C 1 A \ c > > § f i Wedaes&a, fp ) . there is a hall in between, .ij;? -- 'g;:;{ xfxldn't make much difference Soft Drink Taxes. [ & to me if there was a fight on. The . « When the beverage taxes were tbe-- r3 Unionists may not even occupy the ing considered in committee, Ed-- | i# building. They just want to say, mond Proulx (I4beral, Prescott ) t 'We Won.'" | moved that the tax be not applied M. M. MacBride saii: "I have nc to soft drinks. This amendment was ' unkind word to say for Church | voted down, but not until after a, Union, but I have a duty to protect ' long discussion. Tiberal epeakers | those who desire sincerely to remair | y maintained that too mauch was be-- members of the good old Presby: | |ing left to regulations, and that the terian Church. If this bill carries, i t 'House shou]q have some say. -- The f is going to cause heartaches and bit-- | en se drasmgand ecrsmmicien Treasurer said he wanted to work terness, and conditions that will not | out some method to enable the Gov-- J must be built on solld rock. ana »ot |Controversies in House Over . | ons ho i Chhot *o eaable the C the must be built on solid rock, and r;ot OntF d Bev collection of g:;)ltax with as little ing sand. I must vote for i# = friction as possible. t(.)lr:e zll]:étnd'fnem, and propose to offer I Indemn't'es an Liberal Leadgr Sinclair resented ' amendments in committee.'" | erage Tax '(}overnment remarks that ns con-- > | structive criticism was being offer-- -i Fears More Bitterness,. 6 i ie 'ed Opposition _ members cou}l'd Hon. Mr. Nickle said the prob-- 4 speak without the consent of the sulsa to the Private mits Coman-- |TO REGISTER MOTORISTS |speak without the consent of the | B gated to the Private Bills Comnmit-- | proposed to tax the purchaser, and 3 tee for consideration, was, would the l e : § the Government knew the purchaser A general cause of the United Church Beverage taxes, larger indemnities was not paying the tax. Why ,5 and of Christianity in Canada be bers and amendments to the should not the Government accept 4\ P ropaoys ibP O Fould Alitérences be | | for member . the outstanding the suggestions offered and eliminate 4 engendered and bitterness accen-- |marriage laws were islature the dangerous parts of the bill, 7 tuated, "which we all hope will be items discussed by the Legislatu WhICh were the taxes onsaftdrimka.? i arlaked," . S °ore were certain fun: | | resterday afternoon in a -- session The Attorney--General said that if $ damental differences between the |> es aw &4 long grist of bills ad-- they could collect the tax on beer 1 > & |two groups, and the Legislature which saw A it ir legislative | they could collect it on soft drinks. $ might just as well recognize that vanced a stage on their leg \If the manufactyrers cared to am-- & ?fact. he salid. career. The indemnity, beverage tax \ sume the responsibility and act as $ Ti pOlek'ns toid of the delibera: P 1 marriage bills were approved in | agents for the Province and collect tions of the subcommittee, and said | An C lebate 'on them vir: |from the purchaser, why should 2 that, as respects the Property Com-- |committee and deba |inhere he any ohjection® he asked. [ . mission under the bill -befo)l"e the 1tuany is over. ' mmriunucmmuntampenenny uie rgasiaiamae it House, it had arrived at the best t conclusion it could. Where only one | Opposition to lndcmnitil'fi' 'church was in a community the | Leslie W. Oke (U.F.O., East Lun:- [ bill should follow the provisions of | f t osition to the f 'the Dominion bill; where two or | ton) de.clared'hlb oppd aliso to the y more churches were in the com-- |indemnity measure, an . » munity a commission should be bill to increase the salaries of Cabi-- T created to deal with the situation net Ministers. M. A. McCallum M isr;flthe hope of lessening the hard-- (Progressive, South Bruce) also de-- Ignox College was created by |clared his opposition. ¢ statute in 1858, he said. Under the | Premier Ferguson suggested that § :};'rititsh 'Nor:h Ag;?fl;'tca Act, "'h"]';" instructions could be issued not to the terms of authority were peculi-- o arly Provincial, the power of deal. |make cheques payable for t'he large':.' A ing with propertiss having their |amounts to members Whose conse legislative origin in the Parliament entious seruples caused them to op-- of old Canada were vested in the ogres-- @ Provinces, but the courts had held p.ose fhe measures. Tothis P'rt gh t l that in instances where the legisla-- sive Leader Raney said that wha % tion was of a character not peculi-- lthP Premier had said was meant ?% arly Provincial, then there could be ,seriously, then they had reached the (v,( g?)':g;x;tg:? o;%eept cl:)';n;%gteied;?; | limit of autocracy. Mr. Oke said he concluded that, in respect to the 'was going to accept the increase be-- 4 ckarter of Knox, the Dominion Par-- cause he had a perfect right to obey _ t3 liament had the jurisdiction. ) | the law, but if members would join | Premier Promises Consideration. with him in opposing the bill, then After Dougal Carmichael (Progres. |the increase wm'xlld be killed'.ven (6 sive, Centre Grey) had expressed op.-- When approval was g \ amendments to the Medical Act the position to the bill as it stood, Pre-- is 1 id that certain mier Ferguson said that all would | Attorney--General sa s Port .- have to admit the committee had prohibitory provisions would not ap-- $ gone into the matter thoroughly. | DJY to optometrists, as they eniefed 3 The principle of the bill had to be | under a special act. The optometrist ¥ accepted, 'he maid: detail might be had not the right to use the title of 3 Egscussed in committee -- He said doctor, he said. The Board of Re-- 2 that the House would not rush such | E®NtS--to control the drugless healers 4 an important bill, and would pro-- wil} consist of five members, to hold | | long the session if necessary, He | Office for two years, though three of £ Isuggested the bill being passed and the first appointees will hold office ; !arrangement being k;xr;ived a,tmb) for one year only. 1 conference of some kind to consider Registration of Motorists. V dgta.lls. (;Vlr. turrie then withdrew Amendments to highways acts giv-- i his ame_n__m_fl__________ ing the department control -- over trailers and, providing for registra -- tion of all car drivers drew criticism | from Liberal Leader Sinclair that J s such acts should not be brought § | down so late in the session. He did t ! not think mere, registration would e f * | prevent accidents; and otherwise it I would be an irritation. By this bill | the Government will hold that lights 4 oA cars shall not be greater than ' 21 candle power. C Approval was given in committee : 1 to the change in the Marriage Act 4 whereby a license must be isqued 3 three days before the solemniztion of the ceremony. Harold Fisher (Liberal, West Ottawa.) thought that many marriage ceremonies would have to 'be deferred, 'because the $ participants would find at the last minute that this new law was in J force. . Mr. Raney said he did not § . think it was in the public interest o to go on multiplying these obstacies, while Dr. Forbes Godfrey thought f > three days was not long enough. J. > A. Pinard (Liberal, East Ottawa ) $ urged publication, but the Attorney-- o General said he doubted If it was any of the public's 'business if a couple married, so long as they were _ entitled to marry. : § ~ % * s '