The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 9 Feb 1927, p. 3

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----;-u'---gw--.---------------r--'----w--------m**------'w----:-w \) ednesday, Feb. 9 Th yeire Nww s Seen in his palatial home at 31' |\First Head of National Lines, Cluny Drive last night, \ir. Hann 7 * was loath to discuss his appointment | When in 1918 the Government f at any length. The appointment | purchased the stock of the owners ho 'didn't come to him as a surprise, for | of the Canadian Northern and em-- " he admitted having been in confer-- braced the line in a national sys-- wes ence several times with Premier Fer-- tem, Mr. Hanna was called as Presi-- :}« guson. But the announcement of his dent,. Since his retirement from K# 'identity as "Strong Man," which tl}e that position, on the taking over \thk | 'Premier had kept locked so carefully of the Grand Trunk, he has been' in his heart, was news to Mr. Hanna. engaged in numerous financial and | ~ d f He had not heard that it was to have commercial interests, He is Presi--| 4 been made public last night. | dent of the Western Canada Flouri fa..-- "I'll administer the law with the | Mills, President of the Canadian £ G same business principles which I used Western Lumber Co., and President | wo f in connection with the railways, he" of the Canadian Northern Prairie| f added, and beyond that he would §a;\' Lands Company, besides holding di--| C $ nothing in the meantime regarding rectorships in several important | ' > 3 ministration. concerns. | C ' aer. Hanna declared he ooqld 'not Mr. Hanna ha® always been| talk with any degree of certainty }as! known as a hard worker and the | k > to what his plans would be until _'le. possessor of unusual executive abil-- | l had information regarding the.(llf'tms ity. -- He is married and has three| TA of the Government Control Bill. ' children, He is a member of thef es J Railway Builder. Toronto and Albany Clubs. | ;!, - David Blyth Hanna, who is to 't?:! Former License Chairman. C the Chairman of the (,nmnu&:;%lll i | _ Stewart McClenaghan, who for-- 6: ; administer Government con test merly represented Ottawa in the, ' Ontario, --achieved _ his greates ( f v 5 promiunence in Canadian affalrsvnx; House of Commons, brings to his| ' the realm of railroading.":l * new office experience as Chairman | 4 2 | President of the Canadian '\1?..,3?0,1 of the Ontario License Commission, g) | Railways after the nationa w |:1 position which he occupied under & P of the Canadian Northern Ra \\iay. the Whitney Government. He filled > )and up to the time of the abS}OI'Dt on | several public position in the civic «l of the Grand Trunk. He was su;:- ; life of Ottawa and in the commercial t lceeded by Sir Henry Thornton in | field before his election to the House 0 | 1922. Since his retirement as Presi-- ' |of _Commons in 1925. Mr. Mc-- ud j | dent of the C.N.R. he has been en-- \Clenaghan was born at Oxford Mills, y 4 gaged with his private business in-- \Grenville County, in 1866. A retail 3 bd terests, which are numerous, Flanr lclothing merchant, he was Presgident § 4 include the Western Canada Flou | of the Eastern Retail Merchants' As-- S P Mills, of which he is President. t f sociation. He was also President of Mr. Hanna's life has been devl:) 3| the Central Canada Exhibition Asso-- ed to railway interests, and s | ciation, a member of the Ottawa been a story of continued "succ(t)elsg Board of Trade, and a member of the from his early association with ih Princess Louise Dragoon Guards. . Country railways in his youth ito 'e Before his election to the House of ; ; important position he occup eld As Commons Mr. McClenaghan had & Canada nearly half a century a%gr. [served as a School Trusiee, a mem--| * He was born in 1858 at Thornlie-- !ber of the Collegiate Board, and as| * * bank, near Glasgow. As a . young | Controller of the City of Ottawa. He| 4 man he served with two Old Coun} is a Past President of the Liberal--| 1 try railroads, later, at the age i0 |\ Conservative Association. Mr. Mc-- | 24, coming to Canada in the serv c: Clenaghan is a member of Rotary. of the accounting department H(; the Masonic Order and several other | the Grand Trunk Railway,. is associations and clubs. He is an | career in railroading later took h ;n | Anglican. He is married and the | | to New York and _to Portage la father of seven children. 'Prairie, where, in 1886, he became " | chief accountant of the Manitoba & Dr. Manion's Career. 4 | Northwestern Railway, and then Hon. Robort James Manion, mem-- Treasurer and Land Commissioner. ber of Parliament for Fort William, ® i "'Three years following Mr. Hanna has had a distinguished and varied | was chosen manager of the road public and military career. By pro-- | which Mackenzie & Mann com-- fession he is a medical doctor. He | 'menced to build from Gladstone to is a native of Pembroke, of Irish-- f Dauphin, later to be known as Cap- Canadian ancestry, and was edu-- adian Northern Railway. His abil-- cated at public and high schools, ity showed to exceptional advan-- Trinity College, and the University $ tage in this new capacity, and the of Edinburgh. He served with the r road was made to pay its charges French Army in 1915, and later usf | the first year and furnish a surplus. Captain in the Canadian Army Medi-- f With the extension of the system to cal Corps, winning the M.C. on the a 10,000--mile line with termini at field at Vimy Ridge. He was elected C Atlantic and Pacific tidewater, Mr. to the House of Commons ds a Lib-- Hanna became Third Vice--FPresident eral--Unionist in 1917. Before the and took up offices in Toronto in general election of 1921 he was made 1902. Minister of Soldiers' Re--establish-- B + His interests and positions con-- ment in the Meighen Cabinet. He a ] tinued to expand and he became was re--elected in the elections ofl + c { President of the Canadian Northern |1921, 1925 and 1926. i Quebec Railway, the Quebec & | | _ Besides his public, military and Ho § Lake St. John Railway, and the Ni-- professioral activities, Dr. Manion /A agara, St. Catharines & Toronto has several other interests. He is a if Railway. | \Past President of the Canadian Club 4 | of Fort William, in which community f he was also an Alderman; Past Presi-- dent of the Thunder Bay Medical a Association, and a member of nu-- ; merous clubs. He is the author of € 3 one book: "A Surgeon in Arms." In f 2 religion he is a Roman Catholic. In 1906 he was married to Y¥vonne Des-- 1 aulniers of Ottawa. ' 1 1 | M (% t = : 9 * " ~ + f

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