The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 28 Apr 1923, p. 2

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i - k l . _ , r 'W I T fi. at .1, _ lation to obviate that denser. Mg- e _ BR/gl', ilM T _. Fi . Mathews said the department "at I) ' f; F,i,'dlllll F2 t investigated suspicious cases. but, , A lrllll "it 1lNI!!tl, owing to inability to trace unread: 9 lli1lli (l Jti'i, Win. l , _ tored bondsr no action had resultek. "BEN s ARIN gillit) -. 3. = AEI, 2/. I - H. H. f'.T/"li, as; igiiiiltotochf' IN LGi'attL/iar'ri s", an! I up with A. J. a ' the Workmen's Compensation . tsacriflce any of the prim. Board. and Statistician Wang's} It is a poor day which does not $1052: a; which they stood." I I mm relating to Rt, 2tr'"1"u'f,"ll?nel add to or subtract from the com- On April 26, according to ~theI payments.' Mr. 1 :0: $800,000 to f th Ontario political situ- U.P.O. statement, the Premier 2,ei,,t"',tgf/t'io1url'o""t'rd penslogl If; Dignity o Following the reported undertook to accept the (wings; at t e In a o . t l. . . ' 'rirsitt,2"t1di1rs1lioc,1ou"1T;ettr. Deal-I bridging of the chasm between 2u, g.ye2/dilte Jhrp1 candi- ' ing with rate f?"a'reht'e,. gifting Premier Drury and J. J. Morrison, dates, and the U.F.O. executives) since feto,.tipmytgvwteffifia') with I or perups, more properly tres "as a guide of his future course. was no - - ' urren themhand could not speak concern 'M,' rt,e,,nt'/,.n1"te,ar'irr'.' Morrison's Call It a Swift Curve. ll ing t em. d Dean), . atement trom d the crisp comment genera y; ' [, ,ifrrog,de-teeerti,rhrat1t/',rina/"/r'nd't.ei.'t11/ 'fr,'.'.'",'),'.',',',','," $302152? Sheet that the "$52.; is that Mr. Drury has takenI 3h; time rates wtre not ""9223 EEO. Exeetttive'tt intention to sup- a swift curve. I by $brt actuary as m lite insure port U.F.O. candidates "is exceed- "The most _itnp1rP,r,1t. phase _oatl concerns. ingly gratifying" to him. the whole thing to me, commented e-------'------""-""'"" Those students of politics who one member. Twas that the PremierI fl__ always read between itllllegines 3111111; and his 2ttfg _l'"id.ii',.tC' _ in fiehtw eenre wentto r. orr . ._._,_. (MEDICAL AMENDMENT I 2Lif'dl"g, 'JI', U.F.O. ottieialt, fl,',', Secretary did nolti ffl tof the IEre-I i . . - Gear 6 street, and that Prem er mier. The humi at on or a re i : G"'P1l'1te1 READING 'rr,'.erg will in". nitrates: Q min. "i, "33%.? desires; . . . I e I . I Furat reading was We" .ve'terdati . 'ttewitl'dttge,'.t o Seveyra-l U.F.O. , t1fiulhgfha't"i'tr'l of losing office." , I to the Government measure to; members, with an experience born Itions heard, those and many others: I amend the Ontario Medical Act, in- ot many campaigns. have repeated- I tions heard. those and many others,: , troduced into the Legislature by .ly stated that Mr. Drury 1tyr.ktllditetl couched in more bitter {an-I Premier Drury. He explained that political sagacity. They give htmIguage, a number of them doubtless . the bin had been drawn up after credit for wonderful administrative utterly unjustified. During theI I consultation, and that it met the and platform oratorical ability. butInext few weeks, or perhaps dare, 1 approval of osteopaths and chiro- they claim he does not know how to the Premier is almost sure to make! I practors. though not all of' the latter. run elections, nor does he possess I further explanations, which, it they I F. Wellington Hay, Libtrval Leader,'; an intimate acquaintance with the do not add fuel to the flames, in : Ieferredb'o a 11teeor, "ttTit"',),, to "ch inner mysteries of obtaining votes. any event will be heard with in- , Mess y an os eopat protesting owl- i, ug.ainst we proposed att.. The Pre- 33:3 J'd't"1',df,'." divas??? Mr. ttgreat. mwr said that the writer had not F r uson is tar superior to Mr. The Financial Question. il,'":),",.,"-)?',','),,?,'; age; ttlt ii'i1t2)i11,1e1"1y 'Dguf'y in this respect. and conse-l It is increasingly evident that rr/f/CV/air/is'. Hem; iEiiriiiirva, lquently they rejoice that the ca-m-Iboth the old parties 1i,1,Rtrt','ttT. . rive. East York) said that the bill ii,iiijir,i. direction "El" 1): indwhatIIheii; ':, tt,if1l'y1'i,,t.iht, 'te,"',',?,',',','),',) 2.13;)?" . .. ,Trrr-T.