The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 27 Mar 1925, p. 2

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i " ' _ T ', '0 . l in . (, .. Fi; l 21 - ' ' " 1.- q . V _ Far} . l . .. iriila, ' a .. c. _ . _ 7 _ _ J . after consider- . . "meet: to one point [ . ' public life'xo'tive the fatgtmmrzsniee ttp"tgPggg'tl,n1,"a,'l,1td'i from the 3nd to $.11: 'l'lll'll'lUi'd the crux ' The worth of the opinion was no or gina t from what ot the w o intoxicating penance Act and depar ed whether 4.4 beer was an I more because it appeared in the the people last October voted to be b e ' » mesa. but it depended on the man is asked it to be everag . Ni kle's printed) retained. The neon Taking up Mr. e i 8 who wrote it, he qaid. He added retained and the Attorney-Gener- h Mr Raney proceeded to ex- that the Editor ot The Globe and t all says that it is impossible." Speee the opinion that the Attorney- [ l himself were personal friends and! Referring to the speech in the Emmi had had it put over" him. l he had been on friendly terms for' House of the Attorney-General a H was going to show the House that l imany years with other editorial month ago, Mr. Sinclair said it con- he case put up by the. Attorney- ' writers on The Globe. After read- stituted a pretty black indictment 2fi ral was not a. scientific case at ing various selections from edt- of an act the people in October had linehht just a case of beer prom- . torials. Mr. Nickleasked. "Why does voted to maintain. "He did not a 'nd, The Attorney-General has ' not the Editor of The Globe be satisfy me scientifically or lime!" gap a'-t1miied and it is unfortunate; ' honest in defining what he means cally how 4.4 beer is going to satin.a been IVic ifiriii'Gire made the brew-. l ' by the word intoxicating as. he uses fy the appetite of those who are: that 'fd his own and professed so it in his editorials? In one sense buying such concovtions as he re:: em f,") 'ientific Knowledge. because in which xhe uses it it is true; in fers to. If he can satisfy me and. 1mm: k: it all the more difficult tor' another sense it is as far from the can satisfy the people of. Ontario,; 'htd',"t'ff"wiitti"dhtl) as he is going to J ' truth as tho North Pole is from certainly he has accomplished one; h I,',',', elled to 'do. When he has ' the equator." Tl of the wonders Of the age. ' 1"d,fi,oe'y'?d,'if he has been deceiized ' Referring to a. news story in m " , .nt . . res ect or, . Globe on March 21 from Hamilton Going Back Half-Ce ury . l 1'l,dr1y,'ailittt,,tU,t shah,adt'irr','f7, this. ' bt as to the hootleggers being able to If Mr. Nickle or the. Premier i'i', " p n, e undorsell the liquor sold from the knew last year what they say the}; b . I _ dispensaries. the Attorney-General know 1o?i, a'lg'outithe 'f,"'tti,et?'gofvi,e' "Professor Maximum." 3 ._. asked why The Globe did not turn they put t e rov ncc to j _ __ ' ' one of its blasts against the Do- of a vote? Why did the Prime M:"; Mr. Haney Drocwhedntt? 't',"g,,Tt1,'d I minion Government, and say if the ister make his pledges to tly', W'Oh ee 1379:9859? Rosewater l an whose , bootleggers undemcll the (lispen- If they had known then what they University .wer---a gent em ed x- saries it is because of the heavy Fod- say they know now. it was all the srientitic findings were quot e C" hr'l .customs and excise tax? He more to their condemnation that, torvsively by Mr. Nickle in regard to l . 2,'l/a,e'h' that The Globe did not ad- knowing thostt things, they dirt nSt subjects imbibing without irttoxica- C.', T . . ..' . uaint the people with the condi- tion seven or eight quart bottles of . (lure one. word of scientific evidence acct ..., Th ct . 1 name . 