Wednesday arch It-' . _ - _ t _ _ . . . t . - trrf . T ".' -. ep ' _---------- Me penditure. And with'F"a'Fa to-uni- .- . Save as aforesaid. all property, _ 'i versity trrantt, he Udft,'iU the. ' _ real and personal. including oongre- , accuracy of the charges to ordinary 'sl gational property, in Ontario . . . . . and capital accounts. by which, he shall continue to belong or to be held said, the Government in 1924 took vand administered for the benefit of b the benefit of an allocation of some- the Presbyterian Church in Canada, i thing like twice the 1923 figures, not- l ' exclusive of persons who become withstanding the 1923 expenditures members of the United c,,1e..'ie,1h'gd were larger. ' this section is to apply particu arly , N to the Board of Trustees of the '5 ID DEFICIT Some Few Economies. . . Presbyterian Church in Canada and i .' In Provincial Secretary Goldie's all assets or funds. held by or for it; i, department, however, Mr. Fisher _ and to apply to Knox College in the i, w---.-------"". said, there appeared to have been , l . . . some one at. work, and some real City of Toronto. Otherwise, Opposition Speak- economies effected. He noted, haw- . Before Committee 'ruesdar. . t t ever, that much of the decrease was Church Union bills------) one in- ers Pass Complimen S 0 due to a cutting down of repair bills, {troduced by those in favor of Unlon H w H P . e and he feared the Province might I and the one introduced by the non- I on. . - rio have to disburse that saving some concurring members-will come be- l _____ time in the near future. . fore the Committee on Private 13:2; i TAXES REFORM f He tiOOkbut'le (tiia"pgeraeiett'ilt', Le islature next new 5 or age n u ge " or _. , 3:03:13 9.59.30 o'clock, Attorney- SUGGEST this time for $3,000,000. which, he General Nickle announced yesterday --------- said, would have to be added to to the committee. The committee Whiirt Provincial Treasurer Price the debt of the Province and inter- a will meet in the reception room, and . ' e . ' . . 5 compli- est paid upon it. . .9 it is expected that forty "chats will (was handed almost as mans . . ' "r think we on this side of the be allotted to each side for Mini" iments us criticisms by Opposition House," he said, "are prepared to ' sion of those interested. Otherwise, 'speakcrs in the first day of the take the position that h1%,',fg'g't . the general public likely will be. 'Hudm-t dolsttte in the Legislature urer ought to balance B .u tre . 5 barred. i _ a . 5 are: If he cannot do it by reducing er.- k ' An interesting preliminary to the: yesterday. Liberals and Progress' B' 1,peppltures, then he is under obli- ' discussion expected that day ttt the :iinitcdly applauded the declarations 'gation to raise more money. Br, motion to be discussed tomorrow: by 5 " ll. Is'ishev. K.C. (Liberal. West 'Nccd of New System. the committee. introduced by w. yi, l, - . . F C Biggs I . , Haney (Conservative. West. Lamb: Ctttnwal, and lion. .5 . , . 5 "The time has arrived," continued tonl' and seconded by Alex. c. V iProgtrssive. North Vi cntwortht the member for Ottawa. "when the l ' Levvis (Conservative. Northeast To- 'thut Mr. Price ought next year to !w.h.ole system of taxation, Provin- 1' . '3 t the following effect: ; " l., , .. l 55. than tol- .cial and municipal, should have , - ronto.. 0 _ balance his Buugct [at " . some careful consideration. It .» Effort at Satisfactory Solution. omn- the $',',.000,000 action which he would be a good thing to have Do- V "tt is the desire of the. my?" ' saw in: anticipates. 'minion. Provincial f and rrliEnicépal ' ' t the Lexis at ve . _ , . taxation come up or cons era on 2,1e,,fi?i','"Jt"tfitfr'io that the 'pro- Ncvd of Taxes llciorm. . 