Wgénesdat', VNQYQNA and I lam" ls Sarcastic. _-r would su es " r "sort "that Mf, is thbed Mr. Fer- ' . the Tory wa d government by . . ro t r associations , cusses questions 'leiu,Mtti,',',t,er dis- , he does so in th them before tio ' e House. If - ns are t Clues m ' . o get this sort of 'ent I Wi!? refuse to treat- ar eq Questions of the Gove .aSk any more i g . ans ' "Ha! Ha " 'dTi'rr'e"i"l',tl,erJ.t, at all." I . tives. he Conserva- ."l Lien-l . .- ' . . . N . .. . tirln," suiU (ir/Ci/df,"] 31".? lliformn- A . thin with lnv Sheet-hm. in ('onncc- s onen 1io'o,uts, Fr "n the Budget . I "l'lll sill-r" volt "A I ' l iso, .. ' Home] tl h ---.---._----- l tt am a member of th " ' lllitl. thut h" i" t 10 MIN positio " e Up- rt-ir s...' . "I my honorat . . it n. Liberal Leader Willia "it '1i)ci'u,iilcj//t,t, that} was the 1'(.'/),lf; Former Minister Tells from]; illndah' protested. "I ask Hz: I ' .' il"sllott thoi .',~ aeineme .voll il,'tt'pt lrvrr, mil. vi.'1f.tryyyion L id 1 Th P . who wrote such 'iettot "a? the man Just "PM tho fl mining. 6ng a are at rivale "If 1 e ery. . " rlilini' on the 'v'i/i1l,'tyi,eo",. Promised ', d D l t l C come Clggreotohzarme ttum: itthwould Mr l'o-riu M. t ' ..' * litmus raised an e r men - l l " ear 0 e Lib- that in. hull" tl,')',".?,,.",,",:,.' it]! point out pa a or "TI Issidegm rféorted Mi";i Lyons. ' i:i, N . .. . '(-:irl nam ," . [1:3:.,"l.,lf '5'" (THING until nift- hte,' .. resPondence Opened and Sincllair pressed. ty m Mr ', l _ i.'ii:o| '.e, liv'i( 1-; th ' ' C. l s' could not onlv i ', c, V ' n. FP. l 3 name him, b k ;..l.l'.'i 3313'} to may it '/a/l'yi') , Some of Contents Re.. I have some of the letters in all]; r.i'h 'tiw'é'f' I huvr, lint ('Olis-lllifltl possession," returned Mr. Lyons. ls H'\- Adi-l'ir'ffiirkpl' In thcso trontter,c, moved Pl': Speaker," Mr. Sinelair protest- [H'JS'Iil Nfr C','. In, fvirtnd.c, in the Op.. nd. I ask the member as an honor- . ll'.,r gt}. think." !, .___._._.._. able mtanhto name him or say that I , am no t e man. He i . - - ; SLASHING ATTACK ate an impression." s trying toere BY MR BELA NGER Courteous Treatment From Sinclair. . " don't Inter the Leader of READY nil HAT ll q---..--.-. EGO Iiibel'ai party wrote. any letter." . a r. yons smiled in reply, "and'I , Liberal Member Declares will 5a" I received the moat courte- T ous treatment from the Leader of the PREMIER ANNOUNCES Road - Building Staffs 32:92:" party during the investiga- W ' . Mr. Lyons paused again The h ere Mobilized by Con went on'. "As " ti . n e - . . _ a, nal attempt to se- . ' cure information his Majesty's mail - seroalioes In Se (ember private and contidential not onl ' . . ' Y m) In SUCh State Of InCUbatlon El ii L p private mail, tbut c,tirt""tTe"peer,ti.ttt . ec to me in connec ion wit the De art- He Hopes Shell Will Break H s n yons Says "W." Lands and Al'.':,',',"",':, . . opene on several occasions and m a Few Days e aw Campaign Fund some of the contents removed. " th Ch petty political ambition will go to: .___.__. eques 1...... extent. it is time we had a house- CAREFULLY P R E P A R E o ----- (cleaning." " Mr. Sinclair-Did you com . plain to The resignation of Hon. James Ottawa]: 1 . Lyons from the portfolio of Mi . .'. A r. yons-- certainly did, but I , . nistcr l id n Liberal Leader Aitaoks Fer. ot Lands and Forests Just a year 'l/l f",dtt2ttuiltpetgft tihevfgingieiz. guson for Speeches out. ago yesterday, and the subsequent tween two points that the mail was . . investigation into his affairs before taey/r,'ii,dvg.1thi side Legislature the Committee on Public Accounts wanted 1frsi'aV"id"t"r1ufefti'd le,','! . . were echoed in startling fashion in "ip/tyt' or my resignation." Prtmiur Ferguson told the Legis- the Legislature last night. qu'd,'1tti'l,'n hzogfnugchtigit 12: the liquor lainrc yctiturduy that the Govern- For two hours in the:aftcwnoon Sault St.e- Marie, which ig,'ri"g,,tf wont-control bill was in "such a Mr. Lyons had spoken in the Budget I?.ertyy.eft riding. In 1919, said he, state of incubation" that he hoped debate. He continued after the .Sir VViiliam Hearst had been beaten "the shell will break in a few days." dinner-hour, completing a detailed "on It?" riding "by funds contributed Early Appearance Forecast. sl'lzctch of the. Province's tit"i.iiiiiiii".' y rewers and distillers. The early appearance of the meas- 1',tin'theoWoud,ie1ui his address, he Campaign Cheques. We wits forecast by the Prime Min- speak [e, ttfiuse'he. was pleased to .He declared that he had seen the- _ istei' in reply to caustic criticism said he 1.1"? Prticular day, "for," signed cheques contributing to the Rom Liberal Leader William E. N. res- c... Y.', tte anniversary ot my campaign funds of "the honorable Sinclair, who alleged that Mr. Fer- F ignaticn as Minister of Lands antiimember who defeated Sir William.