p Riilit! T _ .. _ . _ y . Winin- s" T A; ' l of . 'r?ir"' - .. C, ., _ Ti"pus4ila,t, pm I-d- ". "a: 'i *' f The sumo-m... .. -..-, _. ' L, . -. _- . .. .'. . z . _ " I , . . Mr. Prte-o . "m . Mr. C1aMtqtte-ltht ""201" sie ii 's, . . ' _ -'.. "a" e-'_P"i- __', cheques that 'idle',?,','? ffg,'guttf, say that; a Mt ot 'it 1% out 1;? .One Per Cent. "mp" . . Khat cheque 1. there that "iiiGriiii, currency. 1 Mr. refttgtriii:e',,t'itt1' no evidence a , ave been deposited boo I of a wr tten as . _ . Jhe Province? tn the Ira ot.. Mason "hind All Payments. . Tiritneatr--No. osA,ipirfl,ve"pg, here, Dec. 13,1'919.or'= Mr. Clatkson said tugthee: "It ' Il','; thgfrfg'o" of tutr Ttsrtttrl _ ' . , l a . tfl10Piifif?/h ' went out in W. and the We!" '"q'ri%tl,1l'-'-l'th'; I ha" 3 no evidence. A.---The stub fl Mt,"] . je me is legals were then to Manon. , Witness was asked where he had Mr. "l/rr),')?-)?,,"]",,'))',',',;,'?," ',f,'"ltiro,, , {2031 the $42,400 was also paid in l secured his information. "The ttt get". Smith. pay to the fG,,GGiii 3M: Clarkson would not comment!' was given to me by Mr. Calvert, he . 03332336 'i2,tt 34,000,000 Province on whether Mason could have hadi F'iii. A. currie---rn other words. the Mr 'cc/fr/d'-'..'?)';; t is th t b any influence in the matter or Pro- 'Pro'vince got 3 per cent. for m, de- with that" a e rou 1e virnclal deposits with the Home posits and the bank paid 4 per cent. , Mr Fn', ---Ot .. Bank. "It was always Payable to m the Province's deoostts and 1 per ' : c all those cheques, Mason " he said um i t ' ed between the bank 1his is the only one which is to the ' . 3 name 8 n vent. disappear B ildin " Province which the Province should or behind all payments to Richard- 'd the parliament ut inseam tr have roceivod and did not receive.' 50nd but Mason-s all went in legal, witness-YM, it wer. ' ._ The other items, of course, may bei em 61'." Mason _ v. ", obscure. but this is an item where I ' Q.----?" entries to 'mow What he I . _ . Ln W been making some Investigation dl-CLWllth the $38,000? il/ite,,',',"-".;,',." drew it in bills? . among with some others. . mf,:"',:',?,',', T D .,i Mr. fi,1yy,e--,it1, lost it coming up N F ' " cove en aye Ago. I the avenue. (Laughter.) o PT' of Province Getting It. ' Mr Clark ' Hon. F. C. Biggs interposed with can.» Accountant Douglas of the had first glondwaishasked whesn tt the suggestion that these payments rlhtit.stlry Department was called tn che ue h lol,',',',', b at the " ,0 i were the result of an internal ar- .'m~ Provincial Treasurer. I fPxtUtau"'tlvf, 1te,e,ttl. " d i rangement within the bank itself. . I asked you to see it the Provinccl "I was tr i {a}: "(180' hebgep e . , ', Mr. Clarkson--" can give you Only . haul re-cvived a cheque for $15,000 a "1":ng o 'ni out a ut the (documentary evidence, and what [ ' around Dec. IG. Have you made ¥fyound tohUiTdl'l'i' albedo?) deposxtsd. iI've been told. That interest of 1 jnverstiuaticn into your books to tint' out of this accouht a ' Sen pal? 3981' cent. had to be paid to the Prov- out whether the Province received another When t' 'i'lUfeT'ootuttf,e, rince. He (Mr. Mason) drew these that? NN hat did you find ?" taking of some $80 000 ot the bank's fgmounts ostensibly as the 1 per cent. A.---rrs. sir. We find no trace O' man I ' iwhich was to go to the Province. ii' no entries of that time. ey reported" the fact to the i n 'i-U-AL' are quite sure the Prov, Attorney-General. _"rntrtruetions General Manager- F im'c never received that? Mr. Doherty---Waa there any pos- j The third payment was dated May A.