h 10 N * * Foug ay, Uqrch t0 -- f ' ' rect. 'They thin o how _ this Hquor -- shoule, yoHi uor should; be tak ® 0 e for their own advantage. 1t ':ien | » not seem to me quite fair that if 6 6 9 2 a man in the North country i RED haps 100 miles away from a d-olftel" is enabled to get in the early ctor, of the year a scrip which ent})t'?:; E him to 40 ounces of whiskey fr L the dispensary with the desi fat that whisk f ons .n mik ~ commorin nnesgreng . skey shall be kept on the § shelf throughout the winter to meet Gl '% per cent. absolute alcohol b ?l'rml e'lr)nerlgency, thet the contents of F7 ir _ cent. 0 y e bottle should >b Salc of 4.4 Beer by a'; ;~olume is in the general interests of ounces. Our desir};e::e?:cégt is @. . x emperance, and, as I said on a from much hy uo a m Limited to SCGIIJC' previous occasion, the Government has charactel?ltze(tlh(;hg)pggfl? ie Hotels and Restaurants |fas Prtr BMBY "!P slarm at thel_ _ Hon of ferneraice legisiation," not & * . C only in this Province, b k | alcohol drinking in the Province of , but in other at Tables Only--Doctors 3}SQNS! L. gountrles. (Tou qannol brush ihe s "Therefore, while the Government f ometimes, if you Cut Down Pto 3.0' .'n reisnects the principle of the act in fgt:f:, ';x{::tt a:otdze ledf"'v you may rescriptions ©®' 11 making it an offense to _ sell nirol it as it rolls stead of 50' e P liquor that is intoxicating, the Gov-- :"'sjggml,,eb""eve if today we have Monthly frnment is of the opinion that perance legislation, and the 2 1--2 per cent. alcoho! in 'beer does cz'oi'e{a"fm of the Province in the nrmser ns arnienert ce ies not make that beverage intoxicating, administration of this law, that we and therefore the Government takes will secure a better temperance CLUBS PRIVILEGED the responsibility of submitting an spirit throughout the Province than ! amendment to the act permitting prevalls today, when coercion and TO SELL BY PERMIT such sale. compulsory abstinence are made in | enenmmmannienes Way of Bootlegger Made Harder. S EANET Int law. and Aaimogr in un l * 4* "But while the Government take > gainst 4 naspejes lRestrtctwns on Persons tnis position it is determined that? ?:'Kljlti::(':g:gn.ts;plt,wi:lthe broad ao-- | | Under 18 Y ears of Age-- li--hi--'sb'f;i'r--flz};?,"xa;\';?fin*;rfirhc;!on' may: _ Nicklo Will Administer Act. } | * ring results, the way of the boot--| Mr. Pr w NAT ' Sale Of Beer in BU'k legger may be made hard, and that mlnix;tc-z-:d'u;,';-- t\gé"p;:';natfl 11"1;3 ad-- | * those who endeavor through the} . s ® cense | Extended to Groceries) need or the vlistress of others to| C(r'?;;nii?;&r:fers?me i.will | # make a profit shall feel the full re--; o cG o ne, P act will be ad--~ ' for Dehvery to Homes -- _ course of the law." i mi\qi:te"i'}k::,iethe ('t"'"{:e}'-(}enerax | 4 Mr. Raney--Does the bill covetr i ad < ~orthumberland ) | | Nominal Fee to Be the permit fee, or is that to be set-- | 2:'.]:;';:";"{ 3\" explanation of the C'lar ed f P -t l tled by the board? | m' 'itundr? 1 ;:t beer would be sold | E€ or Permits 1s-- Mr. Nickle--That will be settled | _ 3. / ard hotels but not over the | # by regulation; it will be nominal. | . Ts a¥l, | sued by L(cense Board The permit is for the purpose 0!' du.'\flr. .\lcll\'h---()'!' course there are | ho n anmepae n enc eg control and not for revenue. | y e;e'nt'h,\stt-ms of sm_r\-ing liquor. | 3 Mr. r{anpy__\'y]" flnybndy be en--| ht 1 '(, moment nl} Up]nlon is thatl By a dual permit system, as to (titled to a permit who asks for it? tl'e s'g'f'qt. '"l""' is the European .l place of sale and authorization of |% t'Mr' Nickle--No; 'hfl" is a matter | :?:f)lp'\t,;\ };,'::palgqgg; }3 se;rvcg from employees ; g site s / of regulation. HKoughly -- speaking, fiead fupie iing in, having 114 P l(;)ees to d'xsp.en!e such "quor'z_standard hotels, well -- conducted | c{mxrs fn'the table. Get away from e erguson Government propose8||restaurants and cafeterias may sell the old idea of the brass rail and | to legalize the sale of 4.4 per cent. | and break bulk~for consumption on one foot on it, and men standing by | beer in Ontario, according to thcti";:' ¥'rfmi5('-"iil'l{'i{°cl""t:'s' g""'i't'{"'d it": t(f;?m?;:;r. there and . drinking and O.T.A. s character, will likely be permitted to| a }d T'A. amendments finally brought'"se" only in respect of case for de--| 'In addition to the main features own in the Legislature yesterday by'!jlivery and not for consumption on of the O.T.A. amendments as out-- Attorney--General Nickle. '\ the premises. % l\llned\'link]h;s t}'x'mlwrlgten hstzuem@m. Although the Government Mr. Raney--And there will be no Mr. Nickle explained that provi-- to allow tgh sile of b s 'mtends limitation for a municipality ? No| sion is also made that the con-- e sale of beer in standard |limitation, for Toronto, for