W t . Ai'] . q! - l or OBSBR h/E T, iiiitt iiiiiialllh . l l, - Pit 'tlliilli3lliiilllt . IN QUEEN'S PARK a, iiiililil his? I! Jui'; l _ aga25=GaP-v, . Ti? hardl any present indication} heard four times previously this Les? It',', the Budget debate in the that Premier Drury intends to bring session. Then M. M. Maeliride did f s a me has occupied more than down a redistribution bill this ses~ isomething never expected from thirty hours of time. and fifteen sion, outside, perhaps, of the pro- lhim. He moved that the House Speakers have participated. It is portions! representation iexperi- proceed to tin:l orders night: day. estimnt . 'ment for Toronto. Some t me Mo Discussion en er a "up y, and r','ltell,t,1ddt'iU1 least ten morte the Premier was reported to have. until 6 o'clock the members "at on taking par ' told friends that he thought it best wrestled with numerous amend- and in these ten are included the to go in for a scientific redistribu-l ments to the Municipal Act. three Leaders and Hon. Peter tion next session. l b',',',','.'",,"")',', "if Municipal Act has 8 . _ u , . , ' ' ' ' bee in avorte amum'menl or inc: fel/tlL,",:,;,'::',', Treasurer, who; i"11yt l'ittut, hays 1',r::1t,r"rr; l Legislature almost since ('onieii- e uttal evidence to.offer.; Naturally, the U.P.O. members. oration. and the chances are Chub It is thought that. otthe remain-) have discussed the .questlon ml the annual crop of amendments der of the Cabinet, Hon. Mr. Nixon l, caucus. and the Premier's reporter, will not be lessened for many; years will be the only one to enter thel, Limit? "),u/.1i1prec1i1t, i961": $1ng325 to come. tray. The average length ot) bland) in the Budget debate last The Debate Continued. speeches so far has been more than? night. Mr. Stringer claimed the Mr. Stringer's part in the. Budget two hours, and the House can be; old-line party men could think of a: debate occupie.d only forty min- prepal'ed to listen to twenty hourtt'l redistribution only in the terms ot) utes. He refrained from any (its more before Mr. Bmith's iintoeiall a. gerryinander. He thought ini cussion of capital and ordinary ex- en'orts are properly disposed of. All. dealing with the. problem the 'ei?) penditures, and whether there was in all, there is hope, perhaps a, eminent should take time and con- a surplus or not. Mr. Stringer said small hope, that the Budget debate) '4itlt'l' well, and eventually give a; it did not matter in which column will wind up next week. Honor redistribution. This can, the figures were placed. However. - , N l on itltiwproietlonl.vas meaning that; he put himself on record as a From Mr. Nickles Figures. , l'roniit-rl Drury and his party intend) Druryite, claiming that the UFO, Some interesting deductions may' going to the country on the basis! had shown they could broaden out be drawn from the census figures, ot the old riding boundaries. The) to legislate for all the people. 1'etLtht House Tuesday evening Premier and the U.F.O. will have to No Opposition speakers being ly. W. F. Nickle (Conservative, meet. vigorous criticism both in the prepared to follow Mr. Stringer, the :{Emgstonh Jil'; slime"! dcensus House and the country tor their debate was continued by Hon I uretr are a U a e aCCor " to ' l the con- Harry Mills, Minister of Mines. Mr Federal ridings, and obtaining 13:33:30? dt,'iuntd'rrflr'"/?/uif'Ji, Mills also is responsible for the trom 1e.se .the census totals for there are some members who still Fish and Game Department, and he Provincial ridings is a day's work lmink the premier will do some- evidently unloaded the whole year's in itself, but Mr. Nickle aecomplish- thing this session to remedy the statistics ot that branch on the ed that big mathematical task, and lapparent inequalities in representa- House. Perhaps the House never the results will be invaluable in any, itlon. Perhaps the U.F.0. caucus heard so many figures, and figures redistribution fiis.cusslor1 . V imay reach a datinite decision in this of such dimensions in so short a A little analysis ot Mr. Nickle's lrespect in time for the Premier to period. When he talked of titsh fry statistics shows. that the members 'be explicit in his promised an- he went into the millions and mil- who sit to the right ot the Speaker, "ianGGiGt in the debate on the lions with more careless abandon the Government forces, today rep- Budget than Hon. Peter Smith ever ex- resent a population of 1,147,640.