The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 23 Feb 1927, p. 2

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.' ¥ a P How Do Y \k) w Yos Kige» CE J A st hen Dr tnow ?" V\C $ d F y °m mediately perebobeites Sinciais uts | wm ts " e h.e k giVe the };d: hwouldnclalr in\. };\'lt'es.?{:f"d lnd * * T -. P . rrives ouse the M ce a e said inter J t will at that some idea in~ | ;hlch huge gu'nl:mtht t%"sl"e a Ordina I | C# i;ay P¥A arsal,y that eISt:::ale?" how | fazt'l;z"ngheov:Btlm:fegnnUatlhienfl'()\-_ orfin:::g: revenue, 1 Montei riving ve | in ting, over S ari.600 490. Cme 923 expent 923 % Au th, **m 3 at it +» only 0 | gv ov * over '000 00 01]()"'q.' «0+ # a% nd'tu'v '34'11 orne and th +' «6 ne | $103 er $8 $1,397,00 0; manu. ***' s €e, 0,212 y--G t ---- plied 0 ,000 7,000 ,000,0 anu-- Defi v it 25q 2 Her ener to Dr. 00 ; 000 : fi ,000 ; ,000 ; eficit +.' } e A1." consu ; furs ;-- fish ; for J min-- Or of .30 ' z'zce. h:,fi paused It the ofl')nor_e Than . $3§r&§" 0ve$~st:'2 over _ ldoigf'ry evenue" in 's-r*j--fifi «+ + * C 7 I Pp eA e 1 8 A | t n ar Y $ | detorney'(} e an int to Mr SI pre-- r')".s "an errled on ,000 whict the 1924I'y e)ép t a * % 5 % t t igk. encral he','lfIVIew'Wl'tnhcla,,. midefifse Province L Oct. 31 ';qthel engiss'g 3408 n't C t 03 'ing nce ni 926, | f 1, 423 erty® ell v t & g fur nc s x +s erty :" +« this, matter 1 you t}::;'l isteadily u;;Lr}:fi: thg,qfiuc.,;;",! Joad" Ol'difaef'c" of .. . 49,009,688 M f clair'n o whi in Estion. of (ha O ry rev oomimngerioniinnaes ta;""re""' it it Dressl:;:ihl'if prop. [I g';(';'Jeote},'ht'gh 'hegPré"}d "';n"mof B6 ri';ggry rg;")';lue in"1 525 $ 8.468.76; taking a $ ques. iieith traced i1 magt s intin @ nditure in "** 6i 05 To mbks inn Premi ues.|| When traced Tne der e has been +# i x+ ure i 6,602 Iio made in S ul' n the fi ed the years," cen es Bhsaels s 2,803 t n dolla three-- the p Ferguso ade to f irst pub debt f rs," > Dr.| ' ,Deficjt <x's*~ "BL,7 em rs quar roce n. the Ti inan lic b rom 1 . J ford of 1, 710 | a"d'an?,d 50 {:l'ont Un';rs of ;dlngs | tario igiska"'l';e the (,()(;ll't'owing 2\04. 1;221':« i mvaennen ?_"i'l_fifi e er * 5 n d 2 J < ve uks & Last Ye ie mi"io%:ght tlo i:u,. 2131512 .:'fifi i"cre'ell':ea"." ugD &t:o Noi?l.luecrtion ':"f; Orfinar;']aeSt fi":;"?lllm. in ,107,385 p . \:o"'s Profits § rightt" three || "Ofitelr)lrlngy ;'o\-g""'"g ;thhe "r':ggz"" 926 _..xl)enditu&x-gd;" $50,841,0 Wragradh in e § [the Public inment, . whic * | es ied 1944,04 3 llnedgraph in h refer e public Ohad "nat'nt' whi gn of| Deficit + ++ 51,65 th th red I £ t ur ch | D o 1.653 iorimts t d o. ta uoo( nnaath "ons 3. . tlaad cneic as Sn T toet Seal year 192 les of which out. ineanin®. an c Hestions wih sed y smiitor -- _ $ ; pensarics to ispen the. Oontants !st ning the thousands ' fi You wi Cr+ 812,14! rie 926 saries Ontari ho v and ousa latever,' igures,' ill noti ' L osC of" sinek o . sates at Uhe rie . Str: oiee. 'for Ihe 1 ds of wen.l 29. 