--r' j B [R --_--_A* l'\\'f'aaq Metch éfk SAYS LIBERAL CH A Govcrn e / IEF The iAveral Lea 4 sead X ment Is Re'POIuible na{',\':ecT;?r Ferguson--Under » ?S" :121 favor of "heprl;'r?)'gilr\ure(' es: and Should Say What 1i se c oo hi ho thud 8e | |bur cent, share § fhe counties 20 P a first op ort o * ut, as this i l vir ux e . *e o the cos 8 . 4 ro £ o ho overni that has ' mine! (rRoitter's Tetumar of U st of Pro-- 0 r"f s in Place of the -- FWWK *hsmer it has is been given | |ly The hard.pres of this Ronecsaon : F er it has th . e | _ the hard--press ilils conceskl o c3 Declare' S. s of this House or not the confidence | might well l,('! fiq'"d _rural taxpu\f:,n. !'n E" o Inclair am forced to d=ec1i2 , I am afraid 1 | ol reconsidered. ayel ective Speech on friend's suggestion. -- kieie T Rioferinetene noane x | | leferences ithi; the Ontario Budget itkle and Ttaney"PAInkt. | |acting as a se Ond mmahouses" watamiate Announcement 0o | | Ontario's money & >' to take Old M: g!reet d s n O'f 'the voi | | f ney away fr()n A Man VOTE sree ed with loud Conserv oie was | | a urther general cc 1i him, and IS 70 TO 23 ;'h"m"m& and canse,;?a'.'"'"e desk -- | 'ithe financial policv';t'd?rlwnation of IN p?}afnd announced half'twe Whip| [ the regime of Uhs iat':ltlwaed during FIRST DIVIS \"i";:' among them lHHo a -- Gozen | | ernment. characterize .F.0O. Gov-- Anlructdins ION Nickle and Raney, and n. _ Messrs. | | of the Provincial zed the speech Fe BQ:?]; and Mr. Fe'nt'On Sir Adam | W H. Price Kéfl Al'\'"\*'_iasu'-m.' Hon rgus he wind--up of the j of 'blind pigs' at e have heard rguson Warns His Fol . ong dipt on t ie Pratnet drtibt | |fhert n e t i e « * * eade he ILin. || { where & nce, UsSt owers Agat 6« Treas der and from Prov 1AD-- '"he\(; shady transactio to indicate A nst "Subtle "= urer Price, both of whi i/ were! | place," Mr, Price dec fone can take mendment," stened to with rapt al ich were| jring to the e aane . on of ouaces. Th erits W h ic h crowded House and 8&11?13"0" by a 'Sion'dllt\'-fl;('(' )'ur;n;g in . of suctes-- Bu t§: ently, we hay »onds. _ "Now, appar it * Proceed to Kill-- inhihg emall Htems Bad. Sn the purpost a yind bond house L(ber l The Liberal L | y | ti purpose of dealing in sec y4 * a § and P Provi C $ ) Leader plung 6 1e8 of the Province n securi-- Sive S rogres-- 'ion' ltl;wcmrl lfln'ances with 'heéfi:c";mo | advantagcous I'n'i('pk'oattl a.F?mgL m § ; es hat the Provi al ~ iara-- | Replyi ie Province." tand TOgether as he intimated to tnhcé"l;l Treasurer, | addr('-)slgel:g .;(»ttpgor"'-'&l"y io all the s h wl w on en e metee s revege 3101"1zls'ti-:u-te a new syst ouse, .must' lsin('("t'}](n which have been mz;d(' Facing its A ns small --items \':""em of "Dulk-i c ce TNE DN\\'('_)'H;{UHr; of hi;: B e guson G rst real test. the F accounts. -- He 1):5 in the public (Pa_lmmg a $15,000,000 defi ')udgm i vote overnment was sustai er-- 'hat it would h~ia£§fii§'ffl _to show | :"fH{ro f'?"" first with the (;*]t(jq)lr. R of 70 to 23 in th .ned by Bric Armour, K.C., T acts as that | (|c 0w it was possible for t o cengZ yEstEerday. Liber 6 Legislature Attorney, ait'houé}{ ;oronto Crown | 1'1an'3_nt to have an $18,000 m',' Gov-- voted solidly aga_'als