'" ,. -- I t... "CL-.-..-------'-- _ ' 3W? ; . V SAMBAY, MARCH 10, 1923. ' ON WORK or SAVINGS BANKS . i o o o e I ' Hon. Peter Smith Gives Interesting Details Regarding; l I . l _ -----_-.- l Operation of Government's Venture Into j, G H d F i Banking Business i, Hon. . .Ow'dl' er t),Pm) q-...-------.---------..-- z . Wants Him to Practice ', In answer to a ' . . " . _ _ . " ' n l , _ question by w. In. Continental Lite insurance Com- Nickle, ICC, Hon. Peter Smith, ' pony. $629,000: Commonwealth Life What He Ppeaohes i Provincial Treasurer yesterday af- l Insurance f Company, c'jj,,',3,d",1,i,'.,; --------_-. I t ' - _ . t rown .i e Insurance ompany. l 'TIT" tabled m the Legislature a 1 $816,500: Excelsior Life Insurance' GOT FACTS FROM PRESS: .-tatiatica.l statement relating to the ( Company. $39,080; Lond.on and Soon? ------_.--r-- rperation of tl ... l . - [ tish Assurance orporatton. " mitea. . - mom's Prov p m , Drum k morn "1.123.000; Standard Life Insurance! On Wednesday last in the Loans metal Savings Banks. (Company, $1,170.500. and National; lature Non. G. Howard Ferguson) On December 31, 1022, total de- Life Assurance Company. The lat-i inquired of the Premier if there had) 23:13:31 1o,.14 /irJJ2tei'ce:i1,1o,,aitr,'at"i.-. . if! 1,ii,"/,"er,'i',e,1svd"T'ac,ittaei.d, ii'."",',,'.';."" I' been a settlement in regard to power, ' . u. ' o a '-l to s: ' . O' ' " u . . .... l crued to that date was 85143651.! At tho date mentioned above. 3.-l 'te,"' on the Abitibi River, and Honi earned at an average rate of 3.21 per i 536 swam asteurod savings accounts} H. C. Drury replied that there had': cent. . . . shad been accepted. Total balance'; been no settlement. The very next' _ S,"",',',',",, ?f. itdvertissing is shown as _ to the credit at these depositors atl morning there appeared despatchea': "i-'dl.0f-'yi1. . . _thut ditto NVlrr", "0-783- while 3300-55? in the tinanttial pages of the news-i . Seven "Y".""""' ('Onllianlt'" tire hittl trsen paid or accrued in intorest. , papers to the effect that the General! tied as being associated with the I Tho average rate of interest paid on' Manager of the Hollinger 'mine,' governments assured savings plan. thesi- amounzzx was 2.08 per cent.' speaking at Montreal, had announc-i (he names of the cornpanio, with 'Twenty of these accounts had beenf ed the receipt of a letter from At- 'ne amount ot insurance placid with ' closed out. while instalments were) torney-General Raney assuring the 'ttttUt, to Dertsmhot. 31. IO?.?, are no: more than one month overdue in' company a. power supply. toilet": the cases of 267. l Calling attention to the announce- ment and the Prime Minister's l finally the latter moved the adjourn- statement in the Legislature. Hon. l, merit of the "debate" amid a general Mr. Ferguson yesterday took very i chorus of approval. vigorous exception to what he deem- l Who were the real winners of the ed the Premier's evasion of his I argument in a. matter for conjec- question. The House, he said, was i ture. entitled to frank statements from 3 the Cahinet on public affairs. He . i Praises Compensation Act. was astounded. he said, "to read, the. flat contradiction of the state-l _ i , The debate found Yen; Thomas ment that the Premier had made toi l fzrawford JComreriva_tlx e, Northwest the House. If we. are going to live ,i, _y.Hoto) "'K'P'PUEW Wading the op- up to tho high ideals that the Prime --.-------- I "PM" to Pv'etutNio.n by a'com- Minister and the Attorney-General l rl.',",'"ttehee oartthue,T"'tlt,t,,urt it) far have set for us we must adopt a dit- . . bl . cn f? or mans: ferent attitude." Sparse Attendance In I-tmis-l 1dir,t,T,11ii,'t,t.inoel1, hBoaricl'I administered in reply, Premier Drury said that . , ' e nce ne , F? sal .1 was one ori the questiOn asked him had been lature Induces POIICY the best of its kind on the statute. whether a lease. had been arranged.' of Dela books of any country. " there was His answer, he said, had correctly. y r'omplaint against the administra-' been in the negative. It was true.' 'H-.--'-...-.