nudism D. . .1- C] di' tatdih4 mm .. .. . . ". fiililltllif Gi", "-9 l gr T llil ' HIV , I, 9 P _ Mi tli - l Bi , """r""""""".""C."7: . . UBENS A A tIEE .8t' a (internment Will Decide , . Q . RN a,,,dlllllg (iitii'ifiigllt . ' " _ 'e........, and ether to Submit It, An unusual and diversified bill thing.wrong with th Says Hon. R. of tare was given the Legislature proleett Mr. Fe e Chippawal . duri i rsuson, too, pointed; An -------- ns ts three-hour session yes- {hit the immense expense ot this? pd/ee,"',',',',"',, a question yesterday ter"rr, Outside of advancing a Rugby, halt a million dollars al-l Ho n the order paper by D. M. stage halt a dozen i rea y tment, and now ti' hi hl . t a. 'i',"',,','; Conservative. Port Arthur. llttl t pr "te bills, lawyer employed g , paid: 'l/U' '2,th the Government had not e o a constructive nature was Col. Carmichael at fi , Specter 'l position of Dental In- tteeomplitshed, but, while there was emphatically that it w rst denied; or the Province, formerly . much tal tion as the inten- held b k not a w of the Go H G y Dr. Fred Conboy. Hon. R. which in it It rangle occurred, Hydro M Yernment to discredit bei rant said that the service was able Ho "ll was rather remark- ga ed. r. Rowen had been en- f,','.',',',',',', capahly carried on at the GG: of An. tutning Doherty, Min- vvag ' not to present the case one Magi": time by the Chief Medical in th b grieulture, led the House, th y or the other, but to bring "Ml (Insane or. Anmverintr further verbal had 6 a sence of the Premier, who e facts. The Hydro Commissionl 'l///if,te'f.','?a"tf,'g"'Ma',; G. H. Ferguson. lat Ciggvftgirllfd from his week-end '///",'.ef,"de"t', appoint a lawyer and , , ea er, Mr. Grant in- . ' and Attor - - tply 0 a direct ' 'i ltlzgteg, that when a demand came eral Haney is still ill. ney Gen 1'ld,",'iti,u,'in said he £53310", COL: rector e people then a Dental Di- I The House tactics ot Mr Doh (sir" Adam Beck if h support the," hwouid be named. So far 'are not in the least prov . erty counsel. e demanded said ad been no such demand, he ltact. he runs to a l ocative; in Cha presentA. tar as it had gone the 'old saying that Paxlarism ot the ' rles McCrea's Appeal. i iat arrangement had given Bat- fturueth GG, a smooth answer A harmless-i action, the Minister said. ly behind h? wrath. Sinking deep- ing for all Coking motion ask-, . H. Price, Conservative Park- Itg he". he studies h documents connected gale. had a question on the. order 'l/el',',',?",':', carefully never speak:El ge ly,', conviction of Williaml aper regarding University of It' . ep when absolute] . ' We eming ot Nome t - l, ronto affairs which the Minute o- displays inn y neeetMart infraction of th trot' or anl r of hits patien e figh and game l Eadkuecaui?" answered. Mr. Price gradually creeps past thge'd and, two yetu't, ago provided thoughtgl for t?" motrheey. Eniversity accounted points anger 2: hourt. The motion stood in the'! rante . The anew me o Charle I b",'",',),,'",'),,).,,")', éhrough the rope: Funding"?! Dar Complaint. zative. Sudbury)s. '1tif?"itsg,t'1j'g,-t; ovornora which is i . o orty's lead ormed th H . distributed to ever to the t ership was put e ouse into a sort all Legislature Mr vp,',',',',',"":, of the o eat as soon as the H supreme court, or " r I . . pelted. M ouse and p ems jury, there was any check?" asked it . M. MacBride L proceeded to plead th , " Univeraity South Brant ( abor, Fl i e, case till expenditure. The an , ) brought up a no em ng as earnestly at' thou h , "Yes. By