The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 5 Mar 1927, p. 1

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I"V"43~), Plant, list. ",." A- '73};3.' L, . _ IC,' ;i DE Tj'; Ci] ESE Ll'r-a'; OF WORK BEING E I liuu'lllfff! -----.-, , I [ bout-cos ot Revenue. . I , ' Hon G S s Ct ki t . . l I . eorge . Henry Says militant-r 0 authors of rovom". i.) l E . meet their r'xpenuiturir:, Iron. Air. ( xperienee Shows That ileum; I'Olerypd to the '-',u.wolim, tits, i ' ------- "or lit: ilSt'ili year ending ()o 2t. _ . . . . Statute Labor Yields in 1926.3ng l'C'vC'n1lt! fvorn thr. 1.";gPl'lme Minister to Introduce was 3 533 744 82 whih, $1.ri r: i _ . . . o , n ' . -, . 41,001.- q Efficiency to Contract in) iWilt-s given back in lilriiteo,, i Resolution Whioh House IS . cav ng net revenue of $.",,il7ii,i;r,w.,-vj, i Ex Plan, and Gives Details Tlt/ie, were indications, hrs said. that i pected to Support . , ". still larger revenue would in: dc.. i -------- as to Townships Benefit rived 'from the tax iiurim?r the. cut'- MR R b G . rent. year. The increase in oncm- _ . ANEY IS FAVORABLE y overnment Aid her over the same month in 192?. 3 gas $59,000. while the increase in ------- --------- . ecomber was $25,500. Tin-s", ho . DEPARTMENTS AIM Iay'teu,wftrlowmonth.soiconsdrnw. Says He Agrees With Pre. tion, and it was estimated thut thcro . . . ' IS UNIFORMITY should be an increase, taking into. mler That Provirmitg Rights account, increased automobile runs-i -- Nations, of $400,000, whit-l: woll Are Endangered bring the revenue for MEG-1"; to S'L- -""----- A tit-izi'iilii iii;ii;::-- lst ll." :ii'l'' 750.000. Tl l - _,..'. t . ttt ty, l';'o\l:;i ..ii iii 1. It" , ilslt.i o!' "(Wattle from motor wrhiris. rop,'ir- l 'n11i',.n,.,t,yiio, Legislature will short- . ttities 't ' l io s _ rrtc: ', -- ., . .V in orsr, it h " ' . 1iighwur, "its aititz. in :m- i,r~:i_~2:i- 'rrjfif'/lirhCn,'i'.,l'c,li ""f .$",'.]""""'."' 1, . 7 , " 1oclieved, Premier t " _ s.', _ ' ' Ot l'- an. trivial 3"..'l. Iii" Emil!) (iigurtons protest against the re- ure ethic-Hus nlttyt:o, ii [r.'." ll, il. items in this Mauro \i'o-rr: Automo- ncwal hv the Dominic: F lit (it-011:0 S. llrnrr, Mitm'n'.' il' iii:;':i- bil" p-ic, .rr,it"c,.',Tr'7.syr,: "Hiil- f .hr or,,, _'..' I at ament wavs and l'v-iuu- worn-t tntwtiil 'ituttitr, wi'i',0r'.t.tir,tj.o:',, :iizii or ' "it" rights to the Bitton in- ivr, Fe '.' f k. 'puhlii- vnilil'lt'r'. $'iT,uscr.:yi. Hutu; imTStS for the canalization of the I .k-mi: 't-. Ftrr \- .1 r . . . "m I" " if ,If,,l'x"'l" Ht '/',",r,l, 'ti',,,))"'; "t"ric,l.u.y,ic'.',0, ill lli'i7'1:<v- Its,-' Water route through the Ottawa .i .' M'l'li~< ft "up; "my"; lo lltt t , Vttlllt ME" t 1'0]in llll: y. 5.414.; J'slvor to tl ' G , ..,i , . with the :'i-iil'i'.';i}.< of tho I'!"-\'i'ii't', iiIlrlllgtho tsrrintiioy,'_1r:joi'u'-, 3'1, b 1' "015m" I3ay. ) Mr. Ilenry fiiw'vi lin- tl'l'.l'.vl'l lit dr- 300.00". a;: '",l,'/,_'.t.'ic l'Tli"~ "in; it :is. A ("101.3 lit the House yesterday) tttwibra the gii'fair- or if: dt-irni'ctn:otir tcrorl lust your. This Would iii vl'T- from Hon. W. E- Itaney, Progress-", '"i.."'i"/': _ , . set to sonii- i-xtritii, hot-arm. or an sire Leader, drew from the PrimeI _ r. int": ll'l r1" 1 'ttr iiii passing: lllPi'Oasv- in tvcistvittitri,r. Mi I.. . , . i - A his t 3l . l of the toil rind .cy.s" in 1026 thi- nvtt'ijf'prh Wits lll.