| ' . . j hibited with dollars. Then, too, On the other side of the House, the) Discussed Five li5'mes Mr. Mills had figures for beaver, combined Oppotritions, with the! For the titth time this session the deer, bear and all other wild life same total membership. 55, repre-l Workmen's Compensation Board; --sCores and scores of tigures. sent a population of 1,685,954. MR: came under fire yesterday. It start-i Having left the impression , Nickle's figures indicate. that the; ed with Mr. Dewurt's request for! careless auditors that every Ont political groups in the House today the annual report at the board, andi tario fish and wild animal had a represent, population as follows: incidentally he thought the com-i number and a tag and was U.F.O.. with 46 members, 864,478 plaints against the board should bel properly classified. Mr. Mills pro- persons; Labor, affiliated with heard by the Labor Committee of: ceeded to go through the same U.P.O., with nine members, 283,- the House, Premier Drury "3-. performance with the minerals 162 persons; Liberals, with 25 peated his former conclusion, that of the Province. Had the House members. 714.670 persons; P_tltptn-; he thought the matter should go '0! been thirsting for information it. dents in Opposition, with four mem-l the Public Accounts Committee, but; could have had its fill, but Legisla-' bFTS. 15.39757 persons; Conserva-: he had no otWetioa to t going tol ture members generally think facts? mos. With 26 members, 817,527 the Labor Committee. .9: W. Curryi end figures will be. properly roll persons. . These flguretr do not Lake) (Liberal, Southeast Tomntol was; lected in blue books, and for: took In tho riding of Mr. Speaker Peru of the opinion that its) board'Sj much mental note of Mr, Mills' ell-l liament, and where the same To-l affairs should not be reviewed by' cyclopaedic efforts. Howeser. Mtg; ronto riding is represented by menl a House committee, which brought, Milla' department is now morel of different parties the totals arel a renewal of all the spam-hes out fully represented in the Budget del, divided equally. Most students of: the Compensation Board, including' bate than almost any other. ( politics will agree that these aggre-l J. H. Johnston of East Sinwoe. iii,') -""-"""'""T'r"-.Tr-==L".Ta==.".=L-.==-=-r_-.-c cr-ttct-cr.::---.::--::::::---::::-::;} gates show too great a disparity tol M. MacBride of South Brant. and make for an Administration of "e VR. TI. Hall ot Parry Sound. H"o"n".l bility. :' 'Mr. Ferguson claimed these corlrli-i -. . l plainls should be handled by 't e. 't'dht'i1'ty [impurities ,..', .: l Department of Labor. IV. FWgu-i l r. Nickle naturally dealt with! . . . I son excused the Chairman of the,' the disparity between the ctrnBtitu-l board for some impatience as he encies as at present constituted in! . ' . ' ' , a . , l (Mi. Ferguson) had read 1etttrts his Argument that the Government Lain members of the House to the should have provided for a measure Chairman Mconmin'ng threats it of redistribution this session. These '11,," claims were not observer" . disparities are enormous, varying Mr . ' .. all the way trom 79,004 population' New Move by Mr. MacBridv. for East Hamilton and 74,998 fort Next G. G. Halcrow (Labor, East! Riverdale to 11,444 for North Nor-l Hamilton) raised a point of order folk and 11.810_ for Lennox. , concerning the whole discussion. . Notwithstanding such disparities, The House was obviously tired ot which make a Joke of the idea of :the wrangle, all of it having been representation by population. there)" - ' it