The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 2 Mar 1927, p. 1

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V) _ Nnesé'av, MQYIQlt zhi t IDE 1 l» - ' , It. W F ELD CO VERED .. mcreuiiNtityirttorrrar. _ The resen BY HON JAME I to'i2,d2"'t'2ft',TiTgert'euttt,t, . Province. and in this connection in- terests were opening mm; at Corn. B UD G wall and Port Arthur. BA I E tcpe,'",,',',',;"',,,',',"'),',,',",':,.,'; 'e/n/g/kr,',',: ' 'rp son overn- Mr. Nixon . ment had undertaken to build 300 Fo Mi q year the 'h',',Uff inst'litddeit,, it"; Tliteis of Toiel in Northern Ontario, rmer mister Speaks for Forests Department had fallen onff bri'urnthE: East and the West. The Nearl Th H and suggested that the Ferguson this work egnment should have done y ree our, R " Government h ' l" e maintained, because it " ' e ad not pressed for rev- had . u enue because it . . . F received a $6,500.000 grant from errmg to Att "as election year. the Federal auth iti f empt to It was true, said Mr. Lyons, that the project or es or such a [ . . " . . revenue was $500,000 l 1 . Get Him In Public Ac. Oct. 31 there was onlvesg'l $013030 a niiikeigrr'is yt",'nh,aa/'.ize1/h'lrt, he was . . outstanding on the hooks. l ii ' . r l? man. . arquhar court" Inquiry, Euloglz. less than any amount Ji1ul2lii1; it: J,',?,",',,'",',);',",','",),"),')?,?"',',,' wanted to . previous " 1 n' support the mg "hon Temperance s years. 9312A. Because," said Mr. Lyons R . 1 Reason for Reduction. it was destroyed by the bootleggers ecord and Arraitrriing The reason for the reduction in "ll temperance politicians." ' D Ad . . . revenue. he said. was the condition sta l scored the Drury GovernTent'si rury ministration of the lumbering business. The in- i"i; ny, on the liquor question. It wtta,1 terests in Ontario cut 90,000,000 feet tt Government, he emphasized, that _. less of white pine and other woods allowed the manufacture of wine BELANGER INFER than in the previous year. Tie \Chhitch contained 25 to 30 per s operators cut a million ties less than on l alcohol. Wine was a poor MISUS the year before. . mans drink, said he, and yet the E OF FUNDS There was a slight increase in Government compelled purchase by! n}ulpwood operations, said he But the NSC or five-gallon keg. I _---..---.----- .ic Government had a, p0llt'y;.f)f al- "Pro rcssi' . d ' i Another "strong man" was ro- lowing pulp Operators to pure-liaise 6t g . 'tlc" er Tabla. i Tealed to Ontario yesterday when ',H.fP.l, settlers rather than from the A,nd m a live-gallon keg ot wine,"; Hon. James L' ' , . crown. So the revenue from pulp he went on, there is a gallon and al, . q sons, Conservative was not as great as if the Govern- quart ot alcohol. enough to put thel member tor Sault Ste. Marie. in tin- moot had used " policy which would whole Progressive group in thisl ishing what ho had started last meson the benefits to settlers. House under the table and to keep) . Thursday, spoke to the Iwgir,laturc T 'The Ferguson Government. Mr. [than there." for ncarlv th -.. , ' ., t "I ons emphasized, had collected I'he Drury Government." he went , . J in. hours, on matters 31.500.000 more a vear ago in the on, "shouted temperance and down . inf}, (Nt"?) in extreme from 'tho Lands and Forests Department than with the wine. It is that alumni 1t.1u"i,reaet,'i" :gtilriptlto got"I him that had the Drury Government. thati has driven the temperance. . pe . c, IC said, in the: _ . ' sent ment o the Province tc . public accounts inquiry of last ties'- do d Gallon Gas Tax. it is. today." 