¥N¥ed. feb. 207 "* s * I e e +we 2 { *netnnntniefrmemimmmernnenfiiresiithins en ce icontons osnierit ies e aaaalini en eatnnmcwediien.. 4 | § \( 6 ty | U. F. 0. Leader Declare ' # 9 * + " e _ Price's Deficit is "Simply 99 Bookkeeping 1 66 19 ' 1 NONSENSE," ADDS DRUR | "It is ridiculous," declared Hon Manning Doherty, Progressive Lead: er in the Legislature and forme: Minister of Agriculture, in brie{ comment last night upon Provincia Treasurer Price's accusation -- of $15,000,000 deficit in the final year' operations of the former Govern ment. "It is simply bookkeeping andi .juggling." he added. Mr. Doherty said that he wouldé reserve a more detailed reply unti a later occasion in the Legislature He had not as yet had opportunity of going into the figures and calcula-- tions presented yesterday by the ; Treasurer. | _ --Former Premier E. C. Drury was equally emphatic in his comment |"Absolute, arrant nonsense," he de: iclared. "I am absolutely unable tc see 'how they could arrive at any such an astounding and ridiculous \ statement. Not even a wholesale switching of capital expenditures into |the current column could provide \any basis for such a charge." | Mr. Drury also denied that the \Government had lost large sums in | exchange in connection with the is-- 'suance of Treasury bills, and stuck to statements formerly made in the Legislature that the succession duty-- free bonds should never have been is-- sued, that they had cost the Province large sums in revenues.