7.. "A; ' . _ r ; . Frcelav /Vsl l ' - , _ o -...-.. ..- ' _ - , iiheysai'i; tl,',','"?,, experienced with Mr. Martin touched - briefly upon the professions, in view of the costly , m s city here, and that is lhe tariff question as it affected farm rovisions that had bee ad C Tle Lt', not know what it means. products, and declared that there Db h to tat t t ".n m e d e p t I am trytntr to get at is: r, was a very strong feeling among the t roug on n r o o urnlsh proper . o not pretend for one instant the'; poultry dealers that the Province education and training for such tPhu,,11ig' Accounts Committee is not w" not properly protected and that entry. It was unfair that there itt'"u'df"lfirte2,u't1 to so " far as they had here more or less of a should be any short road to"? pro- es n ese charge- dumping ground for the United fession for anybody. e Ba ' and, Discussion Shut on States. Shipments came in which while he. knew nothing of the merits _ . drove down the market price of of the particular case' ' he would get Mr. Fer-tv---, do not want to pm. he claimed. and said it was on his face against the generality. After - deprive my honorable friend of the record that protection had been Hon. w. E. Raney had approved of t privilege of making a spawn, but ngked for hy the poultry, vegetable the Premier's enunciation of policy, I do suggest the rules are made as and fruit producers. the bill was deleted from the com- a JTf,fffth'", against Just such pro- Orchards Need Attention. mittee's report. Sunni? Jt/'f1f3o"lf, (will I; he will Apple orchards in the Province Approved in Committee. he cannot discuss it before 'ie ctohat were not taken care, of enough, At With scarcely a. dissenting voice mittee maka its r o t. m- said, and. as n conscqucme. manycf the Private Bills Committee yester- M Bracki ep r 3 them were yielding a very inferior day approved the bill introduced by . misc o-r presume then I fruit. He told of plans- to demon- Dr David Jamieson to authorize ' may d us the general functions of strate to tho farmers tho value of Joseph P Savage to practice medi- I ublic accounts. spraying the trece. cine and surgery in the Province of . Mr. Feetruson---rt my honorable Discussing the Agricultural Devel- t) ' ri Th bill osed b mend wants to make a {are ' ~- h Idi hadl nt out nta. o. . e was opp y i e of the opment Board, e sa it e e t t . f th 0 tart Cou 'Iiouse. I presume he may tit) millions of dollars, and manv npresen a lv!'? o e n O n- l Mr Braekirtr--well if I d f ere were withdrawing their cil of Physicians and Surgeons, but h t ' i o I will arm q - i from the first of the hour and a half get p en y of assistance from the butrittegs from. the loan gye,,",t,1""'//el, argument to the last the committee _ iottrtea,,,o,, _ The hoetorablet iii-Sleight? .t1,ei,notrtewvea'iurl1steh tle,' till: overwhelmingly in favor of the member cannot discuss thi l farms had been placed at too high :1 _ . . ' . ia't its 9mm atsura. I do talimtztiglelzé figure. With better terms. he did . During the course of the deli? 'it is in the public inter not see why farmers could not obtain some startling statements were m e should be done est that it; C/irirl.ie/m"ioans from the. banks. respecting the ttling of a certificate ' . I . v . . I .. h f ', of Mr. Savage with the Physicians' Mr. Braokin smilingly Bat d t Coming to immitrratiov, Mr. .l.n 1 . and resumed his readin f own tin said that tho department was Council Registrar, which certifleate _ paper g 0 a homo, adopting a slogan in Britain of "See contained marks obtained in . - - - _-----------...- _ (quark) First." When immigrants matriculation examinations. Dr. Ed- , rams out they would be kept in touch nlllnd E. king, for the Council. said R S PIGGERY with by an organization the depart- that the marks on this yr,t,,faf,e did merit was building up. Concluding. not correspond with the mar 5 re- Mr. Martin declared that the future corded in the Department of Educa- for the farmer was bright, and they lion. and in that respect, in answer At tould turn to the task of recon- to a question. the certificate, he said, atruetion with confidence and en- was "forged." Hon. I. B. Lucas, ap- ' ' 'huslasm. nearing for Mr. Savage, declared [ Mr. Doherty. in his speech, claimed that the figures in question had not the U.F.O. never had gone into Poli- been altered by his client; that there . llcs. .but the farmers had gone into; "had been an attempt at blackmail," militant Pi/1tlC,"'tefi'ted, durilggi and "if they make such charges we ----- . nure o o Ce a P pro - ' will o out of here and take actio'n." P 0 . P . lem facing the farmer was a.n eco-i, "N glusin ti n." r re . . nomic one. He urged support tor" a o an. o . ' g sswe t'ioks up His co-operative organizations. and Subsequently Mr. Lucas said that Ears and Wants Their warned the Minister not to permit', there was "noinsinuation or thought . . . party politics to enter them. ', on my part that these papers were Finantgal Record "This country cannot afford to let) altered in Dr. Wilberforce Aikins'si . Up on a policy of immigration," office." Dr. Atkins, the Registrar,' __'------..