a! CLASHES WITH RANE} OVER MOTIVE OF U.F .0. Manning Doherty' Tells of Drury Cabinet "Anxiety" to Restore Confidence in Hydro-Premier Calls I "Complete Vindication' of People' I Project Characterizing the venom or the Gregory Commission as a. great tettw timoeri'al to Sir Adam Beek--the greatest. possibly. that had ever been accorded to any man in the Province of Ontario-Premier Fer- mason Eed off in the debate which followed the 4ablintr of the immense document in the Legislature yester- day afternoon. . Late Government Thought It Was Going to "Put the H ydro in a Hearse," Says Ferguson-Great, eat Tribute for Beck Pub lic Man Ever Received The Premier "as in vigorous mood. and he condemned his pre- decessors in office, particularly Hon. E. C. Drury and Hon. w. E. Randy. as men who had lacked faith in public ownership, and who had de- liberately set out to destroy public confidence in Hydro by the creatior of an anti-Hydro investigation com. milaelon. Although Mr. Raney'de- mad it. the Premier declared the extension of the Commission's au- thonity to allHydro affairs was the former Attorney-Generals handi- "work. In frequent crt--noor catrtlicttt the Premder engaged Hon. Mantrdng Thrhert.y and Hon. Mr. Raney, and oabrticu1urly did rezone become vigor- one when the Premier accused the lato_Governmettt of seeking to evade the responsibility of coming to a de- cision ttry thrusting the whole ques- tion upon the shoulders at the Com- mission. 7 sharp Cross-firing. The report. said the Premier, must be a great gratification to membevrs of the Commission, particularly Mr Adam Beck. as well as to the gen- eral public, when, after, unli'm-ited in- CONSIDERS $500,000 IS "MERE BA GA TELLE" FOR GREGOR Y REP9lrrl1, Wu Mr. Gregory? Mr. Kiineir--wh cry , - 'M r. I knows t sanding "INNS ""w' - standing opponents of that great enterprise. And then you tell me you brine an engineer from the Montreal private ownorihll'p atmos- tmere and make a. public ownership man 3rctt.irn in ' fefW monnhs.... ",, i-a a-y: Gecrk (4'? less. iriukrfirio' the credit of H,» men that they were " enough to subscribe to the,etfile,itney of the Hydro project in Ontario. . Mr. itahey-We knew that. Mr. Doherty-l want to a: I had no small part tip the l When the Premier went on to re- fer t0 the "pneumatic sweeper" [which the former Attorney-General lad set in motion on Hydro affairs. (Conservative members laughed and» éapplaud'ed, and Mr. Haney again :protesto-a that he had not drawn $Lhe clauses. ad6ing: my}. - flA/Gon----noes my hon. friend mean to say that as Attorney- General he knew nothing abput if? Mr. Raney--I mean to say that the t:',attsetg were drained as I say and were approved by aM the members of "he Cablnet. But I mutton my hon. friend has co doubt upon the But- ject, Just the same. as he had no doobt about the te"tssgrsmn which the former Attornev-Csenerai sent out last week "co inf!arttes. public opinion. If Guilty, Why Protest? Mr. Feetgurtyn--af you are guilty, why protest, your innocence? ; With the appointment of A Com- imission, mid the Premier. the late gGovernment 'thoumht it was going 'to put the Hydro Commission in a ghearse and take it away." '_, Mr. Doherty-No. no. j Mr. Ferguson-oh. he shakes his head now. It is splendid after the 'fact to come out and vindicate your- :selves. But you were not saying so (two years ago. I Mr. Doherty-Yes. every platform. i Mr. B'ertrutmrr--No, no; my honor- table friend has never been able to 'divest hiimsebf of the atmosphere that surrounded him from his con- lnection with 1"1vAtt.en.terprise. . _ "May I jum add that there is one function which certain mem- bers of this House simian: behind (he. Prime Minister can perform to perfection. You can always de- pend on them for a. laugh: when the Prime Minister gives the one." Mr. Ferguson-Weil. that 3.9 more than can be said for the other side: it is usually tears over there. The Premier tmattsetettized the Gregory Commission as a place for the rate Government to "lie down. somebody to blame it on. an at- temm to escape tesptrtrsitri1it.v." Not a gimme suggestion, he maid, had 'beCvrtryysht in in the report. The Premier said it was, hove Mr. Doherty said that no one could point to any act of