| / ]huudaq, Marck 4 th 'l""'4'\!0'..'1'\'0".\'l\'.\\l\l"lml\Q'\C.'"\ID\IN"";W- * 1 \ w # : a * i € l t ( 1 # e Private Balls in Legislature j 't\ll\lt\."\.'i\ll\lmt'\ll\cf\lv\ll\ll\ll\at\Al\l'\"\c'\l.\ol\l""\"".\.. | A score of private bills having to doy, by Hon. Dr Jamieson (Con., South ('(';"5;')" a% x n ictivities of communities in all |to ratify the amalgamation of 4tho\',r'¢':, w :J 1 ..~ the Province were introdueed in | Brucé and Owen Sound Loan Comp :n °s. h'&'bu(" "r) le.!islaovu--' | 1. wW. Wilson (Con., Windsor) brought in * | ) nia ri s ul * 6 # libw ay rml" C :'J MceBrien --(Con Toronto S "'.\'4 bill to authorize the Town of Ojib e a G. I ; o Lon.. 44 . + s € 7« x or sponsored a bill respecting the Toronto | to separate from the Lnu-'»t} 1'3. lLSS((';"(l«) ' }"r"';('P-('Ov-w" Fund. This was to provide| municipal purposes. . A. C, G'"?',.e" 4 m ' '.O'A.n wn;' of changes in the workings of| West Hamilton) 'rh?r-.-u:;rrul a hni'.'mt;,ax':;; s s the furd as planned <and announced by | ing the Association of Aounl'r"t"n;r"l"t polfees ;.rft(:;xls. Chiefly it was to provide| Auditors,. Dr. R, N. v'Berpy '((,oin.. d'«\xfll'; ;o:'ifu~rcase(l assessment and reduced pen--| mand) introduced a bill ;O:\f"r?: l1}gr(;noafi~1 ' for Inc s3 : Village :o nerrordr. AHC 1 s of the force, | by--laws of the * in § IMM.S to.thev ('Mx me.:'nber ade at &| authorizing ths levy.--of--rvertain rates. Dr. + these proposals having been made dL' '\(mtoith (Con., North Perth) brought in a + | #4 3 ; 1 Associat! embers | Mon ds v . P a o t'mee\m'g of the Fund Aseoc 66030 | measure submitting to the voters of Strat i |recentiy. | ford for a second time a proposal to pur-- | | ipal Fas plant. . C .A.' Elitot 'School Insurance. | chase a municipal gas plant, . C \1 :hr:?'l 7 [ t Board of Educdtion ' (Con., North Middicscx) spr.nsmm\ 1.'"1 n' ' bill respect! the Board ol lsducati M + 'ity do alidate A* 1 r't DCC':\SH le' by A. R. Nesbitt | respecting the City of London 1.0 '1 k of Toronto. in rod '.c d $ i f'_' _spe. | by--laws, fix certain :wscssmgms. anc '1 (Con.. Toronto N.W.)}., provides for a spe ize the Housing Commission to sell cial grading of insurance rates for the """"'?" "il'fi,,,t-]": (here schools in the city. Between 1898 and | certain properties th 1925 the amounts paid in insurance cx-! Northern Development. | ceeded the money recelved in claims by "ran'k Keefer (Con., Port Arthur) intro-- $165,315. It is noted that Toronto hasl Frank I\r-m»-' i5 6x a puip mill assess-- % built up a strong fire fighting system, and ' duced a mrr'»nvs.u'»x-"'}v":-r\ :\'n«li'vrv conirm is% that the fire risks in Toronto schools and n"]'w trro;rc- (;;1" 'nnh'(;r;'/ing the consolida-- 1 --| sales the C * & 4 property, valued at $22,020,000, are appar sale tainiPort Arthur debentures. A. ently less than in other buildings, and so |tion of certair eds) had a bill respecting t the bill proposed a grading of insurance to Gra.\;. (€ r\l',,r l'.e. s ug ;n ghiCh contolldats| ; take all this into consideration and lower| the Town of 1,n'r.dn rqll:-"authnri!v for Wl"'h 4 s ; e by--law ho & | f the rates on the schools. Mr. :':'Sb"t also f"g'"\_'f"::f,' (M'f"'!" W.' Finlayson (Con., | | 11 r a gas| in a s streets. * y % npox?soer ol kh nmiide 1e € East Simcoe) introduced a measure to in ! avdit in Toronto corporate the National Council -- of \hn: ' e s * Canada in the Province of | + New Hospital. Mraet Acompainacpenntts ed by M. M * Ts tari Another bill sponsor i Capraider Other private bills included one by Wm. Q(nr::l(;o 1,\'m. Brant South) dealt with Keith (Con., North York), to xr.corpnra_"f' ":rt'ai'n measures for the City of Brant-- the Toronto East General Hospital; a bill ;ord and a bill relating to the City of by M. McKnight (Con., East Eltinz' A y (\rm'\\-.q was introduced by J. A. Pinard & in= j & % 4 thorizing the consolidation of ""t_a n bill (Lib., Ottawa East) debtedness of the Town of Aylmer; a bil g Measure Is Introduced NOMINATE COMMITTEE ' ® To Amend United Church Act TO DISPOSE OF FUND An act to ----~amend the l:n:ted , : mmmesmtinanzamts Church of C:madu" An}t \'.';ll.'\ n:]n]?- Sugge,t,on Is Made to Have * duced for first reading by Alexander * * Lewis (Conservative, Toronto), who Every Canadian Unit explained the aims of the measure to Represented the House. Under the present act H6tbne GeTeiH e ctvaeeeatidcrcsecagen a cegation which delayed too ; & ~Il m?flt(-:l-ir:" its vote automatically A deputation of returned soldiers F24 akIinj & SHL * * p i ml,:M nto bt'nion 'The amend-- representing unattached veterans ]'a'r:t("s dosi"né':d to give certain con-- presented to Provincial Treasurer mi ations which looked upon this Price yesterday. their views concern-- grtgm"xti; action as a hardship the mfz'the disposition of Ontario's share ;T'u'r?t t'o t\é';e another vote under the of the canteen fund, being the recom-- rig \'i*io'n' of "the Church Propérty mendations of the veterans' meet-- . super iaeinn Byv (his measure ine ings held on Tuesday night. They Comm(;S- mission will be empower-- urged that Col. Price himself. with + same Loinimission . hee ~(natar of Captain Norman Lambert and Gen. % ed to 'right grievances instead V. A. S. Williams. be the th 1 merely recommending settlement as fer administratore" an :ik P rovin. erelj 'l asc'in the past d'lel admlr_nstrators on the Provin-- has been the cas * clal Committee to disburse the fund. George Moore., prominent in sol-- dier circles, conferred with the Pro-- vincial Treasurer on Tuesday. advo-- cating the appointment of two rep-- resentatives from -- every military unit which went overseas as dele-- * gates to a central meeting, from M the word which a choice of four members to * um $ the Canteen Fund Distribution Com-- mittee could be made. The fifth 6c member and Chairman of the com-- R ler Fergeus ast' night ; ' Premier Ferguson last $ mittee should be appointed by the was as "mum" as ever regard-- Government, Mr. Moore told Col. g ing the identity of the eventual Price. } | successor to the portfolio of Minister of Lands and Forests, made vacant by the resignation ' of Hon. James Lyons, "I was sworn in yesterday," said Mr. Ferguson, "and shall carry on in the meantime." < 9 -- B SS ce i d d