The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 3 Mar 1927, p. 2

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o----""'"'". . 1hvrsaaH, MQYQMS'Yd T "g,iprerr--- -a.-- 7....-- -m.q"e""--g- i . . ttj '. i' _ l, , Reterrmg to educational N a "RTH caseMEMBER Mr. Taylor pointed out Lltagirit 'Wit'."'. was no increase in the estimated . _a' _ ' educational expenditures for 1997 ARGES GOV I overthepastyettandthat, ai""; . consequence. there appeared to be ' no hope that the "Nah" of Premier f Ferguson to place first and second . _ - R I B E R Y year university work in secondary jijii,ii,e,i,i, of the Province would be ---_--- I , . Iadvanced this year. He favored the "we Dollars for Tote, He Says, plan, he said. it it entailed no addi. D. J. Taylor Reads Copy of "in other words," he declared "it tional taxation to the ratepayers, but Ci I F . . Mill's. 'We are willing to give you. for tttuv,,'"'",',',,?,',',?,', it. moiPtthtq't,',1v,t,d,; as four vote ' . . . ' c emes' o e n Circa ar rem Liberal. bill.' " and interest a tive-dollar EdIucation had been shelved.Ster of O . . . "if the honorabl . tt* . n respect of "liquor," he express- n"."""?'?"' Association iron: ll. document. 'hm/Ill/Ly/tti' ed the thought that the $3,50(),000 Received by Rural Mo. th'." Mr. Ferguson objected. 'i,fbl?,P..uf. anticipated this year by thei' q So Mr. Taylor read the circular Government would be found to be (and: on Eve of Election 1y.y'.1e1y',.ryi that it contained a plea eonsiderably below the actual profit. Declares Inc d (1rdr1t,ttC,fa"J,i7T,pntt, ("mum "to May "outdo" Bootlegge" - qt, l .t'. ca SC 0 temperance," . . . R reuse and to "bring in revenue" that would unxtYihiitlehggcéorirliregdgvgligutslfetlt-'Iilfs? avenue Result of Wise benefit .1yytrist.t'.,' whey. expendodme ventured the tear that the Gov-1' I on 850(3d'lOadb. "and which would|ernment might "float" so much nvestments of Drury "mm taxation. 'Liqutcir that. in trying to "beat the, r- , ' ' 00 c " . u " Government 'tii/f/it.'.',', sc/ttet",'), letter ask l H. 1'fiirduite/f1tt,n's1'ruvtl1toi'v',,,hlge. __._____ _ " 'llc'.:?: I' . ' . ' . 3 - ronto St George) talked for fifteen "93 'iJ/yiiun1f,ttlst, to fix " ssticket Offiminutes on the question ot British R U R A L . ve up and down, show emigration to Ontario and th EDUCATION mg his support of the Government." in of the Trainin S h l e work- "That's only to show youth g . ' g c oo for t.lii-l, ASSAILED BY PEARSON wouldn't retreat," lau hed M F 1yrrttilere.ti, Boys at Bowmanviner.i guson. I ' g l = r. cr- Air. Schofield referred to the aetivi-' "But there's a rider in the let- ngdi'é: thtitfe1,tstnl"Btheriraor, othtih'e' A charge that thr, Government".Mr. Taylor noted. "saying it he was Chairman. and, 1u"ll,'il't .~irt-ularizcd the motorists of Ontario i')"",,','.,)"],'-,',"):);',,,',,'",';?.,,',!" sticker on there Was valuable land lying . . _.' ' . . . h ' h l . ' r r . ' . . x . "i Just _l'1',1fl.', to tho (-lcctioniin a way "Put it's not," declared Govern- :nfglhrtdbtéleselt'tlgd'i)? (12:93:61]: 11,t,',t which has as close to bribery as it wont members. . ing immigrants if the right way was waspossrhlo to be and yet escape the Well. that b' In 'oy,". lettttr," i'P- gone about it. law" was levelled against the l"er- _'fr.1"d,s,i'.,',"' Taylor. You took no Involved System. guson Administration by D, J. Taylor "Who signs the lettru"."' Premier P. IV. Pearson (Liberal, North 1Progretssive, North Grey) when he i'erguson queried. York), a man of many years' ex- I resumed the Budget debate in the "It's from the Liberal-Conservao perience in municipal affairs, a vet- Legislature yesterday. rive Association." replied Mr. Taylor. gran member ot the Irorlf County Circulars said Mr. Taylor. which "Tt's not signed. Just a printed Council, next speaker, at t.irst com- were part ot the move so nearly ap- form." . . pared Provincial financing with proaching bribery werc received by "Oh. but you said it was a, depart- ( the financial methods of the County the motorists in rural ridings on the 1ntntal letter," objected Mr. Fergu- .COUl'iCll. Deficits, said he, in County; eve of the election. They contained cnn. "it's from the Liberal-Conser- Council statements really meant deli-t promises of reduction in license fees vativc Association." 't-its; iinnte't"isi,t Pmeanti tntlgrest;t butt and a plea for a vote for Govern- u . ... here n e rovmca epar men I ment control. partly on the ground Bin" Work-Together. .. . the system was so involved that; that it would mean increased reve- Oh, "S jet?, the same. retorted financial statements,1 tot nuo. which. 