instance, l victing Magistrate may revoke sell-- 'hotels at tables, there are restric-- | of 500 to 1,000? "'t'; "'"'";'"5- '"'"I'h". Minister may ; s at any time cancel any pe . Stop-- it"l,cl:r:sl lu."1he\ ().Tr.A.] amendments !To Get It Out of the Cellar. pers on the boc:r biflixé; ::o}t tob (})12 ch wi revent t s - hi ' OFer --a bar prevent (the sale of 'it Mr. Nickle--That, of course, would limited to what is known as the a PaT . be a matter of regulation. My de-- Crown cork," marked inside and A penalty of $5,000 is to be provid-- |sire is to place this matter out in out as to contents, and casks and ed for brewers violating the act in |the window rather than in the cel--| kegs are to be marked under heavy Selling io other than 1i § lar. that the man who wants to get penalties for wrong marking. & cense holders, i & they j j liquor not exceeding 4.4 per cent. Deposit for Appeal Reduced an rey may be required to enter | will feel that he is not doing a dis--| There is impbort n into a $190.000 bond with the Gov.' |reputable thing and that he acts| |;, ns pjj gre' i: ;&0 a".:i provision ernment. 1within his rights. | from asumv' I 1b0ri'* "n?dméoni;px?x}g?is\z fay? i -- Mr. Raney--Then, I presume, the | «c . that *he 2 f g Doc(Or.s Scrips Limited. 'thought_ is that any one who com-- | n.en;b?;a, .thd.dtho amount of money Punishment by fine and imprison-- | plies with the cornditions will be en-- | "'"(;'f"' mf, eposit on an eppeal ment is provided for violators of the} | titled to the permit? under the O.T.A. shall be reduced act on first or subsequent offenses Mr. Nicklee--Oh, no. I was very f\r.u'm $100° to §50, in order, Mr. without alternative; the minimum |careful to emphasize that character |Mickle 'said, that no Ons. through penalty for having or drinking liquor [ counts--I mean facilities and char-- "l'"'ki '"f S";"',ii;'i'_ fum':_a}ai should _*l"' in a-- public place is reduced from |acter combined. ')Pp_ri"d e -Jl?iv r(e.} hi ti".'"" 190 $200 to $50; doctors are to be limit-- Mr. Raney--One way to admin-- owed for making (ht appea! is allo ed to 30 instead of 50 prescriptions | ister the law might be to say frienas|! 'Changed 'f'f;"f: 10 to"..or days. . There for liquor for iliness in any month; |might get permits and others not?}| _ !P also stringent regulation that no wholesale druggists are to be re-- | Mr. Nickle--I made it clear on | drugs :lm}I]l enter hmi» t4h§ mar;uf:;\g- ?};xired to obtain alcohol supplies {a previous occasion, and I would | t\l;x:'ii,?l tOf;'l '}'»ruvfu.fi; ith i atn: h:tl\':' i Ioggh the License Board; sale of jlike to make it clear again, that itl .th('-( r(',dht toL'n:a.l.\'ZO a?:\' beser'to see on eex;l is tg be prohibited to per-- | is not the intention of this Govern-- | | ;4 (it lf(mtain; ln}urlousb drugs. He "por!tlaltlll:meqr)f]u years of age; and im-- | ment that this legislation will be' |pay aiso 'p{?ohlbit sale of patent | by old quor up to 4.4 per cent. 'administered politically. It will be | |,, Hicines which offend against the [1g l?r%rl';lb?tede" of permits for resale administered with a sincere deslre' O"'BIE . > j '__"The broad principles underiying io meet :A public nmeed in an Open | | 'Attorney--General Nickle's own the measure are these," said AYtor- YSn statement of the purport of his bill tlon to tns House in his explana thing in the bill about native wines? | % ¢ e ouse. '""'The Govern-- Mr. Ni As to Doctors' Prescriptions. ment thinks the time has come wher r. cklee--None: whatever. we should get away from mere theo. Mr. Raney--Or any reduction of "From perusal of the amendments, retical principles and meet this the quantity of liquor that may be it appears also that provision is to aroll)lem as a condition, as a prac-- prescribed? in m;tjdee uili;:'tecttrelg ?ga;dnym?liuigs;&: c:r?nm:)]:f;gg:é :)vrob'l'em, in a sound. Limiting Doctors' Prescriptions. ;?ohoiqyitir;xg' him from selling or sup-- A¥: Mr,. Nickle--There is a reduction plying liquor to any person on the Alarmed at Strong Liquor Drinking. from 50 to 30 lp relation to num-- written prescription of the physician "As I said when I spoke on the bers, not quantity. Ontario is a named in such order; doctors must Address, the present limitation in the big Province, of divergent conditions. issue their prescriptions on forms Ontario Temperance Act is artificial-- One would be blind to close one's provided by statute; under the pre-- Ily onerous, illogical, and certainly °**> to the fact that many people scription of a duly qualified medical 'not scientific. The Government feels N4V® the honest beiief that alcohol, practitioner a vendor under the act that the increasing of the alcoholic particularly -- whiskey, in -- certain may sell for strictly medicinal pur-- content from 2% per cent. proof to emergencies, has a beneficial ef-- t y