The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 22 Mar 1923, p. 2

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0T'revolt;' Personal freedom and the" Adolescent School Act'hbd'tbgexn ' toe I . - ressed a conviction that it a , . autonomy are practically un p ff t too soon In the knowga. It is about time to call a brought into e cc o c, state- halt h ' - midst of Hon. Mr. Fergus n B o t e passing of faddiste com C s elman interjected the Duleory legislation." ment Ma." as!" the Drury Gov-5 C To Mr. Casselman's way of think- informs h2d never consulted its fol- ing reform should be sought ernment the roclamation of the' through the home, not. through the lowers nip-ch" led pthe Conservative, Lexielature. Reformers were now tf,,tse','.'htioc' observe that that was not:' I -----.--- attempting "to educate our youth hi conception of the correct course . toward white-collar Jobs at a time to: 8"", Government to follow. Wmt of Patronage on Part when civilization is crying for emci- The "Conservative Leader declared' . . . . . ent workers." himself for e division between rural of Minister in Letting Agriculture was the Province', and urban municipalities in the oper- basic industry, and yet, in the face ation of the act, the measure being Contract of urgent demand for farm workers, one, he said. that was, in some re- ------. t/'f,i,fi""iegpep.t, wash educating the "at... highly desirable in urban cen- l away rom t a farm. "So . , to work hardshi s in , long as secondary education tends t/iei','nadn/UTtts. p GlVEN HIGHEST TENDER toward the academic rather than to- F. Wellington Hay, Liberal Lead- ---r------- ward the vocational secondary edu- or after commending Mr. Casselman Three Conservative legal membe cation is an economic evil. because for his able presentation to the --at w p i" n . it tends to educate our boys and Legislature, thought the Government esters. . H. roe, K.C., Park- girls off the farm." he declared. . would be well advised not to pro- dale; T. H. Lennox. ICC., North Fi'iii';; Principal Grant claim that further section of the act, York, at"! H. Hill, 1twar.--prose- . compelling part-time attendance he, cuted Vigorous and exhaustive ex- Mr. Casselman then turned to tween the ages of 16 and 18 There amination of Government omelto icastigate Principal Grant of Upper but." to he iii; objection hem-id to before the Public Accounts Com- fit/ttfp tf/a1etc',e,viat'd "132:2;an attendance between 11 and 16. ' mittee yesterday morning, relative to: -\ a "' ' , who thought the boy's place was on te'," 1:3: Gran?" tf/g an Tll; t2h1t),t"2Ufecre,',",rltuyit",2dtu.att the farm, were in large measure re- a? 036° rt l rtnet o S fpuhsue Jd mitted was G' at a. 'price ot 23 sponsible for the opposition to the mgasurga arrilngu-nceni if; OIigmgrtani cents is" pair to the 'iidiiiirt" of sev-I Adolescent sF1Choo1 Attendance Act. concession to Mr lla,,',',,),", f,l?f co - oral tenderers - "That is a deliberate libel against} tentions ffis' ,'mP r? mtis tildl As a general wind-u to th in- my calling and a gratuitous insult; read: land, 'ohl'i "I" Tll 1"dl, di 'quiry Mr Price intimated as - gig" 'ttrtherrtwou1jiu',pp,"ncti"tei, school under to/h"'.",,:,']?,,,, (aha?! (hum. iliirft'y that the letting of the £8:- teeth ot any man who makes the 3359.}? ia/duff),""','):,;,,),?:""" e312? tglt,t,ktvt,ht2etnett'i'gHfhtrt Tl?" scurvy implication that farmers are school sections and whose snrviceg' rom ted. b dish o Boon "as tight-wads." he said with heat. The are required m the householder on' iri ? y at e h? n. ' a! question hinged on the financial 'the farm of his parent or guardian ", f 'l'dl' parthteo tg,',' Jd s'ltg,erl ability of the farming community to mo permit being necessary ' l r 0 'l; {M23193 e l n ster bear the expense of the enforcement T l Mr. Brackin Characterized the) came hac t e acgusa't on that of the act and on the imperative 'Minister'g promised amendment as! the W'ole attacklof t fl congenit- ,need that some of the farmer's an abrogation of the not as 'd l olied': t yes T"? the resu t of t eir c agrin 'family stay at home to help work to rural Ontario ca, 'Te . . Pl e i that their political friends had been 'the farm. l L-L-C-rf-LLC,-..