the Board tnswei- was: paper contribution on St P 12t huge pyramided structu 3 the Mr. Price asked if tl', Governors.' D.ay by Magistrate Bl . atricks itelt law de e d d re ot Brit- Universit to d ake ot Brant- p n 9 upon it. Flemi of Toronto presented e , r . It was evident M was C.P.R a ent ng the Government and ifa budget to does not love th M r. MaeBride had been (to t,", at Nemegos. and brought down for the it would be himself. but his e _ agistrate like cars of h nv Cted by Ontario otti- House. The answer scrutiny of the the ttftort of M complaint wat, that all ailing beaver taint, illeg- . . Y in his ass . that the Government JI',' sea. and suit to r Blake was an in- p "5100. He was sub- P under con- the Irish, a trequently dig :thration the matter of bringing citizens ot all Canaan: ailsO to the C.P.R. Service gained from the c budget before the House. Brant man made out aha] South Viction. Mr 1"dll'.2 of this con- -==2T=..='a-- €8.80, but what incen engthy Show th t . sought to d him a Fleming had bee . Was the M . P"' most tim n a vie- Number Pass Second St. Patri 1'1'etrle?, reference to b of unfortunate tlf2',ti',1,tt,g,t,l . ea "I sionary send as a Combined mis- It"t in reality was quite innocent " wa . Ing and Others Are glacBride 'e'o/'ehktfthoarglg; All" mUChstierhiedegrtl tthhaet Essehml) spent . i n ean n- . _ ' ecauso Discarded "8d Qultt, (:38ch thi?f expression, 33;! 1r2vte.ten/t,iy were backed ---r----. G e e ect that B. on. Harr Mi . 1oev1'g1d2l1,.t, ought to demand thi: tor the Government, was alyho vvltlall' HOUSE DOWN TO ROUTINEl agistrate apologize prepared with official d , Then followed . and stood b h oeuments, -------- eral, Parry Suondl)' (h Hall (Lib- the limit oer If, "he law Officers to , . n Progress was made in the Legis- alleged that St. 'mlf,'.ihfag2,"t McCrea has made :wllegge. Mr. hture yesterda -i h Welshman t . . wat, a re utati marlrtutle and public billy "é. various private he was t','l',.f,"y,iit,i,t: having it that maidednon in the House for tair- . s, a, P n ess, rose at 6 ' I n when the House from Bristol. M ales, just across stood him in and this attribute ocock consideration was . Burned con id r. Hall. too, con- for hi good stead in his plea {being given in committee to Hon. liG'2'i1s/'flll,", arable time. Major H 11 B former constituent. Mr. Manning Doherty'a measure to added th t eral, Windsor) jokingly wllth of Parry Sound, who ditsagrtseai ameTtNAthO Agricultural Develop needed t: i'lJ/.7eaiinctttine,t'itt was l mung" 5:23."? pr Mr. ifil'Gliiy men ct. Answering criticis i Ne l _ 0 ese things d N , or e him, as also Hon. G. Howard Forms" C m o My half an hour had b "i id Edgar Watson (U.F.O N th vative Leader. the 1'l1'fll'to2'h""At1T. comillmed. and the Hons eenlvictoria). The s%iiliri, .' Ort. l culture declared that they WeAgri- have drifted into a wh e ',z:,th,.th1j,iii,i,ir" his trump e d y man, in Sitting upon proper Valuati" intl, new") debate on St P ole atter- Submit the case t at ' offered to! land; Conferences we" tuf/ Brantford Ma i t . atrick and altee ot the H o a small commit- planned to arrive at a method0 'gi, Mr. Dohert tr 5 rate. Had i.fisriTi GOV ouse, composed solely! uniform valuation, and h - O l tus . y been one ot those ernment members. It was a. atom were to be used. f't'1',t",h",,t 2i'2i'ea,igettfvry Statesman. he I II',',',',','.?,' card, too, because Hon. Mr. ' "rtltratityy? had convinced him. he about w y have said a word or so m er y said he felt the ti'iire"r'r'/.l saw. mat the valuations