The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 5 Mar 1925, p. 1

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' synt 4 ) / 5 AA A w C& \l & ) = smm mm ces = '-_'.: 0"-----------__"___'_---.-'--"--" I svmnermnermncrmnsremsry srs is2 .+i m ar m 4 ' l ' islature Voted ; 'MAY CHANGE §YS How Legislature Voted ; &# + On Strong--Beer Question! L~~~~~~~~~~N" Two _ Government supportel'""'l'; | , and mm Messrs. Rowe of South Simcoe | ; i Kennedy of Peet--bolted their varty. . [Premier Gives K. K. Homuth the * s in the Legislature yesterday on | . _ . Raney amendment condemning the. | Hint LGng'atlon Is | proposal to amend the O.T.A. by per-- | PFODosed mitting the sale of 4.4 beer. In pre-- | is j Sin-- senting his amendment to the | clair amendment, Mr. Raney de-- 'WAlT AND SEE, 'S ADV'CE scribed it as one which would put en commmmenn nmare, | every member on record on the tenj; ' Although no -- oficial*e-: perance question. 'The following is ment or confirmation was forthcom-- | how the House voted: } ing after the adjournment of the'l For tl?fle amendmsti?'::]t&rlhe fl'g}z:}g;' Legislature last night, it was gen-- ment--Messrs. * ally «e k o tok (Northumberland), Lang, Raney, er'lllij'preisuifned tror'n ung pf].gsg, '0;; Doherty, Biggs, Nixon, BOWman.1 the Premier's utterances that the Mewhinney, _ Bragg, -- Carmichael, Government, in its impending O.T.A. . Vs'iddlfielgl. g@lll!ton» %l;?ty Sagg&t:lll'., 'amendmoms. intends making some Kemp, cCallum, + vell, | J c cv ui % f e Freeborn, Ross, Taylor;. Rowe, l\en-t x-lltmdt'lo'n ln.the system under v.vh)'(-h | nedy (Peel). Total, 24. } ,the distribution of liquor for medu--f Against the amendmfl'ntF to thel inal purposes is restricted to holders . amendment -- Messrs. erguson,| Lora sCription Henry, Nickle, Price, Martin, Dr. of doctors pré,c ptions § Godfrey, Dr. Jamieson, Macdiarmid, | Anticipating Government Policy, Owens, Finlayson, Ela(i)lg.t R:'nll{liln't | When K. K. Homuth In(!eper'.dpy[.-_'x McKeown, Gray, Nesbitt, allis, j a per for South Waterlon | Bradburn, Clarke (Brockville), Gar-;' L"b"'; me'T' dlod by ':" ('al'a: ': den, Weichel, Joynt, Lewis, McBrlen.i moved, secon _ by : . Callan, an | Ecclestone, Chambers (West Wel-- amendment expressing regret that llnuton) D'r Carr, Cooke, Lyons, Mc-- there had been no provision made -Crga Goldie, Ireland, Keefer, Curric, "whereby liquors may be procured Hillmer, Trewartha, Wright, Spence, for medicl.r:a'l (X;U;Dgfli_)?:m';{\qu .v':l:fr'c":f Morel, _ Kennedy _ (Timiskaming), Ilho':m {"e:;?fs'}?"'eréuqdn :»r;"érv'ec; c rigt .L ~w + + > a 4 7 & aject l1ic C .L'hgmhers (bouth' Oxfordg. Sweet, W AS "anticipating Government Eiliott, Belford, Graves, Wigle, Mil-- p(; PnR , ligan, Oakley, Jamieson (West Sim-- 5y f ' ' c p 3 ~ ts *"Legislation," saild Mr. Ferguson. eaw Mm-k' 'btuart.' M(ng}}i{ Ma' "has' ieen promised in the Speech iison UWinasor).. Moiterich OQ?)' from the Throne, ard I think my ""s?n (;\\}i;:jdsor()i.s MI(;.?,::?h' \;'n::' honorable friend, outside of any s rank" }.{a;('ov:'::' Thompsofi ,\\'lll-' question of regularity or irregularity, strong\.:i i F il ), Y¥ 3 h 6 H |should be content with awaiting his n oo Rersnese prig! n ackly, 7 | opportunity when that legislation ney, Belanger, Proulx, Brackin, Pi-- 1 ppC o ownas' U ifeenan., ' Calian", Beaery' Comtoeil _ ar" Homum----Might I ask if 1t 'F'Ieenan. Callan, Berry, Colliver, ) is Athc.: dllgy of the Government to | Stedman, Johnston, Hill, Hambly. 18 poilt} A * o | Total, 81. I take this matter into their con-- ' Paired: Beck, Lethbridge; Acrces,' ';sideratiOn:' . 3].'jihlfr' B. J. Patt iAdvlsed to "Wait and See." | sent: R. J. Patterson, Conserva. 3 y e GOov« tive, Victoria South. [ Mr. P'ergusnn--\_'& h(-n. th ov 1 t 4 | ernment's policy is brought down on pot and. O f.M. Wotkd l M the form of a draft bill, my hon-- solidly for Mr. Raney's amendment orable friend will see exactly and _ Con ameqdment. j know the same as any other mem-- eroment Te ns ta e o s against ber about it, and then he will have a\mend'me'nt to the amendment, ex-- [ 'every opporiunity of presenting his IC L eC s RO o Oinece South, and views in the form of a resolution. * Phree Independen, Canooaforte L 'RRE fromuth----Wwith this ingerinits o En in epedent Labor maembers ( C .iue of the Prime Minister, I voted against amendment to the 1promo;uent to withdraw my amend-- amendment,. £.'| ?nl:n(t' Liberals who voted against amend-- / | * M t t : Afterward,. whem asked if the loay shurkeoen nainent were: Ma. \ Government had anything in mind geau, Sturgeon Falls; Belanger, Rus-- B nection with the point raised feen Prqulx, o ouigws nageay W;est bnv 0\(;2 Homuth, Mr. Ferguson said Kent; Pinard, Ottawa Eas}; Dr, Wal-- it v:"m' 2 malter for "contideration lis, Algoma, and Tellier, North Essex. lb) t'hAe Government." annnts I p ; P 2 _

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