~% Te C hured ay, Jfeb. 24 Th 'fr 4 ."é." If the Province was going to do}, --_---- --~Sdigemnt on . ; anything, he said, ;t -:l%um;t me| Says Enactment Sho%:ncfll- ;!guglicl:' olfii(;nom. th'ao'n he added, ~"ig '"now." By that he not nece: nclalr then too ne sho say t all--contribu sarily mean "this session." If the| , };;l;e; ailnl't;aed?i g":}:n;. d'::i'a:m'k:. are to be eliminated it might dt(i,on: Government was sympathetic to the "It seems that tie' 1914 lé'gi'zlat'ion':"'%"' wrong to:the people of the bill he would be prepared, he S@id.| poes even farther than the legisla--) * *my "C*: f to have it stand over until neXt $€8--| yion proposed in this bill. If--we are, , [ 80 n0t think," said he, "that my| sion. us going to eliminate the taking of con--. NONOT@ble friend's bill has had the smiled, thow frank I can be &t) gpyou;q pe general, and contributions :l'lltt)lkvct: 1;'sually have. It is bristling _ times." : .. i from all sources, 'big and small, "!N'WEaxnesses. Continuing. he begged the Prime should be prohibited. Iam at a loss Mr. Raney, said he, confined it to Minister to be "merciful" regarding to know why leglsjaftion should -- be "a class "that he regards as publicans the measure. If sympathetic toward 1 roposed wilich goes not cover all and sinners." Why should the hon-- "it, he would accept whatever pro-- j {)l;epsources of eléction funds. { orable member have this regard for cedure he, the Prime Minister, would, "The object must be to purify pub-- | brewers and distillers? It involved adopt. lHe would rather, he salq;é lic morals," he continued, "and if |4" understanding of the liquor issue. have the bill given "sudden death"| _ why are only cortain businesses |'" the Province, the Premier feit.| than have it shunted to the Elec-- 'n'the C ommunity mentloned in . the It was "utter nonsensge," he declared, tions Committee--the fate that befelll 'l zislation. So I feel it difficult to |t? take the view that money froml it in 1926--with no sympathy what--| g?:-e this bill support." | the sale of liquor was "tainted." Mr. | ever for it. _ _ Mr. Raney's argument in .'efea-'\]:figfi"'hesaéfash%u:?:e "ét gbj:cted' t a--Us s View i f the Customs s y--General _to o e e ta s ce &en--| :wr;ggepase'tlc?e\?fiZt lgal)pen-ed('in on.| Dutting in the public Treasury a Hon. W. H. Price. Attorney--Gen--| MTV 28 uoo conclusive, said he. The million and a quarter of dollars from eral, said the question before th¢! 5/ j,jon in British Columbia was| &ale of liquor in the Government House was one which had received undoubtedly a regrettable one. "put dispensaries. ~'The liquor business, the consideration of Governments there is no direct evidence on record, declared Mr. I:'g{guson. was recog-- for many -- years. lIrrespective Of )0 ) jane it, to show that there were nized commercially as legitimate if party, he thought Mr. Raney's M®@S*|) ponpriputions in Ontario." properly controlled, ure, as st)'lt'\f'l. was 80"}% {;elghaep:. If the legislation,, he wcnbt Cn,. Effect in Hydro, "too far." Many men, he said, t 'as r all political contributions . 4 -- tered public life at a sacrifite to i';a?wt)?ngamakepcandidates li4ble to ml'{'hzsl';grxie':'ot'ggéendefl 11113.1: the their businesses, and it was not fair : all their expenses, and | some » d, would work o s rea || P2x, 2 o many hardships. For instance, the that the public should be depriy might not be able, because Of fin@n-- preat Hydro --enterprise i of contributing their support to those cial reasons, to seck election. » :omd Fever be re-cg 3 tc:mix;a gn who fought their political battles. . i bill were law, f thn en fia? \o "one. he said, deplored any| Wants Compulsory Voting. were law, for the reason that i¥ , M m a itions of| *3 § s C L s abik, the many pubhc-spu-ited men who more than he did the cond | The remedy for the situation, he "dug down in their pockets" to hel which the l'l'";!'?bs"'f' Leader ha'u:, suggested, "will be law making vot-- ;p,} campalgn along would be prol-'- spoken, but it was his opinion ""t' ing compulsory,. "Until you Mak® nipited by the terms of the measure such conditions would be hard C voting compuisory," he emphasiz€e0» fprom again doing so rectify. All parties, he gazd..lfig}d "you will not strike at {he great "'I'hebbm. in 118 p;resent shape, As Fappmenethpdtivgs i file t (;l.ectlo.m;.nte\r"\t ltg evils that arise in election C&Mt (oprydity itself," said the Premier. it was not his des xe' or Churehn-- ipaigns. -- While quite in sympathy with the | cast reflection /o. t'\e, eflaction |,, "I do not know if we should $A |principle of the bill Mr. Ferguson which, he said. was 3,":'9 C tieud-- the final word on this bill today," hC said it was 'tuteily inadequate" and as long as it kept to i"-'n':w"', st erec. 294¢ed. "but. if we're to meet the wauld put Ontariio in "a most ab-- rere wer s oc se Aifaatinn .. whole situation. let us attack it from syrq position" if it were adopted, tion. he said, where collections WCT® rng jne of contributions from _ all "I have no thought of killing the taken in churches and meetings W°"€! sources, If my honorable friend i8 p,,)~ said h: i0 Mr. Raney. "But. hbold in church basements. ' prepared to go the whole way and uniess you de--ss your chi'dren up in { "Subscriptions in churche3. UNJSS3| gjiminate all contributions, then I am | some better clothes, I'm afraid 1 tfor church or missionary work,." Sfll*l, with him in his bill, but while he.::an't 6t them n],}ngle with the Col. Price, "are entirely Oout Ol| giys contributions may be. made byipeople of this House. The trouble is i'fii"'f'-" . y un waa | some and not by others, I am NOSllinat this child is too low in the neck | -- That. he said. did rot excuse breW>| gpey nuy,." land too short in {he skirts." ' |ers and distillers from endeavorin®| n conclusion he emphasized that yrp Ferguson asxked if re unijer-- | i'u get control of the political P4"~ | ie members should go into the sit!