---.. tion of the act. then the Government ihowever. that the Attorney-General, lhould be answerable, through its had communicated the Govern-i VARIETY OF PROPOSALS; Minister of Labor. mom's assurance that the mine --------- l Hon. G. H. Ferguson supported his would get power. i . l colleague, but Premier Drury took Hon. Mr. Ferguson-Will the After rounding out the last of the; an altogether different view of the li'rime Minister say that his state- week's sittings with an hour and a; duestiog. He was quite willing to ll;elltIW&S a £12213}; one? If he will, , , l tow a matter so to either one itien am sa :5 e . halt debate on a motion to authorize, of the committees, the Labor Com- Premier Drury----I cannot remem- the Labor Committee to investigate: mittee or the Public Account, Com- [her the exact question, but I regard- complaints against the fJre'.,1.et1'r'; mittee. But he did not believe there t ed my answer at the time as a cor- Compensation Board, the Legislature, was any need for an "lnvestiiration": I'cct answer. A lease had not been " t d t lived to a! of the kind which the member for' entered into. . 395 er ay a ternoon up i Northwest Toronto suggested. i Mr. Fertrutton---Most people's word growing reputation for eccentricityi Would Restore C tid i, is as good as their bond. hv voting down the motion on 'l " , on ence. I Premier ',1rury--Arrd so is the standing vote and then, after agree-; L' .The G°V?mmem. does not be- Go1""et1t't___.., ' . _ . I 'ielre, there IS anything to investi-i ' ----- l in; to a, formal division, deciding to; gate," he said. "There were no I reopen the debate and postpone a; charges made against the hoard.' division until next week. t But there is dissatisfaction in the i, This curious manoeuvre was ex- House." l ecuted in a House which by the time The chief trouble with the act was , the vote was reached at 6.05 p.m. that the members of the House ', had dwindled to 22 membertr---two knew nothing. or Very little. of its more than a quorum. . f/o',e/i'W,',y,' added the Premier. . . . on once wou d be restore Various Views on Probe. . . L minds of the members of thg 113103;: Opposition to the investigation dewl it the act and its workings were ex- mended by the motion of M. M. Flamed and discussed before a com- Machride (Independent Labor, Southi mitteo of the House, where all mem- Brant) centred in the Conservative hers could follow the discussion, group, the members of which argued 19ut the. act itself did not want ill- that the Government itself should in- VPSilzating. . vestigate or else appoint a Royal The Premier had received numer- Commission. Premier Drury favored ous letters from the Labor interests an inquiry by one of the existing and from the employers, which in- committees of the Legislature, while lifettf that outside the House there Hon. W. R. Rollo, Minister of Labor. "38 89nerai support of the a... and wanted to appoint a special com- confidence In its administration. mittee. l Hon. Mr. Rollo strenuously ob- The ftrart vote, by you and nays,, igcted to sending the complaints to . was adjudged by the Speaker in . ehLahor .Committee. He would {ayor of the latter. R. L. Brackin. in?" 'll,',' see toe matter taken in hand 'Liberal West Kent) demanded a J" 9 Public Amounts Committee, standing, vote. The result Was simi-L a"; J) eferred that a Special commit- . lar--10 tor and 12 against. Nothingi Dolnot gejen or nine members be ap- daunted the member for West Kent e and clothed with all the called Gr a division. He secured the) '"r,t',T' powers. t of the (our other members. riot to the debate Premier ' surppor tt Drury answered a u ti necessary to make his request e ec- McVamar' . P, es on by J. live and the division bells were set dale) l _ d 1soldiev-Ursdtr. River- - . through almost deserted " stating that since coming; adiru.ryttlr into otfice the GOVernnlent had em t corridors. ptoyed 1,057 returned soldiers 11')" Decision " Avoided. I ("/,e/,"dnedwtpsd?iii,i;,t,y" . - i Hon. G. H. Ferguson. Conservative ternoon crop t'/r"'p1,'/',e.1l Friday at: 1 aded for delay. Some ot bills whi h ' e members Leader, De .. c received firttt re di the dii-htrrde Whrnd- has: ti',':fld"2 'Tonsored hy M M 142l'. ' " ttnally o r. r r e seeking to em IC:, . . ' - . it'd tl) Brackin capitulsted. Hon. of _Police Commission??? :3 Bacards n . h who by this time was iheir own numb . a to Peter Smit ' era. the House, confessed that N"... letidtrttr wanted to say something; "R"-- be ringworm": gf,."":,';,,,,)?,',',','."',',',,'?, . . . a. on an admitted a "mm" - ' _----------------"------.-, . __-_-.....---.---..-..-, '___7. - - - m-...n:»-__. -