W e d nes d @4 F b & 7 & b. 23 V . ® paid to the Province $5,950,000, al-- | 8. Full"®et though it yekt | has interest arrears m'entq'z ill be c:?:::% m:te :3:23:,?:,';' 5i **"*»4 PAYXMINTS. l .mountlnz "$5573,618. '"With the|&nd still having in view no starva-- | L o io continu; n of improving interest | tion of service &" | tieutenant--Governor =....)>>> . $ 5,000 rates," he--concluded on this subject,| _ "9. Public aeBt will conti | Prime Minister: '8!2 sympathetic support from the| be kept under tW ontinue .tO | _ Miscellangous |....0..}}.}>c>>> 95,000 go rnment, the future of this road | hand r control and well in | Bonus Transmission Lines.... _ 500,000 nancial s 10 deed." ly. looks very hopeful in m;nlto° Provision for the debt retire-- _ : SSoce Then he dealt with highwa t q Legisiat1i0Gh ..}.0...}......)}0+>>* 350,000 affairs. '"This G ent," }g! a )-' 11. Pronounced adherence to the | a1rorney--General: Clared, " s tovernment, e de--| new era of taxation reduction intro-- | *REnforc ty jet 2,575,000 Dr::y' G'(',"',Z"t spe'r:lt moneydlike tcllw duced by this Government, and a | {}?s'xr:'nnc:ri}?;;?l1}1:u€' hriil. . . 45000 rnment on good roads,| further reducti i ' i snn but it --has Fiven you more mi reduction of direct taxation Y i Detter roadg T or ¥ess mone;?'}lesl?: to the ratepayers of the Province." ' -'L.OZO_.()E deacsaee es c ts | LAQ thoss Influencen wih L $ss aa Pereis, 000 o uns dn apuency o hi | oo inen aimenrn s bepment [ Roeh iiiomes ::RA * e va . |_ Northern evelopment ...... F § ditures of the present Government, | ments, and on tnd rd t o moseI ook i m ----------_ declaring that t 6 7 ground that those 2,970,000 19 vo g he present demands principles in the past proved sound, mines: 9I0: ' i nime mere Reop rory mt andlinem in bisr and. menornors Cophieh | Honte aid Prsballes .. ..l.l" Hpoo j Y¥ , anc in and, honorable gentle-- Game and Fisheries ........ 470, ; at the lowest possible cost men, as a r it mo j 75,000 1 O St. 4 » esult of these, permit me Wwolf Bounty ...c«kil.....14s. _._ #HRH Loans to Farmers. i(})}day to make an announcement that 837,000 § "The Agricultural Development be'éflp;g;)x{gir?t fothet Province -- have P'.xm;l(;] \s'o'r\';\---,' 1and Highways: 600,000 oard,'"' said he, turning 10 a new' & r Q)XL number -- of ,"'.' ic OfKH® si,.....1.}..8% J y * i fear V AYS 500,000 topic, "is functioning v new | years. It has been long, hard, Highways i.......064 <++, . .+ -- 3,900,000 fully. The loans tobm'r(;rrx)ér:uc;]zs\::gaue'm struggle, wearing down . a | . 4,100,000 ' increased during the year from $9,-- t:flCIt of fifteen millions of dollars, | Health and Labor: $ 584,176 to $12,191,375, thus showins thflj: was found on the doormat when Healtltoy.2....666 @3646¥ +k 695 gjg.% that the farmers of our Province are is w Government took office, and it | {fyin.as Aiiowances ........ 2000,000 appreciating what this board rrfeme 16 wilh delien( thal Chls Goremmment o o t o. oo oo o es teense to them. This Government has aalrs]cs> today, through its Treasurer, an-- 3,0930,000 ;educed the rate of interest from 6 gt?:s!:'cxfls ;:gd":e thhonorztible o s mo ie Provincial 'Treasurer ~£,000,000 ' er cent. to ; s o the ratepayers of the [ Erorinclal Ireasut es An99'***/ . 400] means, on the5 ?12?0001'0 (():(e)gt.l')or:"o}:,:gg Province of Ontario, something nglw E"m'i."c?"} npinl on o miaaaaants 100,000 ' by the farmers, they are saving in the history of recent years by way | * Companies Branoh .........» .. 260,000 $60,000 on the half of 1 per cent of a balanced Budget. k Public Institutions ......... 5,750,000 reduction i * A balanced Budget means a meypey & o 0 PA "'Th es h deal, but a deficit ch d 1 o+ 2 230. 