----) have no trace of it. sibllity that the cheque was made 10, 1321. It covered an amount of Chief Auditor Brown of th' ognbdifreaenhly from the entry on the .32.500, paid in legal tender to the Province was ash-d the same ques- 't'),ht,'a'h'gn,t, Sgttgf tglmggv was paid .tormer General Manager as commis- il :ion. "No record whatever," he said ' Witness stated if; flirtrh's'l','/ki' ision for obtaining Province of On- , "We have gone through everythim between a stub and a (the uerence jtario deposits, and the voucher was to could go through. I went throng} "wags oasibilit b t th '3: '/fflll "marked "Instructions, General Man- pass books, the cash book, tht no {has}: of 'da, nit t: chad 'ager." Treasury book, and there is abso been such a differencge in theereresctht i Proceeding. Mr. Clarkson gave the tuteiy no record of that $16,000 i: case. He had no idea whee-e the ldetails of the entire series of nine- the hooks of the Treasury Depart. money went "Yes" he added in teen payments. In some cases 'rintriqt . . mont." response to . a query "the che' ue ,'vouchera covered payments both to Mr. McKeown--As Auditor, woult was issued within a'month of (the P. H. Richardson and J. Cooper l, will think that it ever reached tht bond transaction." Mason. AM ot the payments made jorovince? Sam Clarke (West Northumber- ' to the former had been by cheque 'w A.----? have made search, and it i4 land)---Peter couldn't go crooked in , and all payments to Mr. Mason in my, more. It is not in any ot the a month, could he? (Laughton) t j legal tender. The Richardson pay- . I'evnx'ds. Witnws had no answer for that', ments were all marked C. ot T. (City J. A. Currie-There is no doubt question, but in answer to another of Toronto) and the Mason pay- . JO the world from your ',eetg,i,e'ttia', he stated tthatb Fideming had been ments P. o. (Province of Ontario). V that that money never reac e t e manager 0 a on company at the ' . . . Province? time the cheque was issued. Summary ot Ptrrmenta' t th . - trsolute1y no. ' " " , Following is a summary o em I. I A. A Nineteen Commission Payments. l payments: 1 "by He Thinks Cheque Abstracted. Provincial Treasurer Price then 3 3031381 05" a).'"--"'""" to Richard- In answer to Mr. Iyoherty's qu-es- oh'1""g'faeruvhinhii'.ef'exp'tgeattit"t/'ef ii May. 11, 1t)21---83,600 to Mason, tion as to the possible whereabouts payment of commissions for the so? 1R o. ' of the missing cheque, Mr. Clarkson curing by the Home Bank of de- ', May lo, 1921----$2,ti00, Mason. P.O. said: posits from the Province of Ontario F July It), 1Mr---82,600 to Maaon, . "l think it has been abstracted.l and from the City ot Toronto. The 1P. o. Inltialled by J. C. Whittaker.' _ because the cheques before and the witness produced vouchers and'dehit ', Nov. 2, 192r---$4,000 in Ietputs at cheques after are there. This one is slips covering 19 such payments, (heed omce, P. o. missing, and then part ot the showing that $99,500 had been paid , Dee. 29, 192i--82,000 to Richard-, _ F. rheques of that $42,400 were taken to the late J. C. Mason, former Gen- son, C. of T., a.nd $3,300 to Mason. out of their ordinary place. and we eral Manager of the Home Bank, as P. O. The voucher covering the found them in an oft Corner by commission on Province of Ontario ,latter was marked "Instructions, 1. chum-e, showing they had been deposits. and $13,500 to F. H. Rich- ic. M." . . gone over after they came into the artisan as commission on City of To-' 1 Jan. 6, 1922--41,000 to Richard- bank." ronto deposits. The dates of these lon, C. of T. _ Mr. Higgs-The cheque would be 11',yhf/uys,1 from April 6, IMI, to ', March ll, 1822--44,000 to J. C. ' _ 7.. in} rein? 