The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 23 Feb 1927, p. 5

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é W ednesd ay, CFeb. 25sr1. Vote for "Hydro." _ f n nee... . Under the Prime Minister's pe. Reforestation Scheme. & us ' =rnses bartment there is a vote for $535.000 -- When the Government | Forestry "Anticable Settlement," . \ for the Hydro--Electric Power Com-- Act, providing for the moving of set-- Mr. Tudhope contended | that it mission. It is composei of $350,ug0 tlers form the LAaurentian shield to the objections on which the Chureh for the Niagara System, $50,000 for Northern Ontario came up before Property Commission had based its the Georgian Bay System, $10,000 the House in committée Hon. Mr. "invalid vote" decision were allow. for the St. Lawrence System, and Finlayson was called on to explain €4, the Beaverton Presbyterians who §l25.000 for the Central Ontario that the measure meant no radical voted to énter Union would still have System. move. Settlers would not be forced a substantial majority over those 'I'he_ Department of Education ap-- to move, It was the Government's who decided to stay out. He also re-- propriation includes $39.000 for ad-- intention of having committees in forred to the '"amicable settlement" ditional inspection of public schools, various districtsy study the situation between the conflicting parties, with | and $10,000 for expenses and serv-- in the district and interview the set. former Attorney--General Nickle as ices of the Bilingual School Comimit. tlers and to report the feelings in the Arbiter, which was reached at the tee. There is a vote under Game matter. last session of the Legislature, J and Fisheries for $28,000 for woif _ A. Belanger (Liberal, Russell) re-- _ To this statement Col,.. Cameron || bounties. The Public Works Depart-- ferred to the suggested appointment replied that the Presbyterian repre-- || ment estimate includes a vote of of a Forestry Board. sentatives at that arbitration had °| $1,160,129.49 for pusolic buildings. "Have vou also a strong man?" he nOot been accredited, and that the A =,'nu'(~rl the 'I'ro'.'incl:ll Secretary's . asked Mr. Finlayson. l"resll)_v&eriatr: lghtircl; atterv;"ard had epartment $10,000 is being v [ & decided to hold aloof from the se * to the BowmManvile '1rninj1@i:1':;°cht\eo(: | Not Governmment Commission, .\ ment. itle for Boys, and under the sead of the The 'Minister, in a serious moou, Hon. W. E. Raney argued against Department of Agriculture there is | @*plained that this was not to be the commiitee approving of the bill a $10,000 item for additional instrue. | & Government Commission, but @A on the ground that nothing like it tion in connection with the inspec. body organized by forestry corpora-- in the history of the Legislature-- tion and grading ouf dairy products. tions and the School of Science at with one possible exception--had K . the University of Toronto,. ever hbheen done before. He suggested ' _ The committee passed the meas-- a tribhunal to consider the situation, , * ' ure on the assurance 1t;'olm thetP{,ims but this suggestion was scorned. Minister that it would be sent bac ; \to committee if further considera-- Based on Sentiment, » tion was occasioned. 1). J. Taylor (Progressive, North ' _ _ The House in committee also dealt: Grey) charged, that the whole &p---- _ L with the amendment to the Assess--| Peal of the Presbyterians was based n ment Act, exempting woodlands from| 00 sentiment, and that they were & asseesment. Second reading was "Paseing up'" an («offer . from,.the h given to Hon. John S. Martin's meas-- United Church of Knox Church, : ure respecting the protection of cat-- Valued at $30,000, to obtain the old tle. stone churech, which was worth no snmmnatemmumermsatmsntememest t ' more than $3,000. f s aa'l '"'To my mind," he said, "the 'in-- -- Hon. Charles McCrea's Bill pEAVERT valid' vote has nothing to do with s . r',) the case at all." Deals Espec|a||y With Fox-- J. W. Widdifield -- (Progressive, + 1 North Ontario), and _ representing Farming Industry the riding in which the dispute is i wrnnmmmannmam e omm ammmmon m f located, thought that some amicable | settlement could still be reached REG'STRAT'ON lN ONTARIO p without recourse to the Legislature. ; g In summing--up the argument, At-- s torney--General Price, Chairman of After the Iintroduction of the squonneione rmmtuninnmice ;{re committee, held.r'lcotnttx;larthoil\ldr. _ Budget yesterday afternoon and the & aney's argument, tha e Legitia« '-- adjournment of discussion of this Raney SuggeSts T"bunal, él;;zgt?t;:ldt;r:%sit]']e.r properly, as was > topic had been moved, the House | i is "Why," he said, "the whole prin-- '; took a final half--hour to delve into BtUt P,rlge ArguesT Leg'SIa :LDlte orfthte Un}tediChurch A(;it: wa; M : asvasr.: 5 % ut' o ransferring property. 