- guson, in informing " recent smoker- crests. iHearst." to the funds of "the honor- confey staged by "Tory ward as- Not Sorry. He Says. able member who was adopted into sociations" that the bill might be He paused .' l o the fold ot the Drury Governments" wcli termed the Liquor-Control House The hand "we"? the Belan or I C I I ' Ac.t.. and that it was the greatest phatic. t P,, e continued in em- WI S utt ng. i l achievement this or any other Legis- that it (£11163. And I~am.n°t Sorry Mr. Lyons, however. was not the laiui-c had produced. had taken onc I appened. Fop It stopped only member who during the day's '.'Tory Toronto" into his confidence ft? ye. for all the petty sniping debate put the House "on edge."l. m respect to the bill before advis- o a disgruntled Opposition-tGow. Aurelien Belanger, Liberal member! ing the Legislature. ji'i'lu',')t, desks banged applause for for Russell, was clear-cut and coldly "Is. then. this legislation in such ye words)--and it placed the Fer- deliberate in his criticism of the a completred state." asked Mr. Sin- Se",? Government in a position to Government's policy of appropriating clair. "that from now on no further, say, he went on. "that, regardless 5itra_t,1y $5,000,000 for development in 'tre""),"),',',',',:, will be required from Il',.','.',,.":")',' "lawn? came from, the i2..rtlltJe and Northwestern Ontario. e ousu?" ... o 1e. rov me are carried - r. eanger said that the Legis- The Prime Minister was immedi.. onuabove suspicion. Iature's action in voting that amount ately on his feet, stating that he You remember the investigation 0f money without requiring from the had said nothing at the smoker- before the Public Accounts Com . - Government a single estimate as to mit concert that he had not already tee. I feel that that investigation how the money was to be expended laid to the House and to the pub- made a bigger and better man Giicoett.itue.d a "vicious principle." be generally. of me-and a bigger and cuter s',Tit Government has never taken . , Prp.ciime Alone Discussed. rl',e/,'.'",'v'g,o//rt,,,t1"g'ae't iht.o,,norable 'sic-blue)','",',,'?;;",.'.' $332323? Wilt His remarks had been confined "Shame! Shame!" cried Progresa.hi'1lTylfi.e, have we that some ot iti solely to) the prinCiple of the bill. sive members. is not used for tleStior! purposes or ant to t lo conyiction--prhth he Sn .. D .1. for purposes of bribery? In fact. I ' still had-that .th.e combined wis- " ctect was Employed. do know that in the last three elec- f/i'), ofhtelic Legislature wofulld ipil'o- "There was no stone left unturned tions-the two Federal elections and . .'reae o e - -" , ... CT, . _ tion it h 3 w s piece d." $331 to set the felt: Mr. Lyons ignored the Provincial election-that this a ever produce . he the cries. Several of the me b Government. he said, had been very in the Opposition here and at 0,351er money may ly/ve been used tor that careful in devising the measure. and did everything to get somethin 'IT, very purpose. :1? Ja/l saftisfied it would win the your humble servant. 'ih"d'a'lle'f de- Premier Is Accused. peggiel' opu1ecpgfhte mass of the tectives were sent into Sault Ste., Mr. Belanger dontended that. Pre- "I haven't cone out of the way in Marieh to secure evidence to use on 1',natrd'fvg1d'/,'n, and other Ministers. discussing this l'ill anywhere," said {3:28 $2221.: 1e,r',yltid1',e tii,iis,',ttiitttei.ieedentlT"e1et"i1ontt' 2',rthf2g"ir,2 he. "And l bcl.eve when it comes I". people n u t ltr) ' n away» l down that it will have the support Marie craving information to uses: to fth; people had been "on" of my honorable friends across from against me. - in xiii: J, 1i1"t You need roads me. It is in such a state of incu- ex t r a. ocaiity. You cant bation tha the shell . pec us to provide the money to at I hope will meet . break in a few days." ' give Ji01liu'l'",)f,tt,'."ro" unieas you , ' --_-- .. l ., . I - ~----'. i