900 e reserve held i iL es it change nto a | . J Sn' dated Revenue I"u(rlld npélx"'teaii?:;mt'o surplus and at the same time provid-- ! {'lf;:g'l',":;"'ss e n en nigy 3'%88;888 i Paieseht o o SE . "tn Ast! n aplor dop. in a remmaattormplich, [ un cedusine Ar "34.327,000 cultural Development B ; S al debt, is a reak accomplish--| Total, excluding interest .. 34,327, ' self an operating profitoag? s?';.,"730'?}6,ment. This announcement in the Interest on Public Debt.... 1;2(8)2888 during the year, and an accumulated -- Ch:'lmber today is based upon the Debt . Retivrement ............ _ 1400AE 3 surplus to date amounting to $113,-- estimated receipts and expenditures." Total Ordinary and Capital. 53,415,000 176. 'The total farm loans reserve z;t He concluded with the emphatic Capital revenue, as estimated . for the | the end of the fiscal year 19%6 was reiteration that the Province was | fiscal year ending Oct. 31, 1927, was ap--| ' th?refol-e' $179,576. * Snt@l'mg a new era of taxation re-- gnrzté?)noesio as\to:tll(')ws: Ifiand;a and tForsf\gély.l 'This board has prov uction. R. F. Miller (Liberal 7 [ $1,250,000; North®t®, (Pubiic _ Hig R proved a gre: 4 £ sAiberal, Hal y 3 :. Publ Highways, convenience to the farmer bvgi";\':ldimand) then moved the adjourn-- (S)(l)%'so.\()x(i)g?s"ro?:?'ocoaop.i'talurel\fenue.lgex'c':lauy(;-' !?:t bo;r(')wings at a very mo'derqt'e'ment of the debate. ing interest, $2,834,000. (Loans an;l spg- e of interest, and the repaym i tel" Estim o i cial funds),. Hydro repayment of ad., are most conveniently a!'rlanpg'le)dlifalt: Om.;'trlix:).njtnmihxeecfei.s;;\asl zind expenditures for v:ll?::Siozfrlm'Sxfcoi)?xoyon;xe2?-'18i218'24%r3(i)3?8§'u;?i(c1 > » w s «t 0 r 8, €14, + » board at all times doing its utmost next were giv year ending Oct. 31 / Soyvice Superannuation Fund, $500,000; | for the convenience of the rural bor---- day b given to the Legislature yester= | other special fund deposits, $228,000. | rower. Throughout its operatio /54 " j Y'}'{O"- Dr. Joseph D. Monteith, Pro-- ; Total capital receipts, $6,179,000. | has had little or no losses whicnhS jlt' P nfelen erenntn d Oe n s [ perice. w exxpond{tutredq' {zor'l Tef l::sgt:e; = » 7 8 f mavis m \| iod, were distributed as ollows: * i :t';mewhat um'x'sual in the history of L RECEIPTS,. i {)i?)l;:.o !'51'('30,0'\)(;;l Lands and Forests, $745,--| ral credits. Pr{'n.n Minister: i 000; Northern Development, $1.390.$07%0;1 ater Rentals .. :s:*rr.127.3 0 ' Mines, $9.000; Game and Fisheries, , = Sa;l:gs Officers' Achievements. Legisfit1 € _ 1 Og ooglzegpubxic Works, $1.700.000~a{{ixhv;fisfi en came a brief report on th esA O' $9.650,000,._ Total capital expenditure, #i%.+ 7 e DegisNLOR ® + 1> h. i1 ¥¥rX's +s av4 164,000. (Loans and special funds.) Ad-- f;ll'o':iinces savings offices. .In 1926 | sunee Qf.).__ono_l vances to( ;)I';'dqro Commission, £8,000,000; e deposits were $18,366,863, and Aitorney--General: t Agricuiture, _ drainage and other loans, the surplus on Oct. 31 last an:l Law Enforcenient Branch .. 1,450,000 | $3,355,000; Public -- Superannuation Fund, ed to $133,000. Interests in 002;:2:;- '\?1"_\'91"r)nn-m Control of Liquor 3,500,000 | $230,000; oth(;oro sp{cial tunq: lande re;r:'ld&" 3 « MiscellARCONE | .umuluues e¥ rem@s 45 i ments, $447. ._ Total capita xp * ::1%2':\7';;}:":--;2: v{r':raeseasog uthe Provy-- . lnsurauce Department ...... 1:4)(5)888' mres,' $26,196,000. ollows: Paid > Mn memmmminasmeces 'f to depositors, 3 per cent.: allowed $5,545,000 | j 3?1""3'8 olfflces by Government | on Educstion 5z0 ooo|$28 000 RE UESTED epOSts, 4 erc .