The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 1 Mar 1923, p. 4

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_ 1i% 'l8lt .' Trey-T,", - . wait on hfrtFrt%rmiiiFiil ----qrr------ar"iir"-------- .1the Uto. were inst munch in .r, ' . w", . ifavor of Hydro " anyone. He' he . "r. 1 . T, "ti, fLT. . " , iclaimed Col. Carmichael had 'just' . ' .' Mi I I "r "' tli :as much principle as anyone, and! .. . mtg, Wt, , Mr Adam Beck had not consulted' IN 9 BIN!? war "I: the commission. Mr. Sandy needI "BEN S ARIN mum 'i,g'i'llli"igiim not have rushed to the rescue, be-.; ,a- - 'm 1.eeei' .. cause Col. Cgrmichgel himself rose' - , . to rep y. 9 ma e no a olotti o,f,'l"t, heh the Legislature ha: Col. D. Carmichael, tshould have for his silence, beyond statixhg 312:! without i!'de, an entire afternoon had knowledge ot Hydro expendi- -_ "silence in this House is like a; Id". J 'ity ing the orders ot tht tures, and everything could have great drop in a weary land." The 'mont) 'st . McLeod (Liberal, Star. been given the House. This was expenditure had never come before| _iitii'ittloo',',ttres/,.i, as interesting ar. too much for the Premier, who the commission, and there were noi' lth a House scrap as has been heard wanted lo know it it was Col. Cari {funds for Iiydro-radiais. The, a, Citement u noted for providing ex- michael s duty to delve into al F Icounts had never been properly be ,lMcuGi (l4'f'ldthtdrtu'tamg,u,t'; Mr.lH3'tdrgotvdet:ittt: tf,ethaty1p.."gt' ifore the.comrnisssion. news a er'no e . . - . _ ..- :333328 ot the proceedings bgigre selman pointed out that a year ago- Withdrawals Are Asked. . 'Which :13on inquiry on Col. Carmichael had tendered his; Indignantly he repudiated ' Power was related that the Hydro resignation as Hydro Commie; statement by Mr. Nickle. to the {311000 Commission had spent sioner, but this resignation hadt effect that le, (the Minister) had irecent fa,ge,tgy/dt during the never been accepted. L ii',',,'?'",',',', 1itptretifitlttlleaau,g,?'"it Iff) -ra a 1 , . - Mr. McLeod had no 'pta,.fihhtg'vgig.: Conservative Battle Plans. jother Hydro outburst came like rel with the amount, but he wanted From the next few speeches it' that ot a year ago, the resignation to know why his question, on the was evident the Conservatives are might be accepted, and the Minister' lorder paper for days, seeking the to make a concerted drive on the _ lose his salary. There was much HIP, information, had not been an- Government. "It I disagreed with dispute concerning the exact word-t .swered. As a member of the Legig-',Sir Adam Beck as much as this ing of Mr. Nickle's aspersion. Int llature, he thought he was entitled Government I would fire him," said (til) event, Col. Carmichael, as at [to an answer before he had to get Col. Price, Parkdale, a sentiment 1matter of courtesy, asked Mini tit trom newspaper reports. Pre- which seemed to be echoed by Nickle to withdraw the '??t!.em1vtl {mier Drury, in reply, said it was not other Conservatives, who possibly and untruthful statement." Mix. possible to answer Mr. McLeod's think that Sir Adam'g popularity Nickle, instead of withdrawing! ,question with exactitude. It was might be made to yield them votes asked for a retraction ot the words} 'lone ot the mysteries which the next election at the expense of the "oftenMve and untruthful." This; lGregory Commission was trying to Government. There are rumors. Col. Carmichael did, but Mr. Nickle, ssolve. No authority from the Gov- i too, that some Conservatives would - could not see why he should with-r "ernment or from the Hydro d%i-llreltet!m, the idea ot Premier Drury draw his statement. i (mission had been given for iiiisldithssiny Sir Item so that they i "You called me spineless. I anti "11,000 expenditure tor ".0th could welcome im back to their not spineless," called out the Min- tsanda. The Premier's explanation party and place him high in their ister, after much cross-fire. [was far from satisfactory, as 'l/Iii/iii/iii.' These men think they "I withdraw that. I admit that. .Was to find out many times before could win Ontario with the name of the honorable gentleman has back-3 .6 o'clock. Replying to ,tj,1t'tC?iii's,'i'ri Adam Beck. What will Premier bone," added Mr. Nickle. Col. Car-': questioning, the Premier said that Drury do? There was nothing yes- michael, who had made an excel-h gtas't fall Sir Adam Beck had come. terday to indicate his line ot action lent impression by his self-control twice to see him, but Sir Adam had with respect to the Hydro Chair- under the most bitter taunts, said! been told the Government had no! man, but perhaps the answer may he had once told Sir Adam Beck not objection to an expenditure for edu-' be found in the statement that Pre- 'wanted a resolution entered on thet cational work, but it did object to: mier Drury can see as tar ahead as Hydro minutes whereby no commis-l payments tor propaganda. The "most ot them when it comes to sioner should enter into propaol amount had been spent in direct} practical politics -..