j r . Wed d ' M at; an, anti "3; rd . . ; No Personal Reflections. l "My reference was not intended . to be personal in any sense. I had no special case or individual in mind. i I. was only speaking in a general l way. I have had business relations . with members of the legal profession _ and my own experience has taught me that a, lawyer usually puts all his energies and influence into the case ' ne may have in hand. In many cases, as every one knows, they are q-.--.-.---.- . ' paid very high fees. This, no doubt, Ferguson Retorts He Might; .s' their right. and I am not con- _ . . j tit-minus: their practice in any, sense. . Be Given Another Night ', l was only endeavoring to make a ' 3 ""11l"al?s"m between the position the to Sleep on It professional man occupies with the . posxtion the unfortunate business; ----------... . man. like myself, occupies." STATEMENT IS M A D tr ' Tlil' t Consideration of the situation in , the Provincial Legislature brought , about by the resignation of 1lon. l. L] "OR SUPP PT I _ James Lyons. Minister of Lands and l Forests, from his Cabinet position. _----------., ' held the attention of the House for l, a few brief moments yesterday. _ Seeks Apology From Haney, l w. E. N. Sinclair, Liberal Leader. But Receives Little l rising before the orders of the. day. ' . were called. noted that the Prime, Satisfaction l Minister was President of the Coun- ' -_. '4" i cil. Minister of Education and now- acting Minister of Lands and Forests. IS ", HIGHLY IN0lfJhlMlT i "How sooth" he asked, "may we --Pi__-----------e-- expert duties to be lightened by the .Ioim .li-s'm. CoIrcCrvutiwe "WWW" appointment of a new Minister of to: Norm Huron. who "as about i Lands and Forests " . in '".) i.i-',','l>iilllll'f* on Hominy when "At the earliest possible moment," i'nt. ruvmv ' mm Mic-rs t tl', ll ll" replied Mr. Ferguson smiling. His, . . b it I 1 h tttl's tri! ',.' words 'were greeted with laughter: r"., ilioncy to tasl; it?" ""..ru'out'ten'Y from the Opposition forces. i and "near libel" it, damn: rill: (lov- . Asks for Appointment. ',. ":'liiiiC'iil, it the campaign funds of . Mr. Sinclair continued to press': "rr'I'? ",uitrliclistrvtc "it JUSHL Il'. 9 for something more tletinite, and ,i:ir,'rtrir ind not been met '.'; the Mr. Ferguson retorted that he might l .; 'nririir.",s,', .r'ry.'jiviuwirrr.; it)" Is- ii: tr/'y,'tt,eu','ogrhrttudiotiC.f'rf sleeping :;.a.iz~.' IlllCliht,c. took Hr 1:vdriccls' in "There has been too much sleep- "it" ""'" belrnlf restrt'dasv tug already," declared Mr. Sinclair,; tit" No Hulsilit' Ilulp. concluding the, discussion on this, .\ia'-n:iouiu'; :hat he I'au ',"r"tr Mu phase of the situation. '; :L:i:ir}"< Mitt-(firms in Th, Toturlitr, _ Later Mr. Lyons himself rose to, ::;.-,r or you ti}. Mr. Jo'nt. visiijls supplement the statements he had iur-i'il'i'n'Ii mid: "l vrds1lnlar.eU at T made on Monday. He had declared. m.- ;m.i;.(~iiv oi the; hutscyulr.C iii-em- without being explicit, that mem- t'.re'i' r 1.2;...) "Ntsllitcurtou. I did not. ' hers 9f 3,18 lor,,", hlulgv'yQI-S. rgl'e :iI'i '-..]l'l.i nul' tu_t,:Cr?irr? "fiat. ho had legally piotecte in. o mg re a1n- in his; mind But. in order trot Irr . ms from corporations, pulp and ..~.;.in the HUN" I slim? yirc: l,',:"." paper and mining industries, and tail", to a point i l'ivll iub tw'o in dealing With the Government. He than." in VON". Hu1'oit---iu 1913. had further said that he had found mid ly'i.'i"':"i:lti 1 paid in" our; em. that these members had not been 'C',,','.,,,,':.,'",","],",.',,",", received mic ie'dihrtl"s, unwilling to use their influence to f" 'F' ',,' t... f Ji.., 'l n... "knots! "",CT bring" about profitable transactions "Ill":lilyfx'; s',),")?)"],,?."'.",,)',))', "not 1t.'rl thor their clients. His remarks had .. d ' lr' ly) ,_.' . 5 . "e he .3, an} 4 drawn an immediate reply fromi that i into", "is tioollt tiltr, "t', Pf,'i 1' lion Charles McCrea Minister ofi moi-or: than the hotirublt? member Mines, who declared, that it musti alum. ,'j'tiri,,,,1)y")f///m, denser]; he understood that they did not 3(- ill?l"utl'.i'". l tilt 'Tod 7' "pply to him. """- Mr. bi)?""m" that I duhhin." ' li" desire." said Mr. Lyons, rising ,. on ir"rlog.y,iryo.ril the honoraiiic . tcsterdav---as a matter of privilege i ""'»'"'l""" lt! fairness if 1,tjC'. and "I i -to make a brief statement to the _ 'his "oust. I demand H. There is House From newspaper reports of nothing to the allegations you have some remarks of mine made in this "'i"l'""'"""Him!" to Mr._R:mey~ and House yesterday, it is quite apparent ' l Lnow "gum": arroyt l: if") I q? i that I was either misunderstood or 'hte. tw this. HOUSE m ".11" 'We 1': that my language was unfortunate. In T's I'tl "y it on my e,1tr."'litvi'nt'r, referring to the legal profession. my i: to have the same othern- ' only idea was to make a com- Ham-3'2. Reply. parison between the position they Tf,. Ro _ I u, q, i occupy and that. of the ordinary IT. Mr... tang»; " l'111f, men of business in dealing with any wit-fill "33' this "men 1"." the hum." public affairs and departments ot iiir'srs womb" toi' Nam] tum-U" Governments. As I understand it, whom I've h-ttown fyr a "WWW vi lawyers who occupy seats in the . 1Cltl'S. and tshore; 1 "with "SPENT Legislature are entitled to appear '1ru'rr'rrt his "mienmi't "Whom NSF]. with clients and make representa-! vation. Might I u.rso 1!fid {mowi- tions before a Minister, while it untarih' or involuntarily, t "5""? . would appear. in my view, that thel Citut hc tTtivecl "he. 'v', hiene ,": . T same privilege is denied me. l it" did all Conservative "'"ng'dau'? . through printed matter slut-1"] by ' the central Conservative fund. ' ' But My. Joynt was not to Ht placatcd so easily. "t're "it my . thing in a clear light." he rogue , "if he is not gentleman enough to . apologize. I 'will leave it 103119 gen- t tlemen ot the whole House. . r, , MP. nahey remained EiiCid.' Ini]', business of the House aim IMI Pt _ way. ' ' . . _ V I "just" . .. " f, My '33":