The ConseWWative blockade of pro-- portional re sentation and single transferable te, the scrapping of redistributio long with electoral reform, and Mhe Hicks charges of unfaithfulnes to ~party -- levelled Many Iimportant Measures Sacrificed to Effect Elec-- tion June--Blue Sky Law &nd Anti--handbook Bills Among Outstand-- ing Items Carried During Protracted Session SNAP?' CAMPAIGN IN NEXT SIX WEEKS The f@urth sitting of the fifteenth Legislatuike of Ontario concluded its bu@iness isittings at 10.18 last night. Prorogatijon ceremonies will take place on¥ Tuesday next. After sing-- ing "Go® Save the King," and ren-- dering ree hearty cheers for Speaker Parliament, members dis-- persed f their various ridings, where, after a week's rest, they will plunge irmflo an arduous six weekse' election cBmpaign. The H e sat 70 working days this session, as compared with 81 working ys last year, and had over 200 bills presented for consid-- eration, a.vkx'ge percentage of which, however, re jottisoned in the last-- minute rug necessary to stage the June election, which is now a cer-- tainty. £ Blue Sky and Handbook Bills. BILLS JETTISONED TO WIND UP HOUSE AND GO TO PEOPLE x of Present Members Will Not Come Back, Othérs May Be "Left at Home" -- Three Party Leaders Are _ Laying Claim to Premiership in Next Legislature on id [A No Government prediction has been made as to the likely strength , of its following in the new Legisla-- ture, but there have 'been ventures of opinion from Liberal and Con-- servative authorities, The "modest claim" of Conservatives best inform-- ed is 60 seats, and Liberal authority has claimed for Mr. Hay at least 55 seats in the next election. Their total estimate, of course, is four more seats than there are at present in 'the Legislature, and would exclude 1the T.F.O. and Labor members from 'any representation whatever; so it is ia fair assumption that they are optimistic, to say the least. With election a brief six or seven weeks away, every House member seeking re--eaection is precipitated with short rest into an immediate campaign, Six members at least will not seek re--election in the coming campaign, hhving signified their in-- tention of retiring. They are: J. W. Curry, K.C., Liberal member for Southeast Toronto; D. Hogarth, Con-- servative member for Port Arthur; On the eve of celection all parties express confldence in their respective success at the polis, with the Gov-- ernment making the least noise. Al-- though Cabinet Ministers have re-- peatedly professed to welcomse the verdict of the people upon their record, the whole party seems to lack the enthusiasm and the will to win evidenced by F. Wellington Hay and his Liberal followers or of Hon. G. H. Ferguson and the Conservative group. against Premier Drury, featured the session ijust. closed. These three items of Legislative business will likely furnish a background for 50 per cent. of the election material with which Ontario will} be deluged from now until June 18 or June 25. Not in many sessions has a party staged an open blockade, but Mr. Ferguson's strongly worded justifi-- cation of it included the declaration that P.R. and S.T.V.--the object of the blockade--meant the "ham-- stringing of the Tory party." T. Magladery, Conservative member for Timiskaming; W. Allen, Con-- servative member for West Simcose; H. Hill, Conservative member for Ottawa; K. 8. Stover, Liberal mem-- ber for Algoma. R. A,. Fowler, Con-- servative member for Lennox, died recently, and a motion was passed yesterday to pay his indemnity to his widow. SATCWAY. =2>_ MAY Mr. Ferguson almost lost his usual good humor in the warmth of his ' declaration that such an answer would not for one minute go down | with him. He protested--and H. H. Dewart, K.C., joined him--that, while 'information covering the period prior to October 31 might be obtain-- able in Public Accounts, the period since then was not. Mr. Ferguson sought an undertaking that the an-- | swer would be provided after the House rose, and the Attorney--Gen-- ! eral responded: "I will give an ap-- l propriate answer." | "You Will Give It!" TURBULENT TLTY _ MARK LAST HOURS OF DRURY REGINE Mr. Raney said that tion meant what Mr. F interpreted it to mea "camouflage'" aquestion, no objection to givin1g PE RUAE C o AMWeg eE es n M oooigicg 2e Mr. Raney said that if the quos~ tion meant what Mr. Ferguson now interpreted it to mean it was 2A "camouflage" question, but he saw no objection to giving the answer as he now understood the question from the Conservative Leader, Premier Effects Solution. "Well," said Mr,. Ferguson, WWe will go a little further--" Mr. Raney--Yes, We will just 30 on a little further and I will quit. Mr. Ferguson--I want fair treat-- ment from the Attorney-General. I had one experience, and that is what warned me. He was to bring down & return after the House ross. and he hedged and quibbled and evaded in every way-- + Mr. Raney--The honorable mem heu io urarime something that i !':'t Mr. Raney-- ber is stating ©® true, and that true. Ferguson and Raney Leap f Into Fray Over Inquiry Mr. Raney "sat tight." and Air. Ferguson vigorously prosecuted his demand, exclaiming at one point that a proper ansgwer must be forth-- coming, "because," he said, "I can make you, Mr. Attorney-'Ge?eral." ' tabdais® «o ede y y\ P BB ; 0 0 07 t3 UCe Premier DPrury finally geclit controversy by redrafting the tion on the floor of the House. PREMIER POURS OUT OIL In one burst of speed in yester-- day afternoon's session of the Legis. lature the House cleaned up all the remaining questions on the order paper, some of the answers being read, others tabled, and still other replies promised in the way of a re-- turn. Mr. Ferguson--And you won't 8@ away with that, tither. I know what you will do. You will give the information, down to & day, much bietore that upon which the House riges. The order was preceded, however, by one of the warmest little passages of <the session, between Hon. G. Howard Ferguson and Attorney-- General W. E. Raney, who, answer-- ing a question as to how many law-- yers had been employed by the Gov-- ernment, and what was owing, rather curtly replied that the in-- formation was obtainable in Public Accounts. 1923 _ he knows to ; seitled the i# the ques be not h