The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 8 Mar 1927, p. 2

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lucid-m5, Plano tr-rt Power for Eastern Ontario. Mr. Haney dealt for a. moment l N - ..' . . i " cps-0'" n o ..""'" ' - c JtQiigr to Liberal Leader Sin- warm? atn/'rgitl1ehionitilet1g.t " C, " ' NN" ""';" t o ' ' . ' - . o "mm?! [Lanai 3.9km; ','.tt,t, the Gov- minion. "I agree entirely." said he, jText of Resolution' I mier admitted that the Gov f,' re; Of the importance ot this aetiom l i P . I was now t ., ur. . ' el PY'? have no Mutation in secondin~this t rotesting Charter', ' r.vtng to r.'ecure a block ot resolution I think w b l. i . i',',oJ.e'im?."sr2,t. il'f"itxf,Tetu1'tt, Pcor.. take action Jf)tf)5rdvat/"*ta,it,e, f 's-s--.-.-.-.'. - . . U L' a l" . se lo view . that pm." would have to be much {1328?} Illelfelt, should 1lyrr,9.ttaw.a The full text or the resolution of pro- l9wcr than they are at the present thi 1 . tm a unan mous opinion m test against tho renewal ot the time. Mr. ryrguson explained that. S tua ter. F charter of the Montreal, Ottawa db Lgltiit'l'n consugwrs were actually Wants More Time, Says Sinclair. b"fit"g',i,a',', Buy fir,',,',',:"',; 2,t2 pes- 3 mg pow". C caper than their old . . w .. , o u on was on orsed mun mousir contracts called for. and that the vi',efhkit"eagiJrtel,i./cathuttte,, yesterday by the Legislative Aie' taking over of the contracts by the the belief that the Prime 'll/gig),', scmbly of Ontario, is as follows: ; fff1,y.J..?l rtv_elortnytnttH meant a should have given the House at "That this House respectfully urges} H""'"3 to the public ot $'J,G00,000. least two days in which to consider the Parliament of Canada not to, Muyh. 0f the present difficulty and tho resolution He said he could cnnct mn No. " ot the House of: complaint had MISSY! from the mat- not speak to the resolution wltli't'ne Commons respecting the Montreal, tor of variation in the contracts knowledge that he would like to Ottawa & Georgian Bay Company Hotvcs er, ho said. n Point had been bring to it and he very much doubt foe the reasons hereinafter set reached uhere a satisfactory agrce- od lithe Conservative members lit; l forth: SETH"??? Sign? digestion of a com- "banged their desks lustlly at each "That the hill proposes to renew a 'ind 'w 'd I l He. ' " . and New mention of Hydro" knew charter to authorize the construe. ' I' sa 1 no opefully, 'l am any more Uliout the situation than tion of a canal and the develop- ifl'eir'FUf-'d' to so P long way. in con- he did, meat of water powers on the Ot- 1i,.1hc,t1,'.yis,. " publicity campaign that Mr. Sinclair wondered il' air: men lawn and the French Rivers. which "I'VE"? enterprise and industries resolution had been forwarded to said civartettnuts already been in to l aisle! n Ontario. Ottawa in past years. A Mr. Ferguson existence tor 3.", years without any T... "33"?" declared he could could not recall anv but said that evidence of progress toward the no. imagine a more Preposterous the Government andd-lydro had on 1 accomplishment ot the projected situation ' than the one proposed by iseverai occasions tiled protests i canal: "be {tragic-tin connection with which against renewal of the charter. i"Tllut the application to Parliament ".'..y,7 V ation "as being sought. i Mr. Sinclair wondered why there ') is an cit'ort Oil/tile part of private .. ill" canal lll'OJm't is not emplia- had been no resolution from the On- l promoters try secure through the tum] by the promoters. said he. tario Legislature in the past. Was I Federal Parliament the control and IThey are not looking for a canal. it, he wondered. because a Liberal 1 ownevshfp of a great and Valuable m" /'anal . will ,1"? built without Government was now in power in ' public utlilty; dredging. paid by the power develop- l Ottawa, whereas-in Miii-13---on ',"'htitat, the watcr powers in the Ot- mom. ithe occasion of an earlier renewal l lawn River in interprovinciul Raising Water Levels. got the same charter. a Conservative l waters are the joint. property of F . Government had held the Federal I the Provinces of Ontario and Que- lie y,'nowcti that. in power develop- reins? Ho felt that Premier Fer- 1 her. and that the powers in the merit .k'.orlttlu"'t10tl of dams was an gusnn might be taking a too "seri- i, French River are wholly situate essential tcature. And at the same ous" view of the. situation, and was I within Ontario.and are the prop. time 31059 dams served navigation _crtnvinced that Ottawa would deal Ct't.y of the Province of Ontario. in raising water levels back up a {with the Situation properly. Like and cannot be rightfully legislated river. When dams were built for others who had spoken, be was cer- upon by the. Dominion Parliament; DOWN purposes ill the project they ,tain that the Dominion Parliament "That the development ot these "'0'"? IiOda'T'aY with the necessity of I would 11ever Patis the bill. l powers is essential to the industry cans tdrt) RUM- ', ' . ., i and the "ormerltv o illustrating his point that power iMight "Wt Ontario, 