_ l t ' l ' . Ferguson Makes Flank " T n Drur He T tack on Doherty's Ferguson e s y New Measure i, Does Not Want to Have . _ " l to "Make Changes Vigorous objection was taken by ' Hon. G. Howard Ferguson. Conser-l Before the orders were called in _ F vatiVe Leader, to the amendment in-i lt: Leslalaéure ,',.",':ti',',",',agr Hdoe': 21.01:; b I erguson. onserva ve ea ' ' 'tmduced yesterday in committee 3;} to ask the Government as to its in- iHon. Manning Doherty. Minister 0 l tentions in regard to filling several ', Agriculture. to his hill, to encourage I important new positions which either _ i'the consolidation of cheese factories.) 'have Pit crfattedbby he: legislatégn T . ro-: _or are a ou o e. mong e te/sdtpy1'.'t'Ca','ruglrer1'y1, "Me 2",.- offices are: Commissioner of Securl~ ( eral. Southeast Toronto. though the , ties, Registrar of the United Pif?h'ir,t elatter said that the Conservative fl!11ftlff.. Toronto and York: Hotels, ' lLeader might be "more concise" in Commissioner, etc. Mr. Ferguson his arguments. . thought a Government about to ap- ', peal to the people should not under- i Appraisers to Advise. i take to fill such important offices, and l The amended clause of thel his plain intimation was that the in-l 'bill provides that the site, plani coming Government, should he be. (and equipment of every fate-i the head, would make changes. f :tory in respect of which a Attorney-General Raney replied in glean is advanced is to be subject to effect that the Government would lthe approval of the Minister. but use its own good Judgment in the ., "in such approval the Minister is to; matter regardless of political exigen- 'he guided by the recommendations. cies, which the Conservative Leader of a Board of Appraisers. which 15 had rather intimated might weigh. to approve the value of the lands, Further. he gave a denial to Oppo- 3the buildings, equipment and good- sition intimations that the present! will on which a loan is to be made.l Attorney-General was billed for one: and is to certify that all reasonable: or other of the posts. and when Mr ( 'ettorts were made for the satistac-i Ferguson facetiously promised that Story adjustment with the small fac-: his Government would not disturb -tory to be displaced. The Board of! the ex-Attorney-General in Giii/i _Appralsers is to consist of the Chief:: Mr. Raney thanked him tor his con l , IDalry Instructor, President of thei slderation but said he would 2! Eastern Ontario J'g.int'g,',e/0.' Associaq need it. , no I ,tiort----or the Western ntario airy-i In a t " t , men's Association, as the case may; guson cilia? 56351216131! Mr'.,F';r';' hc--and the President of the com-l timation '01.," v'sitin drainer, m'i patty applying for the loan. l hotelmen l FO " " tr "New" Of; , _ . ' ' . I, ast Saturday that tttev: Mr. F"tuutuson's objections "eiel should "lobby" Hou ' I that the President of the company, ensure action alon ts? members .tol seeking a loan was on the Board ofi Hotels Committ g1 te lines of the' 'Appraisers: that the man whosei itTiiiiG suggestimee' t was l? "Halli-f business was being sold was de-l Premier he de'l on dthe .Dart of the Driver] of the right to select an ar-l tion Hon M C ag",'. , and. in addi-l bitrator. He argued for proper 'have iiiiiiiiat' r. 1l,1fy.. gaouid not compensation for the man who was struction" ed "WWW" of "ob.. .replaced. and maintained that the) Oppositi on the estimates by the) Province would not be properly pro- I a on. l -tected if one of the appraisers was: -------- I ,the President of the company ask- ing for the loan. ( Borrower Ta1uator? ', Mr. Curry objected also that the -" fproposed act was allowing a man lappyling for a loan to be a 3valuat0r on the value of . (the land on which he was ap- . plying for a, loan. The Minister's argument was that the loan would be made on the cost of the plant. and the equipment for which vouch- _ ers would be produced, and that the President ot the company applying was a man representing those Peo- ple who were going to pay for the plant, and who, consequently. would jnot be inclined to spend money un- I,v,ecessarii.v. Mr. Ferguson declared (that "you'll he here for a long . time" if Mr. Doherty persisted in ' putting through such an amend- ment. and at one stage appealed to the Attorney-General if his inter- pretation of the amendment was not (t correct. -, No decision was arrived at when i the committee rose.