/\l:ors Aax\ , Celoyr-- Graves Opens Doebatc. , | Mr. Graves opened* the 'dc'mlff' amid the thunderous applause U'f Government members, and, after ('t tending the usual regrets at the pa!lm \ ing of old members, rof('rr'ed 03!03-' gistically to the record Qf the 'Lr d ernment, and more paru(-ulm:U t Provincial Treéasurer, in showins 1"f / creased revenues and decreased CX--~| penditures } faxz I Despite the imprm'mnvnt in 11«.)- I| vincial finances, however, HAw §t. 14 Catharines member geclared himself 1: as far from satistied, and cx]\ro:-.w'(l |i the opinion that the Ferguson GoVv-- | ernmaont 'ought to carry on on an | even keel," and at the earliest pos-- [ siblo dat« commence -- ths setting ;' aside of a sinking fund for ilrhl_ re-- | tirement,. Unemployment w»mli?lnnf: in Ontario, in his opinion, presentcd | tho most important matter that the | Legislature had to consider IHHH-' important by far, ho tlmusht,*thnn' the question of whether Ontario was | to haveo :f';'»f:.\lfl_\ stronger beer. In-- eonnection _\ ith remedics, IH' deprecated the doles svstem ;1vn'l geclared that chart] almost in-- | evitably injured the morale of the '.'('.'ip'-lt t (Governing bodices of the | Trovince and of the nation ought | immediat i.',' to commene 'nq"iri(gv through & com mission, and seck M?iffrln'if"rfl."l" through the me--| dium of scientific investigation Water Diversion. Mr. Graves referred to th« seri-- ousness of the water diversion at Chicago, and th responsibiliti¢ of the Canadian GGoverhment and citi-- zens in remedying that condition. To the Hydro Commission of Ontario he would give a «incere "well done," and bhe urged ths necessity of im-- mediate -- consideration of the de-- velopment of St. Lawrence water bevieomans F k> *L powers. * 4 * Coming to the question of the '\-\Ufiaaj * C e¥* O.T.A.. which he approached _ amid ~UJoA0t) olf} 32y } oW 1M daoJsam [[IM noxk ons ut 1. ','»AI....._.:'),;![ all 's1l2@G wauu jo esnrddr pur Jaran®e!l o1}] | O ment was quite right in its opinion \ that this act was not entirely satis-- A f:'l.('tory to the pu'""l. of the Province. When we look back to a vote of 400,000 majority being reduced to 250,000, and then finally reduced to h 85,000 majority, in spite of all that F [ coud be said to the advantage of [the act, I say fearlessly and un-- ATURE lN HOUSE | reservedly that, to the majority of |the people, the act apparently was mmumuacmmmmmcnk irlmt"d'oflm: the job it was intended to | do. i I St. Catharines Member En-- |«wet" Arca Dimcutties. dorses Stronger Beer----His:: |..3°.t, "sffaerne, remet SnA the .ma"'("r"y either for or against the SeGOnder MOre Cautlous O.T.A. had not been a large and ;\'«jnclusivo one, he referred t3 the tummemaremensonmmenictemmane |']}m¢"]}'98 of enforcement in mu-- ADDRESS DEB nicipalities where the antft--O.T.A. * ATE BEGINS {"OQC was as much as 4 to 1, in which w mm mmmammem mm %O('aliti('r}. in his opinion, the act was Of the two Gover "_mp"""fiib]"' of ('nfor«-(,-n'mm. Hoe ob-- C wo Government members jected to the appellation of "wet.' moving and seconding the Address and (r]gimgd the right for every sin-- in the Legislature yesterday, one, E t'e?e-'thl.nkmg 'n]un of voting for the % C. Graves (St. Catharines) .b'old!v'» * l"gi?mtmn' which he b('lit'\"('(] to be dorsed the Goverr > f * S in 'EHO be:su 1n't'erom, of the Province. iment's proposed I believe," he said, "there are 4.44 per cent. beer amen'dment, and some things happening today in this . the other, A. J. Fallis East Durham) |I'r0vlnce that are worse than drink-- said he would reserve his t'.\:;'n'('.\'sinl; ini li'qu(')}r". nl befieve tllrtnugh this of opinion for the vote in O nc 'dk we have many people in this hc re House. Province today who are daily com-- Calls It "True Temperance." ;mltting perjury, who are daily doing "T'believe,' sail Mr. C ' | things t'r,ney should not do, owing to ESS Mr. Graves, "that \the act. lnis amendment that the Govern-- |\ He wondered how the temperance ment has seen fit to introduce is one | people of today could "swallow" the of the first steps that have been taken jfact that there was wine being sold latterly in the interests of true t mf 'whluh would "knock your hat off.' perance. I believe that we are going .I'n I'csp?nse to t_hc cager request of to give to a certain clasgs of workinz | Sam Clarke (Northumperland) a: people in this country something [to where it could be secured, M that will satigfy them, and some-- Graves said he would show him. « jl;lén;,;o'l_}i'd:u'\l\llclllhl'IE;?'}) them from look-- He Lauds Beck. believe in a shnt'toli!lnln'ol'](rt'lll'\l';mI:\-';']---'l» | __Mr. Graves conciuded with a: of the temperance )nu,,\.(,';){'"l" 1";\-; earnest 'trlbute to the public sery. are honest in their conviction will be ices of Sir Adam Beck, and the ex-- better pleased with this piece of leg-- pression of a sincere desire that he islation than any other they have be soon restored to health. had." * y _ have Mr. Fallis much regrettes tlhe "I am in favor," said Mr. Fallis division of the people of the Prov-- '"of the best condition that will pro-- ince into occupational classes; laud-- mote temperance among our people.! j ed the a'gricultural courses which We may not all agree as to what were being put on throughout the that condition is. I did not know country, and urged the continuation what the attitude of the Government lOf educational -- processes -- which was until I saw it in the Speech,. 1 iltft agriculture to a higher piane. do not believe the (Government -'U-"k | _He, too, spoke against any system that stand without giving it sincere of doles in connection with unem-- a.nd carnest thought. I am nux'x:o'- | ployment conditions, and said CHal ing to say what I am going to do. I the proper method of taking care oi reserve the right to vote as my con-- unemployment was through healthy science dictates when the \m,i(',w stimulation of Ontario industry ana measures come up." aggl'crl:'ltg;:;ke 1d) F journed 4