--..., I! overlooked. Further. the tendency of the act _ Only two witnemet, were before [was toward the creation of consoli- PROVINCE NOT BEHIND I 'the committee, Deputy Provincial dated schools. The latter were not lSecretary Johns and Deputy Minis- ifeasible in eastern Ontario. Popula- t tor of Highways W. A. McLean. Mr. tion was too sparse and distances 1SSi)infli)li'S WORK Johnd evidence dealt with certain 'too great. The speaker was cog- failures on the part of the company nizant of cases where "little tots" I to make returns in accordance Tl?) were forced to leave home in the i . - . the Companies Act, and with the de-I . early dawn and return home after 'Doherty Denies Ontario Isl livery of the company charter Pi _ sunset in order to attend a consoli- . . hHon. F. C. Biggs by Mr. Semple.i dated school. Co-operating With Col- l private secretary to the Provincial'; . Hon. It. H. Grant, Minitrter ot . . i Secretary. rr Education. interlected to ask if the tmization Body 1 The greater part of the examina-i _ consolidation had not been endorsed ' tion of Mr. Man was as to whati by a majority of the ratepayers. Inanswer to a question asked by immerses": arises: as: Evades Question. i Hon. G. H. Ferguson in the Legis- ighest tenderer. and the explana- ti Pi, Cilssellmiin etpadtedth,t,hti/1,1ler't': ', lature yesterday afternoon, Hon. I tion forthcoming from Messrs. Bigss on ' eclar ng a e "l . and McLean was that the su er- ment had paid no heed to repeated! Manning Doherty, Minister of Agri- 1quality of the steel, the embosging . protests. A similar case had arisen: culture, declared that the Provin- and the design of the Color Type in Prince Edward county. Ninety cial Government had not endorsed offering warranted the purchase. per cent. of the ratepayers wanted: the activities of the Canada Col- At the conclusion of the sitting the to abandon a consolidation. Thee onization Association, and that his committee voted on several resolu- speaker understood the department ' department 'was not co-operating tions by Mr. Price to bring down the i 'Was going to hold the municipality "m? the I, ederal Department of: rin i als t th Canadian Color i. ' t " 0» Agriculture in so far as the land-I p c p o e I to their original intention. That ' ill . . l Type Company and w. H. Btynfleld, {would be absolute, downright pros" zzennogy o,rv'Ttticoonnurulat particular one of the other tenderers. As 211 . pl - C r. . _ . ' I [ :Eitaligigrd of democracy. he ex ' Rising before the orders of the ','ifi,"rue'tsttp/Jkee 0:03? "gifts; 1'???" The speaker then detailed the: eh,g.g,e, catlled, Mr. Ferguson. after . 4mg: 's"/?.%eann/'eud produce invoices sourcgs f"? "khan It (we? guppart. i fri1,1'ih?,',h', adetfgtrgeinmttlli: 1132?; I' showing .the quality of his enamel _ The ounc o e nt e Joun es " . he of Glengarry. Stormont and Dundas Sommgns. inquired asto the correct- tg'g,u'1",'/'cte, 1yeepreottshi1,'rht2,i,, had passed a resolution against en- eggs; 0 'di','.?, of the assertions report- thei b nklb ok p r l forcement ot the act. In addition. Ch o ave been made by Hon. r an o ' ____g ' I he had received similar resolutions F arlet, Stewart, Federal Minister ------------ ' from " other municipal bodies rep- gt. immigration, namely, that the resenting 33 ridings, and letters from 1 I Tv"!? of Ontario was co-operat- many individuals. , inf; With the Dominion Government i "It this Government fails to find ' n aiding the Colonization Associa- a solution for this question. it will lion. I . _ be only one more instance where "In so tar as the general immi-l' urban influence has triumphed over station work is concerned," replied. a Government whose only hope of Mr. Doherty, "this Government is "support lies in the rural districts." h'lif,'.ir'/esttirdr, with the Federal au- ' 2mm Makes Reply. easiest; 22.11.12. "l this Ti I Premier Drury followed with a as I am aware this thring hi: , brief speech, during which he de- never even been consulted Th . nied the compulsory character of the is certainly no connecti .b t ere! _ act, quoting from its clauses to show the Department of I 0in e ween l that individual children could be ex- the Province of Onta fi'),"), gration of i erupted trom attendance at the dis.. ganiiation .; r o and this or-. l cretion of the Attendance Officer. Mr Fiiiiruson tl Statistics Indicated that children who provt'nee's u'ttit ale" "Ruled to the were out ot school between the ages revision of th u e on the proposed . lot 14 and 16, and who were not the Ont . e Banking Act. Had Zeteadily employed, stood excellent ate 5 t ario Government taken .chances of becoming criminals. In for]; J/l 1990""! representation be- . _ :the towns and cities the act was', in C e louse ot Commons Bank- ( 'working well, and the enforcement' El/ho/JP/tS,.',',' he asked. of any law was bound to give rise to l li e Province has not made ap- - criticism from some source. l {:1 cation tor a hearing," answered The member for Dundas, 'con-, r. Doherty. "The Cabinet is con- itinued the Premier, had declared Bidering whether that is desirable that the rural districts did not want but no decision has been reached 'further educational facilities. "But as yet." . what we need on the farm is not less ""-'--'"-"-------------.-., education but more education." said ' ' he. Unless the farmer could bel . . educated out of the peasant class into the yeoman class, the country would ' come to a bad pass. l . . . Came Too Boon? _ .' Hon. G. Howard Ferguson. who V a. took up discussion after the supper _ A' hour. contended for the principle of _ -"

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