00 es + | 3 & lhoc'sda\( ; t'[&r. 7\,'7 -- M,}" y Ter introduced for th ) # ' * ' Motmey--General an amendment t NU the Landlord and Tenant Act whic Why He Endorsed Cure. reinserts @a clause in of ter of Health : sta the Ontari Dr. Godfrey, Minister o ! tutes stating that three month: and Labor, ex}rh!nod how he came | rent accrues to the landlord when : to endorse the pyorrhea cure of Dr. | i tenant goes into bankruptey. Th Harold Box, and said it only was * clause was placed in the Bankruptc; after the discovery had the endorsa-- | Act, but was held to be ultra vires tion of Prof. Stillman of New York| | Too Many Young f and of Prof. McCall, and they had| | | Af; s Teachers? informed him that the discovery was ' | in er various private and public an epoch in dentistry, that he | 112 2N0,Peen put through the com-- thought it his duty to take action. | 'mdttee stage, the Legislature spent Mr. Biggs commended the inspec-- 4 To s ost of the afternocon considering tion work done by medical authori-- Private Bills C ittee R the main estimates. Aurelien Belan-- --ties in rural public schogls. The (t)!r:l){ rvate Bills Lommittee he-- ger (Liberal, Russ * suggestion he had to offer was tha a s in 1O P00 OS mebetiy, digcussing the sngwestion he D44 6 come _ more ceives Representatives of | that fifth forms i romptly after the inspection. Dr. > -- ' in Russell, Carieton, Glengarry and Godfrey, answering a question of Denominations Concerned I';re;:(-ott were suffering because the Dougall Carmlcl:!aelh t(ll?;:g;(;?;:te' womnmmmmen en cemmmenmmmees f students left to go to English. Centre Grey), said tha d cay ) t French training sch()olt:e:reh:rzgtlllls:}p i ment was considering the question OPPONENTS STATE VIEWS f llhoatrr(\' :(md lodging were provided | of Over]applngnln inspecéloo;dunggr ho cemind rraacronn t tapont | ' by the Government. se s Mothers' owances + * hag s | {were taken fron, their?}}]fi):;e;u:;:eg'g ;';f'e;i;'; a question by Harold Fisher six speakers before the Private | [early an age, he thought. (Liberal, Ottawa West), the Premier Bills Committee in the Provincial | _ The Premier reviewed the history |said that the Government did 'fmt Legislature presented the case for | , of the establishment of these schools |intend to have separate Mmisiters bon:' and Against Church Union yesterday, i and suggested that probably a sys-- |Labor and Health for the time be 6 % (th th T 1 tem of regions in which the pupils |ing, and he said he did not see in the, ogether with the reasons for and , would have to attend these training |future the necessity for such a di-- against the Ontario Governmenti schools might meet the difficulty, .'vision. Dr. Godfrey def*!aredltgat granting the necessary legislation ; th""&'h he thought it would stir up |! the two phases of activity-- a :1)(11' that will give effect to the proposed! a' rumpus. The Premier said that |and health--were interwoven, .A i Th f th ak | he thought the great weakness of '| he instanced the supplying of free union. ree of the speakers were | the school system today was that the || insulin. He had scores of letters| Unionists, and one opposed to Union, i Province had too many young ||from persons who were not able to| while counsel for both factions spoke | teachers. He thought expe.riencel purchase insulin who now were re-- briefly on the legal aspects of the : contributed quite as much to success | ; covered and back to work. ' | bill. 4d 4 as the knowledge of the teachers. j £ 1 igrants. * | ; _ Leaders of the three negotiating During _ consideration _ of Lands | | PrOtCCUO" 9 ( | Churches presented the case for or-- im Mr. Carmichael brought up the; | ganic union, Rev. Dr. S. D. Chown, and Forests estimates, Hon. James ETL f immigrant ; | Lyons said that the three branches | | auestion of protection of immig General Superintendent of the Meth--| of work Northern devel boys on farms, and asked what pro-- odist Church, speaking for that de-' : ment ('(;lonlza,tjon a 1'83' tection the Governmeht was pre-- nomination; Rev. W. T. Gunn for the |ing of bridges and -- i oS ts. were | pared to give them. 'The Premier Congregationalists, and Rev. Prln-' [ Deing anaiganiated cu \;hr s.\'w';;e replied that an offer had been made cipal Alfred Gandier, Moderator of "with a resident im ,e Ahor s to Ottawa to carry on the inspection the General Assembly, being the i.)f all the wm.r;( ien@g n;_:egi ?ic PTee work conducted by the Dominion spokesman -- for _ Presbyterianism. When Publicnwacrk $ ;{;t Government in return for receiving , Thomas McMillan, President of the 'were hed, H i s E& imates the money from Ottawa expendedl Presbyterian -- Church Association, ~; | we dreac , Hon. F. C. Biggs in-- for this inspection and supervision. was the only speaker for the oppo-- | '?ulr.e as to the Government's in-- |vre nad not received a Gefinite nents of Union. They will have thelr' |fentions in regard to a new Queen's | /ngwer from Ottawa, he said, but innings before the committee this i Park office building. He said that added that the Government intended morning. ! material relief to existing conges-- to take authority to license those 7 l |tion had undoubtedly been given bY | pouses which brought out child im-- Keen Interest Shown. | utilization of the University Avenue | migrants, to fix the conditions, the Indicative of the keen interest that | : building, but plans would be found type of the boy brought out, where is being taken in the question, the' in the Minister of Public Works he would be placed, and generally to committee room was completely | 'Department for a new unit building supervise and control the organiza-- filled, with a number of ladies ! proposed to be erected at 15 and .