' - I oesdaq. Ma r5 ' ' ' l Expenses of Trial. v, Mr. Carty (Renfrew South) re- ceived misinformation that total expenses in connection with the prosecutions ot Smith, Pepall and Jarvis had been 852,666, Mr. Wid- ditte'ld learned that 168 beer permits had been issued in Windsor. but Mr. Nickle said no record was kept as to how many went through on tho particular recommendation of the member. Mr. Raney received a negative answer to a question as to whether there were any Police Magistrates who refused to convict for O.T.A., offenses. Similarly. Mr. Nickle could not give Mr. Widdi- field information as to how many of the Southeast Toronto total of beer permits had been given on the recommendation ot Messrs. Owens and Currie. . In connection with questions Rs, to ordinary expenditures and reve- nues for six years past, details of other lump sums in public accounts, Premier Ferguson launched the pro- test that members could get this in- formation from the accounts just as well as the Government; and several of the questions went unanswered. In the consideration of legislation. the outstanding incident was the vigorous opposition of Mark Vaugh- an (Conservatives, Welland).:to n proposal in .gaea-cc9s-:.girc-igEt.t,tr.v's Highway'"' Jtftt""3lMett':1re8iM"1f'iiird constables to remove motor cars standing on the public highways which they deemed abandoned. Mr. Vaughan did not wish to see a cer- tain class of officious constables clothed with powers which they might exercise to the inconvenience of citizens who might leave their cars while fishing, and the outcome of the protest was that Attorney- General Nickle drafted an amend- ment and inserted it, which placed upon the constables the onus of ascertaining it the car was aban- doned. Receive Second Reading. The City of Ottawa Bill, and the City of London 'bills received second readings without discussion, that of London being moved by the Prime Minister. Premier Ferguson's School Amendment Bill was sent on to committee. where. as the Premier said, some of the clauses would be discussed. ' Two new measures were intro.. duced by the Premier, a bill' to * iniend the Burlington Beach Act ind one to amend the University Act. merely to clarify some of the clauses. The Premier has received word from the University authorities that they do not oppose F. G. Me.. Brien's proposal to assess leased university property. The Premier had an amendment which will alter the manner of election to the University Senate.