» es - ~ ; . «o s C "\'\" \*ofi" A t l * 4. .. c' [ |arc,\'\ VZL-- 3y x5 hbors 3N . ; x s 3: £4 ; h & e [( P l An Uneventful Day. j : | Mr. Heenan devoted practically all I ' of his speech to the matter of. unofl'l- ' ployment and quoted exhaustivelz é GOVERNMENT'S VIEWS' from statistics and reports to upho is arguments. f | f '"&qufioa, that the Government t&:O care of old burying grounds f" ;': | Niagara district was made by of : Kemp. He cited the instances i omprmiio c rmmrmngicemes § Brown's Burial Ground, which, i e b | said, was a disgrace to 219 gx?t'::\:gt # ermmnnre n en x 4j i + p V House Also Receives Royal, fle also thought the. GOYOPAMAD) _ Kenora's -- Labor_ Member shou!d,aPPoln' 27 'Jolistrut, he said, Assent tO Fourteen | | grouy?dsbral«fliozl"swilue of 'concrete 69 f the R 1e f l1er' . culverts, etc., at 3$44, J _ e Premler S RequeSt ?fif 'd(ir'lnl\fiflt think they could be built | emascamemaras at that figure. £ a fas SARNIA REDUCES COUNC'L: MlGHT PROLONG DEBATE Before the ]Rnd';.ie;'tg xgae:dgt;:'e:to woormeon mm e en mmmmmmas {eached second rea j t % the bill of W. S. Haney (Conserva-- In one brief half--hour of yester-- mmmaememmatntont tive,. West |,a'mbton'.' ';:r'sx':}t:ti(mt:' day's protracted session of the Legis-- Lethargic -- Governme: benches -- police \'f"';'zf?}' ;f,:)'::{;slfl?wé an extra lature the House registered a record _ euddenly came to attention in the Rgfi'a":fi'&;-'nw:_ the limit now, as in passing 134 Government bills: Legislature yesterday afterno0n tpese villages had _ 108t ValUle through third reading, 4 other minor when, at the conclusion of an hour's through _the "h<°'li";'r):'(a0':];,,.8\?::;:': measures through committee stage, _ speech on the RBudget debate, Peter l&b0r. '%'1'1'11:411;&\:0(1"09&-& D. &Au-- and receiving Royal assent from his Mecnan (Indoependent Labor, WKen-- {\h(;rrtirz\mg the Council of York Town-- Honor Lieutenant--Governor Cock-- oral moved an amendment to the ship to pass money by --laws wéthc;g: shutt to 14 bills. motion of the Provincial Treasurer a vote of the pGI'OI;':(,l ttf)o '::!;)onvfir;ran r s % $ 3 e disposal, Many New Private Bills. . t that the House should go into com-- :::ergnent bpetween the township and It was the first. appearance of his mittee io consider supply. 'The the Lambton Golf Club. Honor since the opening, and the!' smendmoent, which was seconded by dnny third readings given were also the J. .P. Callan (Independent Labor, first of the session. The outstand-- Rainy River). was to the effect that ing measure which became law dur-- the House "regrets that the Govern-- ing yesterday's rapid--transit pro-- ment in is efforts to exercise econ»> (":e(:H.n;:s wa® tlmt legalizing _"',"' my has frailed to provide adequate position of _ Government . Whip means for reliscving unemployment William ITreland (West Hastings) in .n this Province and for the estab. the Legislature, aftér the Govern-- i§fment of.an unemployment insur-- ment had purchased asmall bill of ance system." s groceries at his store in West Hast-- | C oT' ings for the opening of the Govern--| Induced to Withdraw 11. » ment moving--pictyre studio. The: The amendment was quite in order, measure also took care of F. C. || but Premier Ferguson, who up to Biggs's somewhat simllar position. | that tims had been caimly perusing A host of new private bills made: documents on his desk, promptly their appearance before the orders, | stated that, if! the ourpose of the € among them a Toronto bill, intro-- | amendment was to prolong the de-- duced. by Russell Nesbitt, to sanc-l bate, the House would sit that tion expemditures of $300,000 for the night. The Premiér announced that completion of the Wellington Street arrangements already had been en-- k destructor; $388,017 for the water-- tered into for the House to rise at fromt boulevaxd drive from Dufferin § o'clock, with an afternoon and to Bathurst Street; Hospital for I"'| evening sitting on Thursday for the cuxables, rompleting grant, $125,000; Budget debate, and with the final 4 parks acquisition, $4,953; high pres-' speeches of the Loeaders on Tuesday & sure» fire systeim extension, $93,839.| | )/ey;, Moreover., the Premier said, f 4 Mr. Nesbitt also dnir'pduced his al-! no Government could perm'it such a ready heralded b!" to incorporate the' resolution to be introduced without barbers of Ontario. | _ having the Governmont state its ce io. Aeenpedy, "F § 1 fieve se an. emenoment. insthe w};'o.r )Mx'.. Jt{reond!:,;ecd(?;i' b{hgd%'(igé?rglec{! l-'.udg'et. it wou'h,lv be treated by the ,(,"' o 17 io y Rights in Ontario ot' (GGovernment as a want--of--confidence specting Cly. ya Aahnren | motion. He asked Mr. Heeran to Membersiol ts sccink" Prou L,huxc_hi withdraw his amendment anmd to in Cana'fia Respeqtlng. I:'roperty oo Lring it in at some other time. Ontarto." whirh: has previousiy been' Mr. Heenan said that he knew | outlined. us was'? blllfto o Thhe nothing of any arrangement to call | tion the aifl of aa.rk t::d rogl ds off the ~debate for the day at C t rom Mr feith to Sn 'tle' ?}? onel o'clock. '"This resolution is not in-- o o en tvinr Keith' t'o'szu':m?;s me;gg; tended to embarrass the Govern-- structiori\ ** '?te}?e';t. gthe vote of the ment, but to see where the House :g:;'?zhp * 9 stands on this question of unem-- t R ployment," he said. In deference to o rares Fors (son w s Dl'lcl)cgeding; the Premier's wish he withdrew the Premier Ferguson wus Ca eI upon anfendment by W. L. N. Minfidils I:,'C" fAb?:a* Three speakers enguged in the Leader, for some intim«bon o w'en' Budget . debate, vesterdny, 'I-- A. e esn .. Sare; e';pg(tmthe Oa'l'iA'(' Thompson (Conservative, North > pill, and the Premiet 4 d':n:fe t:' Lanark), Mr. Heenan and R. H. : i'r'y,;:zductlon tor the. mAt es Kemp (Progressive, Lincoln). Mr. . "xfe 10e Ci Thompson extolled the speech «<f + Mr. Haney ixixt;ociluct:ed the,wo;yfl?: the Provincial Treasurer, and coming sarni':x'_bllleW{lhté nam%es:nc;f Sarnia to the question of 4.4 per cent beer Aey bearal to 8 from 14 ollins: to be declared that the Ontario 'Temper-- % o To Lo he fif t M in ance Act had been made unpopular * %E?E;'nlgarheld on_t e'first --Morwix® by the Drury Government. The ® § [ y § Government was attempting After all the bills were laid bqu.\{e 10 Iifl "that. Boor, 'daishisused and t,,}:;f;'lerakr:s&tht% s(t):::' thr:tm }?: h?& mutilated child and give it a chance * noticed some of the members were for its life," he declared. ~---- presenting their bills in the form of j a blank sheet of paper----a practice, = 5 he said, which should. not: continue,