1 NA# 'huf":'x.'. ; , +td 2,7- NEW TAX POREUast 3 ) onz n Premier Not E iasti } nthusiastic _ About Sharing Revenues : With Municipalities HOST OF NEW MEASURES | t |_ _ Following a quiet afternoon spent on _ estimates, the _ Government rather surprised the Legislature . when, just before 6 c'clock yoster-- day, six important Administration _ _ measures were introduced and given first reading. _ _New Hotels Act. . laberal Leader Sinclair asked _ when the Government was going to f get to "the bottom of the basket" _ in respoct to new legislation for this _ session. The Premier replied that _ one or two more important Govern-- ment measures yet had to be intro-- ¢ duced, and would make their ap-- _ pearance today or on Friday. ' Probably the most important measure in general interest to the ._ Province was the Hotels Act. The . . principal feature of this bill is that -- {| & preciss definition is to be given to 1w'ha.t is meant by a hotel, and no person may advertise himself as a hotelkeeper who does not conduct : |an estaiblishment coming under that _ | definition. -- The Premier explained ~-- | that the bill differentiated between ' |a hotel, an apartment house and a boarding house. Classifications of ' | hotals would be worked out by y regulation, so that a good hotel, mo . | matter whether in a small or large _ |commiunity, would be classified as : a good hotel, and would not be listed , as one of a lower grade because it . waes not looated in a city instead of _ a village or town. 3 Aid for Injured Workmen. & Another act introduced was en-- , titled the Workmen's Compensation . Rehabilitation Act. This act sets . forth that where a workman is in-- . jured and is handicapped by his in-- | _ JjJury he may be aided financially | ) by the board. This act applies to .. men who loge fingers, for instance, > _ and who are not able to take up 1 their former occupation with full f eficiency. f Another act, bearing on the street n i railway situation in London, was -- | Introduced by Sir Adam Beck. Some '-- |street railways have long -- term 0 | framchises with periodical right to renewal. Sir Adam's act stipulates ® | that, whatever changes may be ~ | made to the original franchise " | agreement by iegislation, -- such :' changes will be effective only until || the end of the first period to expire after the alteration has been ap-- proved of by law. To Have Mining Court. The Mining Commissioner in On-- 'tario is to have the authority of a Judge, and his office that of a court, by the terms of an act introduced 'by Hon. Charles McCrea, Minister 'of Mines. Ottawa has been asked 'to clothe the Commissioner practi-- cally with the powers of a High Court Judge, Mr. McCrea explained, so that he shall have unquestioned authority to deal with certain mat-- (ters in which his jurisdiction at present is in doubt. The Premier, for the Attorney--General, intro-- duced an act amending the Work-- imen'g Compensation Act, which, h« said, he u-md-ers!:oo:l'd from fix":di t:: --General made »n0o :::T:ryye. and would not be subjecte to much opp-og'lfifm- !'n_ the House.