and Progressives 37.'500. had his $20 L;:'W é'em?»ipt of | ';i:?gfill Tz'md a deficit i i'li(f') bank x + & { + | ne. > ' e same and the fo inst the Government );at;d by the Government; 1ho?e1} fee |. |came fr he observation, no do 'll . Deheh rces behind the T ' r orney--General Raney h ?:i former | i > from the fact that the ced s nehes maintained a un reasury m paid by the overnn is $20 || D receip did not understand fikt / all of iA vote was upon th ited Tront. bm)unt which Mr. Raney s ment, an| |; eipts of every kind, whethe at all s . Belanger, Li e amendm e refunded:; that P y said would | al or ordinary, go i o vve r capi-- Pres ger, Lib ent t at Pre \| , go into cor scott, whi eral member cook $12,000 5s L j mier Drury| revenue, while : consolidated ich read r for declari salary last ye ¥ | 'f 4 ile all money borr In -- view as-- follows: aring that $9,000 was year, after | or capital purposes goes i rowed expend it of the increasi any man, and that $4 s enough for | | same fund. es goes into the tne Ob'li Ure' neCeS"ry t eamng Davi'd ()ut b\- 1}]6 é '000 hgad beP'n' ! "\\'}]pl' t.nl 'r. r this Hog:lmns of the Pf:ovr.neet fa'{? for i~ts~emp1.oyeoe';ernmem s cary ft""" there has h("s;«",lrar announces se urge ince, \MUr. Si 1 < §. "/ w¥s s * n a deficit for t < ment to exepcjg s the Gove se MFSRCait said th year, it means that it for the rn-- mmammdersomni ie oi ie ooo ons at he had lis I period that during the economy a se the most rigi tened in vain _ ad . llis- :1)(\1()u for ordinary i that f fAinances Ot!;fieso administer ltgl;(: refutation from f?;' some SUCCéssfu--]? '}he' ( Province -- has 11;\"" Y)lll';)c»se-s Budget m Province that members of Mr rmer Government ' | in this case, $15,000,1 amitat 'our. as ay be bahn the defi ¥% g Mr. Price's r 'nt l it manid 000 more th: Premier FP. ced yearly ficit claim, and, wl 4 $15,000,000 Cola y 1"u,en\~od from _ ordinary han amendme erguson inter + make some all » 1ile '-'rppared 10 ation, he said. "In other l'l_\ tax-- w""-Of-cnt L8 . & "Subt}'reted the ently willing t owance, was appar-- result of last year's o')er?'1r~"°"~is' the warned onfidence moty drawn'" the Governme (ij accept pretty well the debt of the J"r(l fIAMION®IS that viting a.sthe new mEmberion' and His big DOi?'lt estimate of deficit | increased by 313 O'm'?)lOT}Cu has been ment migrt\he wording of S' that, in-- however, was th ltn this connection \ further, that this z(ddini' i ie 1'esignat.0nt bfe, to carry it r:'eamcfld- creased bOrrOW?'nggefiCits meant in-- | ---------- g to the debt & & > a iner MWakica T '01 the (xovernmcn:"' the ]t?jse:sth gt?: his Warninéow;:'iehtat the | "_':'ilrf'éllses the interest payable each rial of St & i rges must n in y (heat hX Sesif $800,000." _ _ C l "'. E. N'. Sin . .rengt')_ to' plle. up upon the 'Ot be allowed s }{C' rfiferred to f()['thq:, ; j | Leader clair, -- K.C expenditures th: ratepayers for cial measures aming finan-- | T. * thel'eu .