55. * commer givin of stock lled $5 s at th the bt ation. . I or the entious well-- | $ i1at the ommen therefore, 1 petatine®" sold .025,.798, ° dig-- it _ he -- anand Drury -- peopl sz i0' 1f C 160 the "Irozen rati rogss was s : throu Adm:i one in : Ad e | show 4A lcit -- has e Tre; ese che ng profi s $3 !he lack gh :i dmir in g mini-- ow suc t is : as c easu Dengmsts and"'x"ensest ol $l'g29"'08 n""' of hz)nabilit\-"s[.""tionood faith e rev;fh a decid P""ial?lnt""ctedm a es, tota druggis disco\ 25,200. ot live nor of ineffici either ecxpen yenue, and ded im e record fo M car of 17 Ned $182,54 dclivery 10 dhon yhd in 6 public trust 5r | feaving ut i: iA the hoiding dow i Interest Prazel Ehaury sa This fet T20 a . who . sunpo eXpecta Hoy jor| count on i . . Itere, he ad down of 2.6413 t ty t , & s y rte ations t $2 oa St adde 1 o Of $798.470. _* . whHich. m hos it § a a very was a Huse esn ps _ of | d 2.193.476 1 coghan ahna 58,47 5,827 ich, or the ostly that disa huge expe ie [ en is veas." r there int shd ds Fut 70. i, gave plus b ® ing d r1at th strous _ experin he | enu a year in th was a d dis-- ure R a net an's D early f e peopte one: : ment, | H e over 1926 e year 11 surplu D; evenues t profit F r. Mo for thi ple are ,'"1'1 50 e also expen 1i a sur 1925; a y dinar Monte 5* t . Hersuso nteith s experi still pay | that if calied diture plus of nd ry re ith antici into n Gov asser iment." . y-- | year n the attenti of $6 mo> $oV* im ran e duvirmnent wab" badlo | soth n ooo or e i dob thotne fas: tu 571,0 927 w at 0o: ain +' 8 medy ras -- cal e| the s had a milli ress of aci of $53 res woul 00 would or+} Hi ed, tha nd to sh an i called | i e real be illio s of 6 _ %® as t sh iAtblerablia in al defi een f n an last and a .415,000 uld reaCh*nd that ag-->] is on has "i the pr ow, as lerable | iprove eficit orecas 4 a h erelt of" & . a sur the o. Mihe 8 improved 1 as he mai [ lare over ths . o6 PSi2A140 wr o ul t ovem plus amo the of O oved amini in~ | over of alm 2,140 that _ {rtress of" 3911.140-- " I of §159.000 | '| m peGDIG The adr The iinamsis s "sion c it ketd Ost a milllon i in wh on "t 1,140 er the 000 was ex e the ad and _' financi +| expe Monteith estimat million an ich he * Ho pres * int pecte admini 'giv clal| th nditu sai e. do!-- the deb the coura laid sent o an a of i inistration :1 l1an re of d tha '% ebt G()v geou gre ture exten + it." tratior to |. th a mi ]flst t the conne situati ernme s man ie s and sive rev he 1: 1 that fi i e year illion do year ordina ' of 83cti°n. th ton, dec)"t is tac nem* Says revenue eview of aunched ing the 1923, b ollars 1 was n i debt ,000.000 at sligh aring,' ckling ys Capit 8. expendi incre progr ut that ess tl ore this w t1 , in al O adi-- astn ess notwi i1an > [netsbis o y tfave oft the Sudnomieat T nE Mc ie i o | | maintai s the, Gover Sople ige L"um:tlg by u-)c3';2'.759.3'gav:'es to t] ;g"""is{;f}t.ana"'qififimé O~;fe}}'_'. ap ;{Dap"nm?l';ll & higch & rnment hf:(,{ : vision s ther reasur ere lai t# . frce. had ion whi nd, hbusi ficient, | '""Let service standard transtf for | e is consid, I tonllfes 8 ad laid ich P usinessli t, J "what us ask _ ou rd of de-- or ex nsider n t 0G: , capita dow remi sslike . | this has h: ourselves. ; |aiete, o amatueaiiont (hil s mt erandy 1 on es: an H % _ } 0, '5_.', A a(i e of h Ot- i l:a P ' C ':()]l s > debt t 1C, the B for servi a §1 d ru ydro House'" 52 in Dbee $25,0 durin s ha came i since ili ervic 0.000 ral di in the . at 1926. " -- ; reduce o0,-- || & "the ppened nto power a $30 ngual Sehnoot C ap §-- the lentiom 15 (he uced t manif pres to th wer ? a« .00 Sch a ex propri Admi four on t e ar to | || i est to sent _ the defi 54 additi 0 app oo Co pense * t minist -- years 0 the ew th nce the the pe regime? licit school onal i ropriati mmitte s o* he fis ration u of th fact t} e |has -- vast./4 ople of ? it is 8.' ins on €, a gr cal up e--F jat |P rome t improv this P Dr pection listed ng Gross deb year The lniro erguson | y ovince di o he nnancial yby o on Iwo nourntio : of g] } O 1820 t' bad an iIncrease 'ap n |of the $s dutingrths Ad which j # r C . r -- Pey g th m fi')I'e to c ours t spoke public ng G where am our ase of of| |fare T; Fergus e Admi -0f ou rowd o a-- c for .bse overn as u: ited to / the | acts t son Gov ministrati w was h ed ga rowde more t n $193 ment nder th o '$58 | partme hat ar vernme ration ing is first * leries d House han the in ,993,0 the ° i e «pre ,---- | refu 'ntal fil e verified 'nt. The gIVe tl'ia % Alt se and ye C['e'r's » 00. 1 lnct-e ® Ced_ ( nd]n es ("]d ')_\' th 'Se son C n a po 1 by f houg! ar of e of t n fact ase h | Gove g operati recor e de-- * re" si t i aln the the d * had I ny rnme ations ords We]l a abinet rtfolio i sinc t 10st Drl & debt j d 5])[0\.9 nt havy of th s The nd was he n the Po pe.! fon 2s Imilclhy as is in th ed, |] T. afig the w b e p ' of m was t acqui e F. ur ye uch ; egim e 1 ras I the w een y resent an he uitted ergi minist ars as duri e h: ast t been whole fi yastly i Muni'v- congr recipien him y istrati under urin ad be activiti put i e financia im-- uo the F g th en ties in ncial assure cipal inatulatiOn A afterwse.f So f on. c Fer e who! ments pertain order field Do made etfan come tax' aral } NCs8 05 ar as guson Ad-- lally." have wing ~to al and al ax th wa--l || y: peen s al all bill, ol effeoe Gover x redu the Tre the Pr e capital i a--| [| 3 i '"Whilizpl depart-- n n et a 0 al G ri'i..a\vafff"e by io io unff'"s- se Covernis emvr');ce ital indebted | Gross Debt I zd -- finanie} e H f --ILlIng sec0) ov to'| £ lig ernm asize oncer =4< l & coms t*g Trea ouse second ernme | is gations ent h zed, "t rned," | While is Large slFer's» nddvrae id readi nt 4 it Ane to the be« the pres faett of admitti ge-- Congratux;s addrel:st mention lng by peR(gitu(:'r;s CO.ntr:]e geoplrel"f;},:edprel?; i]fl()];",((;' the H}I)(IA(;]\(_; that i ation * n the j ter Y'lgld]" nd C' he det ith" fo iarge. Dr nce, $34% ie gross At t s Al ninistration & y festhictea., n pcNgWw Ahat a 2; Monteich pregen 9. Mont he outs Around effor ration that th ricted." ex--| |, iow that g o ass cith prese: 00, s yoanposyie et of * he Prow has civen i. P 'Of the Pr the f ssets," . fig sented ,Hi()e:t%)ant-(é)(?gmlu]lzlliti 1remarl" p I}r'leifrovmi(fgprovini"tehn it"!eslexfit Ad« l:(})\ ':":?ioln)xlqofll""'h::'i?cwl 011')112;;;0; to & W ver C is Dr cre , and e fi iri | think": § . as ere ""possi ration of th -- D. B nor F the , | sour ased id ha ina ng * one possibly $ e Legi lack. t} Y. D new ce," the s ver nces | Rev aAt es APt t ander egislature, the c # | to th Dr. Montalth s y mar ofi ""42" ;9 first migh the C. Le ure, ht new S e-OSS; | ness e subjec onteith ue fro rked--| | as: H3 roducing agsets iight to cf}?semblyw's' the ihlajOl'pflker Reb: seet of ('apsw'tcheglbth"s | ;)fff}'f""':s.k'xoi & x 0. 