2 to confute the arguments he had ad-r tions they now say PM". h fvhay beer. Prof. Rosewaters rea S to. ,. l ' vanced. he said, was te',1rgga/f1',/hl,', 'as,', £0]; he read from tsl,',"':"",':,"",'),,,,,',,'",',',',',',', . , _ ' i . or . cer so ( b .. . " 'ttee a e W - r V Turns on Other Critics. I 2,"dt'",Tftatr'r'irn'd', and stores from if?,'.','",,'",,')] 'iie'1t'i"'rriv'Jfl evidence on . I Mr. Nickle criticized Dr. Wiley for which it had been removed for at 'hehaif of the United States brow- loot finding out before he apoke ml least half a century. . erg before the United States Senate (Toronto just what the new Ontario: flow vould they create a habit CT Committee. -, l legislation intends to do, and alsoj a. thing which was nt?n-.i.rexicat.in1 Messrs. Haney and Nickle differed ', quoted from an article written by a "You can't. create a hat" tor.' ginger in cross-floor dialogue about the 5 man of the same name, in which he ale and pop," said Mr. Sinclair. 'Cer technical relations Jr percentages of _ b' stated that it would take 40 glasses tainly you can't ask the people of alcohol by volume. weight and " of beer stronger than the strength Ontario to believe you are aoin,z to proof spirits but they finally agreed ' l of the new Ontario beer to make a ' get rid of the 1oetlyr5t,r,,hy 'sclllng lthat the 2 Fr, per cont. liquor used . man drunk. Referring also to The i, a. non-intoxicating drink raking it" Rosewaiter and the other scien- ' Pioneer, and its quotation from a the Conservative pai'tys own valu- tine. men referred to by Mr. Nickle book entitled "The Border Land," ation on its temperance ryeo.tyi, the" " thei tests was a i, per cent. beer. 3 y Mr. Nickle said that book had been .he could say it had made its first "Gr Ila-n93; haiddhat it was the [written 12 PP"' ago, and It found backward step. goddity 'triih"'iiii Mr. Nickle's refer- J no ""him ot it were now 1ylyer!,e,. ,Robbing People of Their Law. ences had been to 2.75 beer tests In his former' speech, when tolling h t h d p used him to look up the wr ' of certain scientific experiments asl Continuing after the supper hour, t a 1 ah had noted r , to the effect of beer, Mr. Raney had Mr. Sinclair asked how could the men wRom .e d qf C) the atate- , asked it those experimental upon Government's O.T.A. amendments be Mr. raw? 'reaB {NIT l hefore . were "brvwery workers." Mr. Nickle considered as in the interests of 5119"? 0t "new? 0:05.311 Dr quoted from a letter from one of the temperance. when thzy 1'ylaJf'ntthlle' ,,"io'J'ip,'1'v1"t1etf.', ($122: (,ffu" it? '/ifi, Effect v . s , b ' ' ' . men who had conducted these ex- 3:25" A? rt'e,.ie,1/1igll.ea't'e 8mg ,that he had carried on investiga- . "U. ' . '7. theprevaleneeotthe iDeriments. in which it was said that Mr. Sinclair, .Mr: P,eltt,.itoe,l,d Qnot '33:: Sim? inhdrs 'i'i.')d's'."'infl thgt " :the persons experimented upon! put himself in the Dem ion o Bay- Prof Rosewater .had OHM reruom- l Hanged from a total teetotaier to a" ing to the Province that there "'3: mended the sale of wines and been ' iman used to alcoholic. drinks, and a distyyTt for law andloraer', (wt in hotel restaurants on Sundays in: all were eduteated'men. he criticized his propoSa to create volving also an inference that he "I cannot escape, nor can the Gov- respect for law and order by taking ' _ - t : ernment escape the responsibility out of the hands of the people a law T's!" be on the payroll of the United J h for the "airiirti'on' we are introduc- which ,at",.e,tl,tp,i_ttt11" their 'YU: states brewers. ving." said Mr. Nickle. "It wrong, If Mr. Nickle's amendments con- 'As to Prof. Hollingsworth. ' the conclusions as to the results of stituted a temperance measure: de- When Mr. Nickle said that he had . tour experiment will, before Sept. .1, clared the, Leader, 'Why the been indirectly in communication L Tnecessarily Show we were wrong tn reference to. sticking , tt,yt,Y m with Prof. miinirliwiirtii of Colum- k , _ our premises and in our con- former Premier Hearsts hack. hit bia in regard to the standing of , . clusions." ' ill: 2fitmetoteaypriJ,e 1i11i"/t,Tr,tt Prof. Rosewater, Mr. Haney said , Bad Prindplo. Says Sinclair. peglhhc 'deserted Hearst and voted he proposed to deal with him also. , ',, Mr. Sinclair, in opening his ad- polities,whtrn the Conservative party fProf. Hollingsworth had also