* . » im smm F h \'\UV'SA&"/ QL'i'{- U . 4 m © Sinclair Also Opposed. DEN 1 S AR Liberal Leader Sinclair also object-- f » ed to the measure, in present form. t : inasmuch as it did not include, as it a ® USO should have included, he claimed, all < o corporations and . all persons. Mr. Sinclair thought that Vancouver .evidence on "evils" of campaign con-- VI' E tributions, as recited by Mr. Raney, had no bearing on Ontario conditions, > TIe also injected into the debate a t 0 ~~-- Consolidations in Bills. new note :':l'en' llle"advocia'te.fllc&m- I "hand Information Is A iong list of Government bills R;":l:':" ):(?mgfi' ';:ith";vl?lrz'lz t;Oe uPr(:: were introduced for first reading. / -'iw! Leader was end¢Cavoring to Given on V arious Resolu- Most of them were in the nature a';i';" S ieauct. was C j S s P of consolidations. The Government i+ tions Antedatmg Hom-- «ooxs _ thnrougn their medium to _ Cites Sworn Exvidence. ] 7 ._ nmend the Voters' List Act: the Mr. Raney surprised the House uth's, Sent From Provm- Milk, ('hocsx "mt]h Blé}fOTt-A(';;l(];:l;: with the announcement that he Tudicature Act; e Lounty . A a, i =+ nF HI€ m & P e# f A Bs air would offer no argument of his ow n 10M 'Ac+; and to amend the present Dairy aaps j asure, but clal HOUSC to Domln '_1\:-[ so--as to improve the quality of in support -- of _lhe measure, but G t 'n Past ifl a: ir.' products would content himself{ with reading overnment i d d\) 1'noa<urt'. introduced by Col. sworn evidence from the1 procegd- n x pitals for imngs of the Customs inquiry at Ot-- r From P rice, having to do with Hospitals for £ * i 4 Response to Que ¥ tire Insane, permits the Public Trus-- :-}" dL and from flhet P"'(;ersg"i'tgqsigf c in Saskatchewan to act for a he Cominission that carr in HOfl. w. E. Raney ::mtl:: wit?\\ property in Ontario or '.'esm.::fitmnq more recently into Brit-- <g [d + aroy ish Columbia « e wemnreasmmommenrmsemmsmes vice versa. It extends to Saskatene-- o se c cdY as: Y¥ L2 * t \-.:'n' the legislation extended by that "h,",' l'\..:ll'xc.«d :9 t.ma Hou_e(. 3700,000 RENTAL Province to Ontario. Manitobai is on hc'(lf\(""rf""_ * "E con 'c aA mIOre'ah- ' PAID BY HYDRO tss sams< basis. The measure saves ('"lll'd»? picture than anything I might x 5 > ?Provinces, he indi-- tell you. s _ :':Y":(;"'C for 'both PFC "No, no," said Premier Ferguson. To ~~_ Second reading was given to the 4 ".'\q}'f:n" as I'm. r,flncm'x'ted.1 !-,:;lf{ ' That the Ontario Legislature's at-- fqliowing _ acts: Respecting t':he i'»!'xl':lilf 4"..(",;),(";'1:5' x,"r.eo p(:":)ce':(eggd t}(l) 'hen it passed a reso--Township of North York; respecting oie the Tollow| stimony giv¥ tion reccntl)': when it l'ns '('.q luty the Township of Bertie; respecting ququc.th? following testimony given Jution favoring a cut in excise dutly the Village of Humberstone; an by Mr. Nash on June 11 last before pn liquors, and thus tendered advic@ pymaenqment to the Hospitals and _ the tUustoms 'Inqnl;r_:\'"(:omlxpi;;ciipm to the Dominion Government on aA Charitable lnstitutions\ Act; and the -n"pIZ:)_' }.';'?l'_',lcl;"'\)\r}:].2'\'\'_ &fnéo,;}- I.Jimi,}: € f +3 5 ing@ justment Act. ~** M Oe S <~~ft" % Nederal policy, was not 'unUbual. "db]h){ltfi1:';0;1\;1}-1;?