'targues. U, Provinces {if (intario 1Utu'Jt and navigation plans were linked up _ _ in passing the T.solu.t.ion,oy to and the only ctffect of Federal with dams. he noted that the Govern- l Ottawa. he thought that the Ontario legislation purporting to Test these ltttrr',t intended development at Shaw r yy.r.iNat,ye, -"38 .gOing out of the DO'VCU'S in a prlratc company will Falls. "when we get this ghost out, 3""3" 't.was.ryyssribl? he contend- be to retard development. create of the way." "We'll raise the water, '0'" that. It might influence J,.tly)f,,. litigation, and impair the public level all up the river by a series or lvl?,;?' "19': {01:12:121" /ik,1,'t",'g.,. m Interest; dams than th?uitlt they are essen-l "slug", in{e'lfe,e},3§ " n [my "That the water powers. of the Ot.. tial for l avigation, are equally cssen-. Fiii'2nii'il he had always been lawn River. so far as they belong tial for powei development. ODlIOSCd to G',, suggestion iiir/e F/r..' to this Province. I',"' JJ, clssentiul . . . , . ' . o-', cc i ' " . . part or the pubic evcopment rx", bind) of Canal Possibilities. 1t;',T?t'ego/,is"iefiii's,/,1tdi'ii/,s."uu",tv'g,tgT., and distribution of power in On- ' lie declared that the promote" sistent if nothing else. That was. tario. in which the people of this lv.vsronoioul.1 not looking foracanal. why he had declined to permit his] Province have already invested ibut there was no study of "business name to be associated with the ".30. ', upward of $270,000,000; possibilities." There was no attempt, lution as one of the seconders. "That this Legislative Assembly de- 1such av, 'VHS "1808 in t'onttection with "But," he added, "it I was a pl'i-r Sires to record its most earnest iutd fplnns for St. Lawrence development. vate member at Ottawa, and wasl emphatic protest against the at. 'l-Vli'l ho, to show what tonnage the called UPON to vote upon the QUC'S' tempt being made. by means ot a i"sravigation" section of the m'OJect tion, I would certainly cast my vote i private bill in the Dominion Par- 'provided for. . in the interests of the people of l liameiit, to alienate valuable water I "What the promoters are really Ontario." i ' powers from the control and own- itl,.ving to do." he emphasized. "is to Karl K. Homuth 1rnderotn.dent-i vrship of this Province, and there- create what lawyers call a nuisance Labor, South Waterloo). speaking a:5 by deprive the people of Ontario ivalue." the only elected Labor man tn the rot the advantage of one of our The promoters were not after a House. declared he felt he express- greatest natural resources for the canal. he reiterated. for in the last ed the view of the_great mass of benefit and advantage of private twentv wears of contract not a dol- the working peoplewin the Provmce; promoters', .. . s--------- when he endorsed the resolution. ; "That the. Province of Ontario rc- lar was' spent Olt development nor Replying to My. Sinclair, Premier: spec-tinny urges that the Httltttt "a spade ot earth" turned for a Ferguson stated that already the! guaranteed to the Provinces under canal. Province had on record at Ottawa. a i " the Federal Constitution should be He went on to declare that the protest against the projected ts,i,iirl a at all times respected by the Par- l, promoters of the project would ', lation. But it was felt that a reso-i l, Natural; of Canada: 1 "cash in" on the nuisance value in glution from the Home. the opinionf ion." this Hottse believes that the _ the course of years when the value :01" all the 1'epresentatfves Pr tne, l occasion calls for a strong and of power was increased. 'people, would add great weight tty l conclusive pronouncement against ~. He hoped that the Dominion Gov-21h" protest. . I l the proposed legislation " being eminent would see that by passing ' T'4ie "Solution ther was etrried., j contrary to the spirit and the . . . 'ntinll and preju- the bill it was creating a value that . terms of fieef,ig interest 'was fictitious. ff in the business dicial to the WI C . . this , . ' ." l " ' . . "For these and other P0050115 amid the cicalion of nuisance i 't that copies of this values" was considered "sharp prac- llouiscid rub: forwarded to the tice," why should not the promotion if?" "t airliner of Canada and to of the legislation in question he also t'ig"l'i,clh'lll.'i; of the two Houses of FOPSiidcred "sharp practice' . he tA'fi,ii1l'tt,ffi of Canada." aSiiCtl. . . The resolution was moved by {Itin- Power Wholly in Ontario. .G. Howard Ferguson, Prime Minis:- Another remarkable feature ot ter, and second.ed by Hon. W. . the legislation. said Mr. Ferguson, iirney,ProtrrersiprtrLeader. was that it gave to the promoters .. _ 'powers on the French River wholly in the Province of Ontario. It pro- vided "blanket rights" tor the DOS- session of power existing or power that might be developed in Quebec or Ontario. ' . . l "I can imagine nothing quite sp l alarming," he concluded. "as this _ . 1 action at the hands of people whose _ history has not been entirely phllan- - throplc." . l ' l

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