his in public life that would indicate private owner- ship tsympathies. He hoped that for once the Premier would leave politics out ot the question. . Mr. Raney----He cannot help it. Where Stands Dmry? But Mr. Ferguson protested that he was talking seriously. and de- clared that. qurite evidently from election returns, no question ranked as highly as did Hydro in the down- fall of the Drury Government. He challenged the Progressives to stand up and say where Hon. E. C. Drury had ever displayed any love for pub- lie ownership. Mr. Doherty---cruat " much as you. Turning his attention to Hon. D. Carmichael, former Hydro Commis- sioner under the Drury Gomenmnent. whose utterances on the ttoor of the Legislature precipitated the appoint~ 1 that iMr. Carmichael, however. denied an; imputation. and declared that care. yr"! reading of the report would 3justify the course he took on that 'oeetution. On every occasion. he said, 'he had defended Hydro during the iconsiderat-ion of annexe}. . ment of a. Commission. the Premier asked if there was anything but . desire evidenced on his part to Ihtrk his reapor1sibiti9ton the coytrt.ueror. "iiirirGGratG-Li could not have been here. No Shadow of Dishonesty. "What I want to emphasize to the House and to the Province," aid the Premier, "is that, in spite of the motive that Inspired the selection of the men who were going to carry out the desire of the Government. surrounding these men and this in- quiry with the enemies of the men who were responsible for Hydro's birth and development; notwith- standing all that, we have a report here today which shows, as the re, port says. that there is not a. shadow of dishonesty attached to anybody; that they have an engineering or- ganization second to none in the world. and that the audit nysvem was perfect in every respect, not a. single dollar had been diverted from the purpose to which it was put, and that public ownership has been fully vindicated under the direction and leadership, not of the late Govern- ment. not of the organization of this nameless creation here-- I Mr. Dottertp---No, no. i Mr. Forgusorv--MreM. give us a name. Tell us who you are. Aa, I came in that some move had to be made if Hydro were to be maxed. Amid Conservative "No, .no'S." Mr. Doherty said that there was a snap!" own abroad that everything was not right, and "the death knell of pub- lie ownership would have been sung if this Government had not taktn the steps it did. the late Government, stating that conditions were such in the public mind. when the late Government ems ip, Ire some move had to' be In spite of the $600,000 of cost. Mr. Doherty held that it was a men bag-atene from the point of view of the immense investment .or the Province In Hy'd r0, representing one- fifth of 1 oer cent. . ."I know." he add. "that this re- port is going to be regarded as the most authentic and most valuable re- Dort on hydro-electric devolppmemt that has ever been luued m the Engl'idh Ian-mum. I know that when this report is ready. there are .hun- dreds, it not thousands. of engmeers who are prepared to pay as high as, $2,000 tor a copy." To Save Hydro. . He mm, on to juatity the appoint- Ten-3 92 the Gregory Commission by say, in spite of all than. thee is com. plane vindication of the haunting) of Bir Adam Beck and the men who supported him. And now my hon- ortablle friend came. out in . Mon where Sir Adam's enamel! have to vindicate him. I think it is the greatest tribute ever paid to a. public man in this country. - - _ _ Mr. Doherty twinned the Premier with the occasion upon which " Adam had turned his back upon the Conservative My and ran tn Lon- don as an Independent. but the Pt.- mier came back with a. reminder of this time What ME Doborty had led Sir Adam down to the U.F.O. gum- ering on King - and otitbeqtd him the Madman" _ - - ' - -- "no tumed his back on_ :33 bunch; show ng the soon Jung-mom he always has." Mr. 19ohertyu--Ho made a good speech. Members-Ho admin does. Mr. Doherty Seoul's. Mr. Doherty, who (clawed. sand that the report was a subject. for crongmt-ulamon to the members ot the Hydro commission and their eeuri- weer-s. He rmmrtieiiiuvGiie 3.5;? mier had introduced politics unto the' discussion.