2+ j .{.L 93"3 L"(-':{ a_"-"_ { '//'-":, 6 : lke oi -- m tee (remeaents ) # * * t Was Winking Headpiece | FOND OF WR ANGL]NG 3 i i for Wets' Benefit, Says \ y Sam Clarke L AIR NEY | mercescastae | Compared -- with previous lively Wal'm |ntel'0hange Of WOl'dS sittings of the week, the Legislature Between Doherty and iragged somewhat yesterday. Sam * Clarke, Liberal inember for West Liberal Leader Northum berland, contributed a l w________ _iz l e | characteristically witty speech in IKENT SPEECH RECALLED' the debate on -- the -- Address, ! | followed by the conqueror of 4 | o $ y ses-- Wellington Hay: in North Perth, %sml;or':{w I;irst\:th;;;cc}:irrlngxtge <t:ei I. D. 'Monteith, _ Conservative; » s S N: _ Pites | ind W. E. N. Sinclair, K.C., arose !;Lb::alog::f:;ger&e;ed Pl:;;)r:!:i:iss T est Hon. A before the order's to Pro. 't him 'positlon when he arose to a question Manning Doherty's reference to 5f privilege yesterday and read ACr f as "in the position of a man Who leged public remarks of Hon. Man-- takes things that belong to others. '\ ning Doherty in reference to him-- 'Pays Respect to Doherty. ; I self. .. _Mr. Clarke advised the Progressive Sinclair's Interpretation. igroup not to chafe in the position in Reading from a report of Mr. Do.-- which they had now been placed ; herty's speech before the Fysh his lengthy experience, he seid, wfis Farmers' Club, in Mr. Doherty's con-- 'that one must take things in rtx y stituency of East Kent, Mr. Sinclair Legislature pretty much . as thes interpreted the reported _ remark, were meted out. And Mr. Clarke did «"The Liberal Leader would then be not for a moment concede that be; in the position of a man who takes 'cause '"an infant was born in 12,1'0 things that belong to others," _ as and 'hved' tor four. --YPals had meaning that the Liberal Leader was historic Liberal party, which ah "a thief.'"' No man, said Mr. Sinclair governed the Province ably th;ouge | had ever before classed him in tha! 30 years of prosperity, should be re-- i category, and he felt sorry that Mr qui::td tod§2¥aeri:egco€hdatp1:;% it not| Doherty should feel so sorely hi: + 4 er s # been for the U.bF. 1O. in ti't(;e 1119\}: '. a%;i;lon as to resort to such sugges election the TAiberals wou a | Altho Mr. Dohert declared won the election hands down, Mrfl that "t}?ig?" wa..s Mc;'. Sig.cla.ir's owr Clarke said that the Government 0 | Interpretation of 'his ;.words, f6! 10 pipradinemaen t co'mpulsg)en' which he was not responsible, the yfo continate .A thIx:%-pa.rt% s"t):;r(; .in:| Liberal Leader said he was prepare? cause a U.F.O.-- or ALOHP or to let the reported statement stand stituted. one. HMe criticized as '"un for its own interpretation sportsmanlike'" the attitude of form. . er Attorney--Géeneral Raney that he In Clutch of Circumstances. was willing to wipe out all Opposi-- '"The position which I hold in this tion Leaders' salaries bec's'mse our House," he sald, "is not a position Leader is not getting one. which has been sought by me. It is Premier's "Winking Hat." t a position which has been forced After complimenting thed vd"ri:iy:xs ggg\ne;;lei:}; 1(;1;;::11!'?;;3{1'102%6 Tt}}:i?erci e ns ut +4 .hag . Pdvich ue Mr. Farmers, in convention, decided they 'g;' Clart';,;,td%?a;;Je r&'{g'%e;'t' the,i were out of politics. It was follow-- o on hi he held ofi in ed by the unequivocal statements of yas in Ni WNeh Helt Pe President W. A. Amos and of J. J. the Government. Following the in-- Morrison that they were out of poli-- se ien es yeeer cA tat 0 |(5he Mmecemfclel opportion [n, th e » 4 * * & gfi:lr(nem::m tt'iv\:re ywas not, in his House other than the Liberal % » ig . , 9+# gfig}gn. '18"11?'}:"mge.;(t)igl::tri.oxji2 e:!r;gy :h%x\s:'. lpa{;) the declared principle of the . t Mr. Raney had to Farmer group had been carried out fapioy a ltha of people "that were ----to work in the best interests of :,:pa]:{'e?s?' l f the Province--the House would Mr Cla.rke declared to the Prime have had some constructive discus-- Minister that the liquor people of | sion during the week, Mr. Sinclair the Province knew that '"they had isaid. instead of the wrangling over not a thing to get from the former 'a technicality. | Government. I believ;ali the¥ alsg; \Rulilng Not Ready. i T sam 3:1? g'uar?ohso?ve:r x;xg;:re,(:' 8he Mr. Doherty followed up the brief, f%':;:fl ving his arm toward the passage by asking the Speaker if he}| C 1 w:m genches He caused were now prepared to give a ruling s ome am 1 * describing the on the famous petition presented by, To t e es s ce wo T o a the Progressives, but Hon \Ir' T me fl& Premlteir wor_en whoegxp(;?u},en Thompson said he _ was not n'o";i he nservatives i 4 s twhlch now he had discarded. He ;'f;gr};ug:t would take it into con-- gmtndh:i::')doutargngdealiggiigei.Of;g: J. A. Currie, Southeast Toronto, P:'e'mle»r had thousands of people in thought Mr. Doherty should make} the Province looking to him to give public apology for the remarks reudi drastic measures of relief on the |to the House by Mr. Sinclair. | O.T.A., he said. The Premier, he mesomun«ommenconc uts mimtertsfamaszens | | said, in his shrewdness and sagacity, did not do much but wink. Monteith's Bouquets. ° S J. D. Monteith complimented Mr. Speaker, an'd eulogized the efforts of Premier Ferguson and his Cabi-- net thus far in their reign of power. Referring briefly to the dispute as to * |the Progressive leadership,. he said | that although the Progressives were : '__| the product of the soil it was the -- ha'-mefl' themselves who had largely -- Aowh ----'helped to vote them out of office, | M