|tif' to m.- ir. . I 'te try admiss'ion that he had yum-um Toll I". " W". "km m," Crtaiititr 'iCTliGiG:-GLses,. On "W 31 Ill preparation at the present time a. by the (futility of l..i::iiiion. liiiil'ilil)! 1926, them were "mung", in (int'trio' ttsolution that would register an l ' '7: ,.l . ' b - ' . "Emit of the old '"""l", 'rr I no operatots, with 340 \eiiit-lcs, emphatic: protest to Ottawa from the . b 3-30?" 14-": 1vas "HI-1' outwit} havmi; an estimated valuc of $2,-:people of Ontario. The resolution, 'tlll..~ it"; Actual "\'ioxtiHlFiii had _ 000,000, Last year thCssshusos con..! hi 1 he . t d " I'FUW'U that diatom labor was 'st'slyitrii,utod $H7.000 to the Treasurv .w 101 ie, expucte to bring down about '.l,'l per mitt. ' i'i'iiii-nt. and Hm: ' M sr. on Monday, will steer clear of party the work on the roads ('i-'ili'l in- tlolt,tr A9tttnrio Asseergtuutt. bias entirely. tl rec tum-s as ('l6'.i]hi} by ttrr111',ui'i. The assessment of Ontario fm' , . The ('Xit'lli lo Whirl'! tlw Itswtirhips l'U'tttl )llll'INIH'S. IUJO. MP. Hunry poirc.- Itaney IS Mt Accord. hnd honoriiui by l'roiini-iai aid, iii} t?,1 out. was $2,'ii9,eir,b'41, ttll which Mr. Haney, in voicing his query, "or T..": as ')":frrt: 'r'y-:'_.rr'ri"/firr'r: a. L":'.-tnlll rate 1youltl produce to,- declared his; hearty accord with for- 1921, {1"3'4": 1931.. §t~~13°..""i2 IP-H, 839,627 annually. The citivs and mor statements of the Prime Mitt-s t.'iyy"..ri:. "H; 1."i"rii": 103-1. separated towns would Day 61.,", nor istcl' to the cit'cct that renewal ot $USSJJ3-i; 192.25. Cs.'..'..).)'. cent.; the townships 1.'S percent, and thr t"hactsar. in question would "roh Skctt'liu Roads Syhlt'lli. the towns and villages 10.5 per cent. [1'i,ty.?,'""c of Ontario of their . . ..' .r.. . Iss.,' rl,. The main burden would fall on To- " 'f:. ' ' Mr.. TY::', "med "inn-3' thr, IA- ronto. which would have to Day $2,- "While" l!" continued, " am not IlflliSiOli L'l 'l.' I"-'.-"-'-"' "Olin .}':tt:iii 123.000, Ot' 31 Pet' rent. 1iaaftl/n in f.uvot_ ot advising Ottawa on since the inauguration o: thr: JHuh- would contribute $376,000: Ottawa. questions of polio) under the Juris- xvay 'mioTv.oyoemi. Arr lll itioi. $053 ttoo; London. $178,000 and diction of the Parliament ot Canada, when a subsidy «it 2.3 I-y, iwr vein. Windsor $158,000. These tive cities when such qurstions affect constitu- vxas often-(i, ii"\'iu to the 1.'/1ri'l"'I, alone would pay $3 252,800 or about tional or proportg rights in the time. with Kim hasn't: 111' 193.. "1 46 per cent ' ' Prnvincrs, l havi- no hesitation in legislation raisin; tiio- subsidy; to Zn . . approving any action which will in- Let- mm A, with". no sum. tho More Money for Counties. dicati: the attitude of this Legisla- mileage of Utility toads was 25.304. When Mr. Henry had concluded turn, including a substantial amount of E. Proulx (Liberal, Prescott) sug- "I am awaro, of course. that the Dnrnianent ti:trlwuy, siii-h as liitii- gested that, if the Government tool; statcment of the Prim': Aimister of minous macadani and asphaltic Culi- ovcr the maintenance costs with the Provnii-i- carries "eight. hat crate. ' which the counties are assessed. the their. 