5together. We seem to be drifting ionents and opponents of Church Another high spot in the debate. In along without any particular system. ' li'nion lend every effort to present 'which four members participated:- lam.) perhaps consideration of the ' ' ii consideration by the committee 'Messrs. Fisher, Riggs. T. J. Ma- (whole situation by two or three good " or A embly a hill which will honoy of South Wentworth and A 'men might be of infinite value to a t and the as easonable effort on the Belangor of Russell -- was Mr. Provincial business. Taxes at pres- 5 TENTH": l/ ides to arrive at a sat- Fisher's demand. on behalf of the ent are imposed without particular GiiB part of Ot 1 8" of the problem of taxpayers, of consideration and 'regard to where the burden will rest I _ PPet,of?. so u gm," properties in eventual overhauling of the present and how it will affect industry, but , t dividing P..t 3 u 1 its and conten- "unsoustematlc" methods of taxation. simply on a consideration of avail- " lift: 1o,ggd1,'.), 0 Mir. Flisher 1tlhoughtI Ontario!) sugfcij {abilityiy' M P i d. ' o . " . _ m industria y, per laps to ue cos a Rev ewin _ r. rce's pm e '; Th: Jiiiiir"iiig,einta1otnJn)piii1,, Ireneflt, from methods of mutation Egasoline angd beverage taxesmr, _.' that l. . A ' . ., _ , which. he said, took into cons ern- Fisher referred to the Treasurer's' ' and D. L. McCarthy, "fc," '52: tion availability, rather than after- effort as "a liquid budget," While , I other side. had agreed "l, f re pthe Cffects "tl industry. details of the beverage tax were not 5 e N' posal and would place (dorstandl Mr. Biggs discussed political at- available, Mr. Fisher thought that l . i',e'"'toine, y,'ei,S,t, "if"; ethought fairs, he said, aside from ty/til/tlt/l) the principle that T',W1ti', mugt , ' r, . Ing o 0 m . d h before vewpomts n'iatevcr. an , 'e A r. pay for the upkeep of all t f roll 8 a . ' was that both bills shoul e Fisher. complimented Treasurcr mi ht not be a correct one. m view Gi I lthe committee at the same time. 5Price5> in some l:espccxcts. stating rliii of 'ffl), fact that Otherlfi 2ti', the) im- taM .- ' . i opin on Lia t e overnment tU mediate users of the tr ways F ene- . hi, Going Cp and Down f rcct", mak, lprcsented "a businesslike Budget in fited from them. Moreover he 5. " q _ Mr. Haney----) these o ivc ltr ik ,a businesslike manner." He did, said, the city motorist alrea'dy con- , madam; bill's: 5338:: tt'llfrgill: (come 'ilyyTl'fT complain of what he term tributed heavily to the upkeep (1)11; the CSt r. un ere an B.. _ 1 ';ed misleading doc arations as to highways of his own municipa y. * '/ up? i 'highways construction being cut in , . Mr. ytl,',1t-d :2'1';f:&tht:';:: 1'ie.. limit under the new Government, and Biggs' Praises Government. .55 , making, an none . ' i'd $47,000,000 expenditure on high-i Hon. Frank C. Biggs, Minister of L; '3 gether. but I am 'i'"th/d',. 1t,1i/"gld, (ways during his regime, which, he. Highways in the Drury Government, a " the conclusion that "1:: forward ', (said, took no account of .r20,0f)(),000 urged that a standard be set on the 19;: , .. up and down rat er th wanted: 50f Pcnding rebates. ., butterfat content of ice cream. Dis- " Mr. Haney said that . ey 'lv' ii', l H. Fisher. K.(,'. tLiberal, Wes; regarding the suggestion of "4.4" to deal with the matter fair y an ' lottawa). said that, while he had not from some members, Mr. Blggg al, w F wanted both sides to arrive at a rea- (been able to be present to hear Pro- thou ht that 12 er cent. would be t f erty He . _ , g p at . agonable adjustment o prop d Iffect i,vincial Treasurer Price's Budget an acceptable standard. 