| t;jons. among those present. In introduc--| o .__1l17 Queen's Park. Premier Ferguson The Premier also said that the | ing the bill C. R. McKeown, member | explained a $50,000 item as one ; to Government was curtailing the prac-- | for Dufferin, requested that no ques-- . take care of a possibility of the Gov-- tice which had grown up of having tions be asked the speakers, but that ernment breaking ground for a new practically every fire in the Province these be reserved until Friday, when building. investigated by the Fire Marshal's the complete case pro and con will Provincial Secretary Goldie ex-- --|Department. He thought such in-- have been presented. To present plained for the benefit of members vestigation should be carried out their case Unionists have been the proposed Bowmanville boys' farm only where the fire was suspected or allowed three and a quarter hours, T scheme, in connection with which where complaints were made. Mr.| :|and those opposed to Union three $100,000 was voted. By next fall, Fisher did not agree with this view, hours. # he said, the Government expected and thought it was rather a whole-- | Refers to Other Unions. |\to have two or three cottages erect-- some idea to be in the minds of 'The first speiker for. Uni Rrex ed. Preliminary investigations as many people that they would be Dr Cho'\;vn :&ted fn- g;s mor;. :e. to building location would be made investigated if a fire occurred, and, * 'wn, C opening re-- ence they would marks that it was a historic oc-- this spring. There was strong pos-- that as a consequ y u 4 © ity take so many chances. t casion. Never before had there been sibility, he said, of part of the 308 not such a bill before any Legislature, !2;3;'16;;8 fbeing utilized for a similar To Tax Heavy Autos. + 't: ug'lte th!reet great {}lstorlc Christ-- t < 3 by Controller Thomas Foster, n denominations. nion was not | _ It was explained by the Minister & {f:gut;tion --representing . various a rew thing, however, among the | that $10,000 of the cost of purchas-- municipalities in Ontario waited Methodists. For half a century they { ing the Bowmanville property _ was yesterday morning upon -- Premier had been looking toward Union and. | contributed by J. H. Jury, & BOW-- _ | Frerguson to ask that municipalities striving for it, and many other, | manyville philanthropist, who . took receive some of the proceeds collect-- unions hald been consummated dur-- ' special interest in boys' work. ed by the Province in amusement ing these years. In days gone b)'l ; Still Spending Money. taxes and from race--course meets. | there had been manifested the same 3 i iticized the Gov-- The deputation also suggested that opposition they were meeting now.' Mr. Biggs then cr Cd d °b aid, probably in the form of a gaso-- When unions had been brought about ernment for what he "eeme to d€ line tax, should be given municipali-- in 1875 and in 1883 there had been its apparent failure to l\;e uptto P . tiles because of road expenditures. j\ the same gloomy predictions and * vance notices as to a policy ? °C°"~ _;)| ~ The Premier, in reply, said that he forebodings, but they had failed to| omy, remarking that the Highways | could promise nothing this year, but convince the public then, and they Department list was just as large as held out hope for some relief in the would fail now. t ever. Premier Ferguson, however, years following,. He intimated that Dealing with the objects for . said that by next year the new Min-- a gasoline tax would be imposed Uhnion, Dr. Chown said ithe first ister would have proved his ability i| next year, and also said that he and primary thing that was sought . to economize to the extent promised, || ;/ / 5q a heavier impost on motor. | was spiritual results. It was their when the engineering staff was cut. trucks and high--speed cars. Speak-- 'desire to gather into the United and reorganized. He added that he ing generally, he said, he thought the ! Church of Canada all the glory _and anticipated mote than 50 per cent. Province had invaded the municipal ]t'he fervor of the _ Presbyterian, . of a decrease in that single item of field in taxation, but at the present |[Methodist jand Congregational > -- $285,000. it would have to continue to hold |Churches, in order to créate the _ Mr. Biggs took up with the Pre-- >| in;is feld. Motor truck owners, he |}stfongest ipossible agency for the + mier the advisability of Deputy Min-- @| c,;q, might look forward with what | propagation of the Gospel of Jesus ister Sam Squire occupying & POS!-- '| equanimity they could te bearing (OChrist, and to further an'd extend ; tion as Chairman of the Executive: | peavier imposts. ts ' the work of Christ. At home and: s of the Canadian Good Roads Associ-- : s abroad the divisions of the Church ation, in which, according to that' had hindered the work. organization's minutes, ho |S2l0 , M Bill Is Considered. | P on received'& s;e:?trmon aia not' i Coming to the provisions of the o ooo siler this.was $0 and proniised . _ "bill, the speaker said that congre-- agree that th :t: Mr. Squire Mr. gations now in existence were not Nh inigp se 9 tement that he had! ° ~ disturbeld in the least in their exist-- es is ids stakm' his new office ing _ usuages of worship. They uids Aigh y slnce;l taAssoclat.ion's distri-- could stil sing the same psalms and the Good Road8 > hymns and have the same theology bution of bonuses. j as before. The theology that wWas