'dr', ' o. . M., P. o. - ' the; 11i1'2'ta715." Ihtse were .NI "Commissions for May 16, 1922---$1,500 to Richard- ..e. . h t would not be ac- obtaining deposits? asked the Pro.. son. C. of T. Q. il ell, t 'l vinci IT , f cossible to the Provincial Treasurer's "Aa f real/sugar. . l June 19, tt)g2--88,000 to MHon. De partment; if it disappeared i certafn 332:: ave been able to tuv. IP. o. must have been somebody took it , . g Jule; 3o1il"'-"000 to Richard- , . - -- IFir-st Pa ment 'son, . o . ', .- 'rod) Finlayson-You know who is- y for Richardson. l I Sept. T, 1ir82---88,000 to J. C-i . _ cc -rr-'"rT""-""""-'-"-"""-e-"'-"-1"-"ce"1'i12?A Mill. J.'rlitrThe that item is dated: 'Mason. P. O. ' 0 M sued t ' v - pr , e . Oct. 4, 1822-. 2,00 to mn.' {Masai}: don t you? It was issued by y _. A?/it'rii,'1l1a'td'faeiit,11 the payment i. P. O. M 1 Mr. Bi - o , fl P. . ichardtron. Iami i Oct. M, 1922-:1,5oo to anon, r I Mr. dSggifl..t,'ir'oyttetregg,- it? informed it was for obtaining de-i "P' o. _ issued by the bank's h C mine was posits tram the City of Toronto. The! Dee. 14, 1gr2--$1,000 to Richard- ment. ond depart- pi','ti'" was initialled by A. E. Cab. son, C. of T. Of this amount 3225 .----W , . V iwas shown as paid to H. A. Collon. degartmeth? 1Jg,piha"e of the bond , In passing, Mr. Clarkson explained} employed by the bank as a broker. - A.---d think it au, Mr Fl 3 that the record ot the payment arr-3 Dec. 20, 1922--$1,800 to Mason. _Mr. Ross . eating or' peared in two accounts at the To- P.O. , . ' ronto otttce of the bank-in the ens-l April , and B, tttgt-ttNot) to ' Reports to Attorney-General. . '. Dense account and the interest ac- Richardson, C. of T., and ".000 to Mr. Clarkson summarized the? - fo/ge; t I Mason, P.O. . . affairs with the statement that l 11 'hh/l." payment was dated May! June 7, 1ty28---t2,000 to Meson. . "with the takin or 't , . 'P.0. of the bank's mgney, {22:32:23} M? filasrh',"gt-ifPett, was' a. pay- . July IS, 1gg3---81,000 to Richard- ' . matter to the Attorney-General and' . ",tlf.'gt,t.f/m,"o'ti'0tuncite,gu1g,, in- F son, C. of T., and $2,000 to Mason. followed it up in detail." 1 T ' an4urer. l E P.O. ' Th ' ' he verbal explanation to me was s . L2firt1'ro'2"td,h1,2, as. ifluutf/' ya: it w... paid out to J. Cooper _'ilcommiseionermsewNot Itiehagdtgetn. ' _ ,with respect to the Province ot on-,. '8,',ut'fl,'.) a: comlm iatyiott on Province ot t Mr. Currie aaked witness it 1" tario deposits; there was 842 4005 "Jag? (:':f/y,.fltfa, t , d' knew Mr. Richardson. . J, transferred to his current account? out'if th P ta Jet', 'tydtob n witneate-a believe he is Reeve of charged to the first bond transac- that L'1'f., rov nce .eposl e 3. out Pickering. __ tion; there was the $15,000 an". in Witn . I t id th t i i 1 Mr. Currie-what connection has 1 the first bond transaction. and about . t f"'?,",","; am o a t . per he with the City of Toronto? $4,000 in small transactions and odd 'di'1clfd?itv""'"1 deposits, averag- witnearr--He'lt have to answer that ' amounts. . . himself. . - .. , Mr. Doherty----" there any way of M or dur- ' Au" told, ' said Mr. Cl g' " , Mr. Currie-Who was " amounts to about 'iu'iutPet,o'2. fltt,u21"P"" knowing about this ing this period, Mr. Church or Mr. _ inaction with Provincial ." _ . Maguire? " 1. ', $13,500 in connection :3: aka a Ttr", ai, g,d',ttdile"' there was Witness thought Mr. Manure he? +4.; .: m Toronto matters, and I believe them .-_ .. f. ers an ng. been Mayor. He had taken the his; 'i'rtit'W, Lc, ' are some more." . '_' - _ . ; ter up with Finance fe,te,e"g,"l't"tti Iliti Atiitt; F 1 Mr. mit-trr-trut 899,000 mi George Ross, who told him ttttr is"; f". iQ-W' F an--." we»; N" . T - T . ,, , did not 1rnoitieturr.N"ttn. .s=-r' -' t 'W' N " ' ' , -_ . nil . . w" . . LaL'issa