0 where Holt. to eulogizatioii of his own record ., lie touched on reductions in tax- He turned his guns on Mr. Ranev. :atLf "ynl.".'rat"'" man. and to a gen- 'ion. which the Budget estimated in 1019 there were 20 wine distil- "f". slashing arraignment of the would amount to $4,000,000. As for lerles licensed in the Province. After [Ilium Administration and its "politi- The reduction in auto license. fees four years of Mr. Raney's Attorney- 'cl/I/li';,'),";',',?:,'.',. of which. he in- and the maintenance of the ciiC. Generalship there were 49 licensed cued. the 1 runner was well rid. tfine tax, he declared that the license wineries Mr. Lyons took ll l s) i-l _ mi ht . . a t e gas tax Tu? . a t Ir. people are sick and House's time 'ilfal"'o',"1v'"1'i11, 0502:?" a igah/o,'/el1 be increased to 5 cents tired of this political buttoonery?" spolissrs---Aurr'lien Bel-inger Lib Then Mr Ly . Wine Production 't't . , q , t 'W" . - . dons deal ..' . r'iv.j"yV/.f"1','is.1, JeC.ieyety,y, and L'r.J. operations throughout thte $331233? The production ot wine increased ii/i, l; Tsir.'.-?.?.'?'",',' mmnhor tor A million and a half cords of p111): during the Drury regime," he went " t 'n, ireh "T)ve"re heard lietorc the,wood went to the United s"d I on, untilin1924 there was produced l if"..",')") :idJoiitiiC'fnt was moved.lttvery year. For this $14 000%)th a little over 1,000,000 gallons of .rllt'. drum. Mr. laylor goes ovenwent into Canadian coffe ' ' 0 Raney's Heady Relief. And there y1ti./.ttf1,C1'y1ov,1Y with a Si'ni'c of said Mr. Lyons if this WIS. But, was a. reserve of a, million and a) l/til',.,",',?,":)',?,":" who had prospects otltactured into newsprint Ji?i?i,'Jl)'hui. quarter gallons built up-wine ma-i ti {ring yesterday. 'ada, it would mean $75 Go (i an- turing. because wine distillers of On-l 1.cyperydehn.a'r/i,rc'isct',,.'tl,'r'", of him. Canadians. and it Would gi{'eOOCntlo tario found they could compete with: get: created J/,'nc',ivt'aii'mo1/-tt as??? Egg; pkg/£2921} ti? 35,000 men. ""i,y1i,yoe/ii,e"tc',f FJ',1,,t1/ier',' , ' ... . . n ". V S ' . . 1,y,'. 13:51:31 that men?" appropriated from Canadea t/"/heiueVh1'Tt/",?, laughter.) t'Ji'jot1thd'"t'lh1, 1l'eTfl'll.""l',' ." l " verniiien or purposes of over , , . JillP resume it at 8 'cl ' ' Northern development might have I .fy.T, year. For this Canada re- 'A' 1 o'clork. . been Used for election purposes 'in' "sued $40,000,000. af1'un,.t,i,r,1,,uetlr te da/I/et.',"',?,.'."',': the Seven campaigns; and registered a 8t06,000,000 Direct Loss described the /',ti,/',,)r',7eaftf; await: _. "rout: alipea in the interests of " " . . gtt 'r"" " .t . Northern settlers. whose advance- s,c'/lht/," 531:90th it 1is was manu- firirlylge- And. in connection with mm". he claimed. was hindered by would mean sJf.'lhsl'.'i1Jat here it iiiiii herel was a problem. he said, tho f.i1vt,T1"y1'? tardiness in open- dians." There ',',('d'/"l"efl, for Cana.. tario Samar;l let', clonSidered by On- ing 'baek concessions." pulp and paper opzradtziect REES in F - ' era authorities. . Ol A' - Tcrmed "opvortunlsts." yyrit' and Canada of 3163,0000 ft ontario .ore for Steel. . . Mr. Taylor barely had timr, ltr-, "ire/ITC,';, ' "Ontario was rich in low-grade fore adjournment to rush to the do- td ' 0 Ontario Government: attempt- 311.311 T,i' carrying 38 per cent. iron. tense of the party in whose support if a policy providing for the manu- hi I' ' ""60? States ore ranged as he was