S aturd4day, Feb i397Th | ( ,L' CR ds Seglonng . » ; _\ & 9 f a4;~ y o o /f '~Ontario's timber production for e n the last five years, he valued at ay. H + A I l Aj S a l On 0 lC | proximately $120,000,000. _ In vic., 4 l of the fact that the Government f & f |spends nearly a million dollars yearly . o (| in its fire protection for the industry ' (| Mr,. Finlayson thought that the ium. ar_, eeln a ure bermen--particularly those who bought their tracts under the o) T system that gave them Crown as we!l € > \as cutting rights to the limits-- s 0 0 should pay a more adequate fire tax s u lne ln lS e than they do at the present time. Out f f of this fire protection tax the Gov.-- § ® o ernment last year drew a revenue n iintrmmecteaincgeg i . --* Proposal Well Received. of $306,119.51. Hon. William Finlayson, u35 Eispson, Moke, i2 the! , OBlttle tated . Mr. ) Fintayson, ouse yester f s > + P ec-- C' n ayson) since he was taken into theh Fer-- tion, 52 of which remain on duty + » t * ; . i ) guson Cabinet, and his speech was all winter, The value of their equip-- eniury Afler Provmce 8 enthusiastically acclaimed by GtOV- ment is $750,000. At the Sault, he + * * ernment and Opposition supporters stated, is what he considers the finest F"'St Aulhonzed Tlmber alike, Liberal Leader W. E. N. Sin= equipped aerodrome on the North S l clair _ and J. G. Lethbridge, for American continent. In eulogizing ale, Skelches PTOPOSCCI the Progressive group, paying him the work of the forest patrol, in its '% . marked compliments and express-- capacity of not only spotting but Leg(slahon Which HC ing the desire of the two groups t9 fighting fires, Mr. Finlayson paid a C o 3 'assist the Government mt{-,\-ori\: plos- tribute to the foresight of his pre-- f |sible way to preserve the timber decessor in office, Hon. James Lyons«, Ia'ms' Wlll Make PUb'jl\volf;n'e of the I'rn;'m;'.ct..' M;Lcll;:; in bringing the service under the # layson gave an exhaustive acco Government, and not hiring planes llCIy Owncd FOI'CSIS and'"f the work of his department, and as ;s the administrative policy in s «e _ _|Vigorously entreated the country's| Quebec and in several States of the Pul E l isupport of the reforestation policy , Uni nilerprises as | nion. G Js !the Gover}?m(!ntt}:st1aUflChi"§- I;' In conclusion, Mr. Finlayson re-- e was his charge at a member of ;,,,., is faith in the restatio real as Hydro the House would be sadly amiss in ;;g;{:t\nd 13\:'; 1:1:2»:'111?er:hi'nr?;$rl o:;{.:):z.mn * ssm his d'i'ty }if he fati_lted ttms"ier{:ru:g {he said, would live to gsee the-- results acquaint his constituents w | the A s oHice .waniA 'VELL RECEIVED _ |aim'ot tne'Government, 'ana 'io | that operation of the policy would j bring pressure to bear on county | y /E Wiliq ¥ o o heam us las IN LEGISLA TURE Councils in order that the work of| there would be mo more timber sales reforestation, especially -- in South-,'_.--t'"ihen t'heirle]a "0"1(3 t;; stll;mgj"r;'f Seounbtonmmenmommmmmmmmine ern Ontario, where the seriousness | P!ALC fawmills across the Prov NOC ho. £ of the timber situation is not so |~~& public--owned enterprise, as great Hon. William Finlayson, Minister apparent as elsewhere, might get ) N its way as Hydro. of Lands and Forests, took yester-- carly headway. r day--the 1001}1' anniversary of the Must Retain Timber Wealth, i d.ate of Ontario's first authorized "Our timber wealth must remain," # timber sale--as an appropriate time said Mr. Finlayson, in deploring the { to stress to the 81: , fact that in the infant stages of the . lur cy of the L,' L.egi?l%turc t,l_" industry there had been no efforts j 4 1 gen'.