provincc. $156,707; chargeable tot refused to authorize the expenditure tthe H dro-electric Power Commis-i of ttht money "mic: it Ehozght It/f/le 'sion, £535,123. 'Fotal cost of THE-i no espen; soul "havecalled! b C _ '-' FeNc. f .., l or onimisSion was $170,008. Ad the omcials into its offices and told :ditionul expenditures incurred by) them to do the work they are paid (the two commissions were given asi, to do. On the other hand, if Hydro $141,764. Each Commissioner ill' omeiala had spent money illegally, ftlic timber investigation received then the Government should accept i312,000 for services, and total incl-l responsibility," he declared. dental expenses were $4,244. , "If the Government had authorized 1 the expenditure, then the Govern-l. iMoney Made on Liquor. mint would accept (','iii.ijiin,',iij),iittiri) l Ot equal interest was the litter-E re orted the Premier. "The Govern- ney-Gcncrai's figures, given in re- ment had told the Chairman of the Esponse to M. M. MacBride's question? commission that it would not finance! of totals of money expended and re-} propaganda, and the Government ceived for liquor for the dispensaries' representative on the commission in the years 1919 to 1922, respective- knew nothing of what was done." 'ly. Mr. Bailey's figures were as fol. h The Premier then differentiatedi hows: etween propaganda and education! I Ex crd d . .by stating that the Government; .1919 "$1,206 0900' (7 mos.) dtci2ifih favored the publication of reports Si l1930 .. 3'500'000 iiyiiii'/i')il' the "public expense, or even tine send~I {1921 .. [i',iiiiiy,i")iii') iiiii/iiri') " o a" eng neer to expla n MN '1922 2 500 000 (10 mos.) i'.iiiii',iiri scheme. l l .. ' , . ' " ' F lCost of P f . , . Where Line Was Drawn. ' i A En orcing Vt, It drew the ll e ho ever at can..; ' . 'nother question with O.T.A. sig- n ' I W tCLC "'. ', lnipcance was that of Mr. Lennox vassing and the setting up of a paid . tasking for comparative costs ot en- or anization with the ur ose of In- i . tt'ifll'h',itr' public opiniopn p ' iforcing the Liquor License Act in . I id I . . - As for the Gregory Commission! le. fl itys'and the sac,',:",",'),? Tern . , In a ce ct in the years 1020, 1921 l had been! 'r"',',',httitzltitoo, (11500;? land 1922. While the cost of enforc- e returot1 Ot' sue "C "a on e ling the old act rose from $150,000 part of Hydro 03'"an tl had been' ,to $176,000 in 1915 and $254,000 in discussed during the a ternoon. The .1916, the cost of enforcing the On- Government wanted to discover if Itario Temperance Act in 1920 1921 these actions were the acts of a com- I and 1922 respectively was 'tiii,'.. mission or "a clique of employees." 5000 8482.000 and G%'so'i'. ' _ "It is only by a commission that .- 1 ' ' ' ' . .we can and out," he continued. "Is . tur, w "Haul-'61! """'r4v--crrrtftriia: 'it a clique of officials, with or with- 1 , " l out the consent of the Chairman,, that is responsible? We want tot know if a clique of ofncials has sol transcended the authority of the statutes that they can do things} 'without authority." t Mr. Dewart's View. H. Hartley Dewart then launched out Into a brief speech. during which . he laid the blame for the situation _ which had arisen at the door.ot . the Government itself. In 1919 the Liberals had urged the Premier to enlarge the commission. and had de- manded that steps be taken which would ensure that the public would be informed as to what the commis- sion was doing. - "Every finding of the Gregory Commission." he asserted. "but. drove another nail into the Govern- ment's eomn." The Premier's fail- /,..ure to accept the proposals put for..