The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 27 Apr 1923, p. 2

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W'"'"' V 't - I ftiie OBSERN E) [d -aliii'1 ru" I, , H. 1lllitt '.' " .7 C _ gltliiI 'l2llliIl , r. BlliiNillll',l t' Miirlttl . ~ IN use . PA K - IlllX Ji'tiiliiigllill .. 7 T N . ',,,,dllllgli'illi KP. Itlerlr, Lee, .. ll , warms; gram tgvigentg' in". 'ti, "mfg; Ami..." slang m,.-.-..---.-:--------------------------------- l e ran B' roa en ng- o us much ab / " . out policy. but the great gulf fixed phrase, Andy Hicks has spilled the azuliggymcemd I',',',', te Jri"htd between him and J. J. Morrison has beans again. The former Wh p noticeable last night that no l e F, been at least temporarily bridged. says the Premier at one time pro- 'bers were very keen to stak em- That is the conclusion reached by posed to make R. J. Fleming of To- ', edit on the resum tio e in? F most followers of politics after hear- ronto, Provincial Treasurer; Mr. 0200 more sale p would, b n t t at E ins the results of the conferences. N. W. Rowell. 'Gio/ner-Genera), or ' i . It 'dl'l'T,ollfllll 'l :rth' I between the U.P.O. Executive and give him some other post, and Mr (fl',') 'll; t e n e'iecti on ht at a ' l the Premier and Hon. Manning) William Hearst. Provincial Secre- 9:" a" ta, ki ll lui', t pro- Doherty. Mr. Drury has promised, 3 tary. These tentative propositions. gidetqu e ii ts) gig " n or cane lin- the event of returning with a Mr. Hicks says, were aired last 'ii, ass see ng o ea or the iirgt " l Winfl'éty group. to consult with the I summer. and at time. as fs'Jf,"iil"i t me. '6 so e candidates, the de e e c n- vs. Mr. em "g was s Dren rind. "iiijiiiiii'is and the i,,12,',,t'vt"g't {the 9:91;]; slr/el'?,',;,')'," and Mann as_Man- "The lingo yesterday went _ L.F.0. and affiliated organizations agar of the Toronto Street Railway. through another of those dreary ' and "accept the wishes of tho com On several previous occasions Mr. rinds so essential to law-mam . ference as a guide to his future Hicks' charges have turned out to flo"Jh"tCtdi'n'I' the general and course." i be more or Ietrts duds, and some mass of debate the galleries rem": - The quotations are from an offic- ', amusement was caused among the ed almost crowded because pet? li' lei. statement from the U.F.O.. legislators last night by this latest think some excitement may brepk' which also contains the text of a explosion, because any revelation ot out at any time The memb a l resolution claiming that represen- party plans is always a political however are may; intent on an??? tation for agriculture in the Legisr explosion. Many U.F.O. members ing business b next Wednesd lature is as vitally necessary now as. were plainly angry with the ex- Thursday thany on creatin :5th . it was in 1919, and the use. also Whip. They stated emphatically idebates The Le i m 'ui',' fat , state their belief in the preservation that a denial would be forthcoming . tt s lire as ad {of a strong Farmers' repretsenta-l right away. However. other mem- 'gt,e,ru1l,t'2t"aeArt,1Ce,e,',72,t E (tion. i bers wondered what chance Hydro posed to add anythin to are? f; l, It was known several days ago' and public ownership would have historical three o l area y [that determined efforts were being had it such a proposition had been 1 Election "mugs 'lh"/'u, l tttti made to effect a reconciliation be-' carried through. italic of Mr So and So havi: it we, - tween the Premier and Mr. Morri- In all probability this latest lo sitio . t l g romr Bon. Political disaster was prophe- "charge by Mr. Hicks will end his f 590m 'li/lf none tt ati.onetugion- tried unlegt, the warring elements chances of coming back as a U.F.O. 'l'i"ru'ltlor, 1'Sdt't,oJt"tg", given got together, because the Farmer . member " Premier Drury continues tension which will 'ld i e general it? I'aulfm1,'re, /e,1ibtte'.twt,t', Dr':ry'- to lead that party. election day draws (ieian/'ret"lfo,t1 orr son ea. n, oo, , , . t . the decisions reached at the gig Lib- I, Capt. hamsdens Opponent. . the u.rr.o. much uncertainty pro-i eral gatherings on Wednesday had " Capt. Jack Ramsden (Liberal. ivailed until last night, as it was not. 