+ K 4 a 104 ki ralaiele ace 4n 4509 4 P o hy 9 U, the Governmentpby theentA'grl;gl:(]lturta(i Lands and Forests: t "'5 , -De_velopmen-t Board, 4% per cent.; Lands and Forests ......... ©3.500,000 paid by farmers to Agricultural Dc-- Te Soon0 | velopment Board, 5% per cent. The Min®s: NE se sa,Vings offlces carry on and bulld .\'lilw\' 6 hikle ie 2064 5+ 4 8 % w W + We 850,000 'ggnta reserve on a spread of 1 per Game and Fisheries ........ 750,000 ' Continuing, Dr. Monteith briefly: Public. Works and Highways: $1,000--000 lN SUPPLEMENTAR[ES ;Ske'whed the special audits in vari-- Public Works .....s/.1..>:4 25,000 |ous Government departments, a sub-- . Liotor vehiclha .......00.0.0 5200000 w lcamlnmenmimm mm | ject explained to the House on pre esoline ToX q. rori ce rices 2.690.000 vious occasions. i e s n t e n n n h s * s eecoonp ons iti | |Pihem meating the conclusion . of ; mss Additional Estimates Total-- s speech, he summed u s l leaith and Labor: i line of the Province's fina?lc}i];sl' (?:rf- apor t snn iee ioi n n rarend 100.000 Img $3'032'759 Tabled iC"tiOIl: Mothers' Allowances \ 'J\)O:OOO 'n LEgISIatUFe Po:';;iy(,tl Govemment. Provincial 'F $1:118,--000 f announce to this Cham--| ' Somimon Subsicy s ber," he continued, "that U Dominien Subsidy .......... 2,0645,000 AMOU NTS F + so far as Succession Duty .......:.... £,000,000 OR H Y this Government is concerned, they |'m'pura:'ion Taxt ;...,....... «: /5,000,000 D R 0 !Wiil} adhere to the same sound prin-- A,muse;m;ms Branch ........ 1,480,000 bivuerpraiing i j | Lz Transfer Taxt.......:.. «B ; 5 i eat nmanors! onevations" _ I will refez fand ineidtt feXlccuncnccs Cogouy || _ Supplementary--estimates to ; the clal operations. I will refer Lukxury Tax ...J....&sx+rx1@i4 200,000 | -- am 5 to them as: 1. EFconomy, efficiency Miscellaneous 400,000 mount of $3,032,759 -- were tabled and sound, honest, businesslike ad-- _______ with the Budget Speech by Hon. Dr. imi.rllzlstgtlon. A Procinclal:Secretars: $18,578,000 | J,. D. Monteith in the Provincial Leg-- | a * exular'bookkeepmg methods Companies Branch ......... 460,000 | islature yesterday. '::pestirllt(:t audits of the receipts and Public lnstitutions .......... . 1,450,000 By departments the a is to b cipline and direction in all depart-- $1,910,000 | voted are: Prime Minister's, $562,-- } «3 % KETICUIIULGC: .. ..... :i¥ k raes@ss% soo.000 | 500; legislation, $1,000; Attorney-- "3. The same adheren ~ en en * A x rect and proper dvision b::wéznacgg- Tétal (exciuding interesty. S4g:409.000 | Oeneral's Department, $1,055.90; In-- tal and ordinary. *A Hedbod F surance Department, $1,000; Edu-- "4,. No fal Hydro--Electric Power Com...$ 7,850,000 \ . 'oxpeiudl?ur: se surplus or concealed '\1;._!.&1i'~'. o. sRanay Com... . }'23%88& cation Department, _ $188,267.39; / + Miscellaneou s k k e k 4n k kn n 444 % j * :, Northern Develo ment D "5: The r T fret pinilad hot ons m xk e P n epartment every acuvfi';'f'ds and files will verify £10125000 | $1,500; Mines Department, $19,552; a "6. An intensive collection of rev-- . _ Total ordinary and cap:tal..553,571,000' Game and Fisheries Department, d'l'tt:l'::eswuh strict control of expen-- * $62,060; Public Works Departmeéent, "T. The same carefol and $1,160,129.49; . Highways Depart-- * skilf 5 operation of the Treasury Deparltlf ment,.$27,216.25; Labor Department, s %ont as well as other departments. , $169,000; Provincial Treasurer's De-- 'e can assure the public that there partment, $82,580; Provincial Sec-- wtl: be a very distinct holding down : retary's Department, . $600,789.66; of the interest charges. Agriculture Department, $92,209.30; ' a -- 4 miscellaneous, $57,600.