'in turn.' would mean Mr. Taylor. They both .work pretty words and figures which bewildered iurthcr taxation reduction well together. Anyhow, it is as close a layman in the House. K ' . to bribery as it is possible to be and He had examined the Budget , Henry Protests. vet .r-scapedho law. But the Prime statements issued during the ad- "1'vc never Seen that letter." pro- Minister will'ly treat it as a ministrations of the past four Gov- tested Hou. George S. Hcnry, Min- declaration ot policy." ernments. and of the last Provincial ister of Highways. Just before springing this charge Treasurer Proudly he declared "it affects your department," said he noted that in pre-election days that his system of bookkeeping was, Mr. Taylor. lilo Government had promised In- far in advance of that of the pre- "If lou rare to look at it, horn it. maimed mileage in hi'ghwaivs. It ceding Government. is now." interdected Mr. Sinclair. tool: ten years to compete t 1e pres- _ " holding up a boilk containing a copy out system. said he, and it would Good Word for Drury Regime. V of the letter. take five, years to (-mnpleie the ad- The present Government was, "Head it." Government members Jitional mileage nromised. "The prone to score the Drury Administry!: shouted. people in the ridings that were tion, "and yet I don't think there is', Mr.Tuylor took the book and read. promised these political favoys will a member in this House," said Mail "it is addressed to the motorists of wake Ull to the fact that it won'ti Pearson, "who honestly believes that; Ontario." said he. "it starts off by he completed next year. Who knows, there was a deficit of fifteen millions saying that motor licenses are high but what some of my friends onlwhen the Farmers went out. I because the Drury Government left this side of the House will completeihaven't any brief for the Farmers, a legacy of deficits. It lists the defi- it?" ghut I know that, while there were cits." "Ho! Ito.'" laughed Conservative accounts unpaid. there were large "Read them," reiterated Govern-'mcmbers. "'Hope springs eter"amounts of revenue not collected. ment members nal . . .'" And I think it is beneath the lg; "It's t e old, old story," retorted Mr. . ' |nit of members of the lovernmen Taylor, "at blaming the Drury Gov- Replies to Criticism. . 'tn y take petty advantage of-- ernment. He dropped the subject of pre- especially of a poor set of farmers." election doings and went on to other J IV Widdifield (progressive, Reduction Promised. topics. He dealt with the Conservn- North Ontar'm) deplored the taetl "But," he continued. "the letter tire members' criticism of. the - '. says that 'Premier Ferguson promo Drury Administration. It was that the farmers, as he said, were.! ises you a reduction of $5 in license natural, said he. that the present not getting what they should from! fees.'" Budget should show an increased Hydro. While he would not advo-i He paused to glance down the revenue. because this revenue was! cate a flat rate for power, he would' document. "I see the onus of the the result of wise investments of theisuggest that some compromising rate. letter is on the Prinh Minister, not Drury Government. Conservative be fixed by the Government in place, on you." He nodded in the direc- members had scored the bookkeep- of the "prohibitive price" now ob-i tion of Mr. Henry. ing system which placed charges for taming. " 'lt is the earnest hope of this the timber probe in an extraordinary It was his idea that Hydro should Government,' " he went on. reading account. .be made a Government department, Irom the circular. "'tnat your taxes But. said Mr. Taylor. the probe and that a better point of contact as a motorist will be reduced.' Then had extraordinary results. It result- should be establiisihcad betweten '"i'li it Fktys-- -'rrrTrT.TCc72l.T,Tiar,' sumers and t e y ro serv ce. e "Read it all; it's part of your Sang: 1"p"i//e, t.eergt,e'k',.ni"lf'd inferred, from a newspaper report. spC'ECh." shouted Government mem- Pgovi:ceo that the ff'h"l tfar Algiociatiot: hers. " c, . " " was not at a sat ed w recen , ' "I'll pass it over to any one who . Tm: f1,yvtJ,lye,e,ntti', he _empha& rates, and would ask for an explana- wants it." retorted Mr. Taylor. i'fe.',e,1 Ihvi'e' l'), t 1',teaJe,""i',',' an tion. . 1 "I object to you passing it over," iledpmg {I'm ene il,,", (l e "was? Premier Ferguson rose to say that; interjected Mr. Sinclair, smiling. ;ment of t le Drury ovdernnterrlit. H (the rates now being charged these: _ "Well," continued Mr. Taylor, "the Mr. 1ityly TIt a", 2iliiri'efiiisy were less considerablyf letter goes on to say: Ut Govern- James Ly?!" that tle f,','ie7,,"nfli! than the rates struck in the con-', ment control in an advanced step in should make a urt 1er cut in t etracts by which they are still bound., temperance. you should not lose autoInopi1t.-rtyt.r.key tax, and express- Night of the increased revenue that ed the belief that the loss of retire- A will bring.' 19 nue could well be made up from n- creased taxation on gasoline. His idea was that the markers should cost applicants no more than the t price of their manufacture and dis- _ tribution. .. .

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