'he. his Dre:((;e' 'H(;u their ae;)v Clerk ef; etirement ital indel tack |'3nrrenlaesf,s""'~ t iph '"l.iniPZ'\' t Pri ece als point U of D sted. ol '+f Catik: acsd uen as" 4 'I & ce ( ssor i o --compli ments Is i ebt | --ete ink, ac uch ag: .: ... $181,83 f 'Ko now At in offi iplim s na it -- & * | ols Ao oys as! Cash 181,831,000 | to ce, H ented nce," heal | es k6 k)E receivab 9 berk of" 'ne They--General w morigaze tA thy § * i 9 Nes t j i s + t in y conditi otal e k k drew: of the efit of thene!al) H. + on gage to quired ndition '\ *' oo 44 ) % | y $ «4 s N snn Nok k & 8.00--) | ince' a ment House e new yo your h stand to of fi-- et debt m V | s res al pictu: Dr. N mem* ur f ouse yea allow Othe? asseis. ... .$204.579.000 a ou ct M i i actory, y on y r ier assets: R +4 201,579 | o:et!?"o;wsz r%?:} esti;'nraéti:f thle()l;)tx?lth 'Il'a!?ismgqéo{g' wilgo{x(t)ur fafi'fx:)er yea?.' Public® P stt s ud Right®~" 5)3~0.2; sessed 4,800,00 0. 0 of Cr & its weaOv.- fina .'0\'ernreduce it op c Hrom. hel} | lic buildings. Mn J 000 Ooby mu;'i '0.000, own tim Ith fo ncing ment or p 'O'rt be-- l Total 6LG. . . :42, . . .$ 86.55 ol t » % C W & m b » P de te a} 44 3 &9\ i Whtogoatinyt ie en teadt o' epllf Acen tuU Om ces h oped .000 ; miner 2,6("~ n th' t of retir _ provi In | 1 eith, * ng a ba ....$121.058 ""» fur . $230,0 Crow ral .w Je t e hi an reme visio which -- w of 2 lance," 9357 , es ,000 A }| o wealt o Co story y cou nt of n | AFai we o $24,.477 ," sai $150 $200,0 000 ; tfi ands hn,|| s nfed of ntr th Again have 477,06 id Dr t , 00 ,000,0 : figh . unde erio erati the ¥. w e I t st thi no ,063, agai . ,bil'i 0'000. » 00- y ga de~-- Of us at 10n h PrOVi her he vi 18, ho + S])ec' x gains ons ; or a' wates" nowean T this : Rem" s thevre been . s Ifrce. which pwever (he nesele! _ ' "Th of dol1 a total 1 pow d , betf. 8 "d to li ere be ack ce, whi tential a , we may ets. 1lo is, o ars. of a etrs, -- ore ebt ? quid en a | avai lich ar ssets y arr wld the Ht course, i bout ten' way haundertak s°methat° or ny '* Hhe"able yea are peing of the Pr ay . ould b ouse , is 'esti ernm 8 bee en in 'ng' pay Gover Y }I}' ve 'b mad ov~ am e more 1i "I imated,"* th ent, n ass an never _ | °°" nment's ar onfracecuntiof ount ore 1 he d,'~ h e a and umed y eff ® vial s activi acco :'hnpreu"o This wlill(lely to tg"" "'eame _ _ Dr egdt." that is l:y thigegive | 5 Bohd Issue vities." unt of e n xce i ~000,0 ontei ~--to» ov.} 4| A _ TA mnp's:;u,-,cgft e hg';;; tsomee«; lit;hii' 000,000 onteith referred liquidate | ;\arig_l;ngg into what'l mbui Bs 222 h hide on weal 'ca the which to t [ {hkels."" success i re t ' C s orabl in of me..1 Fer he sai he $1 ing -- Pr. » ss in th ermed y C mmnone c: to e gen followi nto guson said e 5,-' & the . Monteit e mo o On-- ' c miedaait | aioteit t are 4) Government ';',:svnsea":f&s'ear"mi:a;fd that dol. _'"m-----;m*--_.______twmri ' : | 5"'31?&% poncr;t::?chm:;fum';'}l { tllw gf:mé',ff:l;ge wuht ffi:xal g'o'ggei had on o , and * ected and c n' 0 instalm eme. Thi new d ssue Col. Pf revenu the inte by Premur- 100,000. Tent type a'ls lssile ebt re-- Price: e syst nsive ier nce he nd w was !---- om Insthuled. ie Pasment orf & j g as for $21,. T uhi es s . uted b ¥ D ment 0 >« 0 4'98 St the P aA,= 40'7""""'.__....._&.)3 scember Pm iss{x-and the mer p :3 mber of the prege was pa.fil'st 4 i C as in KR '}t flSCal id in cai year.

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