I _ ---- . , TIHih' mm. MARCH 20, 1923. m..--------""'""" iuion had exceeded the . , TllllEfl com S N {inn it. "0""; "Hon. Mr. Howell," he added "h: .i been engaged as counsel by Iii/"(145' _ mimion for the open hearings Th")- has been done. after c',rCu_.,,".,:n,'f,,t,' f with the Government. Tho .to'ranf'iLW union's instructions to nu" li; "", NEXPENSE Bowel] are not to press a one... ' of; one way or another. but in i'l'ifik'inultl the facts. The Hydro Coricri,.,-:r,n ----------" haved been told that one \jounspl' wont be quite sumeient, hut if t . mm. G. Howard Ferguson 't1e,t'lt','i. they should have onur'mri'}! . . . t c r own t ey are quite o mi.- to 2:; 'rs' Critioizes Appointment of one of these. There are Ci'i'iuiii 1.2:" gentlemen connected with tho Ifve, .'.l tl. w. Rowe", K.th electric quite capable of going 'c"/"ii"C,i -----------". tins 'f/ii,"','.",',",'),' but I have not inquired w iet ier one of them has born a '- L DENIED OTHERS COUNSEL polnttrl to Flo w mm P i _..._ More Findings Available. I Demanding from the Government The Minister said that "5y:"ertei I. tatement as to the new attitude and ','fJ,,.o,,ue,t.?.'r',ts had hstn dolrirur', . _ ' into Chippawa matters for man'u taken by the Gregory Commission in months back, and his umicrsfaridjnigi retaining, as counsel Hon. N. w. was that their findings "'E-rs- W". in: l Rowen. Hon. G. Howard Ferguson, tr,,",,',",',,),:,,','; "'/C'i,'t'.f,g,',' 2; fi,r,yt,t':ji: . . -- n . t n10; t 19V f ' i in the Legislature yesterday, asked: hm" in touch from time to tami, Egg, l "Has the commission that was 30 the commission. i carefully selected failed to find any- .iion. Mr. Ferguson---) tho cm ... thing wrong, and have they now got 1'",i'ii:in/,"1i"t "tyytysd,riereJ,'irti':'cu_.-.'i . _ - . Ct ( c- to engage a super-man to help them munmms and staff engineers amt". find some defect in the Chlppawa it has got all this intor f is" . l "heme? Is it that they have been doe?" want counsel Rl") W"- y?y,tl. unable to tuehieve the purpose they in; been. all i timinr" In. if "mi had in view-adverse criticism and "he'd [,'/..,"1v, 311.» 5','lt,f.ft,,.'),',id J"'- fault-finding with this scheme?" is it? . b _lilH Iril , if") or snarl Inconsistent. He Says. 'r, Hon. Mr. Carrrtitshaor,- This: is; ct I Referring back to the original an-', INN": hearing. There. is no mum! '. nouncement of the proposed reten-w tlon (Hi tho part of the Governmontl 'l tion of Hon. N. w. Howell, the Con" to wish to Jo this sort of thing in; 5' sorvative Leader observed that the. tho durli. i . statement appearing in an eveningl Horn Mr. F'erRusrm---It has done ' journal was a carefully prepared that with the other cases~~<,-onriu¢g-' document. obviously "prepared with od public hearings without Counsel. some deliberation l{or I',r11t1ii-ie,t1ce,rr1i,"/, Only Visit Lomttions. Hethoutrhtit eculiarthatthecom- ' orsrle'trtc, " rt,. .. mm f,l,'Uh'"ifiuv'l procetdtd we: th'iyr,i1/s,).e/"i',ri11't, 'l,,r,'ert/io,,r,ir,y'tr:d, l g l hil th Lliiiip, & of Wtl5; highiv sittisfirul with Hydro ycounse.w e e .tirmin ,. .1.. wrsc..' SfNV - the commission. w. 1). Gregory, at .uirvlt'6? and "as it not a fact that it the same time "took it upon himself lt had r/1,ytt/ly,1. Only where it was r to act as counsel for the commis- tinson.uUly certain it Cami" £291 a l "on... semblance of complaint. Hun. Mr. I: "During this period," continued fi1'..Ty'a"1t,r.s'c1i...1 he believed it had _ Hon. Mr. Ferguson. "they have en- visited only municipalities Whore y deavored to investigate without the Hydro Ttro.i,octs wpre located. He 's. aid of counsel. without the facts he- said ho "7:5 quito prepared tc, SUD- t ing brought out by counsel. directing b'11f, tli" (,hairman of tho Hydro d the inquiry along tho lines that suit- Commission lit HWY ""1""? for if ed their own purpose; along lines.' counsel representation ilf'rol'r. the s- to my mind---and, I think, to thel t:tjrntniss.".ott. tr public's mind-that have shown them In reply to D. M. Hogarth, Con- w unfair and prejudiced attitude of this: Pcri'fihve member for the" Arthur. commission toward the whole scheme1 "on Mr. Carutichaol said he was ' of public power development. trnu'olo to speak for tho Government y i on tlu. point of whether the Govern- 2t Is Complaint Hunter. 1 mt"llt would accept the rriorttmov.da-s r. "Not only have they done that. lint. tion of tho Gregory Ctsrnmissnon is they have had engaged for a long! with respect to $20 Dower at Port le time Mr. Wegenest, at a-saiary ot; Arthur and Fort William. re $t,000 a month. to no-what? NON ___------------------------------------ -...._ "l--..-------------.--...-, to act as counsel before the comniis-' --r----.- m sion. but to go out in advance of; r. them and hunt tip all the complaints' at he could possibly find. going to the ry extent of making insinuations and' it suggestions in various localities. as I, rs have had it from men whom he has! by: tipproatehed----suRgestions that. to m3'1 " mind, were improper-hunting tipl 'e-. every possible thing that he thought l t would work out to the injury of this; n gublic ownership proposition, and), er ringing that to the Chairman and; ch members of the commission." i Ar. Why was it necessary. now, after', a year's procedure, asked Hon. .\ir.; Ferguson. to appoint counsel? Was/ it that, instead of finding anything, to criticize. they had found a maxi-1 mum of efficiency so far as engineer-) ing and accounting went? That.t said the member for Grenville, was" the persistent rumor. at all events.g The commission had spent a year; and half a million dollars, and if Hon. Mr. Rowen was to be retained: on a comparable 'basis of cost, he: feared the inquiry cost might; eventually mount beyond all reason.i It was time the Government made a: statement as to the probabilities. ati least, of having a report before pro-l rotration--an early presentment, in} the opinion of Hon. Mr. Ferguson. being vital to every person concernedi "For Open Hearings." l In reply Hon. D. Carmichael, Min- later without portfolio. and Govern- ment representative on the Provin-' cial Hydro Commission, denied the!' " accuracy of Hon. Mr. Ferguson's statement that the Gregory Commis- Mon had been appointed to discredit Hydro. Furthermore, he said. he] did not agree that the Gregory Com-