_ . .. I',..- _ -. - MttMar - . WEDNESDAY MARC m_l " I . Ci" ,' If ' , a IN QUEENS PARIS iiillillililiillallM! ____H u, 1923. - l 'w -,..-m se SURPLUS IS MY P 4 I "manger Drury is more silent option in requiring sleighs to have Tll, h is political future than he a width ot 4 feet ' inches between 1 8 on the Government's plans for runners. The other gave munici- Ireditrtritsution With palities the right to say that all latter issue iii respect to the vehicles must carry lights at night. l , , , Bounce his . le has promised to an- The sleigh bill carried, and the , the Budget: ants when he speaks in lights bill was lost. However, as _ l(jl(lll BIN however. will ebate. Mr. Drury, both bills were familiar subjects for -- ing Gia;',',; say absolutely noth- the Farmer members, several . "from are bellrgig gzderetgoits ltiltitit Eithettrto Ni,,nitit,irN.1h', vBices werei A Me -- bre as e ear . e er . . ewart nor A risoa:.h 52:6" him and J. J. Mor- W. E. N. Sinclair, both ot whom Muses .050. Of seem-9 that but" a? trill he comment on have been rather severely critical hl0toriety by Naggin that there m f,h,Y',g',','.t,2,t rumor, of Government members tor their . 0 Standing witty eaworking under- continued silence, was in the ' Sir Adam Beck haps the Premi§?% 0211303318} Per- gouge.i and so missed the answers --------- Mor now. o t e r aspersions. It was some- derirzgutlggo "1:181? he is still iioun- thing of a surprise to see the wider SPEAKS ENTIRE EVENING _ cal uncert 'df, the mists of politi- sleigh bill carry. but evidently ---------.--.- hither and" IW, feeling his way rural members felt sure their B t " _ MWF path ahead tthither, but seeing no County Councils would never pass , e ore, crowded gallnries and a" to keep him iat looks safe enough such a local measure. But the idea {"91}:ny interested Legislature, W. Yesterda 'll power. . of compulsion regarding lights on F. Nickle, li.C., Consorvutive mem~ (Liberal NV ol. H. & Cooper all vehicles is more distasteful. One thcl' for Kingston. made his ',itrt'js:e:e' ed Mr f, orthweat Toronto) ask- member even went sodar as to kick krona assault l -.'r. '-bwu.kg . rury some erti - I _"- ipon the Iliury Gov. 1 tlons Col C p nent ques because he would be required to ernmcnt's Bud eti i . Liberal 0 . ooper is one of those have a light if he had a load ot hay 318% . h g . n the Lesbian" with ti: who desire no alliance on the road at night. After much * mg t. Mr. Nickle, in his calcu- the Libs Farmers. but who want talk, Mr. Halcrow, taking advan- lations, turned the million-duua, "It i oral party to tight as it is. tage of being a city member, had a surplus into a deficit of $1,892 oiii, a- Lf,,g,",2s to the time to get few harsh words for the opponents and cstimated that in tour he": tttior and :hatement from the Pre- of lighted vehicles. He claimed it 1.1Pai,1is'ttt,ti/.T the Drury Govern- what i 9 Liberal Party as to was a measure to save human lite, ment's deficits had aggregated over seen "3 going on behind the adding: "If there is anything that $6,000,000. SB, added Col. Cooper, after adds one or two dollars to the ex- Rakes Fore a d M ' reading and ditreuatsing the news- pense of the farmer you hear n A t. paper reports. great holler." R. R. hail (Liberala 11512581 moi/12:? tor ICintpston ex. An Abuse of Privilege. iParry Bound) was more Sweeping every detail of vatl'fJr1h'iar'tl'iina'tl?e1t'it "I do not think the question ot drenhtll: "ieift',tir,.o"lr' Hall hastevi- rh,tt,tde.pi,stsi; which was among the po1iticsetction, perhaps, is the busi- motors in th escapes rom Parli: .ngt y made in the present, netm of this House," retorted the e city streets, so he 7 Lament. Commencing at 5.3;. Premier, whol t d claimed a measure was needed to m'".. he kept on until tl, started in a er a ded that such t h again at 8 It' ' . inquiries constituted an b one motorists common-sense. The . " and proceeding until rivil a use of lights on vehicles bill was lost b 11.30 p.m., when he asked for, and gay $333321 the orders of the 20 to M. y Vitus refused, permission to adjourn . the debate h . . d H": Mr. Ferguson rose to Col. Mr. Biggs' Highway Bill. Ilia 'e,tt'flt/i,l?is,thtt/dt,"neeue/reettiri, Cooper 3 aid. "This is a, matter of During the evening session Hon and explaining every item, were Md' public moment," said Mr. Ferguson, F. C. Biggs gave what he termed 8351000 had gone into capital ac- The Province is entitled to know. as a "rough outline" ot his bill to count which should have gone into These are matters of public wel- regulate travel on highways oper- ordinary exgendimreg' Ifare. The Premier should be pre- ation and load of vehicles The bill Viol? towar the midnight hour Mr. l 'Dared to tell the public what his was given, second readin M orgtolfi pit-$8M. 11.13 extraordinary -' scourse is to be." Biggs was asked numer g. r. t il ca ciro.rt, his SInftmr and in- l The Premi ous ques- e ect appearing as Keen as when ' er was obdurate. Not tions during his elucidation but he started although his R. io a word, not even a denial, came these did not bother him because tran to Show signs of @332"? tre- from him. The only conclusion is everyone knows that no, Minister plause from the 6:392:33?