The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 5 Mar 1927, p. 2

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-, . SATurd gt}, MAMA: a 'M l LYONS SEEMS READY REPOR TED LOBB YING BSllh??ljlas' OVER GAS MEASURE I 1 1llll'lll HON. E. (j, DRURY Albert Pinard Becomes l'Zi-roncous Impression. I . "It Would be a great regret." he . . . 'Indlgnant, Toronto Leg. said. "if it got around that, any un- Former conservative Minis. . . due pressure is being brought "to . islators Explain, and Pre- bear on members of this House. ter Pays His Respects . . . (me of the bills introduced seeks . meer Quiets Wrangle 1n revision of the meter rental system. to ex-Premier - . In explanation of the measure. My. ..__.______.__ House When First Read. Neshitt refers to an extract from the . . , auditor's report. of 1925 which op- FEARS "SHADOW BOXING' mg of City's Gas Com. poses the meter rental of 50 cents . a. month, on the ground that such ---.---r-- pany Bill Is Moved-Re. a rental, if charged, should be made ., , ' . . payable to some specific aceount. It was "Nun" to "'"N' Witt, ilt.., _ ttttttOtt of Meter Rental Through this system, he said, the him in the Legislature v'e.~tti~i.i:.' notion had been widely held that that Hon. James Lyons, of "Sunstiin System Sought the people of Toronto ttJedi',""?),','. , st', miss , is att' uii'iir,c -- R5 cents a thousand cu ie pet or gullgfsap ',1,l',t),'f.CI,,),r'. 'lVillZIHP: l,)1,l1l", .. -------- gas. whereas' this was really not the b. . _. - I k T also. Drury. Lui, HMKH'UUUT. 11W" i-' POLICY UNSOUND, \lm-elv Vominnl Charge , . . ' b _ r ' _ |..\ I ' . f . _ t o 4 o little PYT; ot ttill 3"" Irul l DECLARE SPONSOR; "The policy of the woman? with counter bother-n m" luo. ln 1"" ------ regard to motor rental." backers of MP- Lyons Ilrr'lll'mi 7"" ""11 " lic,; the. bill maintain. "is unswnind. It he had no intention of "mixinJ' i lrnird',i'ciotl to the Legislature the value of the, gas is 103.635 cent: with the. former l'rinw Miti.ctur wt yesterday of this two bills respecthc per thoumnd cubic feet. then that Ontario. w ' ...' ' ' F ' I ~hould ln' tho vriw- who" ed, or if "For." said in". 'if .\lr, Drum _ the, {Minimum has Company t, meter rental is i'hzirged (f,':',',',',,,,'." the as adept at sitltsstriis:c,' any 1lu'-'~ _ J'm'm" "my" no slight flurry. I'nsl, of metmurmding and blilin: . I might deliiiy llh he NN.'ly' zit sl-iw- No snout-1' had Russel! 'Ncslsitt 'our) tudiritin,ar, .'tsioli'nt'r', then thr: stepping his rt'sps,nrrvilitis .9\' My, _\1..; i,... T .. , , , 1],:ii'r'1; >l]nlllll q-nvc.' only the": Prime Minister, l would M-l'lalill'} lo, " "Sin"? TUNMU bracondalui, rust: and in that cow: it would be hitting at " shadow." It 10 .'.s Fil9olistrt'itrs,r the measures Gr', merely lif'lllllllil." . What It Is Ail About. "1.0 fily of Toronto, moved for tins', . The" other lull. recording the f'r, .... ' ', ' " lr-iitliti;,r, ot one, than Albert Pinard (omnmy. scrlis to ,'.Cllt the City Lt In his L'tnip,et t'irlr,utt. "WW" tt . , ' 'ot-onto the wower in uet. infortnw- 7. ' . W. . t 1. ,- "sr...€'l€ll member for Ottawa ID .ct . I e . Tuesday last Mr. Lion: i_'llu:'y',t " . . "a'. ' nun from the mmlmm' m lieipect Oc that Mr. Drurv had fallen 34) mr Wus on his feet protesting against 11:1 nudijg "f ths, tins Company's hunks. lrL'Ili'gracc as to we fil RIM-limb hugged "lobby" being conducted bv The hpullSnt' rut' the bill notes that in "H "S new cur. . I'. _ NW} t'll,l ' k ', t , ' , . I .,. . Isl, 1slen tlt- (his Company ap- lenged the Correctness of im- 9131?"? 'f. f ontiol' m Parliamen- tilled for legislation increasing their charge. and. throng-h " 'luruniw tut') '0""1011'. and a reported ex- capital to 3:.m..u,».m)0. the city, on evening paper. "rrctuc,ist the Still."- ir'audittiro of $2,000 by tlie hoard C" behalf of tht, 1'utrpuyofrs. who Btrc ment that Mr. Lyons had done its: the services of prominent "an; interested in keeping down the price "srupiny," in thr, Iue'c,isluttni, "1M t ' . a" of TIF, opposed the legislation. and under its protection M lll'l\llt"'t'. counsel, to be heard before the tt't . .11 tl ", . sirti f cl Fics" a . ' it iclltu it in .1 loll o -aua-» and not on the sire-st, or from il l'ric:ttr. P,ills Committee. "designed to chcuuen the price of ublic platform, where it, rniuht in , . _ tus," gns'wered with "ii, punch on the Too Small to Buy Tote. t .. . ' nose." It was lo this ln-omlt-nst Mr. Pinuvd was quite indignant Ppovision fop Auditor. that Mr. Mons took vigorous, cx- - . , . . .. " . .0 . One ot these clauses provided that ception yesterday. Ufof'lllk 1nattet', sewing that $2,0()O an auditor might b.