\, 6L the reforestation policy! a; conservation. '"'Timber must be the Government now proposes toitreated as a crop and not as a [effect and to sketch from his own mine.'" is had 1 in tb ARIETY OF TOPlCc rigt ; ; > Governments had erred in e vi © ing s | .sxc'm * glow'n,, picture of the PuUP-- lnast, e said. Lumbermen them-- & lxc.l) owned timber and pulp enter-- selves had erred. Money in good Stemmtemmemmmmentnne ons prises--"as great as Hydro'"--that is timber that had gone up in smoke 4 s to follow within the next generation 'u}olflgmfifi-esfifig"i }'Oen;oaff:_'dfg' Mal'tln Mentlons Plans to »he operation of this rehabilitation ward paying off the Province's debt. Extend OntariO'S Brit- rogram. Old methods of lumbering, he add-- s _ "This House and the Province at ed, had been designed apparently ish Market <12rge," said Mr. Finlayson, spegking for no other reason than to invite > tBO"tlhe second reading of his Forestry fire and disaster. MA ammmmcmmmmas ; Bill, "must realize we have to face "One of the fixed policies of this _ a reforestation policy, and that we Government," said he, in referring HENRY ON GAS TAX ACT ;nust make necessary appropriations to the rapid growth of the pulp and lrom year to year to rehabilitate the paper industry in Untai;io'w""'is v e a bil f 3 to 4 timber industry of Ontario. stop' th("'cxpu;'t, of pulp as'soo.n as" A detailed statement or the re-- Plan Is Outlined. }:g;s:}blo.' Tl;;c firsltbpulp woods sale Bults and administration -- of the C ¢ been made in 1891, he said. To-- « «BAra a ty a ie This Forestry &) is the day Ontario was producim,: ;:6¢())0 arn--Borer _ Acts of 1925 and 1926 policy of the Ministr siative . tons of pulp daily, and in the next Was' made in the House yesterday, :gfrelles,s::te;l;: t? dltwl,':d.- mJ + into ;ihrse otr fou:- }{e&rs would raise thai When the Government dealt with s for the Jarpo--s o re. figure to a daily output of 4,500. e stions \fr k -- iti * forestation. In Southe:w= puiario a Was glad to note that poplux':) whi}(:{k'x ques'uoub hum'thg eposivion. C. determined 'effort is to ude to long held second place in this in-- C *1®tther (Liberal, South Essex) interest farmers in planti@®@ k their dustry by virtue of the fact that Wanted information on this subject. waste land. All mannér 0; depart-- SDruce is extensively used for news-- The Government stated that sev-- menta! aid and instruction will be DPrint, was now comins into its own. | efal Countv :" i o mno woaa s forthcoming. and as & special induce. in the field of finer paper. & f a" ounty :,ouncl.ls had passed by-- ment to subscribe to the scheme the In this connection Mr. Finlayson aws 'appomnm; e i0 ie inder 'the Government assures the farmer who flashed a warning. The Government, af';b' t;n'd that the respective amounts agrees to bear the expense of placing: he said, was hesitating now to make ®* .. i the Province to these mu-- 10 per cent. of his acreage under re-- further commitments 4s to the 'ex.) RiCiPalit'ss tor _ inspectors salaries Cocasafion that he will be exempted pansion of the pulp paper industry ZH0, C*RCDS°S® Were: Kent, $140.73; of taxation on the acreage involved. in Ontario. The possibility of the sl;;'?' ".IM' M"I'"f;sgx.'.mb; Oxford, * It is also proposed to depopulate the mMarket being unable to absorb pro-- $96 r'o.l'd'".?'t'.m' §24§.789; Norfolk, Laurentian shield (Central Ontario), duction had, he inferred, influenced Eqwapq, §21747°°°°0° 4nd Prince which is particularly agapted to re-- this hesitation. ward, s",ll"'" . M forestation, and to transfer the, pj . @5 > Taylor (Progressive, North settlers, all expenses paid, to the / ¢"'Y Of Pine Remains, dtey ) was informed | that ' Stewart clay belt farther north, and there Leading up to a valuation of On-- I\'ic(,lenag'hun, member of the Liquor provide them with land Holdings tario's forest industries, Mr. Finlay-- (.ontrul"gomunssu_).n, was a member equal to those abandoned. Up where S0n l-jdicqled the belief that white | of the 'Two Macs clothing firm in 1e;xtensive l"stands" of valuable tim. %"C% "?d px?e were things of the past,, Ottawe. er are still to be had, the Govern-- Ontario still possessed, he contend. 18,366,363 o posi ment's policy will be one of "giving ©4, the finest stands of white pine * F'.B, \'l'.l u D(.l O";"' ma id nature a chance," with the ever. in the world, and even at the pres-- . «...' ojq y 2t 1fi Daril Bast Figiny watchful eye of the forest air patrols °Nt terrific rate of consumption, they [ WahC fold that the total nount ol ready at all times to aid in the fur. WOuld last for fifty years, quite un-- 's?".'-""l e hb oalt in the Government therance of that policy. apemented by the reforestation work | $1§,30§.364.55° "" C * 1928, was of the present day. e 8e 08. 08. # \ y