\{2' minutes to six the ed, in the year 1?:4-:':} i1 +Buntex. ghown in information given to thc]h;uso resolved itself into committee count in thmr' books called 'Protec-- House yesterday by Premier FergU-- ¢o consider a Public i{sa'th Act. i'x.w; "1 r.'x'(lctlwim'n'.,\s.. :\-oqr'?"cfhar';e_d with Could this be gore into without a items (xfl.:_,..le,.dtm,, $62,900; in the A * > ¢ in maney. Progr ,«i\.or'{:nht session, came a protesi? from year 1925 thc'_' S',:l,,me. company, in an Hon. W. E. Raney, rogress 'the Liberal benches. "There are a :u-«:u.um'm jx.c.. hoo".f. under the Leader, had inquired when, if everq5y gectiors," A. Belanger pointed _ Caption 'Profit and Loss, are charged c% o , 3 oC ns f with $19,1381T.50: Gooderham & the House offered the L)«_\!llllliullo.) az Worts. in 1924.123 r ho ccount Government the bence{fit of its advice "Mostly crmgnli:i:n'irm," replied ,\]'v, .\'""AM .Pl'onu»-ti«');xu'. '".: (',h,'x" ae;]._ o':ir:h, on subjects within the jurisdiction Ferguson and the bill was passed in $69.100: J. E. Sea ahont &'.'-g Li of the ]'ariiamont of Canada ?" ©®0 minutes. The House then ad-- th(l )r'li.' ie ~§:'igll«lll'l'l S 't)(xms.l)"'ln'i- : A complete answer, said Mr. 1~'or-Jom;ned. ;e.:l*\)-' C':":n]);n"g." i'n' .:m ;;gg:]meh, :;','1; guson, would involve an examination books called 'Reserve for ('.omin- of Provincial records from the time gencies.' are charged with $65,000, of Confederation. Without attempt--| Mr. Haney also quoted Mr. Nash Ing that, he could | cite resolutions | i as saving the same day: "On a visit: gent from the Pli'U\'ill(.'l.:.ll ."QUFC }(O. to Hiram Walker & Sons, Limited, 1| Ottawa _ as follows: One _ by saw Mr. Walker, and I asked Mr.| Hon. Oliver Mowat, "("-".""""t'_'"]':"é Walker if he had made a contribu-- zh«';n;sesul"ntht'\Lgn*'il'illl:i'\o" rltfi'é.l{ tion to campaign funds, and he said:' ne by fHion. A. »m. Hardy, fconi+-- *Yes, to both pariies.' That was i mending appointment of Senators exact zmé\,.m._-r-) f *4 is fils for a limited yperiod; a resolution from Sir James Whitney, protesting Vancouver Revelations. Against the reciprocity prop.sal of M | f § § , 1911; a motion from Hon. D. Car-- e n reveertivintoarisipernt trene .}' rom the inquiry in Ontario Mr. michael, protesting against the re-- Raney b";""-'""?d tDO lneb\an('OU'.er. s noval f soldier patient from * & investigation last December, reading| %Sciid (;Iall? if a ,.(Icommgndmon L|bera| Leader Makes Sug considerable evidence fron records p n > visi i i F i to sihcw, as he maintained, the evi--| ho nanas ons nare oatt gestion in Discussith Of ||SLXS be pouticer contigucient tram for Legislature members on all na-- i I III -- |the "whiskey business," and reciting| tional railways; a recommendation Raney ConthUtlons B'" extensive editorial comment from The from Major Alex. Lewis that St. w omm mmmmemmma ie |Vancouver Province, which he under-- Lawrence River navigation facilities Istood to be an independent organ,| be improved, and various other reso-- MEASURE IS CR|T|C|ZED and not a prohibition organ. The| lutions. whole recital was a condemnation| s k t by the newspaper mentioned of the' Advice From Ottawa. % R I n * it 7 « s rotten" conditions alleged to exist ' If \t'l: {{'u(;)ey lulrfu lwantod }1«) l.kn«';w Pl"emler and CO'. Pl'lce DOUDt lin British Columbia in the matter o# e Federa arliament had ever \campaign funds from brewin in-- ohsred advice to the Ontario House: .. Wl 'About Value of PMOGPES: IEESRE Thy an appeal to ths Parlia-- ' If so, when, and on what matters. 