*' stood that Mr. Raney woeuld with-- -- ) ties. y c ail ation fully in further consideration graw the measure intil anokher, | Tho'v-o To:z Iogis{_atiortxl xen rlng':t:'e;'ag}" »f the meagure. véar. Mr. Raney muid, "No!" The! I Col. Price, covering th & : s * 2 iniste 2s at it' | contributions. It was provided that| Asks Quick Action. * lbe hent sowm io ing Cominitee un 'all contributions over $50 must be| J. Albort Pinard, Liberal mein-- Privile:'cs and Elections. published. Yet how many PCOP!®! par for East Ottawa, was keen for .. o heard of the agents making known "quick action" on the bill. He ex-- Not Perfect, Says Rancey. the amounts contributed? The "de--| resse\d himself as in favor of an In reply to the other speakers, Mr. sire" back of such bills, said hC. W@s| [NMSjiate vote of the House to see Rabey emphasized that he did not "wonderful"; but, he added, "It i%, juoy woutd be done with the meas. Submit the measure with the idea praciically impossible."" \ ure. The bill efred noticeably, he that it was perfect legislation, "It "Was there any law," Mr. Rane: tho.ught for its failure to include in isn't customary at second reading," . queried, '"regarding campaign funds the 1i=t'of "campaign contributors'" said he, "to analyze a bill with a ! of central committees?" ; i|the names of prohibition and tem-- microscope. There may be changes "Omly the Federal law." said Cnl.,l m'ln" evociations., that should be made. It may be to 'm-.uc "Why." said he, reverting to j De'\fh, LePfl{mrd cviticized Mr. Raney ©xtend the list of corporations, The I his statements of impracticable log--, ¢ on fl.',i £ his own 'op.inion in thing is are you in accord with the ; 'islation. "haulf the sections of 'the' or ';Ot z'f' :'hae 251. "Ane" Cugtoms brinciple of the legislation ?" | | Election Act are never acted on." !;UPD_X}' Commission was costing the The 1914 legislation, he declared. | "Do you suggest that the members nqmtw}," $1.300 a day, he said. ana made no provision for publicity, and , |elected to this Legisliature do not| COUN 'fi"orl'i'; io the best interests 60 it w'as not complete, . _ ; publish the statements required by o?otthe countev." He supported Col. _If provisions prohibiting: corrupt | the Election Act*"" interjected Mr.. price's belief that many Parliamen. Contributions could not be e-nlfdorced,l Raney. tary members could not meet theip Queried Mr, Sinclair, * Srotent tprg.f ;\!-\;Ot a; all," replied Col. Price. elsclion expenges. ; :Stl'g;fedfgr published statements e; i¥, he went on,. should Mr.' "It is impossible,"' he added. "to <anl f laney diseriminate in his proposed make electi\olns with prayers, and the seribe In. },'!Ot al'wasr.'sagt;lng Mtl? _ _ bill? "What's the difference be--_ jGarsons that sit in this House know! subscribe in his own > +1 | tween brewoers and distillers and any -- that as well as I do." 1"-'!'3\180"_'5"%'{]' for published state-- other large corporation?" he asked. As far as he was concerned, h n1£fl£rfor'ufl1lo?-entra} campaign com-- Not Near Election, was prepared, he said, to tql«e'%fl'l! mittees could not be evaded, Mr. | the subscriptions that came his way, Raney replied. | As for Mr. R'ane)."s.lcgislauon. he regardless of whence they came, and| * "What is the object of publicity | wgnt on, ig tAhmk it is the disposi-- . in this connection he assert_'ed: "A.. if the funds come from an honest | tion of the people to keep away from --| far as that goes, I hope they're neveor source?" asked Mr. Sinclair, such matters when an election is over, | published either." "You don't know that it is honest since it creates bad feeling. How-- / 1 'one til there is publicity," said _ Mr. ever," he said. "I feel that anything || Premier Cannot Concur. , '['-.n ]l,e'. C that can be done to clevate the|| Premier Werguson expressed hilll~ \dI-I. °C. Schofield (Conservative, To-- polit:cal life of the country should be : |self as being sympathetic with the to St. George) wanted to know if done." | object of the bill, but he could noll TPBFQ Zouiq pe a thought of PoHW-- i _In the proposed meusure, he de--| | concur with all Mr. Raney's argu.'there snou AMSQ 9i PV clared, there were many sectious that | ment, nor could he accept Mr. Sin--ca1 contributions through church would fail to work out right, As for| | clair's suggestions. y ., papers. -- e the feature of publicity, said he, "I Honest contributions, said he, a1d-- ~ mr, Raney replied he would be don't think that the thousands of! ed in educating public opinion. . A glad to go into that if there was anv people throughout the country who---- candidate. in placing his views before eyi) in it, What he wanted, he em-- 'make contributions in good faith ; the public, a costly process, in Which ppasized, was that the bill be givep want their names mentioned." \he nught pmoperly accept financ!al gecond reading, and it could be thor-- "But I feel confident," he went on,, 'aid, wae aitempting to "'"uence'oughly' discussed in committee. '"that this discussion, and the con-- wlst f Second reading was then given. sideration of this bill, with other bills in the last ten years, and the 4 laws at the present time, will do | ; good and we may make some pro-- is ~ gress." <€