- , that Mr. Drury is not sure ot his has the details ot his department benches was' trem/i/e. While the a}? political future, or that negotiations more in hand than the same M .titude of the Liberal 'gmui) at least have not progressed far enough for Biggs. The bill contains 88 ale; (in some sections of it, seemed to be him to either confirm or i:is',ryii,ti.': as practically all 2u'l'd.'l gar. .that of disagreement with the pro- However, the "Anti-DORe-your-nose- more or less familiar with th sube' mwes of much Of his argument. All. in Bociety" was not introduced into I lects under legislation it 'lf - Yppm'bem' howeY-er' appeared to give the discussion. Ito occupy considerable tiriesui: $553535; Mr. ilekletrfior the cut- s PPC' of Hi ll ' Keep Assets in Ontario. Icommittee. On the second reading literary brll)lliancy Iande Jf'f,i,t'i',emii',1 The failure of the L. R. stee/il/1.itmni/W, tilt]: "Pam criticism came 'if,'.de2tt',tni)"s effort in wax ot Company may result in some dras- he would. m rk 'ir/fu,',',",,"; who saidt D. para on. tie action by the Legislature. J. W. pass "som a ettal motor drivers Uses Biting Satire. Curry (Liberal, Southeast To- t e Bot' _ot tyyyyiiit1tiri..1 The member for Kin ' . , Mr. Biggs replied that " gsttyn drew ronto,. after Premier Drury could ot legislation wa some sort forth applause from many corners give the House little information sired to avoid Stjtust what he de- O'f 1ryoute when he satirized tho Peeautse of Hon. Mr. Raney'a ab- 'some BO t' f We dont rant government for its continual nag- sence, said he had taken the mat- maintai 'i o examination, hel guns at the heels of "a great many ter up with the Attorney-General to ne 'adding that the method tslr ~Adam Bt2clt., s.heltty1 as it was llast week. Th make motor drivers qualify was behind a commissmn. He demanded idone was to 2d"e,r 2131:1830 be to make them responsible. The Pr8noen.ceTtnt from the Premier which would prevent the :ranoslfgg gaging?! of el"lgdmt,ttoar, driver [0151?ch 1111:3011" £11588 vi', olitlcal Com"; ot the company's Ontario assets to mous ll d y nee wou e an enor- point a 'Ch/nn/tree/tv/Aho/U))," ap- . the United States. Mr. Curr left n ertaking, and, it done at distribution, and ace eal mm It- the impression that he hady con- 'l/late/edt, dtine efficiently. Mr. eminent of 1f,%yr11',t'.td,ntr"ihf1to'i"t vinced the Attorney-General of the be pro erl l such work could l1a,t1.rorot1tty1 to the extent 0f over a importance ot such a measure. p y accomplished. million dollars in the sale of liquor thfngmertnanyt Mr. Curry held up Still Undecided on P. R. from Government dispensaries. e tee failure as a reason tor The Government forces are Analyzes 19" Ttetrut , ' still ts. Elite glittering of Mr. Raney's Blue undecided about proportional rep-i Ply Nickle, in opening his ad- y . No Steel stock had been resentation. Some U F o m b I dress, said he believed that th Tf-. sold in the Prairie Provinces, where attended the P.R meetin eim Tm was of the agrarian forces Slab: they have such a measure. Cana-'ronto last week where thagt n o- 1019 Provincial eltyction had been dian money had been taken from of voting was explained 516"th due to the disorganization of the British Columbia and Ontario. Mr. these members came . 0st of when" party and dissatisfaction Curry claimed the passage ot the puzzled than ever 03:83} more With the Conservative. As a result Blue Sky Bill would save another confessed he was eith o them t great body of independent voters such fiasco " the Steel failure. headed or the P R ex eel; thick.. had {flowed class principles whole- Premier Drury called the Steel selves did not Itan Wa"t {hs them- was": Jr, in the belief that that crash a "swindle."lwhile G. G. Hal- talking about It is vid ey were mg" ay the road to economic better- crow, who first raised the question will be JoGiiideiit,i e ent there Th . said Robin Hood ' e argument in 8 people of the Province at the were entlem and his friends Government caucuses before P R time this Government was formed," with thse Steel en when compared 18 accepted by the members to'the' footinuef Mr. Nickle, "were inclined peop e. right of the Speaker. The Premier h', trlve clam-coalition Government a They Break Their Silence. 32am" tto, experiment with this (1','IC'.'r'adfto.r tfufr is not a group Th 0 votin in . e no grou Govern- the r'7jast'rfu'1tattt/gt',.ggg.tt'dt,',. (off 'Ci',', itien he wigu ld? 'elty Jet. $83: 'ho/ffl have within a" ranla the afternoon grinding out a " 8 mm his followers. These all the gran ray 2l'd'i'.'tet'e2t from usual amount ot legislative 11813;: 'd',Pet? may not have any Particu- servMives iu2,trtfht.""til'L, in; Jig.': Most discussion centred about two the Tl, tor Toronto, but they fear coalition diJii'iGiiiiirnt.2 Ide,', for which Hon. George & many of! £388 ot the wedge, and F? three years following the ac- enry asked second reading. One their d m .are still emphatic in 0688 on to power ot this claar-cotrlio of them provided county local b eclarations that the folks tion Government, a comparative . . . ack home do not want any P. R. if?" fad reigned. Than had come _ _ , _ rt',hru2.rgt,t,y.(yesoi,2,t,',: controvtyrtrf _ f-y-hey-eu?,.'.?.!.!.!.?-?.?!, thrown down the