-- 7 M. r a B. I a h . I :ignedbvfofltael Tith dial Ofsh'gtflctith-I €1,173? his, fitl'l it). Drillry himseligit the Public Accounts Committee The bill. he thought? Should have Iis glad to get rid ot the drudgeryiyesterday many facts regarding ' been brought in sooner. land details of campaign 'ii'pt'(i).l-ri,'iel1'. Peter Smiths various bon 7 The amendment defines anew who 'ment, and in that respect. the issues were brought out. The Oppo- srhali be deemed qualified to Wat" U.F.O. Executive's resolution s'v"i'i)'iiii','iis,, may not be able to pin the tlce, and provides that any ostm- etexceedmmy gratifying." Government down to any scan- l path. chiropractor or drugless i ldalous expenditure-using the healer new practicing shall be ul- iMay Be Merely a Truce. Iword scandalous in the ordinary 3:921:10 'éommum The full If"; cf I It Messrs. Drurrand _Morrit'trrtlporiticth Bentge---ttut they will be I . The G101: gait-alwgs pzbysle in it) 1h.1"', together again, no person seems I able to show how money could have come into effect on ?rl'Cy"l,' 1953. to regard the reconciliation as any-i been saved by more prudent and ------L-UuLT."-2' - . thing more than a truce, a patched-I businesslike financing. Govern- up affair, in which the participants i ment speakers must be prepared to I consider themselves lucky it it lasts I face an avalanche ot questions re- , until after the election. In his. garding bond issues as soon as the l _ [statement Mr. Drury again points;iin1iiii'gri opens, just as the Con- . out that there have been differences , servatives may expect bitter attacks ot opinion. He does not add that on their Leader over his timber ad-I 511911 differences have been over- ministration. and still more pointed; , L". come, and the public will likely inquiries regarding his liquor, _ Igonclude the f,.if/'pngg hill exist, ) policy. I ut are temporari y roppe as in- . ' convenient campaign impediments I Mow Progress Made. I in the House yesterday the Extraordinarily slow progress Imier looked as worried as duringlwas made in the House yesterday . the redistribution fiasco a week ago. I with Hon. Beulah Bowman's esti- F IThe sole pleasure he seemed toImates for the Forests and Lands . have was when one of the Liberal Department. The Conservative gin- members, Joseph Henri Marceau, ger group, led by Col. Currie, swung . . came to the rescue ot the Govern- into action, in the absence of Mr. ment and had a sharp duel with Ferguson. They had scores ot Col. J. A. Currie. However, foriquestions with which to worry Hon. ' some time many members have l Beulah, but the latter received help {been expecting some sort of ar-It'rom an unexpected quarter. J. H. rangement between the U.F.O. l, Marceau (Liberal, Nipissing) told leaders. "It was just like two meniCol. Currie that two or three times rocking a boat," one of them ex-imore work on colonization roads plained. "Sooner or later theyl was being done than under the . were bound to understand, that un- I previous Administration. Four: less one or both quit the rockingiyears ago, said Mr. Marceau, good: one or two drownings would oeeur." I Tories got the Job, and the coloni-I The statement of the Premier " _ zation road money was squandered: Milton two weeks ago today sounds I Under this Government they got; .' strange in the light of the state-vmore and better roads in three i lmerit given out Thursday from I years than under the old Adminis- ; U.P.O. headquarters, On April 14itration in fifteen years. Mr. Mar- Mr. Drury told his Halton constitu-Iqeau has a loud voice. and he speaks cuts that, if he and his to11owerslivith such extraordinary rapidityI should tro back as a- minority that Col. Currie hardly had a; ; ' group, and he found men in the chance. It was highly exciting I House who, not with bribes ot while it lasted, also a great help I position, but from honesty ot con-ito Hon. Beulah, while Hon. George b g,',tepd'tvtty, Liberals or be they Henry, from the Conservative'; support his; "guild be willing to benches, waved his hands andI hi H ' e would advise shouted, "La bonne entente," at the . . 'ld' onOr that he could form aIsight ot as good a Liberal as Mr. I overnment to carry on, but he Marceau aiding the Farmers. a: . i saw

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