1 # i ment of that Province of : '"What is \ Whis, said Mr. Ferguson, would in-- SsIvVC Leaders ProleCt the Legislature going to do about ' ¥olve a search not only of Provincial whommmmes vommemmmmammmemmmem the situation ?" | but Federal archives. The relation J h A * M . 'And that.'"" said Mr. Raney, em--; \ pf t'h'o_ Parliament of Canada to the .I?on. \\ E. Isun'ey b'. bill to 1'"'_' phatically, '""is the question I put to|j Ontario L('glsl:uurt; differed from hibit political contributions by brew-- this Legislature." A that of the Ontario House to the s, distillers, certain corporattons There would be no attempt on his Parliament of C: da, b rit1 ets: € j j ament_ of Canada, but wilhout a 'EFiR1 rsons. and to give pub.| |Vart. he said, to inquire into past| kearch of Dominion history it could &n certain persons, an o on onl relationships in Ontario between' be recal'led that thc 1"9(101":1'1' Pa.rliu- licity to their campaign activities. |nreweries and Governments. There 'f";'md h';]d on §menafl C('](fcj'i*l"'"f '_"" got second reading in the Legisla-- had always been from the party out ied naceed famicltarmn whein micn: fure yesterday and was'sentdown for 'of power charges that the party in had passed legislation which might s s power was more or less in league be considered properly belonging to furthér consideration to the Com-- Wwith the Hquer interests & the Provincial field, and had under-- mittee on Privileges and Elections. "I hesitate to go int.o this situ-- taken to offer suggestions through £ 'ad o6 j o w ; Ar iA A Keen debate featured second--read-- ation,' he said. That would be the medium of conferences. 4 P i t n1C +» Replying to a question by M. A. Mc-- ing proceedings yesterday, with the "ef'tllflg: 10?~.\.'.L-S$v:d the Gover: { Callum (Progressive, South Bruce), Progressive Leader quoting Customs bcm-lf&- 121. 680 «ne novepn mE Mr. Ferguson gave the mtorznathn Inquiry Commission evidence in sup-- "To both political parties," smiled that the Ontario Hydro--Electric rt of the bill, and with Attorney-- \Mr. Rane: Power Commission pays $700,000 an-- po j * s * ta** C * nually to the Province as rental for -- General Price and Premier Ferguson yeeqg of Precautions. the use of water powers. rear a 5 athy with the prin-- 4 f the Hydro paid 3%058000 r%lal?.;lsf'or expxessing SyIcP .y g P Ontario, he stated, was about to | hk ciple of the measure and yet oppos-- bark a scheme of Gov ' the water powers on the Queenston s {emdatns On &A [SU PC els | development, $204,000 for the water ing it on the ground that not only control of the liqpor tramq. "'That," powers on the Ontario Power Com---- would it work hardship to men who. he coptm.ue_dl, ':wzll put thisg -Legisla-, pany development, $73,000 for the of necessity, require the financial 'UY® n vYCT) close t°'f°h with one water powers on the Toronto Power' heip of friends in election campaigns, pt the ;.;rt::"a'tcstlpfinfia.nctal _buslnpsses the water powers on the Nipigon de--| =education of public opinion'"' that Et has be'cn depicted, then this Legis-- velopment, $8,000 for the water| pnonest contributions cffécted. lature should ta_kg steps to avoid . powers on the Severn River devel--| anything that "PIS'M cause things to| opment, and $613% for the develop-- happen to this Government that have : ment on the Muskoka River. ' happened to Governments elsewhere| in the Dominion."' | +