-----. stated Mr. Doherty. "but it should' explained that the certifhrate had HOWARD LIVES 0N PROFIT be a policy of select immigration.; been presented to him. and twol S No person can appreciate what can years later it was brought back "and ----- 'it, dhoneéor this (gountry and for the, it looked to me as if it had been " _ . ot er ountry y tr wise policy in lt ed." He id h s . had Uovertrttr all hases f " ty , - y . " s 8. er . - sat t at trvture 'ar'. Work Hon Sohn 's.ors,e,'t'ianr. 3"" .'l'lis regard. told him then he knew nothing about I s'er t ' 'ii,'," . . artin, Min- .~amily Immigration. ft. On behalf of his client, Mia; ' L. 0 Agriculture, concluded yes- Speaking of the benetite of family Lucas denied any knowledge as to w' "day in the Legislature his review .mmigration. he said he hoped the the altering of the figures. At all . u!' Government activities I." farm' 1od.'t,'P/12/in,t would (ontinue the events, it was argued, such Caitcrai-l \or", and f ' . no my aid clown by the old Govern-g lion had no effect. as the ounc . 1"'tli"\°e J . Traft "an? fot tho we"? of bringing out families and was aware that Mr. Savage had not ' 1 . h Mr. hMartin declared that piacmg them in cottages on Ontario obtained complete matriculation. "0 t Inga t e Government lla-l "arms. Mr. Savage claimed that he had _ «one in agricuiture which deserved X. h A. f Thompson. Conservative tried his final Council examination. "edit-4h s Fi . . or ci _ idem er on Janar'. declared that had attended the Medical School ati - tom t-/jei",Q,",ir1fi,u,tni.or',,fJctjl'e'1ystt1:' he farmers clubs had been "de.. ihe University of Toronto. and ask- nit br P ri ii.'. f C.'1".1" cut nioralized and corrupted and robbed cd to he relieved of the necessity ot "ride (51nd 1:? {2023: "Government _ "A" thoir usefulness by the UFO. or- completin" . his matriculation. on . 'a'tens'iion of ',ltird'i"'1/'lhtd'." m a:d ot can/zation/'. Now the farmers were which iii"'stiii had to write oft _ Upon the conclusion of. his speech tasting poljti,cs out of the clubs and mathematics and Greek. The Coun- . ' 'rloit. Manning Doherty, s'3'r'a"r';ii.ri'v'i' if: that? drelmned the farmers' club cil claimed that he had not passed reader, also discussed affairs of ag- nos" a opposed him in the elec- the examination tried in 1912. "'CU'ltlJrE. and emphasized again the 't . -""-------- . - -"-----c-========;w [ importance of solving the marketing 5 l I problem. the overcoming of which, i _ he declared. lay in the development , ' of the principle of eo-operation. i, I Premier Breeds Fine Hogs. V 5 , . One of the interesting points in . , l sir. Martin's speech was his state- i '. ment that from the Prime Minister's i farm two litters ot hogs were taken i , f _ :ecently to market. and he under- ' mood, proceeded Mr. Martin, that ' I hey were quite the finest put on the i F market in Eastern Ontario. These w - [P . . hogs were all grade selects. he said. . hid the average weight was 208 te, Enable Joseph Fri ' remler Says moident ls lm. pounds. Their "record age" was tive . . i . mom. and twentrone days, "and avage to Practice Medi., ' precedented and Hints any of you know you've got to so . some to bring them up to 200 pounds Cine and Surgery _ at Remedy ' in six months. It simply shows what ----- ; ---------- can be done." l "Have you the financial record?" PREMIER KILLS PROPOSAL EEXCiTEMENT RUNS filth _ i.:|i'§gt:n)w. Oke (Progressive. East A -"------ i Sl ""----------- 1' _ "I have. sent for that," maid Mr. mmm'mjgh the Private Bills Com- tide'baifn.' Warm an? stormy was the Martin. m ee ot the Legislature yesterday i whe Ill, the, Legislature yesterday Getting Rich on It. doggy": passed a measure. intro- vainnto I') w. E. Raney battled in " "I live on the profits of that," said a y Dr. David Jamieson (Con- befor ay what he wanted to Bay , the Premier, tautrhintrly. ervative, South Grey) to authorize i re the orders of the day were .. reJei'i,vttt1e'u,Uai,'t1'Ltk'r; were Jossph F. Bavatre to W... medi- is": f?"ltty,et watt high when , . tvd'a2rita.t "gag? J'dtulr7r/l'Jid' a; tsitu, and surgery. Premier Ferguson l, _ F. _ aney, despite the ruling of the . show the great revenues obtained by had it thrown out "the committee's i Speaker, Persisted in continuing his3 the sale of as". Mr. Martin said that yr"."? when it was tabled in the attempts to place his remarks before! the S',',",",",',',', t.t'Uaule?Lt'flft its: Legislature in the alternoon. Ina'.',, House. When the ruling It,',,'),') ' _ t an . . . . igfdmof Gd'? the department Was ' Except in very special cases, he C,ai'd'fvl','ltn"t'l,ly,,t him. he calmly t , doing in. .owintt the farmers the traid, it was the policy of the Gov- n h n 1 the next order of busi- ' 't ,. . advtutttttt" ot cullinir out thtt ttoekB. "mm-em not to legislate anybody into _ ess ,ad been disposed of and then . i'f ,2" .