-. the emphasis ganda. i opposition to the wishes ot the being on the "practical." "I still think the honorable Government. l Sogie views s','g,'.ti",""ttd, byiLiberal tgentleman (Mr. Nickle) owes 2il , , mem era are wort attent on. J. lan apology," added Col. Car-l Mr. Brackin's Defense. ', W. Currie, Southeast Toronto,. {michael, who hinted there were' _ And then the afternoon's fun claimed a large part ot public opiii- {other methods ot settling such dis-i started. G. G. Halcrow claimed the ion favored the idea of the Suther- iputes, it it were not in the House} Government should not try to climb land and Gregory Commissions. He I Then the Premier stepped into trom under, while Col. Currie had,! said the attitude of Liberals was lthe breach. He was angry, as the harsh words tor the Gregory Com-l that Hydro-electric affairs required, 'House could not help noticing. He mission. Then suddenly the Gov-! attention. W. E. N. Sinclair, South! [said Col. Carmichael's resignation eminent found a- valiant champion! Ontario, claimed the Government; {as Hydro Commissioner had been in R. L. Brackin (Liberal, West: ought to have been able to "ferret? (put into his hands, and he had had Kent), who tried to interpret publicl out' the Hydro-radial situation for, . lno reason to accept it. He praised opinion outside of Toronto. Mr.l itself. Wellington Hay, Liberal; Col. Carmichael's ability and char-l Brackin had an enjoyable time for) Leader, repeated his previous con-r, acter highly, and as for the virtue gseveral minutes, claiming that COL: tention ot separate boards for: of taciturnity, it was one many (Currie had been taken into the! Hydro-radials and Hydro power.i tothers might emulate. "I have nol Political house of refuge in South-' He alleged the Government could; reason to repent of my act in not) [east Toronto. He told the House, have called off the Hydro propa-. accepting that resignation," com, 1the Conservatives were constantly) ganda had tt deemed. Mr. Curry? cluded the Premier. _ l prying to stir up strife between the. when speakitng, was twitted aboutt I Here Hon. Mr. Ferguson assumed? lHydro and the Government, where-l being the junior member" for', 'a new role. instead of opening as the former Conservative Admin-l Southeast Toronto, and retortedl wider the verbal wounds, he! 'iistratlort had never "dared to put. that his majority had been bigger) brought the House back"to the', " curb on the Hydro." Speaking. than the total vote accorded Col. J. l original discussion, Hydro propa-' 'tor public opinion outside of Toron- 'A. Currie for the other part of that':, ganda, or Hydro educational work, 3:12. Mr. s',',',",',',',',',',,? said: "weJ believe Ili t ":, and what was the line ot demarka- ese comm as one were 11gtitied. [ 'eroc ous Attack. i, on. !The Hydro is the creature of the l However, the real excitement ot The Premier said the Govern- iGovernment, ahd should the con- Ethe afternoon was provided by sit) ment forbade the expenditure of' ltrol'led by the Government. tr. Nickle, Kingston, who made a' r' public funds for Hydro propaganda. Next Mr. Brackin added another rferocious attack on Hon. D. Car/ Canvassers' and speakers' expenses phrase to the already long list michael. This Minister, a niemberi were not legitimate, he claimed. which must not be mentioned by iii; the Hydro Board, should have Then, defending the Gregory Com- honorable members. He was ty."s.ttkrltold the House something, and the mission, he said the Government ing of Hon. I. B. Lite", as solicitor; people had a right to know his ex- wtyt.ef to know it a "ring ot Hydro gggvatlhfo £1.33; t/'/lilnfxpedtt1urtl's',) 915333'511, in view of his salary of ofriciais, with or t1tyyt the con- , 4) ' o. The Prime Minister sat a1- sent of the Chairman, could en- and mentioned that MR Lucas, as al most silent, while the Minister of gage in propaganda or spend money tonne,- f,t,erTef,ev'i"irftli was iii Power was "aa silent as an oyster, for such purposes. He could not: partner n or line wit?, the rest of] and without as much spine." If Justify the spending of public the COM?" ',?lt l Col. Currie.' the Minister of Power retained his money to influence the Public mind. who had 1l"d,"'g'",fl, y hopped overI $6,000 position the House expected Mr. Dewart opined that the fail- the knuc 33 like r. 'ttfilly. ob-l him to have some opinions, and ex- are ot the Premier to reorganize jectednto "6 Dtrase. partner inbpress them, so that the House the Hydro Board three years ago crime. as " or a withdrawal,! might reach some conclusions. He was responsible for the present which he obtained. i wanted to k . . situation. Th as though to in dicat f l now v. here the Minister tt t this Governm 't"duJi" ot Power was when the Premier T There were other speeches, and ther t It en - ads and Mr Adam had some correspon- scores of other interruptions, but friends in strange places, and op- .dence over the $11 000 t 'to return to Mr McL d t ts Just behind the Ministerial' anda. T ' Or propt1- l t P ." . eo 0 Stor- ponen J W Casselman (U.F , his, and some more along mon ' who raised the question. He Ip,,",,"]':',')' bluntly stated he ween" 1?t 1?Pt lines, couched in Mr. has yet to learn why he had to 13:33:10 both the Sutherland Qt left??? c1aagiea1 language, started: fig: ',e,u1,',1t,eie? :nswemd through . :, Spapers. nstead of Gregory Singers",,",',',"; It seemed Frederick George Sandy (U.F.O. F floor of the House. At 6 09210216; to him that the fl,Tr'l"dl,',sl',t, repre- South Victoria), sitting opposite however, he had no complaint that" sen'tative on the , r0 Commission, MraNiekle, could not stand it. With he had not heard enough talk, and perhaps he enjoyed an afternoon's . _ . - entertainment. _ t

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