'their effect. Plenty of shrewd (seat um southwes.t.Tor1tte) will {known how the conferences be? .U.F.O. politicians had been con- {have to face opposition from Con- itween the Premier and the U.F.O. Vinced that arrangements could be itroller Singer at the party conven- ;Executive would terminate. Hardly T 'made in many ridings whereby ltlon, the Controller having abruptly i had that matter been settled before Ithere would be no Liberal candi- i'intimated his political ambitions. 'the newest Andy Hicks incident, idates. The Liberals' conclusion to' 3F€W Liberal members have been so (with its many political possibilities, run candidates in all 111 ridings, It .assiduous in their attendance upon 1 was thrust into the limelight. all of possible, dashed these U.F.O. hopes 'public duties as Capt. Ramsden. IWMCh kept the Agrarian members of compromises and saw-offs. Their 2Even though suffering acutely last in a sort of turmoil. only way out was to make the Pre- (winter as the result of war wounds. There is no doubt that the Con- lmier and J. J. join hands across {he hardly missed a, day, and took servatives, too, are tseriously per- the chasm. and this has been accom- 'an active and intelligent part in turbed over the wet planks being inlished. ' 'House debates and in committees. advanced by some of their fellow- (Some Fog Cleared Away. iHis speech on the Budget. while ers and prospective nominees. Of The renewal of l? F O friendshi {brief, was one of the most construc- late some Conservatives have been clears away a little. more of 'tlf,', itive the House listened to. Capt. hearing that the electors will surely political fog which is still thicker iRamsden loyally stuck to the Lib- {hammer that party hard if the wet than any which has heretofore !eral platform, and has always help- Jelement is allowed much more rope. , settled over Ontario The two older led to advance legislation in that 'The Conservatives are tar tromi parties Liberals GG Conservatives ldirection. Why the Liberals of .beins the happy family which en-l now know exactly whom they are iSouthwest Toronto should want to tered the session. 1 l righting which Mter all is the ireplace him with Controller Singer _ ---------------- 2 important GTG in all elections l HS beyond the comprehension oi . t "ie6 - I . Queen's Park. It is recognized. of But the question is being asked, . Will Premier Drury remain tied to! 'course. that I!" Singer has a strong " u , following in Southwest Toronto, hut the chariot of J. J. and the other t U.F'.O. leaders who use the offices [his Liberalism has not yet reached: in George street? Mr. Drury has the standard set by Capt. Rams-den . ever been of an independent frame during the latter B four .years .ot of mind, and in the excitement of F public life at home and his SGl'ViCe! - speaking he is liable to forget all overseas. i, agreements, arrangements, bar- Will They Get a Bonutf? i . . gains or anything else in his zeal to! Naturally, most members of thei, $12588: hlstlogienice ale his going, Legislature think another bonus . e n, ueens ar': . ', ifeel that Premier Drury is just asi I,',',,',',',',,",),',', tbt/i,og,e,uelr,,t'eTrc, $138683; 1 sincere in broadening out as he was! i in addition to the $1,400 indemnity. l - 133.0%]? J.n1d'nriJ.21,1eeerf :33 iut,) gut tliast session was ot 81 days" . F . . . F lei ura o . t |chances are he will say so. in? 'Ahl Mn wtfrt/nagrU",,1 '"11',t',d'e/, _ other words, the general impression ', years the length of the 'iet,iiisn . 9?? is that the reconciliation will be of 1921, 64 days; 1920 66 da Bl I??? _ short duration; it will be a miracle 37 days; 191.8 33 'days' 3i917 3 'I: [if it lasts until election time. One days, and ii/d 36 da , 9) can easily picture the Premier on art Whi . ' . ys. The the stump making one of his f p y Ts were sent to sound out, one 'ocular references which am- the Premier yesterday concerning' understood by those who hear their: mm 1tufrcitlott None ot' the Whips 'but which look quite different in l cold print the next day. The same . g thing has happened many times be- t fore, and possibly may happen again . in a few weeks. . _ In any event Ontario goes into _ ' the fight with four distinct parties: Liberals, Conservatives, U.F.0. and Labor. To that extent the air is cleared. _

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