made by the disast asting time, and started 3' ent would be disposed to grant' 2trf were thoroughly to be relied lsed 3):: 'flwi Solemnly he prom 3:23:36" cgnthIttee» but composed oti ' ir. MacB - Ben a vet, of al . A. $.1nwig (Conservative, North- bring him the 'o'iie,1fifdr1d,ft'i would now seems assured thztpqlrtles. It east oronto) withdrew his bill, Irv. would call it to the att c e, he William George Fl . e caBe of troduced by him at the request of Attprmsy-.Gene l' cation ot the fine "no eming. whose the Union of. Mutticipalttutt, to ditradd th rs. ttDepartment. He will b unted to less than $200 amend the Municipal Act. Speaker Brant ma at he thought the South e e reopenpd, showing what an Pglu'?t?Lf,he1""tj', the 'till of R. R. the delle" taken too seriously I f,'hrl'tt'M1,f,t who deals fairly with _ . am! oundt 8 sent " onen amend the Crown Timber Act as 0:10! yt.u.ristrate. Then 1'lfit' 9: the l he does sltp across? Sign fg, even it of order. Mr. Hall hoped the Gov- Iritslumur, he iGi%iiii' a 800dithe Ministry and whe oor from ernment would bring in a similar that the honor of by tsairirurihard when li, . o. often hits hill, else. he said. he would proceed pot he di i a St. Patrick could was e 1.11"th 18 good. It by way ot resolution. Failing that so Gr; m.inighe4 by any man even ( b a notable victory tor the Md- he wguld Par, lain next year Na tl trate an?" J, man as the ikiiii my member. . mom or on e overnment side of ran 0rd. All thi . - Loans M . "'g'de,r",ium, m emu to the at? eigrigftigatfh how Mr. 'ICU/t At wringing); 15:3?M I . x bill of J. W. Widdtitteld (U.F.0.. from one of thoseehgquse quickly threw his own Ltfc,'he,ratteh', borth Ontario). which permits into which it s tr' y Wanderings Agriculture Develo o the townships to locate polling booths - o requently strays Committee t pment Act into in a convenient village or town. An The Chippawa Probe . am en dm Ill the W hole. One act to amend the ineorporatdon act Col. Carmi h . farm ent would make loans to of the Toronto Canoe Club paged repreM t c tu.s1, the Government b e." to purchase stock to through committee of the House, missi n ative on the Hydro C reedlhg purposes, and "to con It and second reading was given to a h on, had a busy few om- date liabilities." Messrs F so i- bill respecting the city of Guelph w on Hon. Howard Fer minutes and Nickle sittin t . ".trulr.?n that t,rtr,"fl' that the Mayor of that several pertinent dues"g UBon asked Conservatiée frongt Ogether in the city 5 to e eected by the Vote of lag the inveatigatl one regard- Jumped on M row, at onca the people at large. Second read. paws, work H on ot the Chip- ment r. Doherty's amend- . lug was given to an act to inco - . 0 noted th tr as opening the h I r N. W. Howell h at Hon wide L door too porate t e oronto Y.-M.C.A.. and counsel ad, been hire . . cans up to 66 er to J. C. Tolmids hill respootin' the H d tor this Portion [d as valuation in face U' cent. ot city of Windsor. An w to ohangte wh '1'd"12t and Wants d took the values, they claimed We Shrinking the Victoria Loan & Savings Co. in. y e Gregory Comm 1 now finance. The att 'ee' s not good to . trust company was held over found it necessary to " on 110.? spirited and . ac was quite "" 'ioiuidera2ion on some other day. . setl-thWas it because Sign"! coun- Doherty' had atolmé'; after six Mr [ . o 6 Gregory Co members in a 011m proceed: , mini 88. When th F selves had been liable a??? ameni- Conservative t,2l1,lgg",',t, up again 1 , _ T t h an)" pected. . on "my be 08'