- appointed by "I repeat here mam." suid ll". was tar too stttall to purchase the the city to he prCSent at the com- "the exact words l used on Tuc.',- vote of any member of this House." pztnv's annual audit for the purpose day. Audi-l '"'wtat thrrrt "NWT no lie. trusted that when the measure of verifying the company's annual protection l'Olll this Home." . . TIt .. t ' statement, he said, and to hare at'- A further reference by Mr. unheated before the committee it 1305510 thecompany's booksand ac- Lyons to Mr. Ijuvy's "tuu'uci,'y" would "be turned down with the outline. brought ptuntcst from llon. W. i). ignominy it deserved." "The pout-r of having an auditor Barley that no 111011: "slandovs" Mr. Nesbitt took time to explain attend the mnnpnny's annual audit." should be. ps'rniittrul. Instantly that the Hoard of Control-in the .'iit.rri the SP'"'-"'"'- "for the PtllTrorie there were cries of "Order!" from absent-e of l\lr_ Geary, corporation of verifying the company's annual Conservative rronr+ev.c, but the I'ro-, 1'outtsel---should have the right to statement. bur proved practically gressive Leader would not sit down retain what counsel they desired. vitluolrtrr; in Yo fav "3 the regulation until the Speaker of the House and what had been done, he was ofthe prices of Cutiies concerned." ruled that Mr. Lyons, as fur as he: certain, tiflected in no way on the And ho. he 5413-". in "We? to make had proceeded, had not infringed House or any member of it. rsft'ortici the uusiit. ""1011 was pro- on the rules of the Legislature. Mr. Col. J. A. Currie (Fit. Patrick) got vidrul for by the old clause, and Lyons then rommcntml on Mr. into the argument later. in an effort which. according to a judgment by Drury's statements that his (Mr. ashe stated, to clear away the cloud thr. Prsvy Council, Watt put in foe Lyons's licensc-svviti+ charge wast of suspicion that had been thrown the very purpose of giving the city "untruc"--and "it lic." ' over his name. He had been ac- a check on the price of 335' the city ' It's, not a lie." said Mr. Lyons. ' t-used of lobbying for the Gay Coni- is asking for a new clause. "it's the'truth. And lhltnnv.' "hat puny, ho said, when, as a matter of Company's Objection. rm talking about, too. tam, he had ncver done a bit of r . . . . What ab, , . o.. . . . .. lobbying in his life. have company in the. past, it no _ tttt Mittimtc, _ FttitttD'. said, obiected to allowing the city If it was a question Crt "mm-n; Nerds No Lawyer, tt general power to audit the books to be decided, he added, he would ])plib¢}yutp attempts had been on the ground that to allow auditors refer the l1,.usr- to Mr. lirurv's UF- made, he charged, to "put him in access no the books at any time sertion--two years after lu, hrtd wrong." In conclusion. he assert- ".'lerfor" 1yit'n and disrupt its come into power-thut. $12,000 " ('d that he needed "no $2.000 lawyer Iudit: b, ndet' this proposed legisla' year was too much money rm. any to come up and tell him how to tion the t'CrnuJull.V will have ill its Cabinet Ministcn. to druw; to his, Votes." own hands 1"W."l'. to prevent such announced arm-mauve of only ; "purge Shields another Toronto interferencc With its organization by , $9,000: and. then. to his tittruvk-'; member. hurled 'himself into the furttishiiyrtlT city annually with the able reversal of l-amscient-o aft-WW frav, Considerable criticism had infurtuation " l'cxlun'es. his rejection at. the. polls by thc' heeli directed, he said. at the city, . people of thts Province _ but what he wanted to know was "It his Word was beyond ques- 1 how much the Consumers" Gas Com. tion," said Mr. Iayons, "why did Iw, l Dany was paying "the lawyer who 'when the people showed him that; had been haunting these Parlia- he was no longer wantcd. sneak! mentarv corridors for weeks?" back to the. Treasury and take the, prong" Ferguson brought the money which. he had turned down/ wrangling to an end with the state- ment that it would not be nice to let the impression get abroad that, . the corridors of the Legislature were _ . being used for an improper practice. He thought that possibly the word "lobby" had been used in an un- _ called-for sense. and that it was not ' as "sinister" in intent as it sounded. I

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