1% several bills. KFirst came up for ure's PoOwer to ranSfer don't see why we can't deal with ; second reading Hon. Charles Mc-- ttannesntanmemga® this situation." ' n{; Crea's bill referring to the registra-- 1 T T k . s tion and protection of fur-bearing: RECO\'ER STONE CHURCH 3 \ "-- animals. It provided, Mr. McCrea N o tates" ' °. stated, for the registration in On-- The Private Bills Committee of'1 ® _ 'tario of _tur-bearing animals raised the Legislature yesterday reported: ; ';w"';"'}'}',"?'-, It especially affected ' the George Shields bill, which aims, y ox--farining ind ustr'y. at recovery for Beaverton Presby--| } '"'!"'5"' Is Opposed, terians of the old --stone church of (het. speubt legiiaugs y uq -- $ | Enorah.sthe mighte SfAnomiOndten put through particularly for one and half of tfihe church furnishings ) class. Fox men already registered| in Knox and St. Andrew's Churches, _ their animals with the Live Stock| all of which are now vested in the _ Department at Ottawa. He could not ' United Church of Canada, 1. _ see the necessity of registration in By a vote of 43 to 10, a motion 4 °_ ontario. to consider the bill was carried, and i J. W. Widdifield _ (Progressive,| afterward the measure, clause by _ North Ontario) also disapproved of| clause, was reported without dis-- . _ the measure, taking the stand that| sent. < _ the need for Provincial registration Appearing on behalf of the Pres-- ! was eliminated by the national rec-- bytcrians, Colonel . Alex,. Cameron ords, drew a sympathetic' picture of the . Mr. MacCrea admitted-- that the: Scottish tradition upon which the _ _ animal could be registered at Ot--| Et0one church had,, he said, been _ tawa. The Ontario authoritiee were built. _ He stateda that the Presby-- A not trying to create dissension, but| !8"3ns wanted, through the medium _ _ offering protection to a growing On-- of the bill, only' $_9,000 inhggopel"ty ky tario industry. Fox farming had of the 374,900 v&oxth that pass-- #. originated in Prince Edward Island ed to the United Church in Beaver-- E. s i 3 tion of Union. '\ and was established there. Ontario|!9" 0" the consumma . A representation on the national fox | Link With Past. * || farming organization, & body cCOu--| n view of the fact that the || trolling Ottawa registration and hav-' Church Property Commission had ing rights to suspend breeders, W4S| reported the Beaverton vote as "in-- in a minority. The Ontario breeders' vajiq," he thought that it was only felt they suffered hardships under 'right that the Presbyterians should [\ the present system and that a Pro-- pe entitled at least to the stone ; E vincial registration system would enurch, which, he: said, remained a _ offset this. the only connecting link between s §. Premier Forguson suggested that us and our pioneers of the past." _ the bill stand, but that if the fox Melville B. Tudhope, who appear-- K _ farmers of Ontario, before the end . ed for the United Church, expressed' __-- _ of the session received no assurance the hope that the committee would _ _ that their lot would be lightened , base its decision not on sympathy, _ the legislation would then be put but on strictly legal merits. He said _ _ _ through, that the "heartache" situation at k 5+ Beaverton was only one of many * simi€@@r in the Province, and that if the committee took it in their y [ o hands to restore to the Presbyterians ids there property that was legally vest-- _ '\f ; ed in the United Church, the com-- Bs mittee would have more private bills of the type before it to contend with: y in! future. *

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