. ' "" _ . . i I , LANDS OF STEEL COMPANY i, . . . o ' Provincial Secretary H. C Nixon Makes Statement In SINCLAIR DECLARES . House, and Declares He Is Conducting Bl REMAINS n [ Further Investigation [ ' . ------------ r I I tPhere is strong possibility that estate holdings, amounting to tseverar' i To LIBERAL n _ agenda held in Ontario by the L. 'ii)i'ii2iii:ii?iiF'iij, dollars, were held _ teel, Inc.. are held ille l - i y t e . . Steel Company under . -e- WW I . ins to a statement in thiaili'gicizzfieIfii'fiiywfiwgfimfi'; gosh: f'it,c,"; . fist night by Hon. H. C. Nixon, Pm. Limited. which Was the 0111313003? ic.es on Prem'er 0rury to . ncial Secretary, when he made 'h"'iii,i'iiiii'iie': in the file to the Realt . f Promised statement. IDeleo-yimeng fig,r"oop,t,12e,. y" DecIare Himself on Rumor. M' " " s um ers oo w ' - . . t Wenhave no flle on this comoanv)pany went into 'fi'll1d1th/",il,,,th/i, 13?: ed Amalgamation Sinai. It,", Hon. Mr. Nixon, tefer-l"thdy were the company that was - """_" has? Q tte olding company. "They holding the real estate of this con- , e no taken out the license in com. If they were carrying on in; STANDS BY CONVENTION " mortemain to hold lands in Ontario, that way we claim that they were I ------- and therefore if they are holding carrying on illegally, as, according to I i 2flt.'"they are holding them ille- the Privy Council decision, such a I Protesting against reference 10 . . company to hold land in Ontario} himself in an evening newspaper as N'sareful search of the files, Mr. must have a license in mortemain toI a "Druryite FF W. H. N. Sinclair 1Ai _ " on said. showed that on the lastng so. I am looking into the matter ' , . , "" .eturn of the Steel concern the real further trom that direction." ! oral mcmbrr for mum Otilario, r" i, _ . Inewed discussions in tho Legislature E i yesterday upon tho great Proving"; , I mystery-the rumored U.F.O.-Lib. I l I eral alliance. Mr. Sinclair, observ~ f ' I ing that the "Druryitc" appellation , was one which he could not afford to allow to pass unchallenged, attirmed . I his adhesion to Liberal principles , and the Liberal party's convention .---..----r---- resolution, which laid down a clear- . . cut path for exponents of Liberal- IIncorporation of M o u nt . ism to tread. h . "If there arc t ose in the Liberal I Dennis and Humber- Ii',',","),) said Mr. Sinclair, "who wish t Ito Join any other political organiza- ' I vale IS Favored 'tion, I have no objection, and I 1' I .----.r------.q. Ithink it is high time now that there I; i lshould be a declaration from Liberal f iHOUSE Now TO DECIDE (members as to whether they pro- . l -.--.--._-- . Epose to carry out this tirst plank in ; gthe Liberal platform of the 1922 , I l'ro-incorporationists in York iconvention or whether they propose ' I township won the first round of the 7:9th other alliancel. i'irgiaioshi :51? . ' fight to secure legislative sanction it its 32:3: alge'toogo. ll] thatx the _ for the breaking up of York town- Liberal party will still carry on. 'r ship and the creation of urban mu- 9 I nicipalities, when the Private Bills Calls for Declaration. 1- Committee of the Legislature, yes-' "I am not going to attempt to di- T terday morning, approved of the rect the earning or going ot the I . bills to incorporate the City of York, Prime Minister. Whether he is _ the town of Mount Dennis and thel looking for another place or not I _ town of Humbervale. ' don't know, but I do submit that it . The Mount Dennis incorporation is time he made a declaration also I received the support of the commit- as to where he stands politically and I tee on a vote of 14 to ll; that of as to what his political aspirations rt . York City by 14 to 4. The opposi- may be. , . tion in both cases was led by To- H. B. Cooper, Liberal member for ronto members. As the roll-call Northwest Toronto, who has fre- vote in the first instance more orI quently brought the same subject to , l , ' less represented the respectiveI the attention of the House, read I strength of the two factions on the; further iron the same article com- a . committee, it is more than likely) .plained of by Mr. Sinclair and ob- g that yesterday't, struggle will be re- {served that the further statement M posted when the bills are reported lthat one or two Liberals would in the House. lrather go Conservative than follow 't During the committee's hearing a hyphenated party was absolutely I" of _/,',f,1 'l'iS",',l.eon,,tt of those for and untrue as far as he was concerned. , . age. no e pro osed incor orations ' " i . . the committee rxbom was pcrowded Opposed to ' 'm'hte"tlni',', t "-i with representatives of the two op- " was born a Liberal, he said. si" Dosing camps. . "and I have been brought up m a a The following was the line-up of Liberal camp, and I intend to re- I members on the Mount Dennis bill: main, as far as I can see, a Liberal. "r For-Bragg, Brown, Cunningham, The rest of the article, stating that . Denyes, Halcrow, Lesson, Leth- I will not stand for any hyphenation. . bridge, McArthur, Pinard. Steven- is quite true." 7 _ son. Walker, Warren, Swayze, Web- A. P. Mewhinney. Liberal mem- " trter--14. her for "feet Bruce. observed that, AFainat---Atemutssen, Black, Buck- as the time for testimony apparently 7 land, Crawford, Currie, Montgom-, had come, he felt it incumbent upon, i ery, Ramsden, ROSS (Glengarry), himself to any a word. He had al- "t tnaples, Stringer, Thompson----) I ways believed in Liberalism, he said; ttr . On motion of J. A. Pinard (Lib- and believed more strongly in it to- . eral, East Ottawa), .it was decided day than ever before. It was his in- that the vote on incorporation be tention to remain a Liberal. t not restricted to ratepayers qualified Premier Drury, in humorous vein,! -' . to vote on money by-laws, but in- extended his "heartiest and sincer- t clude all electors. est thanks" to the Liberal members 'T There was no vote on the Hum- who had disclaimed any intention , bervale incorporation. it being con- of sitting under his leadership. , ceded that it the other two projects -.--r-..-_.------ . went through, Humbervale would have to look out for itself, as it then .' would be isolated from the remain.. . . ing portions ot York township. '," C .1