--C., ~ LIDELr s that should or s sures. Interest al { iberals pon stated eral met out of rev have been year, would k ocangs alone, next | the amen';g;:eld be content :hat the Tupported ihe demand He strongly | The 'horrowinéefi;fisenlg' se ids the Pre nt lost o -- have anger ame ' 1and of the B brough nil1l which would be mier 1 on divigi ger amendment th: . pe-- | ght down short] y f said, of nvited on, but ment balanc ie als at the Govern-- authority y would _ seek | latu 3 the confiden a test, as he 'turn nex s ]"f .u'\ .['udgt't and I,"_ :000 ity to borrow from $35,000,-- | ire in the Gov ce of the Legi Th t year with another s effor. ty $49,000,000. 4 'Mr, Sinclair ernment. 8 h e Public Accounts y deficit. 1 urer Pri and Provi e declared, must si s Committee, | 5 ice had ncial T a A , must sift out 5 t 1 ng--up speech delivered th reas-- nd allegations contai the charges evernments arst" I Tire P€ u_ io. jments on the lale :lned.m com_\ vote on t s first Bud erguson bond transactions c dminlstration'.,«| 10 be Lake}:;e a,mendmen%ctv.v and the ter in its present'"'g'; ltean the mat. | _ May I n'u«;.k'mn the }'rom;:gs. about said, would lend colc;: ttle'd state, he ons 4o APLE t mt lwe r arose. sion that the Budget w o an impres-- b&r of 9 d, 'in view Ubb'enra_ In the stronge C as DOlitica]_ and exprl':.lw members inotththe num-- urged the Gove?nrsx(;istible remmerfhine moves tha:ttli'at when the "In House, 1*té;i'cmomy. and stated his ti" exercise | TB 1e asking he e to iAto supply \Pres o Aarmin Performangépress")" mwo?';y oo e"i"-blee {.:gi?}lamre t?)u?rg:y 'D(vi;?;:ltg Aigmti}n-istratiun was Odfiwttl:)o 4 on the business .ar ihs" ye | tioned h: iis regard. |-- He men-- ince. If th usiness --of ent to lhun half a dozen sm: C men-- Y t | ic h00 n smal t¢/ vote, it m:anl;eg'"afiure degfespmv' }":':t']ll; accounts which hc's;tigms in llon oy $Hh the ?-am'"-'confidet::at be «:uf?ff"ie;','p""d"u"es that could ion of nevita ce CiSHT , and proceede o n aips 4 3 "Ever;rhi"(:?';ernmentme resigna-- ;'::;e;'f f";g increased tcri\vteongngcnt" intentio ister has d 0 e Cabine o ray _ ex-- _ view °fnt,hteo exercise egoe:"areq his thiJune election. t Ministers since :g&t the Hosues:}:v?gs' | Wa::h){;) sln ;creagleodngeff?clisen suggestions for in e vote we unders ay 'ing of cy was the ce 2** t ost are abo P tand that g of Government a ntraliz-- of strength." ut to take is a tered over the City.OflK:efitt?ow scat-- Demands Formal ;expenditure here, -- he sa'g capital M Divisi prove to be real ec a1d, would r. Sinclair on. duct of s econpmy in th ment of the P--'I" view of the sta of public affairs. e con-- view rime Min: te-- Wh mmboo;w;"declaamu:nisi:xgt ) the 1: rtethre ie Depitioe * must vote amainst the an Cocher'® Ssd s s t amaiaed w of the 1 he amendment; i asked ss" expenditu l f majority SCf that they are im a what the Deputy Mi e hs over th ey are i been doi y Ministers had r n vie In the ve checked it ..'nOth'er elect'membem d'o W of preSent Governmen + at. II:ibe.rflma' 1 m";nsagefo!_e bh:mse;?gt %%s[?{l}.;sef'?'r i(L)rl\Jtzgiismuve Sec'"et:w? ;g; 5 al part , as Leader n co 4 r1O, for an a-d have: this y, we are sati of the | mmittee on roads, and visory 1 ameind tisfied ters, he sa , and other mat-- sion without ment lost to w no promis the n ost on divi ment alon i e of improve-- u F ecessit ivi-- g the ve L p the time of the H ity of taking | left the Liber lines of economy. It ® : | ig regord of economs. * oma s y