'sllt' .','7 mctnbcrcs on .this side As for suburban THUG". to "bill counties would have more funds to ot tl.te Hou.c;o. who, I .loe,iicvc, are the. i'rovini'i- i-onttiiiuits 50 it" build roads. The mileage would be also in :igi.m;itii;»iit. and it is a clues- . . t V s it: - -vl .itirs 'p" tcl' . .,.s' . ".' -, tion whether whatever action be Ont. "mi "ninth at t'i'ult'c _,, l 1 extended. said he, and so the uov- F F , . . h . rem. (*dCll. it was sum-vi iii; 1. tho erriinent might wait. a vear or two talii-it by (-.'ev,yyyyfr,1...t, e VOICES jiiil('..t;e now totalled 50:5. 'bei'ore extending the roadwork, take of $1113"??? "Hallf in}? 11'Jidi',"t'atf The general] DUNS} Ui '.i'tr, "(Pili't' cover the county 1naintenance, and 3.05:]. " T,vd,'l0 Jil liolrlinquire IllClli, he said. had lici-ii the (lilat'gc- still have the same result Jana 4- _ l , t . . sh' . . l tue 'it! ise, , 'i-w l . . whether the Prime Minister intends )ii._-lit hut-u. [Hilda it'liii tit ooJ / Second reading was then gwen to smbinit 'l resolution along the of securing more ",tlvsit,'rr'c"ysii,Vr.V-r',, to three highway measures, which "I"; of Ir/i" contents of his state- or township, vo:tdr: lino i.tvi.ti1ii-iivhad been explained in the House on It,,'., of this morning so that the .into wumy mud". {if}! y":".' Ill turn previous occasions, namely, the i'uilfhm.s or" the iiiiil',r, may go on Fad iii-4"OniC ['/yv/y.ti:i, hi;rhwuys. amendment to the Highway Im- red)!" as supporting such a state- Centrulizuthm of Lortroi had been movement Apt. i92tizthe amendment man", ' fl'u..elyr:. In") tho "it": /lili/r,/t".tie to the Highway Traffic Act. 1023, "I'd Announcing that the rfsolution, 1'2ij; Il."? Wit.", ,bemEI ,Uf'ffun _ ii ,. le amendment to the Public ve. was even thvn in course ot prepart: {chit-:11" ill: l"tix ml ain't. 'ng Jc/ hides Act, 1020. ation. l'rcmicr Ferguson said tlhaé! "1 'lrt 5 I'cr, I"' "d,s, ', u-. 'vl) . his ie.suuntw of the statement 13. i Total 1x.l"yy..liylt on than: road: Mlnim, Measures. . been "almost an emergency meas-' M as $1'Jl,ti','il:.'.,rrc, 'y tit', ,_"'.'._,i{"' Second reading was also given yes- 1er. follows: County For! , f-L'Hi' tertiay to Government measures to ' , ,, . .m. It 641.39; towiivliip l'tilt'isi whirl-l.- revise and consolidate the mining What Ontario Hunks About . , 913.63: Provincial liigz. P, Fob',- laws of Ontario, to amend the Min. "i wanted to indicate to the people 400,8lL'trt.. _ lug Tax Act, and to confirm an agree- of this Province and to the mem- lt was :rigiililt'iili. of int' ti-tiiul ut ment between the Township ot Stam- bers of the Federal House, said he, road legislation; he iii; Lin-i, that ford and the Hydro Power Conimis-j "the tots-ling omeal'lo In regard to the Province had borne hurt than sion, and also to seven private bills. HMS tnuttev. I d? not propose P. half the burden, having Surf-1 $8,- bring in a pesolution which yt ans 578,699 more thun the tinnitus and way might be taken as having a townshlps. In 193;, thu total t'Nilell- . party bias. Mr. whole Iidea. is to diture on the turivue: systems make an trmpha,'io, protest to Ottawa amounted to tlti,oir'd 3131,93, wiiiie in on behalf of the people of this a w - " " 19:36 the amount spout was "an Province. 564,756.93, unfavorable ",vsc:tti'Wt' Pte- striding the program that Had been mapped out. . l

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