. ot < > Aumi s ' * ' af * "*"~> 'f'*' es '{\'CA si1GS é\' i "'P"'l & ~* { essm ons mammpmeggen " | \| --What Hydro Has Achieved * l Sir Adam Beck last night briefly outlined the progress which | has been made by the Hydro Commission, from its humble beginning \|| to the immense public service organization it now is. "We have to-- | ||| day approximately forty municipalities entirely free from debt," he l \|| _ declared, giving figures. "I do this," he said, amid applause from | ' ||| the Government benches, "for the benefit of our pessimistic friends ||| i across the floor. Hydro controls 23 water powers, serves over 360 municipalities, and from 60 to 80 large corporations. } ¢ l "The total investment of both the municipalities and the Com-- | mission at the present time amounts to $231,688,817. By the end ' || _ of 1924, with the consent of the Government, we will have invested | ; | l approximately $245,000,000." " f | | | mm maemmmmnmmmrernenmmnne mm men memmenl, ~{ M-------__---__--_------__----M ' | T t e mss 1 Denies Fund f Hyd ' M Were Spent on Radial , ere dpent on Radials # + 66 Beck Brands Charges of Gregory Commission as "En-- # 3» * * & tirely False"--Impossible to Conceal Anything, f , * * * # ;~ Because Clarkson Makes Continuous Audit of a Hydro Books $ " § AGAIN CLASH WHEN DOHERTY SNEERS Dealing vigorously with what he|The Chairman of the Sutherland termed the "personal" charge made! 1('01"mmi;;mtr: st(?:ecl timt. he hzgj beenl . ; P o te 4 nform y the Attorney--General | in the Gregory report, that }}e hdd! that the Government would bear the , $ diverted power funds belonging t0| expense of representation by coun-- | the municipalities to radial enter-f'eel, (P8 : f grioes oo Arees henl, i ooo | wes oo in bematon : s 3 i mooks R | __"I was to be stampeded into re-- | y A statement as "entirely false. | sigming, but they missed the mark. * '"'The charge is made under such' The whole tone of the report is un-- f circumstances as to make it appear, -nlstt aindJUIllfah]'-goét ?gll II))e obse(:vod; e a is ts _ | that in July, 20, e rury Gov-- i . malicious and for the purpose of: in | ernment ordered all expenditures on pariMme dme p";' aonall,.tr?ther thfm' radials to cease, but that they spent the finding of a report from an in--| § HinAx a F s 4 f vestigating committee whose dutyl f:;l(f' %;nn;m?n 'dollars on the Suther-- was to be fair and judi'clal." he said. Referrix?gsfoor:'lw expenditures of r;; lsn;?tfigg?%rurt-vf.r'(;:;fgfrsg??gz' the_Commission in presenting to the ( Sib!!l) of trust funds,' and that there! Sutherland Commission the case of t en . * i 7 ~ the municipalities, and the informa-- & is a shortage in the Hydro Commis-- tion which the Hydro Co iSSi sion's power funds to the amount of were called upon 3{'0 produr::):) ?300':' ; ?&"gog'gx?poosgslfe n:'mgf;.e';(%i,;g;e& f?;j NManning Doherty asked Sir A;iam if . respect of the proposed Toronto-i :gisrrir:)?;;eey had been voted through » ork (;redit P Cl Ra.llwaLt igdi "It was Government money, not i $336,995 to meet expenses o e oC ; ? a 3 'Commission in connection with tlle;;)?ii?gg-e,{doafrrthe municipalities," re-- c Royal Commission on Hydro--Ra-- re f * i dials, known as the Sutherlandi i6 5')13 (?(I)l\."er?:nx;kst?'r"' never protest ; \ Commission. fDoherlty nt? pressed Mr. f Every Penny Honestly Spent. || _ '"'The Government guaranteed the , "It is universally admitted that al| bonds," declared Sir Adam. of the money has been honestly °x--| History of Port Credit Linec pended, and it has never been and Dealing with the expenditures never can be suggested that one cent made by the Commission in.the p nas besth meapnr CPuve " rocanaf|nonto to Port Ccredin Ratlw Sir moneys in question were | recelved | a dam presented a short his?gx:' of from the Government and 'are not that railway. '"I wish to makse it ~ chargeable to tl'lielpol\xieer undertak-- perfectly clear," he said "'that no . ; | ings Ointhzi't"e'"r';:dga oad able to |@kpenditure was nfade by the Com-- 3 (o q«thi' that I have done | Mission until the consent of all the justify la]'n-" T'}'li matter was not | Municipalitiese interested had been s person?.edy.tmm the Government, nor | Obtained; until the bonds of the mu-- . 2omob! n been so concealed, as | MiCPAlities had been deposited with _ could it have be °. by : the Commission; until the Prime # there is a continuous audit by Mr. | Minister had given his assurance Clarkson of evené °'§{',fi"d§','§;§,{?'§,",: that legislation would be passed at f Gommission, aé';arkson to the Goy. | Uhe next session, and until the Prime made by Mr. a . cappy Minister had undertaken that the , j ~ ermment at various dates durin® | Government guarantee of the neces-- four years prior to the Gregory re-- |uory ponds would be given. j ' * port. A "In June, 1920, the Drury Govern-- . by Drury. ment passed the Hydro--Electric Rail-- I Au.thorlzg:. yr gomm;ission has | WaYy Act, 1920, whereby the legisla-- ' 'The Gregory h tion promimed by Sir William Hearst| $ is swollen its charge by adding theret0 | was nassed, and in July, 1920, the \the expenditiures of the Comm!a]sion Drury Government ordered all ex-- | l %im preserting to the tSuftt'f:er *"4 |nenditure on radials to cease And Commission the case 0o °S MU-- |nroceeded to then itself expend or p "' nicipalities and the information | wause to be expended upward of @ t > which they were called upon by that | s500.000 on the radial inquiry by the * Commission to produce. How unfair | gutherland Commission." + | | this is is shown by the fact that pay-- Hon. Manning Doherty, however, | a : | \ ment of 'these expenses was @U-- |oontinued to press Sir Adam for t l |thorized by the Drury Government, |further information. "When -- will ; ~ .\ mot only by letters in July, 1920, |these radials 'be built?" he inquired. > but authorized by an' Order--in-- | 'Tmhis year or next?" |Council (Oct. 28, 1921) more than | "That is a fine question from a * ' F \two years before the Gregory, re-- |member of the Government which $ R : sX | port, and that these expenses had |smashed these radials against the | t¥ . s « been actually paid by the Govern-- | will of the municipalities," retonted | # s ay e \--~----~*-- an Aug.--14, 1923--that is, six |Sir Adam. "You will be : eurprised | ns < aloe's n > "3 "~efore the Gregory report. 'yet at what we will do.". . --_ _ __-- s ; ' P ,'-' i luuurce benioreeerenntee e C e h noe e o o