first elected; to style the pres- famme of newsprint in the Prov- ("51 as W' per cent. iron. Ontario ful "overlmmut as "opportunists" Tfit to do away with these losses. o nfot produce a single ton of Iron _ rather than "tinancial wizards," and, P e pulp and paper industry in the hieh or commercial purposes, the in direct reply to Mr. Lyons, to 2rgl't""i.all'a'r', increasing, said he, ih2'phipt'i't'e//tntiffif States ore being refer to lion. W. F. Nickle, former was hoped that at the end b . e ls Ontario ore could Attorney-General. as one "now scorn- ot four. years it would show an in- "16) transformed by processes ot ed" by the Conservative party, but crease in production of 650,000 tons t.y,'tisit,t,.i,y1, to produce steel upon Whom. tor words of counsel. the of newspnm a year. :qual. if not better, to that produced same party had been glad "to lean" "(Slammed operations in four. years I Peggethe United Sta.tes ore. in past years. ,-__. mean an increase of 100,000 renco'urauéseed Ola f%af"l, Ti, could be in resuming the debate, M . people in 0:1?" ' . - . ' e e ' a onus was Lyons "riticlzed the Drurv 'li'ovt)1nr..' in this 'i1nfdtt't,rio'tsv1'at1totlot1,; and! paid. The Government had ment at length on the matter of ex- be expended yearly in ii'i'i'r' quouldl ft)'eg,u',aiii,e,f half a cent a ton on penditures. He followed with a and other costs, which J//'/'/i'd'i'hWd'," douvgiigra ie 'lf,') if used in steel pro- oulogy of the Ferguson Administra- benefit the people of the Pr . ly on n ntario, if there was co- tion. . he said. ovmee, 3:382? I" "fill: a? Federal Govern- Hon. H. C Nixon (Progressive There had be _ . . . O a e onus. 'Iron ore to . * ' = . cn crt ' s . Brant County) had pointed out that of the present 6033:5132 ism! he, the value of $250,000,000 was im- in three and one-half months in ministration of Cr w L n S ad- ported into Canada last year. On- 1923 the Ferguson Government had Drury Governmento he ands. The tal'no 'tj',',.';."'"""' ore might well re- extiennrled $23,000,000, as compared disposed of 1nl',lW's.lear'lotfi'i had place W. tpos'.i';"f.);"d1),0t00,, Wit? out by the Drury Crown Lands capable of "03:11:; "Guesswork" Budget. . rnment i . '- ' . and C,',','),'-',:,',',] Wi, preceding eight forts one million cords of pulpwood .31ty Belanger did not confine his ion ti. and the only benefit to the Province efiorts solely to an attack on the Explains Figures. tedd, been the.Yeatlon of a 100-ton- Government's policy of Northern' "That is easy to explain," said Mr. 'lifl,'g, :31]? mill and a 150-ton-a-day ftgt,1'l'npennte' but he treated the Lyons. The Drury Government Co ti ii . . . i ge generally from a. critical evaded accounts, so that this Gov- th i; nu ng with his criticism of po nt of View. Mr. Lyons had re- ernment had to float a loan of $40,- 'dl armer administration, he de- ferred to it as the "sunshine Bud- 000,000 to meet the capital indebted- 9am}, that, Just before the election, and members on the Oppossir ness of the Province. Moreover. the m 1933' the Drury Government had tion side of the House had gone so Drury Government tried to swell the caries led 'fre charges amounting to tar as to name it a "moonahine Bud- revenue of 1922 by collecting rev- $40,000 on lands belonging to the get: but he was inclined to term it. enue due long after the end of the sly." Lakes Paper Company at a. pure guesswork: affair. . '. . fiscal year." turtreon, Pie and Long Lac. 7

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