been . t dress. said that the Attorney-Gen- did not even have the O.T.A. men- 'before that Senate committee as an I' 'eral had said that the new beer was tioned in their campaign handbook {expert witness. ' ' 'ito be palatable, pleasing and non- in that year. Why all the reference I Premier Ferguson asked Mr. . _ l,intoxicritiru. "If that is the limit, I to the increase in doctors" prescrip- iRaney if the imputation Was that _' T loan tell him very many of those tions and liquor drinking. when, if they were dishonest witnesses. ' w" Blocking for the advent of the beer it were a real temperance measure Mr. ReneY_TheY were expert wit- . Iwill be disappointed." It was a pe- that were proposed. it would not nesSes giving testimony for the men 'culiar thing to him. if the new beer need any explanation at all? who employed them. They are not .was not intoxicating. why Mr. Mc- the benevolent scientists of high ' Causiand should applaud so much Restoring Old Conditions. reputation. for it. "The principle in the bill, to "The Government," he said, "must Later on Mr. Raney asked if any ll my mind, is a had principle entirely. stand condemned by the principle of one imagined that these experts be- , It arises out of a broken pledge of this bill, from the very fact that it - fore the Sena-19 committee were do- ' r the Prime Minister, and no principle was deemed necessary to put the mg this out of pure love for the i _ can be right and sound which rests clause in about ejections of persons people. "Everybody knows." he ' r on that had foundation. The basis for drunkenness and disorderly con- 'lsaid,' "they were fed by million-dol- of our government must be good duct on these premises. There can . lar Interests." . r faith." The people believed what be no doubt from the internal evi- _ Messrs. McBrien and Finlayson the Prime Minister had told them--- deuce contained in the bill that the asked how about the position of one * that the act would be enforced if it Government fully expects it is going ot the Opponents of these experts at , was upheld-Mr. Sinclair said. But to have the old conditions back again these 1t?arintrs--wdt, he not in the C ' now the whole situation was chang- itself, and those selling this com- penitentiary? Mr. Raney apparent- - M' ed, said Mr. Sinclair. after referring modity must have a. certain amount ly misunderstood' the purport of the " to the declarationshof lt fremieg of statutory protection." question, and declined to answer. _ A, before and a ter t e p e ac te, an When a Government set itself in .' particularly to the Conservative in authority over the expressed will 'tit as to Prof. GIGS. . _ gathering last fall. No man could ot the people, the remedy Was for dien Prof. Gies of Columbia came re argue consistently that in this bill the people to take matters into their :3; er Mr. Raney's review, and Mr. . . there was not a change from the own hands when the proper time "hey asked why Mr. .Nickle had ' . original principle of the Ontario came. Before another year rolled 'tj,'lillh2eesd0)",ia,,te(, information . . . _ t a _ , Temperance Act. , around the Premier would find 'that New Jersey to the 'r(lte1)teft'a,tuitfg'gt, Wing From OSHA. Ithe argument as to the 1odiijii,v,iiil.-y congress against alcoholi a na . The opinion of the Attorney-Gen- tive qualities of 4.4 beer were innit as Nickle referred him t 831' and Mr. ' oral was that the act as it stood to- accurate " the "summits on the pamphlets. o e printed ' ~ day was deg,'",',",; i"lr't"t'gi','f"if, ff; Sin- Judicature Act. Mr. Raney aroused Mr Nickle by . It was pain en at twas . , . 't'ltirindtnt.TI', of the Attorney-Gen.. Barney Takes the Floor. 'rlpreq"t')eei,tiV,t)iieii,i, :hgever had pre- ' ' _ and to change tIhe principle, he G110:l Wh fi lift-neg. ea-Attorney- discrimination to: 'llh'ATt "blame: a - ' - ' O ' . said. Therefore say that the. At ener. ' "A"'E?. a?" ce d he de certain other experts whose Opiniogs' ." that d ' - tAifd '

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