'alll Ethought It would $332531]: iiiii lspeech. it read well in the newslm- His compliments to the Govern- I ;it they understoo l {0 ut before rm. and, consequently, he could ment and the Provincial Hydro-Elec- . lthat he had a "wart 836" Mr compliment him upon it. tric Commission for the good work il, 1ifjiit,"tt,gdtttulotht/'/hlt file his no: laces Little Improvement. that was being done to meet rural l ' A C. ' l 't 5; tics of motion in the regular may, '. In relation to the Provincial Treas- 32:12.2; ar',",'xg,enf2d,,", d',,",,',,,,'.'),,":,,)' iit _ _ and Mr. Haney said he would do Bo. lurer's claim to credit for the Gov- benches In his own district ht l I ' When he explained the gist of the :ernmcnt for having, on the one said he knew that Sir Adam 'm/iii ai motion quoted above, Mr. Lewis re- (hand, reduced expenditures, and on hud'taken a personal interest in get- " " ' marke}: "I nomina.te Mr. Hjyltv,,as the other hand increased revenues, this power littetg to reach the farms 5 I President of the Optimists' Club. Mr. Fisher declared that, excluding. In the further extension of rural gigho , . . Mr. Currie-Every one on the certain large items, such as in- Hydro he saw a solution' for one of alt . committee wants an amicable settle- .' creased Hydro interest In the Pre- biltario's vexed economic questions. My. 5 ment. 0 liners department, for which the He complimented the Provin ial ",C.Ca' r 3 -- _------------- Government could not claim credit.Treasurer for bringing down a "be? 'ai' " there was no actual imrrovemtnta/aiiii, Budget in a b i 'fi'lli . . tn shown in Ontario'e finances. F°"way"- one he said h." neat' t "' 't. instance, he said increased receipt. , ' ' w ieh, unlike i . _ ' that of last year, had apparently n: ". . . in the Department of Educatim ... ' ' T " _ . were half n 5 .political tinge. After the energy l " . . iade up by an increased shown by the Treasu " ., P . , b rer. however. 'AE . Federal grant to technical Anfc"ll)eil'sr1t Big 3 said . t i ht i I V "s. ' and an increase of $489,000 in motoC . . g ' 1n tt rag en " out "e'tlll P vehicles revenue represented onhilaertain matters in the department, Hi b' normal growth. He did not iirF1','f,u,fcae" :grprised tto hear by" an- ' 12" pose-the Government would take con en ment to live an- m_"ry"3t'= ' __--.-----------------__:_----------.----,-- other year under the shadow of a [i, 5,." . . great credit for an increase in suc- Provincial deficit. Mr. Bitrtts said - a ' 5 cession duties, involving the death .he could Bee a. balanced Budget in 12S , . of wealthy Ontarians. the omng, and due to arrive Just "tit.. _ Turning to expenditures, Mr. about on the eve of the next elec- "s. I Fisher. in his analysis, argued that? _tione . l 1 ' eliminating various large and a; ..i, 5 'r?it 'i' ' normal items, such as $407,000 for Approves ot Taxes. l '. _'diir r.. . the Hydro inquiry, there had The former Minister of Hishwsys , sf. . . . actually been increases in expendi- gave his approval, to the Govern-D . Ai . ture in most of the departments. It ment's proposed gasoline tax, and " " '. . F there had not been an election in also the beverage tax, although, he 5. Ct I r, i 1923. for instance. he said, the. At- said, he was not in favor of 4.4 beer r t :.c',itl .- WarvniTft,"v'trt1't Department would and dreaded any possibility of a re. ' i "Z . have shown a large increase of ex- turn to bat-room ditttribution. But a,r'd8 'r/ . :the gas tax, he believed. should be ca x ' . . carried even further. and increased "r', " " . . if necessary. to 4 or 5 cents a gallon. V a. . 5 5 Tr?,), _ ith a coincident reduction to a Gi V - _..-..,. .. V V 1333c}? f,T Se automobile license fee. . _ . 55 , e believed. would "MM,